AKAMI Ayurveda Clinics are the first initiative in realizing a great dream. Starting with our first clinic in Angamaly, Kerala, this vast chain of treatment centers will extend to the lengths and breadths of the country. At AKAMI, Ayurvedic treatments and facilities in its true, authentic form will be catered to patients.
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Health benefits of Punarnava
As the name indicates, ‘Punarnava’ literally means which renews the body and brings back the missing vigour and vitality. It is a brilliant herb which acts as a cardiac and renal tonic. Punarnava is rich in Potassium nitrate which makes it an excellent diuretic. Thus it has an important role in the treatment of disorders related to urinary system.
Health benefits of Punarnava:
Punarnava serves as diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti- ageing
It has anti-toxic and anti-bacterial properties
It helps to reduce inflammation and hence very effective in arthritis
It has immense power of detoxification, thus helps to rejuvenate and revitalize liver
Its carminative property helps to increase the appetite and relieves constipation
Since it is a natural diuretic, it is immensely used in the treatment of Urinary tract infections and other renal diseases like calculi, nephritis etc.
It helps to rejuvenate the male reproductive system. It can increase libido and quantity & quality of semen
It helps to reduce high uric acid levels in blood by increasing uric acid secretion through the kidneys
It helps to rejuvenate the body and regain the lost vitality
It also helps to increase the immunity and resistance to diseases naturally
Medicinal uses of Punarnava:
The whole plant of Punarnava made into paste and 3-6 g of this medicine, if taken internally will reduce inflammation and toxicity
The leaves of Punarnava, when cooked and used as a side dish along with the meals help to reduce inflammation, pain, relieves constipation and promotes urination
15 ml juice of the whole plant of Punarnava when taken in the morning will help to reduce the puffiness around the eyes related with renal disorders
Juice of Punarnava and Vacha (Acorus calamus) mixed with honey when taken internally helps to reduce cough and expectoration
Milk decoction prepared with Punarnava can be used to treat the giddiness, fatigue and disorientation associated with chronic alcoholism
Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of ayurveda propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic hospital in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda has the best branches in ayurvedic hospital in indore, ayurvedic hospital in bhopal and treat a different diseases. Akami ayurveda provides the best services for arthritis ayurveda treatment, joint pain ayurveda treatment, spondylitis ayurveda treatment, ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases
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Health Benefits of Eating Kiwi Fruits Daily
Kiwi fruit was not popular in India recently when it started to be imported. And ever since doctors initiated to recommending it for growing the platelet count for the Dengue patients, it has begun even more famous. It is one of the biggest sources of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K with full of carotenoids and Omega 3 fatty acids. With growing need in India, several countries have begun exporting the fruit, reduce its price considerably.
The aroma of kiwi gels strong with Indian recipes and this is another important reason it is beginning to popular here. It is a resourceful fruit which can ready any kind of food, be it a dessert or even a salad!”
The important reason of kiwi fruits daily
1. Improves immunity
People suffered by low immunity, it is a must to take. It fights against microbes, reduce seasonal diseases and has anti-fungal features.
2. Reduces asthma symptoms
It is richest of antioxidants and Vitamin C it induces lung function and a proper intake of the fruit is trusted to reduce asthma symptoms
3. Fights cancer
The kiwi fruits extracts have been affluent in treating DNA degeneration. It is used in historic Chinese medicines in battling with various types of cancers.
4. Controls diabetes
It is not just the low glycaemic index but have enough properties that avoid the disfunction of adipose tissue which has been linked with diabetes.
5.Good for vision
Kiwi fruit avoid macular degeneration as it is biggest in phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin which are best for eyes.
6.Fights insomnia
Is is richest of serotonin, kiwi used promote sound sleep. It is useful if you are suffering from sleeping problems.
About Author :
Kerala Ayurvedic Center is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of Ayurveda hospital propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic hospital in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda has the best branches in ayurvedic hospital in kerala, ayurvedic hospital in indore, ayurvedic hospital in bhopal and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic Treatments For Loss Of Libido
It’s common for people to realize the knowledge of loss of libido. In men, it should happen when they’re about the age of 60. In women when they’re striking menopause. Anyhow, a mental condition should lead to loss of libido.
Regarding to Ayurveda, surplus of vata dosha should cause your libido. and there are different reasons why that should happen. From stress to serious medical conditions, there is lot of factors influence your libido, which in succession should take a toll on a couple’s relation.
Some ayurveda treatments that can help you with loss of libido.
Vajikarana herbs are used for the ayurveda treatment of low libido, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and male infertility. The ayurveda treatment associates a different formula with changes in diet and also workout. With this your doctor will also suggest special relaxation process, diets and lifestyle plans that will regenerate the sexual organs and rejuvenate your body.
Loss of libido can takes place because of stress and also depression. Shirodhara is the best and old treatments define in Ayurveda. With this warm oil is splashed in a constant stream over the forehead - The place where the nerves are highly concentrated. The oil’s pressure makes a vibration on the forehead, which penetrate into the nervous system, It gives relief from nervousness problem
Kerala Ayurvedic Center is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of Ayurveda hospital propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic hospital in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda has the best branches in ayurvedic hospital in kerala, ayurvedic hospital in indore, ayurvedic hospital in bhopal and treat a different diseases.
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Effective Ayurveda Treatment for Kidney Stones without Surgery
1. Cleanse kidneys:
The first step of treatment is to purify the kidneys and eliminate the excess of toxins from the strotas.
2.Boost the natural elimination process:
In the second step, Ayurvedic medicines manufactured based on your body type and doshas will boost the natural mechanism of removing the waste materials efficiently.
3. Minimizes revert:
By treating the root-cause of the problem, we reduce the chances of kidney stones formation again. This is the final step and normally the longest of the three steps.
