airplanetae · 2 years
doing fine - blindsided ch. 2
genre: angst, idol au, breakup au, fluff
pairing: ex boyfriend!namjoon x reader, platonic yoongi x reader
word count: 1.4k
summary: having yoongi back in your life helps you get back to some semblance of normalcy.
a/n: hi y’all :) senior year of college is a trip. guess who started therapy?!? anyways, i have a research proposal and a rough draft due tomorrow that i haven’t started, but this fic was calling my name lol. unedited bc i was so eager to get it out to you guys lolol. as always, please enjoy and let me know what you think!
taglist: @4evahevah @ayatie97 <3<3
“I don’t get it.” You sigh. Your friends are right, this is ridiculous. 
“I mean, it’s not like we were married or had a kid. Why can’t I get over him?” You groan as you roll over in bed, throwing a pillow over your head.
“You’re mourning, Y/N. You’ve gotta go at your own pace.” Yoongi tries. He watches as your shoulders relax but your hands stay curled in tight fists.
“Nobody died.” You grumble. 
The pillow slides from your face to your chest and you cling to it like a child does a teddy bear. The crease Yoongi often feels on his own face has transferred to yours, making a home between your brows, and you’ve stolen his signature pout as well. The scene in front of him is a far cry from the noisy, outgoing, vivacious person he knew just a year ago.
It feels like you did, he wants to say. Physically, you’re right in front of him, very much alive, but you’re nothing like you used to be. This you is a shell of the Y/N he knows.
“I’ve mourned every coffee that Jungkook spilled before rehearsal.” He says.
That gets a laugh out of you, breaking your face out of its despondent mold.
Picking at the pillow’s tassels, you ask,“He spilled multiple coffees?” A giggle trickling into your words as you look at him.
“Yep, even after he promised he’d be ‘extra careful, hyung’, little brat even pinky swore.” He emphasizes Jungkook’s alleged promise, holding up his own pinky.
“Why did you keep bringing coffee around him if you knew he would spill it?” You chuckle.
He huffs out a laugh and shrugs. “I take my pinky swears very seriously, Y/N. The kid gave me his word and I foolishly trusted it.” He shakes his head. A wistful look takes over his face as he pretends to gaze into the distance. “So many delicious americanos...wasted.”
“You’re so dramatic.” You reply, turning back onto your side.
Yoongi takes a moment to look at you. You’ve changed out of the crewneck from last night, opting for a t-shirt from your alma mater and a pair of leggings. At his insistence, a tall glass of ice water sits on your bedside table. He’d even grabbed a coaster and fashioned the drink with a straw to encourage you to drink it. Hydration is key, he’d told you. 
The two of you had made some progress in cleaning up your apartment, starting with gathering up the take-out boxes and various wrappers dirtying your space. Once that was done, the piled-up dishes were loaded into the washer. Yoongi had even volunteered to take your clothes down to the washing machines in the basement despite laundry being his least favorite chore. With every flame of embarrassment that lit up your cheeks, he brushed any discomfort off. He was sad for you, yes. But he knew the old you was still in there, waiting to be brought back to life.
“I think I might try to text one of my old friends, maybe see if she’s in town,” you posed, curious for his opinion.
Yoongi hesitated, turning his answer over in his mouth. On the one hand, he was pissed at your “friends” for abandoning you in this state. On the other, he supported anything that got you back to normal.
“That sounds great,” He finally worked out, hoping that having your back turned meant you didn’t hear the slight unease in his voice.
You don’t notice. You simply roll back over and grab your drink, taking a nice long gulp from it. Exhaling, you look around the room before stopping on him. He’s still in his clothes from yesterday, his hair slightly messy from not being brushed. Waves of guilt begin licking at you again, knowing you’ve taken time from his break.
“Why don’t you, um, head back and get changed? I know you’ve got to be ready to get out of those clothes.” You ask, looking down at the floor. 
That crease works itself in between his brows again, coupled with a quirk in his lip. He is desperate for a hot shower, but he doesn’t want to leave you. Sensing his reluctance, you double down on your suggestion.
