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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
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The found family from from 6F>>>
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
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He lets Henry push him backward on the bed and kiss him until his mind is blissfully blank, lets Henry undress him carefully…. Henry kisses his mouth over and over again and says quietly, “You are good.”
- RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE by Casey McQuiston
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
online friends
“my friend the electrical engineer,” i say, or of someone else: “my friend the Canadian,” “my friend in Denver.” and i am down south, states and miles away.
“how did you meet?” they ask, puzzled by how far-flung my friendships. “the internet,” i say, a little proud, a little defensive because the next words are inevitable.
they always ask with a mix of amusement and horror. always. “have you met in person? no? how can you be sure it’s not an old pervert in his mother’s basement, a serial killer on the prowl?”
how can we be sure of anyone? the man who married a pastor’s daughter, then shot his pregnant wife in the back of the head–they thought they knew him. but these anonymous souls: they’re my friends.
we talk of books and ideas, family and differences in where we live and why we do what we do, and trade stupid jokes like candy, sweet and inclusive and joyful. my friends. my soul friends, who i meet on the internet.
friendships are not born of handshakes. they’re born of shared things and shared interests and sometimes just because you’re human and i’m human, and that praise God is enough. even over the internet, that is enough.
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
I could honestly talk about this all day. It’s sooo important and important to Alex’s character. It absolutely fascinates me.
So naturally I wrote a fic about it ...
The one thing that I’ve seen literally nobody talk about is how self-destructive Alex really is. Like, it’s mentioned in some fanfics and stuff. But Alex runs until he gets blisters on his feet, and he paces until his loafers are soaked with blood. I just have never seen it mentioned that Alex has canonically hurt himself at least twice.
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Is now a good time to say part 2 coming soon ......
About Last Night
I have been working on this for a long ass time and it’s finally ready. I’m also insanely proud of this so I hope you love it. Read on AO3 - 13k - Complete 
Lily glanced down at the watch on her wrist, rolled her eyes and chuckled quietly to herself. Typical! He was 15 minutes late and had dared mock her for being late last night? She would give him hell when he finally arrived.
They’d planned to meet in the Park by Spinners End at nine, Lily had picked it knowing it would be completely deserted, even in the most blissful of summer days families tended to avoid this place.  The rumours surrounding the types of people that lived around there were prolific and mostly true, but honestly Lily didn’t mind it. The park itself wasn’t bad, it reminded her of being a kid and it would be nice to make new memories in the place so tainted by the company she used to keep.
It was shocking how quickly the weather had changed. The blazing, aching heat from the last few weeks had dissipated as the new day rose, the clouds up above giving way to the significantly cooler air, a breeze of clarity. It was getting dark, looking as if it were likely to rain at any moment, it made Lily nervous and she just hoped it would hold off until she was safely back at home.  
The child’s swing she had perched on was creaking under her weight, groaning as she repeatedly shifted her weight back and forth from the heels of her feet to the tips of her toes, rocking in a slow rhythm in synchrony with her breathing.
Lily thought, for the hundredth time that day, about the events of the night before and considered every possible scenario for how this conversation could go.
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Under a Star-Strewn Sky
The night after the events of Cursed Child, Harry can't sleep and when he checks on Albus, he realises he's not the only one struggling. It's been a rough few years but Harry finally has chance to be a better dad to Albus, and this time he wont mess it up. OR Harry comforts Albus after a nightmare, and they are finally honest with each other. - AO3 link
I’m going to curse that fucking tree down, Harry though. It’s ugly and stupid and so fucking loud. The second, the very second, I can bring myself to get up that tree is being cursed to the fucking ground.
The reality was that the tree was not ugly, nor stupid, but it was loud, as the wind picked up outside, with it came the slamming of branches against the window. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. It was mocking and incessant, violent and really fucking personal, as if the wood was sentiently slapping against his skull and not just the double glazing.  
