alecxmaneo · 4 years
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so handsome...♡ [’jopping’ mv making]
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
Silence permeated around the training room, shattered only by heavy exhales and the impact of cloth covered knuckles against leather as Alec landed strike after strategic strike against the weighted boxing bag in front of him. His muscles ached and there was a telltale heaviness in his bones as he shifted rapidly on his feet, shin connecting with the bag before he readjusted to strike with his heel in a back kick. Huffing out a tired sigh, Alec let both hands rest atop the bag, stabilizing not only the equipment as it wobbled precariously from the impact, but himself as the weariness settled under his skin and exhaustion had him wavering on his feet. He’d been at it for what felt like hours, drilling his muscle memory and diligently strengthening the variety of skills he’d honed at his father’s behest. Alec had long given up using his fight training and knowledge of weapon techniques against other people, but his checkered past had taught him to never let his guard down and that he was better off being over-prepared. His innate need to protect not only himself, but the people he cared about drove him to keep training and after the week he’d had, it was quite frankly an outlet to relieve his pent-up stress.
Wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead with the back of his wrapped hands, Alec stepped away from the boxing apparatus and began unwrapping the cloth from his hands, balling up the well-worn fabric and tossing it into his training bag. Glancing around the room, Alec took in the mess of equipment he’d left strewn in his wake. It was clear by the varying equipment pieces scattered about the room that he’d been too in the zone to clean up as he went. With a sigh, the werewolf set to work on cleaning up the mess he’d made. Pushing the punching bag and Wing Chun dummy back against the wall, Alec picked up the various sized staffs and practice swords from the floor to tuck back into storage. Wiping down the equipment and packing up the remainder of his things, Alec left the room and headed down the hall towards the locker room to get cleaned up.
Freshly showered and dressed back in his usual jeans and t-shirt get-up, Alec moseyed through the corridors of the Bureau. Despite the ache in his muscles, leftover stress and adrenaline coursed through his body, leaving the werewolf feeling a little restive and in need of something stronger than exhaustive exercising to quell his restlessness. After a week of delayed shipments, think-they-know-it-all customers at the garage, radio silence from Suwei and talking Chan down from a fiery mishap, a single training session just wasn’t enough. In the midst of weighing his options, most of which consisted of alcohol, Alec’s eyes caught movement in his periphery and he readjusted his steely gaze to settle on Yeonjun.
Expression softening, a fond smile quirked his lips up at the corners at the sight of his friend and he waved to catch the younger man’s attention. As he neared the arachne, Alec could see the tired hunch in his shoulders and the telltale signs of a familiar weariness in his demeanor; that of someone who bore responsibility for others. “You look about as good as I feel Jun,” he teased lightly in lieu of a greeting, leaning against the wall as he came to a stop in front of him. “Long day?”
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
Alec’s grey eyes narrowed as he watched the blinking cursor with mild frustration, canines digging into his bottom lip as he worried the swollen skin between his teeth. His fingers hovered above the keyboard displayed on his phone’s screen, Suwei’s name mocking him from above the multiple text bubbles he’d sent that had been marked read yet hadn’t been replied to. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence; on the contrary, he was quite accustomed to being ignored by the younger wolf and had come to expect as much every time he hit the send button. However, their message thread had been exclusively one-sided lately and kept alive solely by his need to check-in on her regularly, and while it didn’t typically bother him, the radio silence had extended long enough to incite worry.
Was she okay? Was she purposefully ignoring him as usual, or had something happened that rendered her unable to respond? Had he done something wrong?
Concerned thoughts had plagued his mind with each unreciprocated message he sent, each call that went unanswered and Alec was on the verge of reaching a level of worrying that he knew Suwei hated. The point in which he was tempted to track her down and check-in on her in person, rather than relying on the technology she refused to communicate with him on. He was well-aware of the fact that she was entirely capable of taking care of herself and that she didn’t need to be coddled or taken care of in the way Alec was used to taking care of people, but that didn’t stop his protective instincts from asserting themselves whenever it came to Suwei’s well-being. It was just in his nature and given she was the only descendant of the pack his father came from that he knew of, she was the closest thing he had left to family.