In some of the patients, the medicines started to showing results sooner than others because they follow medicines regularly and doctor’s advices completely.
About Author :
Kerala Ayurvedic Center is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of Ayurveda hospital propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic hospital in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda has the best branches in ayurvedic hospital in kerala, ayurvedic hospital in indore, ayurvedic hospital in bhopal and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic treatments in kerala | arthritis ayurveda treatment | Joint pain ayurveda treatment | ayurvedic hospital for arthritis in kerala
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How ayurveda treats the kidney stone?
Ayurveda focusing on treating the kidney stone from the root cause instead of just focusing on removing the kidney stone.
Normally the kidney stone patients do treatments continuously because the problem revert. This is happen because of people focusing on treating the kidney stone from the root cause instead of just focusing on removing the kidney stone.
Common Causes of Kidney Stone & Treatment :
Rich Protein Diet & Treatment:
Remove ama, restore balance in diet, strengthen excretory to remove dietary protein.
Calcium in Drinking Water & Treatment
Boost the kidney functions by naturally eliminating the over sufficiency of calcium in the body and control the urine flow for proper elimination.
Family History Of Kidney Stone & Treatment :
Strengthen immunity as well as balances all stotras and doshas to nullify the fact of genetic factors.
Excess Uric Acid & Treatment :
Decrease uric acid formation with personalised diet and removes the excess of uric acid deposits with panchakarma.
Obesity & Treatments :
Reignites agni to strengthen metabolism, balances body mass, removes ama and helps in removing renal deposits by naturally.
About Author :
Kerala Ayurvedic Center is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of Ayurveda hospital propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic hospital in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda has the best branches in ayurvedic hospital in kerala, ayurvedic hospital in indore, ayurvedic hospital in bhopal and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic treatments in kerala | arthritis ayurveda treatment | Joint pain ayurveda treatment | ayurvedic hospital for arthritis in kerala
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How to treats digestive problems in Ayurveda
Unlike traditional treatment for digestive disorders, Ayurveda moves to very source of the problem and solve it naturally. Not only that, Ayurvedic medicines renew the natural cycle of digestion.
1. Reignites Agni
The first step is to move on the weak Agni. This is only done by the customized diet & lifestyle changes done after correctly understanding the situation of the digestive system.
2. Balances Dosha
Vata and Kapha overcome Pitta, so Ayurvedic treatment concentrate on bringing all three doshas back to a balanced state.
3. Repairs damage
Chemicals in antacids and speedy relievers can harm the fragile villi and mucosal layer. Ayurvedic treatment restore the damage to recover normal the digestive process.
4. Rejuvenates the gut
The process of digestion is complex and rely on multiple organs with the gut to perform play well. Ayurvedic treatment restore the complete gut and all the organs.
5. Relaxes the mind
A healthy gut require a healthy mind. Only Ayurveda move on calming the mind while processing the digestive problem.
About Author :
AKAMI Ayurveda is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of Ayurveda Hospital propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic hospital in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.
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ayurvedic treatment for arthritis | joint pain treatment in ayurveda | psoriasis treatment in ayurveda | Dermatology Clinic in kerala | ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases
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Pitta Dosha Cooling Summer Drinks
As the summer season is setting in, so is the need to keep yourself hydrated in order to beat the heat and fatigue. The Pitta Dosha, which is responsible for our body's metabolism and digestive functions, requires to be balanced with the right kind of food and drinks for one to be able to strike an overall harmony between the mind and body.
Associated with heat, the Pitta Dosha's adverse effects, if not kept in check, are especially felt during the hot summer months. This can be achieved by consuming a number of natural, Pitta-cooling drinks such as the following.
1. Tender Coconut Water : Dubbed as the "world's safest, natural soft drink", tender coconut water can be consumed during the peak hours of a summer day to quench your thirst as well as render your mind and body with the much needed nutrition it deserves. Tender coconut water is known to balance acid levels, cool the system and flush toxins out of the body.
2. Herbal or Green Tea: Herbal or green tea consumed in right quantities (2-3 cups a day) can boost your immune system, owing to the high levels of antioxidants found in it. Tasked with protecting cells from daily exposure to toxins, such as cigarette smoke or pollution, they are quite effective at keeping your immunity levels in check. For E.g. Cumin seeds, mint, fennel seeds, rose petals, etc.
3. Buttermilk : Commonly known as ‘neer mor’ or just ‘mor’, buttermilk has a special significance in ayurveda for its easily digestible and cooling nature, along with the ability to pacify the Pitta Dosha especially when mixed with sugar. Buttermilk is also known as ‘Takra’ in ayurveda and is utilized for the Takradhara Panchakarma therapy.
4. Fresh Juice : Drinks like watermelon or muskmelon juice and concoctions such as cucumber, gooseberry and mint leaves are some of the freshly prepared juice varieties that relieve you off the extreme heat and cools down the body. These drinks also have the benefit of being highly nutritious in addition to beating the summer heat.
5. Water : Drinking water consumed from a copper vessel or a earthen pot is known to have several health benefits when weighed against water that is filtered/treated or stored in a plastic bottle. The daily minimum intake of 3 to 4 litres (or more) of water can do wonders to the human body, more so when they are poured out of the copper vessel or earthen pot.
About Author :
AKAMI is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of kerala ayurvedic center propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic treatments in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis | Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurveda Treatment for Gynecological Disorders
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Is Headache a Concern For You? Never Ignore It
Be cautious – Check for these warning signs
If these signs and symptoms are present consult your doctor.
