alixnight · 9 years
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- cerealtimeshow
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alixnight · 9 years
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Oh how time passes…
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alixnight · 9 years
“i wish pokemon were real!”
beedrill is three feet tall
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alixnight · 9 years
he runs like naruto
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alixnight · 9 years
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Why You Should Never, Ever Listen When Someone Says ‘You Weren’t Born To Do That’
Most people probably pass by Misa Kuranaga without realizing who, exactly, they just overlooked. At 5’1 with a delicate build, Misa blends into the crowded Boston populace.
This woman, who hails from Osaka, Japan and probably weighs less than most American sixth graders, is a principal dancer for the Boston Ballet. And while her stature and size may defy the standards of “ballet beauty,” she is an international success story in the ballet world.
For a full interview with the inspiring Misa Kuranaga go here. 
(Source: SK-II via Youtube)
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alixnight · 9 years
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I gave this dude off tinder my number and all he’s done is send me pictures of his rock collection and it’s the best thing that’s ever come out of tinder tbh
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alixnight · 9 years
Those Unhelpful Study Buddies 📚 (W/ BK.)
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alixnight · 9 years
1. The feel of cool marble under bare feet. 2. How to live in a small room with five strangers for six months. 3. With the same strangers in a lifeboat for one week. 4. The modulus of rupture. 5. The distance a shout carries in the city. 6. The distance of a whisper. 7. Everything...
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alixnight · 9 years
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I really like these. (Got from, TheDailyRaven on Instagram.)
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alixnight · 9 years
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sober me is the one who makes bad decisions every boyfriend I’ve ever had I met sober
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alixnight · 10 years
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Bought a bunch of cheap watercolors at the market (1 yuan per tube of color) and did a quick color mixing study… Never used this medium before but looking forward to more experimenting! :)
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alixnight · 10 years
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Meh. A sketch of a post office in Qingdao. About to give up on watercolor this shiz is hard. -_-
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alixnight · 10 years
"Maybe if you go to bed you’ll feel better in the morning" is literally just the human version of "Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
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alixnight · 10 years
Answer this with 10 random facts about yourself, and then send it to 10 of your favorite followers! :)
1. I am absolutely in love with cornichons which are these tiny pickles that are so, so good. I eat them like how people eat chips. I am not kidding.
2. When I eat pizza (which is very rare), I eat it folded not down the middle but in the midpoint between the crust and the tip. I now, it's weird. People point it out every time I eat pizza. It's just what I've always done. 
3. My hair has been almost all the colors of the rainbow. I was born with black hair that's been dyed blonde and green, dark blue, faded to silver, dyed green and blue and orange, dyed brown, and is currently dyed a copper-blonde hue that looks very blonde in the sun.
4. I am bisexual and used to identify as bigender though I haven't had many male moments in a good two years now. To be honest I feel like my gender identity depends on who I like at the moment.
5. I'm going to be college next year. If you follow me, I'm actually wearing my college shirt in my picture. Not the gif on my page but in my actual picture.
6. The girliest thing about me in my hobby of painting my nails. I'm pretty into nail art so I try to be creative with them, though I'm still learning the art of painting with my left hand. I've never been able to grow them out before because of fencing, color guard, and violin so I'm very happy that I finally can now.
7. My biggest pet peeve is being told to do something as/after I've already done it. I don't know why but it urks me so. 
8. My real name is absolutely impossible to find because I share the name of a famous snack which is convenient in case anyone wants to google search me. Unfortunately this prevented me from using my real name on facebook for quite a while and somehow I am impossible to find on facebook without any mutual friend (trust me, I've tried many times on new people's phones).
9. I'm actually an immigrant currently living in the United States. Even though we preach melting pot and all, history teachers tend to generalize the term immigrants and use it with the assumption that none of their students are immigrants (because very few are where I live). This always confused me as a kid.
10. I'm pretty quite white washed because of how few minorities are in my high school and the surrounding areas. Despite this, I am bilingual which people find cool but I find quite boring because I have a lot of friends I make outside of school and are my age that speak the exact same languages that I do with varying levels of proficiency.
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alixnight · 10 years
OH MY GOD YES... Dammit why is everything $200+
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by NicholasK.com
For all your post-apocalyptic Resident Evil world, LotR travelling to Mordor, and Assassin Creed needs.
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alixnight · 10 years
Aw, Loki's included <3
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I love baby Avengers.
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alixnight · 10 years
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If you have to call me name, I prefer Ross the Divorcer. It’s just cooler.
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