The sound of his oven timer going off pulled his attention away from his phone and Alec set it down on the counter, sliding off the bar stool to shuffle over to the stove. Pressing the off button on the time, the werewolf tugged on the oven mitts he’d left out and went to work on pulling the baking dish out of the oven. Nose twitching at the scent of freshly baked enchiladas, Alec couldn’t stifle the pleasant hum as he set the dish down on top of the stove burners. It was a scent that reminded him of his childhood, of home and the memories of learning how to cook Mexican food with his mother in Acapulco and it brought a bittersweet smile to his face. Turning off the oven, he let the food cool before digging through his mess of drawers to find a matching Tupperware set. With half of his baked creation in the fridge for leftovers, Alec packed up the half he’d stuffed into plastic containers for Suwei into a plastic bag. He knew her well-enough to know that her kitchen wouldn’t be nearly as stocked as his own and if he wanted any chance of avoiding her irritation at his unprompted arrival, free homemade food was his best bet.
With his peace offering in hand, Alec ruffled his silver hair in a makeshift attempt at styling, double-checked to make sure his shirt wasn’t covered in engine oil or enchilada sauce, and tucked his feet into a pair of worn Adidas before heading out the door. Locking up both his apartment and the doors to his shop, the werewolf slid into his car and made the familiar trek to Suwei’s apartment. It didn’t take long before Alec found himself at her door, knuckles tapping against the wood as he shuffled his weight from one foot to the other, bag of food in hand as he waited.  
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
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that smile tho… ✧ 191006, SuperM pop-up store opening in hollywood.
[fancam credit]
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
Maneo Task: 006 
·       What is your muse’s full name and do they have any nicknames? Full name: Alexandre Jisoo Guerrero Moon Nicknames: Alec, AJ
·       What do they look like? Alec is about 6’0 tall with tan skin and steel grey eyes. He has shaggy hair dyed a dark silver. While he is rather lithe and lean, he’s not scrawny by any means. He has a lot of lean muscle and the subtle traces of his muscles can still be seen under his clothes, even when he doesn’t dress to show them off. He has a tattoo on his inner right wrist that is indicative of his father’s pack, a birthright mark given to all of age wolves when they’ve earned their place and role within the hierarchy. Alec was given his mark when he turned 15. (ex. – 1, 2)
·       Do they have any distinguishing features such as scars, unique birthmarks, etc.? Beyond the mark on his wrist, Alec has a vertical scar on the left side of his abdomen from a years old stab wound.
·       What are your muse’s friends and family like? Who do they usually surround themselves with? Alec’s entire biological family was killed, but when his parents and brother were still alive, they were a very close-knit family unit. His father, despite being the one to get his sons involved with the cartel, did his best to protect them and train them to handle anything. He was very close to his younger brother and was very protective of him, which is a trait he continues to display with his friends. His mother was a loving, free-spirited woman who inspired a passion for food and cooking. Alec tends to surround himself with people he gets along with well and those he can provide for. Without a family of his own, he’s built up his chosen family with members of Venor he works with and has connected with another descendant of his father’s pack.
·       Who would you consider the closest person to your muse? Probably Suwei. With Suwei, he has a connection to his father’s pack and is extremely protective over her. He spends an absurd amount of time worrying over her well-being and does everything he can to provide a familial bond for her.
·       Where was your character born and what was their living situation growing up there? Alec was born in Acapulco, Mexico. His early childhood was pleasant and he spent majority of his time in the kitchen with his mother or running amuck in his father’s auto repair garage with his brother playing hide and seek, or pretending to fixing the cars. He was blissfully ignorant of his father’s involvement with the cartel until he was about 15. That’s when he realized what was really going on and when his father pulled him into fold. They lived modestly with the money his father made from his shop (and from embezzling money from the cartel), but never splurged. It was a comfortable life until his father’s greed got the best of him and resulted in the death of both parents.
