aliceeddor · 2 months
ok memes aside i have some insight for the americans tonight as a brazilian
we had a similar situation a few years ago, our own far right asshole was stabbed at a rally and survived. guess what? the right organised and rallied behind it, he got martyred without dying. they turned that event into some divine-esque thing it was nuts. our political climate at the time was perfect for a far right storm, and lo and behold he got elected
it doesn't take a political scientist to see the republicans are about to do the exact same thing so stay vigilant, this is gonna boost his numbers more than you think
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aliceeddor · 4 months
whatever man, you're a fake creator. you're not playing spore, you're playing something else entirely
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i made this anon in spore [2008]
next time show your face
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aliceeddor · 6 months
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aliceeddor · 8 months
cloth gown gridlock
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aliceeddor · 9 months
It’s Christmas eve everyone post kringlefucker
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Merry kringlefucker❤️
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aliceeddor · 11 months
if you want me to consume a new media you MUST catch me at the exact moment when the stars are aligned and the air pressure is equal to the current degree of the sun’s peak against the horizon and all the cosmic energies are perfectly unified (aka my old interest is fading out) or i will nod and say “im adding that to my list!” Knowing theres no chance i will check it out
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aliceeddor · 11 months
Honestly spending 16 hours with your partner is equivalent to living with said partner while you're both working and frankly, if that sounds bad to you, probably a bad thing! If you don't think you can spend an extended period of time that's still less than a day with your so, that's a beige flag
You shouldn’t date or become serious friends/partners with someone if you can’t stomach the thought of being stuck in a car or train with them for 16 hours.
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aliceeddor · 11 months
how to make body horror step 1. recognize the inherent horror of having a body step 2. get real weird with it
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aliceeddor · 11 months
One thing that's vitally important to remember is that feeling ''weirded out'' is not a form of harm. It is a completely normal part of socializing. It is the feeling of encountering something unfamiliar. In order to be a kind person, you must learn to how to distinguish between "harmful" and "weird." And then you must accept the weird.
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aliceeddor · 11 months
Someone should tell kittyhorrorshow about mollymoonn2 I think those two would do inspired meat-based things together
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aliceeddor · 1 year
i have no clue what cocomelon is so whenever i see "you're doing some cocomelon shit to me" i just imagine like. saw traps
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aliceeddor · 1 year
In my personal experience (which is, granted, not universal) I have never been an actor in a play that 100% went as it was supposed to the whole time. There is always an actor who skips a line, or forgets stage directions, or took a bit too long to change costumes and is now late for their appearances. But the thing about theater is that it's a live performance- you can't just apologize and redo the scene. You have to carry the characters through the important plot beats even if you have to ad-lib to do so. Do you get what I'm saying? A character in a play is not a fixed thing. A book will not change lines between readings. A movie will not change shots between rewatchs. But in theater, a character may act differently, speak differently, but they have to reach the same ending regardless. Characters in a play are trapped, not because things are already written- they do have some leeway- but because everything will conspire to drag them back on their predestined road. Do you understand? Do you understand what I'm saying?
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aliceeddor · 1 year
I just imagined a creature that would scare you soooo bad dude
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aliceeddor · 1 year
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aliceeddor · 1 year
Feast your eyes on one of the strangest low-fives I have ever seen /lh:
Manic: “Man, that was close!”
Manic & Knuckles: “Euhhh...”
Source: Sonic Underground, Episode 27 (1999).
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aliceeddor · 1 year
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aliceeddor · 1 year
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