There wasn’t a single thread of light in their bedroom, but Harry’s eyes seemed to have adjusted enough to make out Ginny as she slept beside him, or maybe he’d just memorised her features enough to draw them in his mind. He was glad she was sleeping, neither of them had managed much since it all started. In fact, Harry could actually count the hours of sleep he’d managed over the last three days on his fingers, an hour here or there caught slumped across his desk or leaning back against his sofa; always waking to the realisation that the nightmare he was having was not one he could escape come morning and to immobilising that he’d even let his eyes close when he still didn’t know where Albus was.
Yet, the threat was over now and Albus was safe now sleeping soundly in his bed and Harry could still not sleep.
He was exhausted, so tired that tired didn’t even cover it, his limbs ached where he lay, his eyes were stinging, there was a feeling as if someone was standing on his chest and yet sleep was still evading him. No, scrap that. It was being batted away from him with every tap, tap, fucking tap of that bastard tree.
Running his hands over his eyes, Harry let out a groan, so frustrated with himself and and his lack of sleep that the noise escaped him involuntarily. The panic that had lived in his chest all week had yet to fully dissipate and it took a real effort to keep staring up at the ceiling with his teeth gritted and pillow bundled up over his ears, forcing his breathing into a pattern that felt too slow and not let out the scream brewing in his throat.
How could he have been so stupid?
40 years he had been Harry fucking Potter, he knew what that meant, so why did he ever think his bad luck would change? That destruction wouldn’t follow him around like his shadow? He’d gotten complacent, he supposed, because surely he’d already lived through every bad thing that could happen to a person, he’d most certainly lived through his worst halloween. How could it get any worse than being orphaned, abandoned at the Dursley’s and left to be neglected for the rest of his childhood? What could possibly be worse than that?
Well, as it turns out, there are a lot worse things, and as punishment for his ignorance he was now being forced to watch them unfold again and again and again every time he closed his eyes. If he was in the mood to be honest with himself - which he most certainly wasn't - this, the disjointed scenes and flashes of green playing on his eyelids, was probably the reason that he couldn’t sleep; not because of the tree, but because he kept seeing it, all of it, everything.
There was the image of that girl cackling in triumph – a demented giggle he swore he could hear despite the thousands of miles between them now. Then there was the way Ginny had screamed and crumbled at the sight of that poor boy, sprawled on his back in the middle of the quidditch pitch, young with dark hair and light skin and slytherin robes, it could have been Albus, and for a moment they’d thought it was.
And yet worst of all was Albus’s frightened voice reverberating against church walls and the flash of green light that lit up the room, illuminating oil paintings and stained-glass windows as it missed his son by inches. He wasn’t supposed to be there, he was supposed to be safe and for the first time in years Harry was forced to face the reality of his legacy, that people die around him and his son could be next. And that he nearly was.
“… Oh. I’m bored, I’ll kill you.” Delphi said, her voice ringing with laughter. .
He had been disarmed. He was defenceless and she was going to kill him. It was really only a matter of time; he’d know it from the second his wand slipped out of his hand, inevitable and inescapable. Yet he was never one to give up easily. Harry still ducked under spells, hid behind columns and rolled out of the way as she lifted and dropped the church pews on the spots he’s just stood.
“Avada – “
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
How new WIPs are born:
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Guys! I’ve made it to round two!!!! If anyone could spare a minute to vote for About Last Night I would really appreciate it. If it wins I’ll write a sequel... is that bribery?? Will it work 😉
Round 2 of Voting is Open!
To vote click here! Voting for this round ends on December 12 at 11:59 EST.
Congratulations to all those who are moving forward in the next round! All the nominees had such phenomenal work I’m sure it was hard for a lot of people to narrow that list down! The categories we will be voting on this week are:
Favorite Fluff Fic
Favorite Humor/Crack Fic
Favorite Angst Fic 
Favorite AU Fic
Favorite Smut/NSFW
Favorite Multi-Chapter AU
Favorite One Shot
Favorite Artwork/Comic
Favorite Author
Favorite Reviewer
Thank you everyone who has participated! I look forward to seeing how you vote next round!