An unusually severe headache that is "worst ever"
Headaches that get worse progressively and prevent normal daily activities
A major change in the pattern of headaches
Pain that increases with movement
Headaches that first develop after 50 years of age
Headaches that are accompanied by –systemic symptoms like myalgia, fever, scalp tenderness, weight loss, anemia etc. or neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances, weakness, numbness, slurred speech etc. orsymptoms related to higher mental function like confusion, decreased alertness or memory etc.
Headaches after an injury or trauma to the head
Headaches in patients with a compromised immune system
There are hundreds of conditions associated with headaches. Have a look at few of them:
1. TENSION HEADACHE It is usually mild to moderate in intensity. But occasionally become severe. The typical tension headache produces pain like a band squeezing the head. The shoulders and neck can also ache. Muscle contractions and tension in the face, neck or shoulders can cause headache. It can be triggered by fatigue, emotional stress etc. Mostly last for 20 minutes to two hours. It is not associated with any disease related to brain.
Try this – A heating pad or warm shower may help; some people feel better with a short nap or light snack. If you get frequent episodes of headache, try to identify the triggers so you can avoid them. Prevention– Stress management is very important and effective. Practice relaxation techniques including deep breathing, yoga, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation. Live a healthy lifestyle – Eat balanced diet, drink plenty of water, do regular exercise, get enough sleep; avoid smoking, use of alcohol, caffeine and sugar.
2. MIGRAINE Migraine is considered as a neuro-vascular disorder having a complex series of neural and vascular events that initiates the headache. It is much more severe than tension headache. In typical cases, the pain is on one side of the head, often beginning around the eye and temple before spreading to the back of the head. In the prodromal phase, there may be symptoms like mood swings, food cravings, yawning, irritability etc. Some, migraine begin with one or more neurological symptoms called an ‘aura’. Visual symptoms during aura include appearance of floaters, flashes of light or blurry vision. Pain will be pulsating in nature and may be associated with photophobia, phonophobia, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of the postdrome phase include fatigue, weakness etc. Check for these triggers:Changing weather like rise in humidity or heat, lack of sleep or oversleeping, emotional stress, sensory triggers (bright lights, loud noises, strong smells), dietary triggers (particular food or drink, missing a meal, use of alcohol), Monosodium glutamate – MSG, (often present in the foods items of restaurants and artificial flavors) etc. Prevention – Try to find out the triggering factors and avoid them.Treatment – Ignoring the attacks of migraine will increase both the frequency and intensity of pain. Early diagnosis and treatment will help to get a complete relief from migraine. By using analgesics, only short-term relief is obtained and the pain can rebound. Also those medicines are not advisable to be used for a long term as they can hamper body’s natural pain relief mechanism and can damage kidneys, liver or other vital organs. Ayurveda can give you good relief from migraine. There are very effective internal medicines that can cure the problem. Ayurvedic treatment procedures will help to give long lasting results and prevent the recurrence of migraine. The important treatment principles of migraine include detoxification, maintaining the equilibrium of tridoshas, strengthening of the nervous system and ensuring proper blood circulation to the brain.
3. CLUSTER HEADACHES Cluster headache is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, severe headaches on one side of the head, typically around the eye. It is often accompanied by watering of eye or swelling around the eye or nasal congestion on the affected side. Even though anyone can get cluster headache, it is usually seen in a middle-aged man with a history of smoking. Cluster headaches last for shorter periods of time with many episodes of headache in a day. They cluster for about two weeks to three months often at the same time of year. A cycle or cluster occurs on one side of the head, but subsequent clusters can switch sides. Try this – A heating pad or warm shower may help; some people feel better with a short nap or light snack. If you get frequent episodes of headache, try to identify the triggers so you can avoid them. Prevention – Strictly avoid smoking and use of alcohol. Regular breathing exercises, good exposure to fresh air, relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation etc. can relieve the symptoms of cluster headaches.
4. SINUS HEADACHE Acute sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses due to allergies, infections etc.) may decrease the mucus drainage, thus increasing the pressure within the sinuses. This will lead to sinus headache. There will be pain over the forehead, temples, around the nose and eyes, over the cheeks, or in the upper teeth. Stooping forward increases the pain. Associated symptoms like fever, cough, thick nasal discharge and congestion, point towards sinusitis. Here the treatment for sinusitis that resolves infection will cure the associated headache.
If you get a severe headache, diagnose it correctly so that you can start the right treatment plan for the same. A detailed description of your symptoms, duration, aggrevating and alleviating factors if any, along with physical examination will help to diagnose your headache. In most cases, special diagnostic tests are not required. Despite treatment, if your headache is not relieved, advanced radiological investigations like CT scan, MRI scan etc. are advised.
About Author :
AKAMI is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of kerala ayurvedic center propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic treatments in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis | Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurveda Treatment for Gynecological Disorders
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Holy Basil - A super food?
About Author :AKAMI is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of kerala ayurvedic center propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic treatments in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.Footnotes :Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis | Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurveda Treatment for Gynecological DisordersIn most Hindu households in India, it’s customary to keep the sacred Tulsi or Holy Basil plant at home. We all have memories of our parents or grandparents offering prayers to this spiritual herb.
But you ever wondered what’s so divine about this plant?
Tulsi means "the incomparable one," in Sanskrit for its unique taste and "elixir of life" in Ayurveda for its longevity-promoting properties. Culturally, for over five thousand years, it has been worshipped as a form of Goddess Lakshmi for health and protection. What truly makes it a holy is its impressive potential to tackle emotional and spiritual causes of diseases in the body.
This prominent Ayurvedic herb is known for its ability to establish balance in body’s Chakras and restore harmony in body, mind, and soul. Marked by its strong aroma, unique astringent-like flavour, this herb generates a positive effect on the body and primarily works towards reducing Kapha.