“Really, I’ll be fine. You earned this break, Yoongi, please,” you insist, meeting his eyes again.
While he’s not entirely thrilled with the idea, he agrees, telling you that he’ll be back in a couple of hours. Once the door shuts behind him, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. The release in your shoulders has tears gathering in your eyes. Not only did you not deserve Yoongi, but you’d been humiliated by having him see the state of your apartment, your life. Never before had you been this messy, this disgusting. And yet, he’d acted like it was nothing more than a minor spill of some water, just something to be cleaned up in a minute or so. Taking a deep breath, you glanced at the timer to see how long your clothes had left in the wash.
Fifteen minutes left in the wash. A few hours until Yoongi got back. A million things that still needed to be done. Glancing at your bed, you tried to think back to the last time you’d changed the sheets. Hm. Nothing. You were drawing a blank.
“Wow. That is very cool and sexy of you to have nasty-ass sheets, y/n.” You laughed at yourself.  
So, you decided you would start there. After fetching new sheets from the closet, you figured you would make the bed while you were at it, regardless of if it was the middle of the day. After adding the old sheets to the laundry basket, you looked around at your room. A small burst of energy hit you and little by little, you worked through your entire room. Two trash bags and a pile of to-be donated clothes later, Yoongi was knocking on your door. Wiping the sweat off of your forehead, you dropped the bags next to the couch.
“One sec, Yoongs!” You called. Has it been that long? Sure enough, the time on the stove confirmed at least two hours had passed.
“Aw, fuck, my laundry!” You shouted, scurrying to the door.
You could hear Yoongi laughing as you opened the door, seeing a duffle in one of his hands and take-out in the other. Hearing your panic, he stepped to the side to let you run downstairs.
“I’ll be right back!” You called over your shoulder.
Yoongi just shook his head as he stepped past the threshold. Noticing the trash bags and pile of clothes, he wondered what you had gotten up to while he was out. He set his bag on the bar stool while he opened the dinner he’d grabbed for the two of you. He certainly didn’t feel like cooking, especially after the state of your fridge had made him shudder, which quickly earned him a jab to the rib from you.
“Whew! Okay, laundry is safely in the dryer,” you sighed, closing the door behind you. You stop at the smell of ramen and take notice of Yoongi standing at the counter. His hair has that fluffy quality to it again, along with a gentle sheen across his cheeks from the light. He looks refreshed, and completely out of place in your home. Swallowing your self-consciousness, you go to ask how it was at the dorms, but he stops you before you can get the words out.
“What’s in the bags?” He asks, reading over the slips to make sure your orders are correct.
“Oh, I, um, cleaned my room. And I went through some of my old clothes,” you explain.
He blinks in surprise, but it’s quickly replaced by a soft smile. He’s proud.
“Great. We’ll take the trash down after dinner, and I can run your clothes to a Goodwill or something tomorrow,” he offers.
You nod, clearing a space at the bar for the two of you to eat. As you start to dig in, you ask about traveling and the tour. As the ramen warms your stomach, Yoongi’s stories entertain you until it’s time to clean up. You keep prodding him for more details, listening intently as you fold your freshly dried laundry. As he talks, you realize it’s the first time you’ve seen some of these clothes in months. You try to blink away the tears gathering in your eyes, your heart swelling with gratefulness for the man sitting in front of you. 
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airplanetae · 2 years
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happy birthday, yoongi! ♡ [cr. moajmjk00]
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airplanetae · 2 years
hi friends! just wanted to say thank you for reading and leaving notes on my works! it really makes me feel inspired to write more <3
right now i'm drafting out the next chapters of both blindsided and icmylm, as well as working on a few other works from my masterlist! hoping to get some more stuff out soon for y'all :)
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airplanetae · 2 years
alone again, naturally
genre: soulmate au, angst, fluff, reader sort of fosters boyfriends lol
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader, *** x reader
word count: 1.6k
summary: it’s one thing to be someone’s perfect match, it’s another to actually be a good partner. that’s where you come in, training men to be the perfect boyfriend when they meet their soulmate. jungkook, who is more than ready to be in love, applies to be your next trainee.
