alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 11 (3/3/18) Hours 110-120
To cap off my work placement, I carried out my final hours at Runshaw College by delivering 2, 20 minute sessions to my fellow students.
This grew my confidence in my coaching abilities especially, as the coaching multi sports module was focused on reflecting back on both my sessions; it allowed me to critically evaluate my coaching techniques.
This lead to me picking out negative parts of each session, correcting them and identifying what coaching style would be appropriate for the type of session I delivered the next time around.
As a result, the critical analysis of my coaching lead to me feeling a lot more confident in how I should plan and carry out the same session on the next occasion.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 10 (24/2/18)
Hours 100-110
This post marks the final week of my time coaching with Spring View Cricket Club. The concept from last session carried on in this session which was a 10 over match.
Again I got to umpire the match whilst consulting with the coaches during the session in how to improve each innings.
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Overall, Spring View Cricket Club helped me a lot in terms of my confidence when delivering in front of a large group of people.
It’s great to have the foundation of coaching qualities in which I will use to my advantage in the future.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 9 (24/2/18) Hours 90-100
On the 4th week of coaching the under 13s and 15s of Spring View Cricket Club, the coaches decided to put the players through an indoor practice cricket match which would take up the whole session.
The aim of the session was to get the players to make a promising start to an innings of a 20/20 match. The coaches created some boundaries for the players to aim for when batting.
The back wall was the boundary line, 1 bounce was a 4 and no bounce was a six. The target run rate was 7 runs per over, in that the whole team had to get 70 in 10 overs. The coaches wanted to force the players to push singles and to be quicker running between the wickets. Therefore, calling had to be spot on.
I was asked to umpire the match which was a good opportunity to get up close with the players and input my advice to the batter at the non stickers end.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 8 (17/2/18)
Hours 80-90
This marks the 3rd week of my time coaching at Spring View Cricket Club. This week I designed a warm up that was a little different than a simple pulse raiser like I've been delivering over the past weeks.
I decided to give the under 13s and 15s a game to play called ‘ stumpball’ The aim of the game was to get more points than the other team. To score a point, either team had to hit the stump at their opponents end. The rules were that you couldn't move with the ball but take 1 step, if there was a drop of the ball then it was a turnover to the other team.
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The majority of the session was then spent in the nets with the players aiming to work on their batting and bowling techniques. As the previous week showed, I was put in charge in running the intervals of batters in the under 13s net. Also, giving some one to one coaching to some of the players that were struggling to get their line and length correct whilst bowling. 
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 7 (10/2/18) Hours 70-80
At the start of week 2s session, I lead another warm up to raise the heart rate of the players and also to prevent any injuries going into the back end of pre-season.
This time, the warm up was made up of 4 cones, in which they'd go through a series of pulse raising exercises and dynamic stretches. Examples of these were:
High knees
Walking lunges (alternate / 3 steps in between)
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In the second part of the session, the players went into the nets to look t improve their batting a bowling techniques.
Myself and one other coach were put in charge of the under 13s net. All of the under 13s had the foundation of the bowling action in cricket. However it was good to give them feedback as they returned from their previous delivery.
As the session went on the under 13s seemed to improve as a whole with their bowling actions.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 6 (3/2/18) Hours 60-70
With 50 hours left to do of my work experience, I turned to my local cricket club, Spring View. All the coaches that are involved with the under 9s to the seniors are voluntary, so they were happy for me to help out with warm ups/coaching etc...
Under 13s and 15s players of the club train on Saturday mornings. My role was to lead the pulse raisers and maybe put across some coaching points during each session.
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The warm up I carried out was a simple but fun pulse raiser as the target age bracket was 12-15.
The players went through a series of rounds of knee boxing lead by myself.
This drill consists of the players getting into pairs and trying to tap each others knees whilst keeping inside the coned area.
I got the participants to keep score and it was interesting how competitive they were, overall a great coaching experience.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 6 (24/1/18)
Hours 50-60
As week 6 approaches the coaches and the foundation wanted to prepare the players a little more on their attacking sets from the kick off.
These aims consisted of getting the players to play a set of 6 tackles without any errors in a game situation. The scenario was a set of 6 on the back of a try, so any errors in giving the opposition the ball therefore the opportunity to equalise was critical.
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Within the second hour, the players were split up into 4 groups and went through a series of ball handling drills.
Like the previous week I got involved in filtering the balls from one side of the drill to the other to make the session run more freely and effectively.
Later on the coaches asked me my opinion on how the drills went and what they could do to improve, them seemed to respect my feedback.