Holy basil’s SUPER FOOD status
Firstly this entire plant can be used for therapeutic purposes. It promotes lightness in the body, detoxes the respiratory tract and relieves digestive conditions. Being a rich source of essential oil, the Holy Basil acts as a strong antiseptic against disease-causing bacteria and parasites.
So, here are a few amazing uses of this super food:
Reduces emotional stress
The entire Holy Basil plant is an adaptogen. I.e., basically a metabolic regulator that helps your body cope and deal with emotional, physical and environmental stressors and related ailments like anxiety, sleep problems, forgetfulness, exhaustion, sexual problems etc. It is also a super effective anti-depressant!
Stimulates and vitalizes your body
The high anti-oxidants found in the Holy basil helps your body detox naturally. It may be used as a preventive measure against cancer as well.
Protects against infection and treat wounds
The Basil leaf extracts can speed up healing of wounds and act as a protective layer. Not just that! It is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and an analgesic (a painkiller). So, issues like mouth ulcers, keloids, raised scars and acne can be easily taken care of with this natural herb.
Lowers your blood sugar
Holy Basil is very effective for blood sugar related symptoms like diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, high cholesterol, insulin resistance and hypertension.
Lowers your cholesterol
As the Holy Basil is a natural metabolic regulator, it can be used for management of weight and cholesterol levels as well.
Reduces inflammation and joint pain
Often joint pains occur due to stress-induced inflammation. Being an adaptogen, the Holy Basil helps reduce and eliminate inflammation. It is a great nature’s gift for people suffering from arthritis.
Protects stomach and helps in digestion
Consuming the Holy Basil leaves or capsules helps increase the mucous secretion and protect the mucous cells against stomach acid. By this, the herb naturally builds up a defence against stress-induced ulcers.
Wondering how you can add this spirit-nourishing herb into your diet?
With the high validation from the modern medical science, this ‘side effects-free’ herb is now being consumed for medicinal purposes across the globe! However, it’s always best to consult your doctor before using it as a supplement, in its various forms - capsules, powders, teas, essential oils, and ointments. A lot of people prefer eating the fresh leaves of the Holy Basil directly, by adding them to delicious preparations like Thai basil rice, spiced continental sauces, salads, and pastas. Being caffeine-free, Holy Basil green teas are high in demand. What better than getting a sense of well-being while sipping on a warm relaxing cup of tea?
About Author :
AKAMI is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of kerala ayurvedic center propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic treatments in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis | Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurveda Treatment for Gynecological Disorders
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Ayurveda Tips To Reduce Hair Loss
Hair loss can result from varied reasons. It may rather be a disease condition or an associated symptom of underlying disease.
Possible causes for hair loss:
Hair loss due to deficiencies As a part of dieting or taking imbalanced diet sufficient nutrients and minerals are not supplied to the body. This may cause health issues like Anaemia, Vitamin deficiencies, Protein deficiency etc. where hair loss is a common symptom. Solution - a well balanced diet. As always, eating a balanced diet plentiful in fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein and “good” fats such as avocado and nuts will be good for hair and overall health.
Hypothyroidism Caused by Under active thyroid gland Do thyroid function test If any significant variations, have to take treatment.
PCOSPolycystic ovarian syndrome, where initial symptoms include hair loss. Associated gynaecological issues may or may not be present. Anovulatory cycles of menstruation, increase in body weight etc. follows later. Should consult gynaecologist.
Dandruffwhite scales or powder like appearance on scalp Solution - Anti-dandruff medicines
Dry hair If one is having dry hair by nature or lack of applying oils over head may lead to breakage of hair.
Stress and anxiety As any other disease, stress can aggregate the problem of hair loss. Stress in studies, at work place, in personal or social life etc. may cause hair loss. Even stress related to hair loss can aggravate the issue.
Genetics or Autoimmune ProblemsDue to unknown cause
Excessive hair styling treatments in beauty parlour will surely damage the hair shaft leaving the hair dry and brittle.
Side effects of certain medications may result in hair loss
Use of chlorinated or hard water can result in hair loss.
Measures you can follow to reduce hair loss:
Ensure intake of a well balanced diet - with green leafy vegetables, lean protein, beans, nuts, egg, carrot etc. Reduce intake of artificial sweetners and food items
Ensure scalp hygiene
Do hot oil scalp massage atleast 2 times in a week. A blend of virgin coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil (all the three in equal quantities) can be used for hot oil massage of scalp.
Avoid hair styling and unnecessary chemical treatments
Don't blow dry your hair regularly
Don't comb wet hair and always use the one with soft bristles to avoid hair breakage
Always condition the hair after shampooing.
Ensure the use of good quality hair products
Boiling water can reduce the temporary hardness of water. So boil the water and use it only after cooling. It may reduce hair loss
Avoid stress and anxiety, if present.
About Author :
AKAMI is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of kerala ayurvedic center propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic treatments in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis | Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurveda Treatment for Gynecological Disorders
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Ayurvedic Spices Every Kitchen Should Have
Flavourful spices have always been an integral part of Indian cooking. An entire sub-branch of Ayurveda, Svasthavritta, is dedicated to the science of healthy living. It involves using medicinal spices for activating body energies, building immunity and preventing diseases.
We have put together a list of top 5 must-have kitchen spices for you:
Cumin seedsIts literal meaning is ‘Digester’ in Sanskrit. It is one of the most used spices in Indian kitchens! Besides being flavoursome, cumin is a wonderful digestive aid that helps the body flush-out its inherent toxins. When a glass of cumin seed water (boiled and kept overnight) is consumed first thing in the morning it boosts weight loss! It is a natural cooling agent and works well for calming the intestines and preventing all sorts of digestive disorders. What more? Lactating mothers can drink it to purify breast milk!