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
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Harry should write fanfiction
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
If anyone wants to show some really cool creators some love (*COUGH* ME! *COUGH*) have a little look at this ...
First Round Of Voting Is Open!
Hey guys so our first round of voting is open! You can cast your votes anytime between now and December 5 at 11:59 pm EST.
There will be multiple rounds of voting, and you will be allowed to vote once per round. You will also not always be voting for all the categories due to varying amounts of nominations per category. The only round of voting that includes every category will be the final round. The categories you will be voting on this round are:
Favorite Fluff Fic
Favorite Humor/Crack Fic
Favorite Angst Fic
Favorite AU Fic
Favorite Smut/NSFW
Favorite Multi-Chapter Fic
Favorite One Shot
Favorite Fic Of The Year
Favorite Artwork/Comic
Favorite Author
Favorite Reviewer
Favorite Graphic Artist/Designer
You can cast your vote here!
And if you need a reminder on nominations you can click on the categories above for the post or click here for a full list!
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Congratulations on the JilyAwards nomination for About Last Night!! I don't think they tagged you because they didn't know your account, but congrats! You deserved it!
I DIDNT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much a) for telling me and b) for saying those nice things! I just lost my mind :D
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Okay totally not freaking out of anything. No, it’s totally not a massive huge amazing deal to have About Last Night nominated. No. Cool cool cool cool....
WHAT THE HELL IM SO SO SO HONOURED!!!!! Thank you so much for the nomination ❤️❤️
Favorite One-Shots Nominations
If you would like to see the full nomination list, and you’re on the browser version click here!
I Think We’re Alone Now by @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world
The Horoscope by lirians
Nothing To Lose and Each Other To Gain by @downn-in-flames
The Amazing James Potter by @alrightginger
Snow Globe by copper_dust
Things That Go Bump in the Night by r4ch
Fake Laughs and French Fries by @jilytho
Noises by @jilytho
Quizzy Rascals by @ghost-of-bambi
oil be there for you by @abby10fanfic
They Were Zoomates by @elanev91
Properly Improper by @lizardcookie
Avoiding Every Mistletoe by @gxldentrio
 More Than Okay by @tumbledfreckles
Halloween Boo-ty Call by @inakindofdaydream
Home (is Wherever I’m With You) by @clare-with-no-i
About Last Night by Al_in_the_air
Enouement by @gryffindormischief
It Matters by @tumbledfreckles
Congratulations to those who were nominated! Stay tuned for more information on voting!
If you have been nominated and would not like to participate, please reach out before November 28th via the ask box or pms and I will remove you before voting starts.
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Every time someone comments on or talks about About Last Night I just want to cry. I love that you all loved it.
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Write block sucks. That is all
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Join us weirdos
Hey, everyone!
As you know, I'm a great Harry and Ginny fan and my thirst for this ship is usually satisfied by talking about them 24/7.
If you want more of this ship, you know how you can get it?
By joining our Harry and Ginny discord server!
It's an amazing place to connect with fans and I must flaunt that there are quite a few amazing fic writers/artists/lurkers there!
If you need more info on our server, don't be afraid to contact either me or @thedistantdusk!
Join with this link:
I'm pinning this to my blog and if you guys have any problems with the link, again, don't be afraid to contact us.
Let us all unite the Hinny lovers!
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Going to have to write this scene ....
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Not wasting any more time.
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al-in-the-air · 4 years ago
Writing British accents and dialects
One of the most common requests I receive is for help on Briticisms and regional accents and dialects. To be clear, I am by no means an expert, just a British woman of a certain age who has been lucky enough to live in various areas of the UK and who briefly touched on linguistics at uni. It should be noted that whatever I say, there will inevitably be another Brit that disagrees with me - we can only speak to our own experiences and knowledge, so please don’t take my word as an authority but simply as a guiding perspective. I hope you find the below resource I have written helpful - if you do, please consider tossing me a few pennies on ko-fi as a thanks.  
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