This week saw the end of my placement at the Wigan Warriors Community Foundation, overall it’s been a fantastic learning experience which I enjoyed week in week out.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 5 (17/1/18)
Hours 40-50
Leading on from last weeks team run, the whole squad spent the full session on the AstroTurf.
The first hour consisted of a circuit around the AstroTurf of 3 stations.
Station 1 - First contact 1v1 (with ball)
Station 2 - Flat and Fast
Station 3 - Skill Blocks
Station 4 -  2s blocks 3rd & 4th tackle plays
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The coaches wanted to use myself to get involved in helping out in the flat and fast drill in a referring role.
As I have explained the 'flat and fast' drill in previous weeks, I knew how the players would react in certain events of the drill therefore I could cope with refereeing the game for the players and coaches.
It was a great experience to get involved in the thick of the session. Afterwards, the coaches praised me in how well I coped taking control of the drill.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 4 (10/1/18)
Hours 30-40
After the Christmas break from the 6th of December to the 10th of January. The players were told that there would be plenty of hard work ahead in order to better themselves individually and as a squad.
It was interesting to see how motivated the whole programme was after such a long break. Again, within the first hour of the 2 hour session the players were back in the pit going through the motions of a pulse raising exercise.
Eventually, this lead to a great fitness session which was needed for the players as it was the first week back after Christmas and New Year.
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In hour 2, the whole programme was brought back together as one to go through a team run. The coaches wanted to see how the players would react when it came to the first time experiencing a match situation together.
Before this, the players needed to be identified which position they preferred playing in. This allowed the coaches to set up each player in their desired positions to set up for a kick off.
From there, the team played out an attacking set in which myself and the coaches had a great point of view to judge on. The coaches then asked what I thought of the players performance which allowed me to have my own insight and maybe give feedback to the players in what thing they did well and what the needed to improve on.
Overall, this was a successful week in terms of improvement of my coaching ability and confidence to deliver and express my voice in front of a large group of people that have very high knowledge of rugby league. 
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 3 (6/12/17)
Hours 20-30
Within the first hour, the players were brought into the pit were they spent the full hour working on first contact and grappling.
This was a great opportunity to get up close with the training methods the coaches used on the players.
I got the chance to do a small time coaching the players on how to grapple their opponent, the players seemed to improve throughout the session as coaching points were being put across throughout the session.
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The full 2 hours consisted of groups of the players coming in waves to do 15 minute spells in the pit, each group went through the same session.
Due to this I got the feel for the session and the coaching points within it.
This was a fantastic learning experience for me and my coaching techniques, it also improved my confidence in delivering to a group of players.
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alexholding4-blog · 6 years
Work Placement - Week 2 (22/11/17)
Hours 10-20
Within the first hour of the session, the players and I found ourselves in the gym again going through technique of a back squat.
My job was to set an example and demonstrate the back squat. Video to follow
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Once I had demonstrated the back squat to the players, they seem to have a better understand on how to perform the movement.
Moving on to hour 2 of the session, the coaches moved the players onto the AstroTurf to go through:
➡️ Ball grip work
➡️ Flat and fast
In regards to the flat and fast drill, it created a game like situation. 2 teams of 6 focussing on the more attacking aspect of rugby league.
The aim was to score more try’s than the other team, with it being just tag rugby. Once tagged (tackled) the player would go down onto their chest and play the ball as quick as possible, in hope to catch the opposing team offside or low on numbers on one side. Giving it the name ‘flat and fast’
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alexholding4-blog · 7 years
Work Placement - Week 1 (15/11/17)
Hours 1-10
This post marks the beginning of my Work Placement with The Wigan Warriors Community Foundation. I will feature in observing and potentially assisting the coaches at the Foundation, in nurturing young players within the age bracket of under 16s from around the Wigan borough that have been lucky enough to be included in the futures programme the Foundation holds. The sessions that will feature in my posts over the next coming months consists of 2 hours split into 2.
(Hour 1) of Week 1 of my Work Placement with The Wigan Warriors Community Foundation started with obvservstion in how the coaches go through with testing the players’ 1RM in:
➡️Chin ups (body weight prog. Weighted)
➡️Bench press
All of which was recorded onto a spread sheet. This process is repeated every 6 weeks and will prove to be an effective method to track the players’ strength development.