TurmericIt is known as the ‘Golden Herb’ of Ayurveda, used extensively throughout the world for its healing properties. Turmeric has the ability to balance body Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) while reducing the Ama (toxins) in the system. It has an affinity towards the circulatory system (rakta dhatu) and is used for supporting and boosting the health of blood, liver, joints, immune system, and digestive tract. Due to its high potency, it should be used in limited quantities.
SodhanaSuitable sneha-swedas are done prior to sodhana. Then treatment modalities like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (puragation), Vasti (medicated enema) and Utharavasti special enema administered through urethral or vaginal routes) are done as per the condition of the patient. The patient has to follow peyadi krama (strict dietary regimen to be followed after Sodhana). This detoxification therapy helps in the expulsion of the toxins from the body. These therapies help to correct ovarian, tubular and uterine problems causing infertility.
Carom Seeds (Ajwain)Due to the unique taste and strong aroma, Carom seeds are used for preparing specific dishes and concoctions. This herb is great for the health of your respiratory system, as it helps to clear out lungs and airways. Consuming it will improve the functioning of Prana Vayu, Apana Vayu and Vyana Vayu in the body. Regular intake of this spice (boiled with water) helps prevent indigestion and bloating but should not be consumed in cases of constipation. It also helps in alleviating pain such as menstrual cramps. Make sure you only add these seeds in the final stages of cooking or after cooking.
Coriander This spice can be used in a wide variety of preparations and is an essential part of Indian recipes. In Ayurveda, Coriander is known for supporting a healthy appetite, kidney functioning and blood purification. This spice is believed to balance Pitta (digestive Agni) and cure inflammation in the digestive tract. Normally, it is used in a powdered form in dishes but sometimes roasted whole seeds are added for texture.
Asafoetida With just a pinch of this magic spice you can safeguard your health against many common ailments! It has pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. The Coumarins in it improve blood flow and prevent blood clotting. Asafoetida also helps in lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Due to its calming effect on the body’s Vata Dosha, it reduces gas and Ama (toxins). While making dishes using beans, dals (lentils) or cruciferous vegetables, tempering them with Asafoetida will enhance aroma and digestive abilities of the food.
Start adding these aromatic spices in your preparations to experience their beautiful flavours and amazing healing powers!
Ayurveda propagates that every dosha in the body (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) requires a prescribed dosage of different medicinal spices for optimum health and balance.
For Vata Body - Saffron, Basil, Fresh Ginger, Cumin, Black Pepper, Fennel.
For Pitta Body - Cinnamon, Mint, Coriander, Turmeric, Fennel, Fresh Cilantro, Cardamom
For Kapha Body - Clove, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Mustard Seeds, Chilli Peppers, Fenugreek Seeds
About Author :
AKAMI is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of kerala ayurvedic center propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic treatments in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis | Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurveda Treatment for Gynecological Disorders
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Shirodhara Experience The Ultimate Bliss
joint pain ayurveda treatment Shirodhara is a classical and a very popular Ayurvedic treatment procedure of slowly and steadily dripping warm medicated liquids on the center of the forehead of the patient, lying calmly on a comfortable bed.
The etymology of Shirodhara is from shira = head and dhara = a steady flow. This procedure induces a relaxed state of awareness, which results in a dynamic psycho-somatic balance. It is a well-established process through which a person will experience a total feeling of wellness, mental clarity, and comprehension. Shirodhara proved to have wonderful effects on psycho-neuro-immunology.
The medicated liquid is poured in an alternating pattern from a particular height and for a specific amount of time in a continuous stream onto the forehead, and then allowed to run over the scalp and through the hair in a soothing rhythm. The liquids include oils(Thailadhara), Milk(Ksheeradhara), Buttermilk(Takradhara) or Kashayam or Ayurvedic decoctions(Kashayadhara) etc. selected depending on the condition of the patient.
ACTION OF SHIRODHARA As per Ayurveda, three elements – Vata, Pitta & Kapha (Tridoshas) – control the human biological processes. The permutations of these determinants could vary in each person but a harmony of them is essential for overall health. According to Ayurveda, a disease can be cured by restoring the physiological and psychological equilibrium of the patient.
Nervous system of human body work in a synchronized manner with the signals to and from the brain through the network of nerves, which ultimately control the overall activities of the body. For the adequate functioning of nervous system and maintenance of one’s physical and psychological health, sufficient supply of oxygen and appropriate blood circulation are inevitable. Shirodhara is one among the Moordhni tailas of Ayurveda, ie; retaining taila for a stipulated time over the head. Shirodhara helps to increase the blood circulation to the brain and thus provides a greater supply of oxygen.
Shirodhara is used to treat a number of disease conditions as well as for relaxing purposes.
Enhances blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain, improves memory, provides good sleep and calms body and mind
Most effective in reducing stress, anxiety, emotional imbalances, depression and other mental disturbances which have become the part and parcel of hectic modern life. So can be considered as an ultimate mental and emotional relaxation therapy
Help in treating many disorders related to head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, neck and skin
Beneficial in the treatment of many neurological diseases like paralysis, nerve disorders etc.
Can prevent premature hair loss, dryness of hair, breaking of hair, greying of hair etc.
Stimulate the nervous system and sharpens the sense organs
Provide rejuvenation and revitalization to the body as a whole
Cools the body, reduce burning sensation and improves health of the skin
Improves concentration, memory, confidence and intellectual power
Provides a healthy mental disposition and a positive attitude towards life.
Note: Shirodhara should not be done immediately after food intake, in pregnant women, in certain acute inflammatory conditions, recent head and neck injuries etc. After the treatment, the patient should take adequate rest. For getting desired results, one should strictly avoid the following during the period of treatment – exposure to extreme hot or cold climates, exposure to wind, exercise, travel, day sleep, suppression of natural urges, alcoholism, smoking and unnecessary anger, grief etc. So in order to get the best out of it, Shirodhara should be performed only under the guidance and as per the advice of a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic Physician.
