aizawaluvr · 10 months
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` ♰ . . . SUGURU GETO.
[ Cigarette Memories ]
It had been three months.
Three months since your boyfriend had left.
Two years turned into a memory at the snap of your fingers as he drifted into the shadows and out of your life. At first it hurt, really bad. His name held itself on the tip of your tongue and your messages never sent. Your thumbs ached but your heart was broken and for awhile you believed you wouldn't survive without him. Until three months passed and Sugu was just Geto and Geto was a dream. a memory of smoke and leather.
His aftershave still lingered on the flannel that had been hung up in the same place. untouched and increasingly forgotten. The dining table he used to etch marks into had then been painted over, nothing just blurred marks and his presence grew smaller with each dunset until you had almost forgotten about him completely.
Until it turns dark, that is.
The blackness of the night sky reflected your insomniac soul. It clouded against the stars, and they began to feel further away as time progressed but you only wished for them to return, to smile your way once again. Your life had became ordinary once more, but now it felt pointless and the tears on your pillow reminded you of him.
Your Sugu, your soulmate.
It seemed that the day was your saviour, the bright blue sky and pearly white clouds became your blanket of peace as the darkness only reflected him completely and it consumed you until it began to hurt.
Sat on the ledge, your eyes wandered the streets and your tired mind created stories under the street lamps as they illuminated the emptiness of the street. You focused on the light, you zoned in on it, silently begging for more but the darkness closed in with sharp eyes and long hair and you start to hurt once again.
And just like every night, under the lights, his shadow consumed the yellow glow.
Hand out, asking to dance.
One last time.
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aizawaluvr · 2 years
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` ♰ . . . KEIGO TAKAMI.
[ College Boyfriend ]
College bf Keigo who waits outside your classroom for your lesson to end, texting you to look at the window as he pulls random faces trying to make you laugh.
College bf Keigo who is extremely popular on campus, he hugs and says hey to literally everyone who calls him by name, but yet he literally has no clue who they are. He's just too nice to ask, 'who are you?"
College bf Keigo who leaves his assignments last minute, then comes crying to you a few hours before the deadline, you spend the time doing the assignments together. Afterwards he buys you your favourite takeaway as a thank you.
College bf Keigo who works at the local cafe, they like him up front because his beauty brings in more customers. He flirts with the old ladies, beware they may steal your man.
College bf Keigo who hosts multiple parties a year and has jumped from the roof and into the pool multiple times. It doesn't scare you anymore, he's done it that many times.
College bf Keigo who loves karaoke. Goes to the karaoke bars with a small group of friends and spends two hours screaming into the mic until he goes back, calling you with a scratchy voice.
College bf Keigo who lives at a frat house, with his boys. He isn't a douchebag, he just looks like one and lives in a frat house.
College bf Keigo who used to buy weed from Touya, now they're best friends and smoke in Touya's shitty old car on parking lots. Once Keigo sent a video of them doing donuts on the empty lot at 3AM. They weren't doing donuts, looked more like semi-circles tbh.
College bf Keigo who uses your body wash because he forgot to bring his own when he snuck into your dorm to stay the night. The next day his friends make fun of him for smelling like 'girly soft shit', he loves it though.
College bf Keigo who screams your name across campus when he sees you leave your building. He will run right up to you and embarass you as everyone watches like ???
College bf Keigo who joins a band, drummer and he actually gets really good at it. The band plays at weekends at the local bars, this skyrockets his popularity even more, if that was even possible.
College bf Keigo who once threw one of his drumsticks off the stage for you to catch but it accidentally smacked off your head, he almost cried because you kept playing it up like it really hurt you. (it didn't. You just like to make fun of him)
College bf Keigo who climbed a statue on campus and got stuck, begging you to help him down. You stood there laughing at him videoing it. It still makes you laugh as he sits beside you like ' -.- '.
College bf Keigo who bought you one of those starlight lamps. You watch the stars on your walls and ceiling for hours as you tell each other random stories.
College bf Keigo who is the type that asks you to tell him what you thought of him when you first met ALL. THE. TIME. and if you didn't like him he acts offended each time as if he hasn't been told the same stories over 500 times.
College bf Keigo who is whipped. Like disgustingly whipped. His friends make fun of it but he's like 'I know.' With a stupid grin as he watches you hang out with your friends.
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aizawaluvr · 2 years
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` ♰ . . . SHOUTA AIZAWA.
[ Things to Love ]
We know he loves cats. But he likes to the feed stray cats in his area, he's done it so often that they all congregate in the same area every evening to wait for him.
He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth and prefers dark chocolate over any other type. He gives sweeter foods he isn't keen on to those around him who do - maybe you, definitely Eri and Hizashi.