Towards the end of hour 1 I took part in obvserving the players working in the pit focussing on first contact within the correct technique of a Rugby League tackle (as shown in picture below)
In (Hour 2) the players were brought outside onto the AstroTurf to take part in some ball work and skill blocks. This part came across very beneficial as I got to see a high standard of coaching. Also, I happened to get involved in helping one particular coach which resulted in the drill running more efficiently. As I was an extra pair of hands. This allowed the main coach to have a different and more effective perspective on how will the drill was understood by the players. Overall, the players happened to execute the drill to a high standard which assisted their ability moving forward to Week 2.
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alexholding4-blog · 8 years
Referenced List of 3 Relevant Journal Articles for each Module
SD1200: Personal & Vocational Development Planning for Sport Lejeune, Christophe; Mercuri, Dora; Beausaert, Simon; Raemdonck, Isabel; Human Resource Development International, Vol 19(4), Aug, 2016 pp. 307-328. Publisher: Taylor & Francis; [Journal Article], Database: PsycINFO Greenan, Peter. Journal of Workplace Learning, v28 n5 p322-334 2016. (EJ1104755), Database: ERIC Patel, S.; Barrie, J.; Kitchen, G.. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, In Press, 2013 Language: English. DOI: 10.1016/j.tacc.2013.04.003 SD1202: The Delivery of Sport and Physical Activity Lubans, David R.; Lonsdale, Chris; Cohen, Kristen; Eather, Narelle; Beauchamp, Mark R.; Morgan, Philip J.; Sylvester, Benjamin D.; Smith, Jordan J.; The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Vol 14, Feb 23, 2017 ArtID: 24. Publisher: BioMed Central Limited; [Journal Article], Database: PsycINFO Lubans, David R.; Lonsdale, Chris; Cohen, Kristen; Eather, Narelle; Beauchamp, Mark R.; Morgan, Philip J.; Sylvester, Benjamin D.; Smith, Jordan J.; International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 2/23/2017; 14 1-11. 11p. (Article) ISSN: 1479-5868, Database: CINAHL Complete Bretherton, Paul; Piggin, Joe; Bodet, Guillaume, International Journal of Sport Policy Nov2016, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p609 (English Abstract Available), Database: SPORTDiscus with Full Text SD1207: The Coaching Process Hodge, Alison. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring. Aug2016, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p87-106. 20p. 3 Diagrams, 3 Charts. , Database: Business Source Complete Eastman, Christine A. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring. Aug2016, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p1-14. 14p. , Database: Business Source Complete Qing Wang, International Coaching Psychology Review Mar2016, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p39 (English Abstract Available), Database: SPORTDiscus with Full Text SD1227: The Fundamentals of Sports Coaching Rosso, Edoardo G. F.; Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol 46(7), Jul, 2016 pp. 2526-2531. Publisher: Springer; [Journal Article], Database: PsycINFO Rosso, Edoardo. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders , Jul2016, Vol. 46 Issue 7, p2526-2531, 6p; DOI: 10.1007/s10803-016-2759-8, Database: Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson) Gilbert, Wade; Dubina, Nadine; Emmett, Matt, International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching Jun2012, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p211 (English Abstract Available), Database: SPORTDiscus with Full Text XS1910: Introduction to Sports and Exercise Psychology O'Flanagan, Eamonn; Breslin, Gavin; Sharp, Lee-Ann, Sport & Exercise Psychology Review Mar2017, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p20 (English Abstract Available), Database: SPORTDiscus with Full Text Schinke, Robert J.; McGannon, Kerry R.; Busanich, Rebecca; Ge, Yang; American Behavioral Scientist, Vol 60(9), Aug, 2016 pp. 1116-1131. Publisher: Sage Publications; [Journal Article], Database: PsycINFO Rahmati, Shahnaz Sheikh; Bahari, Seyyed Mohiadin; Ahmadi, Pejman. Journal of History, Culture & Art Research / Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Arastirmalari Dergisi. Feb2017Special issue, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p152-158. 7p. DOI: 10.7596.taksad.v6i1.711. XS1914: Essentials of Training and Conditioning BOTTOMS, LINDSAY M.; WYLDE, MATTHEW J.; In: Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins); Feb2017; v.31. n.2, e64-e66. 3p. (Letter to the Editor) ISSN: 1064-8011, Database: CINAHL Complete Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1 February 2017, 31(2):e66 Language: English. NSCA National Strength and Conditioning Association DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001814 , Database: Scopus® SHURLEY, JASON P.; TODD, JANICE S.; TODD, TERRY C., Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) Feb2017, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p517 (English Abstract Available), Database: SPORTDiscus with Full Textl
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alexholding4-blog · 8 years
SWOT Analysis
Strengths – I feel my strongest point within the syllabus of this course is my ability to pick up key points quickly in relation to the strength and conditioning module. As I have already spent two years learning the ins and outs about keeping fit and active, I have emerged into this module with confidence. Therefore, I have created a large interest in this certain field. Weaknesses – At the start of the academic year, it was referencing my work in which I really struggled on. It was a case of little knowledge of where to reference in my work and how to fully complete a reference list in the correct manor. Another week point within my academic skills is time management. I tend to work on assignments up to a deadline within the last few days of it having to be submitted. In doing this, I don’t wait to put pressure on myself. However, I have learned over the months and assignment by assignment I have adapted to pace myself right which has helped me ease through the hours quite efficiently. To conclude, time management is still a problem when it comes to working towards my deadlines. Opportunities – I am aware that this course will bring numerous opportunities to the fore. Such as a chance to complete my coaching badges in a specific sport which is a great aspect to have in terms of being more employable than others. Threats – During this course, I will tend to get involved in a lot of practical work. This may lead to an injury which may be an obstacle that could rule me out of any more practical related work for the rest of the course.