Footnotes : ayurvedic hospital in kerala | joint pain ayurveda treatment | ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases | ayurvedic treatment for brain stroke | ayurvedic treatment for multiple sclerosis
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Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems, originated about 3000 years ago in India. Ayurveda is not simply a healing system, but it is a way of life. The essence of Ayurveda is to keep the delicate balance between the body, mind and soul. Its purpose is to find the true balance of life by bringing adequate change in our diet and lifestyle.
Kerala, the Land of Ayurveda
Kerala can be called as the cradle of authentic Ayurveda practices. Ayurveda in Kerala is having a very suitable atmosphere which hand on its curative and restorative effects to the humanity. The even-tempered climate and the unique monsoon with almost uniform humidity makes it the ideal place for natural medicines to work at their highest levels of potency. The land is also blessed with affluent forest wealth having plenty of medicinal plants and herbs. This is a boon to Ayurveda in Kerala since it provide a continuous reliable supply of Ayurvedic medicines with uniform potency throughout all seasons. Thus Kerala with its ideal topographical setting and auspicious climate has made the purification and rejuvenation therapies most effective for the wellness of human body.
The primary aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of healthy people and to cure the diseases of sick people. Principally it comprises of 2 parts – cleansing therapy and pacifying therapy. When the toxins of the body causing diseases are in lesser quantity, pacifying medicines are given both internally and externally. Cleansing therapy which include the Panchakarmas of Ayurveda are used when the toxins are in greater quantity, thus draining them out from the body through the natural orifices.
Ayurveda Panchakarma includes specially designed five procedures of internal purification and detoxification of the body through the nearest possible route. Such purification allows the biological system to return to homeostasis and to rejuvenate rapidly and also facilitates the desired pharmaco-therapeutic effects of medicines administered thereafter. As a treatment procedure, Panchakarma has different roles - application in the treatment of disease, as preparatory measures before surgery in Ayurveda, before administration of Rasayana and Vajikarana therapy etc.
But today, Panchakarma expounded in Ayurveda is perhaps the most misunderstood of all Ayurveda practices. Due to ignorance, it is often perceived as just another system of oil massage.
Panchakarma is not only good for alleviating the disease but is also a useful modality of treatment in preserving and promoting the perfect health. Panchakarma with wider range of therapeutical effects will pave way to nourishment of tissues, rejuvenation, increasing virility etc.
In today's busy world more and more people are becoming victims of the adverse effects of stress and anxiety, which is leading to diseases like gastro-intestinal disorders, lack of sleep, allergies, heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue etc. These diseases caused mainly due to deep seated metabolic toxins. Panchakarma eliminates these metabolic toxins from the body allowing permanent healing of tissues and channels. Panchakarma well known as detoxification and rejuvenation therapy, helps to eliminate the disease causing toxins and revitalizes the tissues. Panchakarma has a full therapy role as preventive and curative procedure.
We welcome you all to join the detoxification regimen in AKAMI and enjoy the goodness of Ayurveda. We offer authentic Panchakarma and Kerala special Ayurveda treatments performed by professionally qualified and experienced therapists under the guidance of proficient and specialist doctors. Appropriate clinical examination of the patients will be carried out and the treatment protocol will be planned by the doctors after considering the physical and mental health of each individual.
Related Terms : Ayurveda Hospital in Kerala | Kerala Ayurvedic Center
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Detoxification is a painful process. I’ll reiterate “Any detox is a painful process; so, go ahead only if you really up for it.” This is the statement I shall tell anyone who plans on one. So if you think you really want one, we are here to help you.
Snehapana(sneha:fat; panam: to consume), the basic unit of “PANCHAKARMA”, involves administration of progressive amounts of fat(generally ghee), which in turn is rejected by the body along with the toxins, thus purifying the body.
Once I had a chat with a very renowned Ayurveda doctor, who happened to tell me that snehapanam is the ayurvedic equivalent of a modern surgery. I did not believe him at first, but when I pondered on the idea, I had a few interesting revelations.
No! The undigested ghee adds on to the lipid load. Not the digested one.
Yes! When the body has only Ghee to digest.
The answer lies in the basic unit of any living being; the cell. Our primary aim with snehapana is to make sure that all the cells (and I mean all of it) in the body are saturated with so much fat that its ready to expel everything out at the first chance, and in the process, flushing out toxins as well. Once the cell expels the fat, the plasma level increases, and to maintain the normal equilibrium, the excess plasma volume is transported back to the GIT (gastro-intestinal tract). Administration of a purgative or an emetic at this point will complete the detox process. So, it is our method of a surgery without cutting anyone open. Once the toxins are out, you are as good as new and ready to accept any medicine or therapy that goes in.
The Procedure:
Ghee is consumed at the time specified by the treating doctor.
Small sips of warm water are consumed every 45 minutes.
Belches are checked for the presence of ghee.
Once the feeling of complete digestion is ascertained, some warm water is had to ensure complete digestion of ghee.
Food is had only when the person feels hungry.
Light food like porridge etc. is preferred.
The following are to be adhered to for at-least 5 days post the procedure.
Hot water is to be used for all purposes.
Nothing cold is to be had during this time.
Even water for toilet purpose is to be used hot.
No exercise
No snacking is entertained.
Abstain from all habits
Total sexual abstinence.
No day sleep.
Milk and milk products (except ghee)are to be avoided.
Avoid sour substances.

Related Terms : Ayurveda Hospital in Kerala | Kerala Ayurvedic Center
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If you think the above image is PANCHAKARMA, THIS ARTICLE IS ALL YOURS.
