akis-journey · 7 days
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Pic I said I’d upload 🤭
Nothing too much just a pic of me lightly dressed with a little makeup going to a family party.
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akis-journey · 8 days
Oh wow time flies so fast it’s already my 10th month since I started HRT, no real change aside for a little more breast growth.
I’ll upload a pic soon as I’m going on holiday this weekend.
I got some great news this month as well, after 2-3 years on a wait list I finally got a call to go meet with the trans care team on the NHS, so here’s hoping I can move off of private care to save what little money I have currently it’s 33-40% of my earning spent on meds and subscription every 3 months 😭.
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akis-journey · 2 months
Just about to start my 9th month in a few days and finding out that here in the Uk were denied the most effective form of Hrt the injection and only have access to the patch, tablet or gel.
Wondering why, why can’t we have the best course of treatment stupid governments and their rules, everything is just getting worse.
Enough ranting and onto the better subject, I’m still happy and comfortable with my progress, no new updates really just slightly more breast growth than before.
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akis-journey · 3 months
So after some confusion and errors I finally got my meds, thankfully I still had some gel to last me I ended up 2-3 weeks behind on my tablets. The site i get my meds through changed and it’s confusing, it changed without notice too so that didn’t help 😅.
So because of this my time knowing exactly when I e hit a month is confusing as hell I normally use the 28 day cycle of my tablets to check that. The only real change I’ve noticed this last month is my smell all body orders and such are just overall more feminine some slight Chest growth.
8 months yay getting closer to my first year can’t wait 🤭
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akis-journey · 4 months
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Almost 7 months in and I’m starting to feel a lot happier with myself, can’t wait to see how much more I change and love myself instead of the dread of looking in the mirror feeling lost.
I just celebrated my 36th birthday finally as my self. 🥹 I’m so happy till next time lovelies.
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akis-journey · 5 months
I’m pushing this months photo back a little as a treat as it’s my birth month and will mark my first birthday as a trans woman 🤭
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akis-journey · 6 months
Another month down 5th month done starting to see a change more physically, my breasts are definitely bigger now 🥰
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akis-journey · 7 months
Hi, I started my 5tu month dosage 4 days ago and I’m feeling happier everyday.
Right now though I’m currently focused on moving home so my posts are a little later, moving especially having to do all the work yourself is stressful so I’m trying my best to stay positive right now 😮‍💨
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akis-journey · 8 months
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So here’s the 3 month picture although that was yesterday 🤭
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akis-journey · 8 months
I decided that at the end of every 3rd month taking hrt I will upload a pic of me to keep track of my progress online.
I’m on my 3rd month about 6 days in so expect an update early feb 🤭
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akis-journey · 9 months
I think it’s about day 51 currently to tired to think straight, noticed over the past week a change with my chest feeling tighter and my nipples are sore and constantly hard rn.
I went out the other day and brought some feminine clothes with my wife 🤭 was a good day shopping.
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akis-journey · 9 months
Wishing you all a happy queer festive spirits no mater which you celebrate.
Stay save have fun and love you all.
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akis-journey · 10 months
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return of the happy stim
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akis-journey · 10 months
The Trans Pride Centre – the UK’s only trans-focused center run by trans people – will have to close its doors for good unless it raises £27,500 to keep it open to provide vital support services for the trans and non-binary community.
Donate! Share!
Please, spread the word in any way you can!
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akis-journey · 10 months
So update it’s now 20 days 🤭 had a good weekend with some validation, for context we went away for the weekend to comic con here in the UK and at the hotel I was validated by the receptionist without saying anything 🥹
Some changed I have noticed recently are my softer feeling skin and the smell of my bodily fluids like my sweat and such 🤭 over all I’m happier in myself just really tired so catch up on sleep
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Back in a few days/week who knows but sometime this month x
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akis-journey · 10 months
So 9 days into my transition, not really feeling much different yet, although I feel happier in myself more and seem to be getting more horny over these days 🥰.
I’ll keep you all updated hopefully with more to say next time 🤭
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akis-journey · 11 months
So happy and excited my meds arrived yesterday around midday so waiting till the morning to start my meds 🥹
I need to take with food and early morning time so off to bed looking forward to the morning and the very start of my journey starting officially 🥰
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