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alexholding4-blog · 8 years
Weblinks related to academic skills http://index.about.com/index?qsrc=999&qo=semQuery&ad=semD&o=603428&l=sem&askid=cf4f62de-555b-4250-b3cb-21d7c355b933-0-ab_msb&q=write%20application%20letter%20job&dqi=&am=broad&an=msn_s http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/applying-to-oxford/ucas-application/writing-your-personal-statement# http://guides.wsj.com/careers/how-to-succeed-in-a-job-interview/how-to-prepare-for-a-job-interview/ https://www.prospects.ac.uk/careers-advice/interview-tips/psychometric-tests http://www.cognology.com.au/learning_center/sawhatis/?nabe=5163493439569920:1,5274635704991744:0,5293578322706432:0,5300356598988800:0,5718531257925632:1,6495360247922688:1,6750875905425408:0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2F
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alexholding4-blog · 8 years
CV Alex Holding 18, Holly Road, Aspull, Wigan.WN2 1RY DOB : 12/08/1998 Telephone: 01942 830917 Mobile: 07714578200 Profile I am a hardworking student and I am very reliable. I am able to work alone and I also work well in a team. I am very approachable and I feel I am a nice person. I have a positive attitude to learning new skills. I am computer literate. Experience I achieved 11 GCSEs I achieved a level 2 Gym Instructor qualification and hold a level 3 Personal Trainer Certificate. I am currently studying at Runshaw College through a UCLAN based Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching (year 1). Also, I am working part-time at Vincent & Co Solicitors in Wigan as an administration assistant. My duties include: liaising with all support staff and Partners in respect of archiving completed legal case files for the practice; ensuring all completed files are recorded on the internal records and archived accordingly.  I am also responsible for the safe storing of clients’ title deeds/documents and Wills; carrying out filing and general photocopying when necessary.   I am also learning to deal with opening new client files and dealing with all necessary administration in this respect. Education St. David’s Primary School, Haigh, Wigan – 2002 to 2009. Standish Community High School, Standish, Wigan – 2009 to 2014. Runshaw College, Leyland, Lancashire – 2014 to date
Interests In my spare time, I attend a fitness gym and have a keen interest in fitness and wellbeing and also enjoy studying the strength and conditioning module at University. I have played Cricket since the age of 7 years for Spring View Cricket Club in Wigan and I am a Wigan Rugby League Season Ticket Holder
References Mr Craig Trafford, c/o Runshaw College, Langdale Road, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 3DQ Ms Natalie Rutter, Partner, Vincent & Co Solicitors, 13 Bridgeman Terrace, Wigan, WN1 1SX
My results so far – Personal and Vocational Development for Sport - Assignment 1 – 48.00 The Delivery of Sport and Physical Activity – Assignment 1, Posters – 55.00
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alexholding4-blog · 8 years
Overall, I fully agree with the feedback I received off my tutors in relation to my first two assignments of the year. Considering I didn’t have much awareness on how to complete a reference list in the correct manor, I was more than happy to settle with passing my first two assignments I had ever completed in my educational career. Subject to that, the feedback alone pushed me to work on my referencing for the up and coming future. This left me much wiser in terms of how to reference and paraphrase within my work. Consulting with my tutors on a 1:1 basis enhanced my knowledge on how to find certain references from various journals both on blackboard and google scholar. Going forward with interacting with my tutors, this was a huge boost which gave me the determination to better myself during the corresponding assignment.
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