I happened to see a board outside an “ Ayurveda center”, that read “LIST OF ALL PANCHAKARMA’S DONE HERE”. I wondered how many were there. As I read the list, I lost count.
So, I intend to bust a few myths. First, let me clarify. They are 5(five) in number; hence the term PANCHA (five) – KARMA(procedures) to begin with.
What would you do if your door is stuck?
I presume you would lubricate it. Well doesn’t that apply for the body too??
Panchakarma is a method of cleansing the body of all the unwanted waste after lubricating it. Please do look in to my earlier write-up on SNEHAPANA i.e. “medicated lubrication”.
Now what are 5 KARMA’S that we are talking about?
Before we come to that lets divide the body on the basis of the parts that need cleansing. Head, GIT (gastro- intestinal system)upper and lower. Now our forefathers were smart enough to understand that we will end up polluting our system, so, they devised PANCHAKARMAS. They are
Quite a lot to bite; but relevant as well.
VAMANAM or induced vomiting helps clear the upper gastro till the duodenum (end of stomach) and part of the respiratory tract.
VIRECHANAM or induced purgation clears the lower gastro from the duodenum (end of stomach) till the exit.
NASYAM or nasal instillation of medicated substances helps clear the respiratory tract and para-nasal sinuses.
ANUVASANAM or Oil enema helps lubricate the rectal area and take out all the lipid soluble waste out through the anus.
NIROOHAM or decoction enema cleanses the area from the transverse colon till the anus.
Before any of these procedures SNEHAPANA is done to expel the toxins from individual cells and is transported back to the GIT. Once SNEHAPANA is completed it is decided which of these are to be done depending upon the proximity of the waste. An increased level of upper respiratory tract waste shall call for VAMANAM. Similarly, a lower gastro accumulation of waste calls for a VIRECHANAM.
The decision is taken by the physician as to who needs to do what? Which means you cannot order a vamanam or nasyam or virechanam on AMAZON.
I hope I have done justice to my mission of busting the PANCHAKARMA myth.
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Infertility Ayurveda Treatment
According to Ayurveda Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a woman of reproductive age to contribute to conception & also the state of a woman who is unable to carry pregnancy to full term. Infertility is also defined as the failure to conceive after a year of regular intercourse without contraception according to modern science.
The problem of infertility is fairly common nowadays and it has become need of the hour to find out solution which is having less complications & affordable. Ayurvedic background about importance of treatment of Infertility is fully explored in ancient literature Atharvaveda .
Infertility may be due to male or female factors. Causes of infertility in woman include ovarian factors, tubal factors, age-related factors, uterine problems, PCOS, endometriosis etc. Menstrual cycle can be affected by many factors, such as diet, emotional instability, excessive physical exercise, life-style, and stress responsible for creating an imbalance of the Doshas (control the activities of the body-Vata, Pitta and Kapha).
Male infertility is usually caused by problems that affect either sperm production or sperm transport which include varicocele, infections, ejaculation problems, tumours, hormone imbalances, defects of tubules that transport sperm etc.
In Ayurveda main cause of any abnormal function in body is agnimandya (vitiation of the digestive fire of body) & tridosha dushti (vitiation of three governing factors of body). Ayurveda supports health by strengthening body's own self-healing and balancing mechanisms and doesn't rely on intervention by any outside or foreign substance to replace or correct the hormones in the body. It focuses on the treatment of infertility holistically with an aim of improving the overall health and quality of life of the individual.
Dietary management:
Diet plays a vital role in the prevention and cure of diseases and in maintenance of good health. "Annam Brahmam" - Food has been compared to God, in the ancient Indian scriptures since it is the main factor for sustaining and nourishing life.
Dietary management involves strict compliance and adherence to foods that increase Ojus (an intersection factor of physical, mental and spiritual health of the body, responsible for overall health, energy and liveliness) and to avoid the substances which diminish the Ojas. This is important to regulate ovulation and enhances fertilization. Eating whole foods provides all nutrients for the health of the body in addition to the fibres that influences hormonal levels of the body. Foods such as processed carbohydrates, excess starch, antibiotic and hormone laden meat and milk and canned produce destroy fertility. Ojas building food include as milk, ghee, nuts, , sesame seeds, dates, pumpkin seeds, honey, saffron and avocados, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, protein from plant sources like beans, and peas, sweet, whole grains, spices such as ajwain powder, turmeric (improves the interaction between hormones and targeted tissues), cumin (purifies the uterus in women and the genitourinary tract in men) and black cumin boost fertility.
Diet should be free from Trans-fats as they block arteries, threaten fertility and harm the heart and blood vessels and therefore, must be avoided. Foods containing preservatives and other chemicals, like artificial sweeteners, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), diet high in fat and other artificial flavouring and colouring, excess alcohol and caffeine, tobacco, soda, smoking, red meat, refined carbohydrates, such as pasta, white bread, rice etc can exacerbate the problem of infertility.
Treatment principles of Infertility in Ayurveda:
Agni deepana and Ama pachanaAma formation (toxins created when undigested food forms in the stomach) by the imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion) lead to many diseases. Therefore, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of Agni, including the use of digestive and carminative Ayurvedic formulations, eating meals at proper time following an appropriate schedule. Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments help to eliminate Ama thus corrects Agni. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas.
VatanulomanaThe main dosha involved in infertility is Vata. So Vatanulomana (correcting the functions of Vata) is very important in the treatment of infertility. Ayurvedic formulations, following routine exercises and strict diet schedule will help in Vatanulomana.