a/n: finally! the first chapter of i can't make you love me!! you guys seemed as excited for this one as i was and here it is :) apologies for how long it took, adjusting to junior year in person was...interesting. but, as always, thank you for reading and feel free to tell me what you think!! ily ⁽˙³˙⁾
taglist: @4evahevah @ayatie97 <3<3
“So I’ll see you around 5:30, right?” You called to your boyfriend from the kitchen where you were screwing the lid on his coffee cup. He’d made reservations for your five month anniversary tonight, and he’d even managed to snag the same booth you’d had your first date in. You hadn’t mentioned anything about the significance of going to the same restaurant, and   the booth was just the cherry on top. He’d turned out to be a quick learner.
A gentle kiss on your head pulls your eyes from the cup in your hands to the man beside you. A small smile graces your face as you take him in. He’d always dressed smartly, working in the corporate world, but you’d seen a change in the patterns and styles since you’d gotten together. Before, it was the same basic outfit with his hair gelled to perfection. Now, a plethora of colors and trendy pieces could be found in his closet, and his newfound fluffy locks were just waiting to be ruffled. You weren’t exactly sure when, but sometime within the past five months this abrasive and closed-off man had softened into someone you truly enjoyed being around.
Someone you could enjoy the rest of your life with.
He smiles back at you before leaning down to leave another kiss on your nose.
“5:30, and not a minute later. Did you decide what you were wearing?” He wraps his arms around you while he talks, and you melt into the expanse of his chest. You’d never cared what the men looked like, but it was always a bonus when they were taller than you.
“Mm, the dress you said you liked a couple weeks back, and the jewelry set you got me for my birthday.” You reply, relishing the last few moments before he has to leave. Lee Jong-suk has by far been the easiest one to be with, and you might even feel a tinge of sadness when you have to see him go one day. Thankfully, you can enjoy him for at least this moment.
Reaching up, you muss his hair for good measure, earning a laugh from the both of you. One last kiss is shared before he’s out the door and you’re left to start your day.
After cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast, you decide to lay out your outfit for tonight. While you had a general rule of not doing anything past second base in your “relationships”, the comments he’d made the last time you wore that dress were more than enough to convince you to bring it back out.
About twenty minutes later, you’re dressed for the day. A pair of loose jeans and a plain white top that you could throw a fancier jacket over in case you needed to pop out to the shops. Your eyes pass over your studs in favor of a small, dangly gold pair of earrings that match the barrette in your hair. A basic outfit, but something that looked put together was your goal.
Just as you sit down to answer emails, your phone alerts you to a message from Jong-suk.
Please, God. Anyone. Jungkook knows he’d be a good soulmate. He knows it. Maybe if he tries hard enough he can pull a Twilight and imprint, or something. Anything. He’s spent weeks in this coffee shop drafting letter after letter, trying to get all of his feelings onto paper so he has room to breathe. It’s almost suffocating how ready he is to be in love.
A flash of light skirts across his eyes, knocking him out of his trance.
Is that the sign? Is it happening?
He looks around, but he doesn’t feel drawn to anyone. No one is causing his breath to catch, or his world to stop spinning. It happens again, and he realizes the light was from the sparkly barrette holding your hair out of your face reflecting the sun. With a sigh, he deflates into the seat. You look nice enough, dressed like you put effort into your outfit, but not overdressed.
Why not her? She’s cute. God, why-
Your mouth is moving. And you’re looking at him. You’re standing in front of him, and you're speaking to him.
“Is there something on my face? You were staring pretty hard, and looked kind of angry, so-”
“Oh, no, sorry. Just..thinking about something.”
God, even your voice was cute. Was he sure he didn’t feel anything? He swallows, glancing from your eyes, to your mouth, to the small gold earrings you’re wearing.
And he doesn’t feel a damn thing besides embarrassment.
So, he tries making conversation, hoping there’s just a delay in the universe connecting your souls.
“Is there an office party? That’s a lot of food you’ve got there.”