His love language is acts of service. He isn't good with words, and he's only physically affectionate towards you and Eri. His most usual sign of love is flowers every Friday, for the end of the week with a sweet thank you. Also, picking up your favourite snacks when he sees them.
He prefers baths over showers. He likes to relax and sometimes he falls asleep in the bath, especially when he leaves the lights off, it's scared you multiple times.
He believes in the paranormal, he finds the stories interesting and he has many of his own stories from over the years of late night patrols.
He's also a great storyteller. He's not much of a talker but when he's telling a story everyone becomes mesmerised.
He literally pretty much only has black clothing. Even his socks and underwear are black. There's a few odd colours that is kept tucked away because he doesn't like how disorganised they look in the rest.
And funnily enough, his pink joggers are his favourite to wear around the house. He bought both you and Eri matching pairs, now all three of you wear them a lot.
He is an incurable insomniac, but he hates energy drinks. They give him the vilest headaches and he generally hates the taste of them.
He has nice handwriting, sort of hard to read because it's in cursive though.
He's an android user and doesn't customise anything. His lockscreen is of you and Eri with cats. But that's the only thing he changes.
He has a love for spicy food and he handles spice like a pro. He loves food in general but spicy / savoury are his favourite.
He doesn't snore when he sleeps but sometimes he mumbles, and he has nightmares pretty much every night. But sometimes he's tired to the point he doesn't dream at all.
He doesn't cry much but when he does he prefers to do it when he's alone. He's only cried two times in front of you and that's because of his past and when he hadnt been able to protect you as well as he could have. It broke your heart.
He loves lazy kisses. Cuddling while sharing soft kisses in between small conversations, it's sweet and cute and it's a reminder of how comfortable he feels with you.
He has scars littered across his body. Some bigger than others and though he doesn't pay much attention to his body he does wonder if you find the scars unattractive, even when you trace and kiss them.
Speaking of his body, he's ripped, big and beefy and tall. To keep in shape to do all the work he does, he needs to stay fit and usually wears baggy clothing so it hides how muscular he really is. He will admit he's most proud of his thighs and shoulders - they're big.
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aizawaluvr · 2 years
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` ♰ . . . SHOUTA AIZAWA.
[ As Your Husband ]
Husband Aizawa who wakes up before you, kissing your cheek and pouring you a hot drink for the day ahead.
Husband Aizawa who makes sure to keep quiet as he comes back from patrol, even injured he steps lightly to the bathroom to tend to his wounds, hoping you don't wake up.
Husband Aizawa who tells you to go back to bed when you walk in on him cleaning the cut on his torso, hissing at the sting. But you refuse and lead him to sit on the lid of the toilet, to help him.
Husband Aizawa who holds you close, even after you're asleep he struggles to doze off but he feels content with his arms wrapped around your form. It's like a moment of peace for him before he falls to sleep himself.
Husband Aizawa who allows your adopted daughter, Eri, to play with his hair, clips and hair ties hold his hair in styles you never thought to exist as you laugh, he scowls at you as you take photos, which he deletes on the sly when you're away from your phone later on.
Husband Aizawa who likes to put Eri to bed with a book, you watch him from the doorway and force yourself to stay awake as his deep voice serenades both you and your daughter.
Husband Aizawa who joins you in the shower, enjoying the hot water and your skin against his, your fingernails scratching his scalp as you wash it for him, watching your face relax as he washes your hair.
Husband Aizawa who loves it when you pack his lunch, especially with a cute note of encouragement for the rest of work, he smiles gently and keeps all the notes in the desk drawer to look back on when he misses you.
Husband Aizawa who sends photos randomly of things you might like, animals, items in shop windows, flowers and trees, sunset and sunrises and the stars too.
Husband Aizawa who acts unbothered, yet he cares more than the average person, messaging you random times in the day to see how you are, especially if you haven't messaged him as much.
Husband Aizawa who doesn't use social media at all and wonders why his coworkers say you and he looked nice on your latest post, he couldn't even remember taking a photo with you - never mind that you posted it.
Husband Aizawa who isn't a jealous man, he is protective though. He doesn't use touch to show you're his, he uses his eyes and his demeanour. Soft and sweet with you, harsh and cold with others.
Husband Aizawa who laughs more than people would think. Especially at home in his comfort. He has a great sense of humour with a deep raspy laugh, you wouldn't describe a laugh as sexy until you heard his. Until he wheezes then you're laughing as hard as he is.
Husband Aizawa who hates to clean up but halves the workload for you, he does the dishes, mops and hoovers and needs a three hour rest afterwards. As he claims so anyway...
Husband Aizawa who loves you more than life itself, as he isn't so good with words, he likes to show you in other smaller subtle ways.
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aizawaluvr · 2 years
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— ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ tell me, darling. what are your desires? ❜
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