SodhanaSuitable sneha-swedas are done prior to sodhana. Then treatment modalities like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (puragation), Vasti (medicated enema) and Utharavasti special enema administered through urethral or vaginal routes) are done as per the condition of the patient. The patient has to follow peyadi krama (strict dietary regimen to be followed after Sodhana). This detoxification therapy helps in the expulsion of the toxins from the body. These therapies help to correct ovarian, tubular and uterine problems causing infertility. Ayurveda treatments help in releasing tension and removing impurities from the body. They nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. They are beneficial in reducing stress, nourishing all dhatus of the body and pacifying Vata.
Ayurvedic herbsinfertility itself does not stand alone. It is the result of some other disease. So the herbs used in the treatment are directed towards eradicating the underlying cause. The most commonly known and used herbs such as Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus Racemousus), Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis) are extremely useful formulations which help create the synergistic hormonal balance between the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
No individual herb alone is considered useful for promoting fertility. Therefore, a combination of herbs is used in the treatment of infertility with the purpose of correcting an organic or functional problem that causes infertility.
Ayurvedic herbs used in the treatment for infertility:
Ovulation disorder - Ashoka, Dashmoola, Shatavari, Aloe vera, Guggulu etc.
Premature ovarian failure (POF) - Ashoka, Dashmoola, Shatavari, Guduchi, Jeevanti etc.
Blocked fallopian tubes, adhesions (scar tissue) and pelvic inflammatory disease - Guduchi, Punarnava etc.
The right combination of herbs helps in regulating menstrual cycles, enhancing general health and wellness, revitalizing sperm (enhancing a man's sperm count, morphology and motility), reducing stress, enhancing sleep, controlling anxiety and increasing energy level, balancing the endocrine system and improving blood flow in pelvic cavity, thereby promoting fertility.
Related Terms: Ayurveda Hospital in Kerala | Kerala Ayurvedic Center
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Is dry cough keeping you awake? Find relief through Ayurveda
Dry cough (Shushka-Kasa) is a very common ailment nowadays, especially in cities. The allergens or pollutants in the environment enter your throat pipe, lungs or airways and trigger your body to cough them out! This continued action (natural reflex) causes inflammation of the respiratory tract and throat. Dry cough can last for a very long time, even become chronic.
A person suffering from this disease displays the following symptoms:
Frequent dry cough
Phlegm/sputum production
Burning sensation or suffocation in the chest
Pain in the region of heart, temples, head, abdomen, sides
Dryness in the mouth, excessive thirst, bitter taste
Sore throat, hoarseness of voice
Difficulty in swallowing food
Tiredness, weakness
Nausea after eating food.
To shield from this disease, your respiratory system must have a strong immunity but with poor nutrition, irregular lifestyle and growing environmental toxicity, it is hard for your body to fight back. The main causes of dry cough are respiratory tract infections, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, suppression of vomiting and inflammation due to irritants/allergens. The last reason is the most common one!
When dry coughs are provoked by prolonged exposure to high pollution-levels, dust, allergy and toxic smoke (like cigarettes) it is known as 'Vataja Kasa’ in Ayurveda.How Ayurvedic Treats Dry Cough?
Prana Vayu and Udana Vayu (types of Vata) govern the respiratory system. When allergens, viruses, and bacteria vitiate them, irritation occurs. As a countermeasure, the body forcibly expels air to remove the obstruction. During this process, the Vata (biological air) balance in the body gets impaired and causes “Vataja Kasa”.
If you are suffering from Dry cough, try out these effective Ayurvedic home remedies:
Before bedtime, take warm milk with turmeric and honey. This works as a natural antibiotic.
Consume turmeric powder mixed with honey three times a day.
Licorice (Mulethi) lozenges to reduce inflammation.
Use the decoction of Sauf (Aniseeds) as the base water to make coffee or tea.
Sooth your infected throat pipe with natural cough syrup made by mixing ginger and honey. Boil a piece of ginger (peeled) in water. Filter and mix 1 tsp of honey and consume. You can even chew small pieces of ginger sprinkled with water for its anti-inflammatory properties
Add a pinch of cinnamon powder in warm water or tea for relief from throat irritability
Drink tea made of Tulsi (Basil leaves), ginger and honey
You can chew Tulsi leaves throughout the day for faster recovery
Don’t forget to make some important lifestyle changes like:
Avoid interaction with allergens (pollution, dust, pollen etc.)
Abstain from junk, dry or spicy food
A nourishing diet should be taken in small quantities (preferably as soups) until the digestive Agni becomes strong
Have plenty of rest
Consume clean, room temperature/warm water
Do Pranayama for building lung’s health
Avoid irritants like smoke from mosquito coils, incense etc
Follow strict food and sleep schedule. Have dinner before sunset
Install humidifier in the bedroom
Consume food rich in Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system
Apart from these home remedies, the Vaids at AKAMI AYURVEDA prescribe medicinal preparations depending on patients’ dosha composition (Vata-Pitta-Kapha balance) and disease symptoms. Today, Ayurveda has advanced medicines for curing related ailments like irritable dry cough, chronic fever, throat infection and respiratory diseases. For example: Draksharishta, Vaikrantabaddaras, Pravalachandrodaya, Ekotharavrudhimahalakshmivilasarasa, Talisadi Churna, Sithopaladhi Churna and Lakshmivilasarasa.
To treat ‘Vataja Kasa’(most common dry cough) the following treatment plan is followed:
Application of oils and/or heat to the prana vaha srota (respiratory system). Eg. Sesame oil massaged into the chest followed by fomentation.
Ghrita (medicated ghee) administration. Ghee is prepared using warm or moist expectorant herbs: Kantakari, vasaka, licorice and wild cherry bark.
For the digestive system anuvasana basti (oil enema) or niruha basti (decoction enema) is done.
Prescription of Sitopaladi Churna. It is a combination of many herbs and spices with chief herb being Vamsa Rochana.
Related Searches : Ayurveda Hospital in Kerala | Kerala Ayurvedic Centre
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