Brown-Girl travel agent making my mark on the world and my way across the map. Let's Get Lost…Together!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

My coy son tagged me in this. This is so me. I don't understand. Why don't you have one? Come on. I love traveling both in our beautiful country but I also love exploring the world. #datingrules #nopassport #why #icanthearyoupassnopassport #letsexplore #singlelife #isthiswhyimsingle😁 (at AJ Excursions)
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How many of you go shopping before a trip? To shop while on your trip? What do you shop for? What are your must have for shopping for your trip?? #gettingreadyforvacation #shoppingforvacation #travel #traveler #vacation #travel #travelgram #doyoushopbeforeyourtrip (at AJ Excursions)
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When I can look at someone and say this....I know they are who I should marry. #vacation #travel #loveyoumorethsnvacays #bawahahahahahahaha (at AJ Excursions)
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This right here is disturbing my soul. Bring our girls home. D.C. Is in America. We are not talking about another country. Protect our girls. Escort our girls. Monitor our girls. They are worth fighting for. We are their protectors. I have questions: where are you going? Who are you going with? When are you going? Who's going to be there? What time will you be home, wait, how are you getting home? #protect #protectandserve #bringourgirlshome #dcisinamerica #whacanwedo (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers. Happy Tuesday. Think about this for a moment. It's time to step out of your comfort zone. Trust me you will survive. You will learn. You will grow. You will gain a new perspective about others and yourself. #travelinspiration #travelgram #traveler #travelingisamovement #thisisamovement #travel #worldclasstravelcrew #traveling #comfortzone #goexplore #explore #youwillsurvive (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers. LADIES don't let this one pass you by. This is A MOVEMENT. #ispeaktravelfluently #travelismylovelanguage #travelinspiration #travelgram #solo #solotraveler #solotraveling #women #traveler #travel #traveling #travelingisamovement #thisisamovement (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers, especially my ladies. Happy Wednesday. This isn't simply a Tee Shirt Lone, but A MOVEMENT. This tee shirt says it all. Go to you won't be disappointed. Swipe left to see the tee by itself. #travelgram #travelinspiration #travelismylovelanguage #willworkfortravel #ispeaktravelfluently #solotraveler #solotravel #womensolotraveler #solo #travel#traveler #teeshirt #teeshirtsaysitall #thisisntsimplyateeshirt #thisisamovement #worldclasstravelcrew (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers. Happy snow day for us Northerners. Happy Tuesday. I work my travel agency so I can also see the world. One place at a time. I see people traveling all the time and it makes me what to say forget it I'm out. Then my bills tap me on the shoulder and say ummmmmmmm we need our money. One day my agency will be my full time gig.....but I love my students so yeah. Happy travels. #ispeaktravel #ispeaktravelfluently #travel #traveler #willworkfortravel #travelismylovelanguage #travelingisamovement #thisisamovement #travelinspiration #travelgram #traveling #travelagency #travelagent (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers and scorpions. Based off our zodiac these are the two cities we should love in. It's funny because I go to Venice yearly oh my beating heart is screaming I told you so. This is what the article said: Scorpio, you are all about fire and passion. So of course, the stars are sending you to the sexiest and spiciest city in the country, Miami. Miami will keep you energized. It’s the perfect city for someone who is full of life, just like you. Miami will honor your powerful side and even indulge your love for the dramatics. You can spend your days lazing on South Beach, your weekends in the artistic Wynwood neighborhood, and your nights in Miami’s famous club district. Looking for some fun a bit farther abroad? The stars suggest Venice, Italy for you! Venice is a secretive and secluded Italian city, which works for a mysterious Scorpio like you. You’ll love how relaxed the city is, but not too relaxed that you won’t find a channel for your energetic nature. Spend your days exploring Venetian alleyways and canals that will give you all the romance and adventure you crave. #traveling #travelawesome #travelgram #travelinspiration #worldclasstravelcrew #travelinspiration #travelismylovelanguage #ispeaktravel #ispeaktravelfluently #travelbyzodiac #scorpio #mondayhumor (at AJ Excursions)
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Hey fellow travelers. So let me tell you about @expedia today. I am finalizing a trip for myself as the client. I check my Expedia account and see my flight that has been changed. I'm like ummmmmmmm when did this happened?! I check my email for the change and I have all changes to any of my booking saved in a file folder. Well there is no email to be found. So I call them. First, I'm told that the flight I was on was cancelled and they had to change me. Okay, I call the person traveling with me to notify them, but guess what their flight hasn't been changed. WHAT?!?!?! I call them back for them then to tell me that the notified me and I approved this change. Also, the airline notified me as well. I'm confused so I check all emails, sent, deleted because I need my twin self to notify when we make changes (please hear the sarcasm). Nothing. Now Expedia tells me I can pay the change fee. Nope, not happening. Just put me back on my original flight. Oh we can't the flight was over sold and you were bumped. I can fly out earlier, not happening or later really not happening. I'm pissed off to say the least. I know have a 3.5 layover while my partner does mot😂😫😂😫😫😱😱Expedia you have messed up now. I will not be using your services and I will not recommend my clients to use you. Ask Priceline how I will cut you off and not recommend you. See customer service is vital I don't care how big or small you are. #expediaisniteecommendedanymore #noexpedia #flight #traveling #travelagent #travelagency #traveler #alsoaclient #nothappy #badcustomerservice (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers. Happy Friday. This is so true. We keep taking each other out on dates, traveling, cuddling. My passport takes great care of me. Happy travels, happy travel thoughts, happy travel planning. #traveler #travelismylovelanguage #ispeaktravel #ispeaktravelfluently #worldclasstravelcrew #travelinspiration #passport #passportismycuddlebuddy #traveling #travelgram #travelawesome #travelhumor #imserious (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers. Happy Tuesday. Let's get these stamps. I love looking in my book to see my stamps. Well happy traveling, planning and dreaming from your travel agent/agency!!!! #travelawesome #travelagency #enjoylife #travelmotivation #motivation #travelinspiration #travel #traveler #traveling #travelismylovelanguage #ispeaktravel #ispeaktravelfluently #worldclasstravelcrew (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers. Happy Monday. This picture says it all. Get out there and travel. There is a world waiting for you to explore, experience and make memories. Comment letting me know your next trip. #blackwomentraveltoo #blackeomentraveltooteeshirt #blackgirlmagic #travel #traveler #traveling #travelinspiration #motivation #travelmotivation #travelgram #enjoylife #thisismyhappy #travelagent #travelagency #travelawesome (at AJ Excursions)
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I just hollered. Night humor. #fridayeve #laugh #lol #enjoylife (at AJ Excursions)
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We love this tee shirt. This tee shirt says it all, well for a lot of us. #travelismylovelanguage #ispeaktravelfluently #ispeaktravel #travelgram #worldclasstravelcrew #travel#traveler #traveling #itravel
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I need to find me a room in my home to do this. How many of my fellow travelers would do this? I would then put pins in all the places I've been. Does this say I'm a little addicted to traveling????? #travelgram #ispeaktravel #ispeaktravelfluently #travel #travelwall #traveler #travelwallpaper #ijustneedonewall #travelismylovelanguage #traveltheme (at AJ Excursions)
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Morning my fellow travelers. Happy Tuesday. Our travel inspiration of the day. We are all learners and we get the greater of our education from traveling experiences. Have a blessed day planning a trip, dreaming of a trip, getting ready for a trip or on a trip! #travel #traveler #traveling #travelinspiration #worldclasstravelcrew #travelismylovelanguage #travelgram #ispeaktravel #ispeaktravelfluently #lifelonglearner #myschoolistheworld
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