·       What is your muse’s biggest fear and does anyone know? If so, who, and if not, why not? One of Alec’s biggest fears is his past catching up with him. His father and brother’s mistakes led to their deaths and while Alec wasn’t directly involved in the embezzlement, he took what was left of it all and ran with it. He made a few mistakes along the way and he’s aware that while he covered his tracks to the best of his ability, both the cartel and the yakuza aren’t his biggest fans. He hasn’t told anyone this, primarily because he wants to bury the past and keep his slate clean in Seoul.
·       Has your muse ever fallen in love before? If so, with who? Did it end well? Alec has never been in love. He’s only had a handful of hookups over the years, but hasn’t found anyone he’s connected with enough to say he’s in love.
·       What would you find in your muse’s refrigerator right now? He loves to cook, mostly Mexican food, though there’s probably a small jar of Kimchi in there somewhere. There’s plenty of homemade leftovers and fresh ingredients for spontaneous meals. He’s stocked up on bottles of Corona with a couple limes in the bottom drawer, with a stray orange or two. There’s a carton of eggs, maybe a half carton of milk and a 12-pack of Pepsi. He also has a ridiculous number of takeout boxes, most of them half eaten and filled with Chinese leftovers.
·       What does your muse usually wear? Alec generally lives his life in jeans and loose cotton shirts, both crew and V-neck. Working in the auto shop, he doesn’t have any use for fancy, expensive clothes given how dirty he tends to get and how worn out the fabric ends up. He doesn’t bother splurging when he knows he’s going to ruin most of his wardrobe. He tends to stick with darker colors like navy, charcoal grey and black because it hides the dirt and grease better and if it doesn’t wash out, it’s still not all that visible so he can get away with it. He sticks with sneakers, generally Adidas or Nike and leans more towards comfort over style. When he’s not working in the garage or working on his skills in the Venor training room, he’ll get a little more dressed up, but only if he’s specifically going out or spending time with someone. At home, he tends to just wear sweatpants or basketball shorts and if he gets cold, he’ll throw on a zip up sweater.
·       What is your muse’s strongest memory that they carry around? Alec remembers vividly the sight of his parents’ bodies in the living room of his childhood home. It was an awful scene to witness and as much as he tries not to remember, it’s still his strongest memory to this day.
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
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home is where the heart is; sometimes home is where your deepest scar is. the storm is strong, but no matter where you roam, there’s no place like home.
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
hi y’all it’s sierra bringing you another muse bc my self control is non-existent, so I present my newest bb alec. he’s a werewolf and a weapons tech for venor.
for more info you can check out his profile and bio, but I don’t have any wanted connections for him yet so feel free to hmu on discord to brainstorm~ there’s a tldr version below the cut. pls love him ;u;
his father’s pack was hunted to near extinction and his dad fled to mexico in the 70s to escape slaughter
alec was born in acapulco
grew up around drug dealing and weapons trafficking bc of the cartel (and yakuza in hawaii)
moved to hawaii with his brother after the cartel killed his parents, then to seoul when the yakuza killed his brother poor bb lost everyone
is a total grease monkey and owns his own precision auto garage
when he’s not tinkering with fixing up venor’s weapons, you’ll mostly likely find him under the hood of a car and covered in engine oil
or he can also be found cooking and playing/watching soccer
he lives in a loft above his garage (kinda like han from fast and furious)
he’s honestly a sweetheart but will 100% kick someone’s ass if they mess with someone he cares about.
like all my muses he can be a sarcastic little shit and will tell it like it is
but he’s never mean for the sake of being mean
also a bit self-sacrificing and willing to put himself in danger if it means protecting people he cares about
has proficiency in a variety of weapons but tends to prefer hand to hand combat and fighting with staffs and knives.
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
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alecxmaneo · 4 years
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kai // lightsaber
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