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It seems I am not immune against this show either.
Ah well, Imma just push that on the fact the lead is a goofy cute blonde boy.
Joking aside, when I saw the trailer for this Trigun reimagining, the character designs really drew me in. So vibrant and fun. And like, whoever complains about CG in this show is a liar, the animation is absolutely stellar.
Well, anyways, Ive been thinking about this series a lot lately, even watched the 98 show, and Imma at some point read the manga but probably after Stampede is over. Suffice to say tho, this brainrot is gonna last a bit. Heck, expect another post in a few days cos I doodled so many lil things I cant even put em all in one post.
Also, this show gave me another combo of assertive shortie x goofy tall boy, how do you expect me not to get hooked by this.
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Different 'do
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💕Krolia is all a mother xD and Lance … a stalker.💕
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If you want to join in and fight for LGBT representation then go to green light petition on instagram and sign the petition and also send dms, letters, emails or whatever (peaceful dms and letters and emails tho, don’t threaten them) to dreamworks expressing how you feel because what they are doing is wrong, the LGBT community deserves representation in shows we watch because our children deserve to know that it’s okay to be themselves no matter what they are…gay, bi, trans, queer, lesbian, whatever it is, they deserve to know that they are loved no matter what, please join in and I know I will get comments saying but this won’t do anything…well I’m fighting for something I believe in and even if it doesn’t work, at least I tried and I fought. Will you fight with me and the rest of the fandom for proper LGBT rep? • • • • • • Art credit: @ikimaru follow her she is a really talented artist and I realized I forgot to credit her when I made this
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Okay honestly i’m pissed. Everyone in the vld fandom jumps to conclusions way too fucking quickly. Yes it’s was bad that Adam died, yes it’s bad that the creators was hyping up their relationship so much, but i have reasons to believe that the LGBT+ Rep in Voltron is not ending!
I’m gonna start by explaining why i don’t think Allurance is going to be endgame:
First of all the creators confirmed in an interview that it would not be good for Lance and Allura to end up together. I can’t find any pictures of it but i know i have seen this somewhere on tumblr before. 
(If anyone can find a picture from the interview please let me know)
Not only that but the creators said that Lance would end up with someone the opposite of where he started. And he is going to end up with what he needs rather than what he wants.
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It just wouldn’t make sense if Allura is Lance’s endgame romance, it contradicts everything that the creators have said, so either Lance won’t end up with Allura or the creators are lying.
Now the reason why i believe Lance is lgbt:
Now i know many knows this but Lance is holding the LGBT sign together with Shiro
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Every character is holding their signs for a reason.
Pidge and Allura are holding this sign because Allura was the first one to confront Pidge about her gender after the reveal that Pidge is a girl.
Keith and Hunk are holding this sign because Hunk was the first to confront Keith about him being half galra.
Do you see where i’m going with this?
I strongly believe that Shiro is going to confront Lance about something LGBT related. We know that Shiro himself is LGBT so that is why he is holding the sign. So why is Lance holding the lgbt sign? Surely they wouldn’t just put him in the picture just so the entire team is on there righ?
That just wouldn’t make sense in my book! I believe that the reason is that Lance might be delevoping feelings for Keith i mean:
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That wouldn’t be hard to believe right?
(I mean i’m sure i can find more screen caps hinting at this)
Anywho what i mean is that Shiro can help Lance understand that it’s okay for him to like Keith.
Think about it the creators have never truly said that Klance won’t become canon yet they have said that it won’t be good for Lance and Allura to end up together after everything that has happened in season 6, isn’t that a bit strange?
Yeah i know that after Season 7 it seems that they are planning to make allurance endgame
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When she learned that Lance genuinely liked her she didn’t seem happy she seemed…sad? Like she didn’t know what to do about it.
I just after what happened in season 6 it would really suprise me if Allura got feelings for Lance THAT quickly especially after her heartbreak with Lotor.
And honestly i don’t even want to mention the whole Keith x Axca thing. Because it doesn’t make sense. Honestly there is no romantic development between them i feel like everyone is jumping to conclusions over what Ezor and Zethrid said to them.
In conclusion either the creators are lying and queerbaiting us or it isn’t over yet. Because honestly for god sake people…
And honestly shipping is not everything that matters. What i’m most mad about is how many of you are hating on this season just because your damn ship might not be canon.
All i’m saying is wait till the show is over before giving up, many romantic relationships in cartoons develop during the very last episode of the series so honestly there isn’t anything saying that this doesn’t apply to voltron.
Sorry if this was worded badly i just wanted to spread some hope. If it isn’t much to ask then please reblog this so that others can see this, please and thank you
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“You say such pleasing things, Hiyori… But how much faith should I put in those words?”
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If Lance doesn’t go out with Keith, I will.
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MayuMiko (GSNK) Doujinshi List (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
まゆみこっ by Rinjin (リンジン / すずき) | OtakuRepublic | Toranoana
Kiss&Kiss&Kiss by あおいろどり | OtakuRepublic | Toranoana
だいすきみことおにいさん by TWINTEL (りのぽ) | OtakuRepublic | Toranoana
オ・ト・コ・ノ・コ・ロマン by TWINTEL (りのぽ) | OtakuRepublic | Toranoana
RaInY SwEeT BaBy by muku
彼の理性をアンロック by caplet0.5 (めご) | K-Books
One Feeling Arises by かみしろ
そこはがんばりました by ごま茶 (ごまちゃん) | Toranoana
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 ♫       sketch :)
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There’s a lot of yuri anime this season tho. Now this one. Gay dragon maid.That’s something new.
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Salve a tutti! È da un po' che non ci sentiamo, eh? ^^' Volevo informarvi che ho creato una community pubblica dove tutti quelli che sono interessati possono entrare e divertirsi a ruolare nei panni di un personaggio del mondo di Hetalia! :3 Spero accorriate in molti e mi farebbe davvero molto felice avervi con noi. Vi lasciamo qui il link! A presto e fate girare la voce se pensate che qualcuno possa essere interessato ;) Contiamo su di voi amici! Ciauuuu~
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I’m so happy
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La città perduta di Atlantide - Capitolo 11 (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/U2Nn6G84EA Questa fan fiction è stata scritta a quattro mani, da me ed una mia amica (Alexa_and_Francy), è una Spamano diversa dalle solite ambientata nell'età coloniale dove vediamo un Antonio (Spagna) pirata alla ricerca della città perduta di Atlantide. Spero vi piaccia, buona lettura :3
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