You’re holding a drink carrier with three cups and a bag of treats, so he goes with that.
“Oh, this is for my boyfriend and his soulmate. They just met this morning, so we’re celebrating.”
That catches him off guard.
Jungkook can’t remember if any of his friends were exactly heartbroken when their girlfriends found their soulmates, but he’s sure as hell they didn’t treat everyone to coffee and donut holes.
“Um, what?”
“Well, I guess I should say ex-boyfriend now. But, yeah. He texted me this morning on his way to work.” You reply.
He looks for the tears he knows should be gathering in your eyes right now, but he can’t find any. You don’t seem to be upset at all. He supposes if you knew you weren’t soulmates, you’d break up eventually, but the complete absence of any negative emotions on your face throws him for a loop.
“You’re making that face again.”
For the second time, you pull him out of his thoughts, and he feels the crease between his eyebrows smooth out. He tries to say something, but his mouth just hangs open. It isn’t until your laugh trickles out that he can form thoughts again.
“Well, I’ve got to run, but it was nice to meet you..?”
You’re asking for his name. His brain turns on just enough to squeak out a response.
“Jungkook. I’m Y/N.” You smile before turning and leaving the shop.
Within the week, Jong-suk has all of his things moved out of your (no longer) shared apartment. The various “his and hers” items that had been lying around now take up residence in his new love nest, while you slowly move the rest of your things out of storage. Once again, you’re back to having both sides of the bed, full control of the TV, and only yourself to talk to at night when you can’t sleep. It’s not that you’re upset that Jong-suk is gone, you always knew that was going to happen eventually, but it doesn’t make the now too big bed feel any smaller.
You end the process of removing him from your life by deleting your messages, removing his notes from your calendar, and putting his favorite dress at the back of your closet. The longer you’ve gone doing this, the easier it’s gotten to go back to normal, but something about this man makes your heart twinge. Even with being one of the shorter relationships you’ve had, he managed to worm his way into your heart just a tad farther than any of the others.
Turning over to face the window, you look out and watch the people on the sidewalks below. Some of them are in a hurry, moving around the slow walkers in order to get to where they’re going, while others walk hand in hand without a care in the world.
Are they soulmates? You wonder.
“Two souls permanently entwined after being separated…”, your childhood teacher’s voice rings in the back of your mind. You remember the soft carpet under your fingers as you and your classmates listened adoringly while she explained the concept of soulmates. While some giggled at the idea of cooties and marriage, you thought of your parents. How their love was so strong it radiated into you, and how you couldn’t wait to feel that for yourself.
A single hot tear rolls down your cheek, snapping you out of the memory.  The streets are packed with the bodies of people ready to party after a long work week, while you sit huddled in your blankets. After the sun sets, you’re indistinguishable from the rest of your bed, which is exactly how you plan to be until Monday morning. What was supposed to be a romantic Friday night has turned into one of your world famous pity-parties.
Absolutely not. You tell yourself.
Pulling out the drawer of your side table, you reach to the back and find your sleeping medicine. You hadn’t needed to take it in the time you were with Jong-suk, his presence lulling you to sleep just as easily. But, now that he was gone, you were back to your own devices for getting a good night’s sleep, and this was the easiest solution.
Waiting for the effects to kick in, you look back out the window again. A light rain had begun to fall, blurring your view of the city. People were now jogging to avoid getting wet, and cars had turned on their windshield wipers. All going about their evening, completely oblivious to you in your dark, empty room. The sounds of car horns and rain pattering on the glass finally soothes you to sleep, allowing you a few hours of peace.
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airplanetae · 3 years
Sex is great and whatnot but have y’all seen Jin in Butter?
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airplanetae · 3 years
Can u stop being annoying on the dash and update your fucking fics already?
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airplanetae · 3 years
Face-Off (Chapter One)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Female Reader x Namjoon
Summary: a collection of drabbles. a complicated situation is exacerbated when the team’s newest transfer comes to town.
Genre/AU/Warnings: angst. smut. fluff. college au. hockey players. love triangle. established relationship (?) unconventional relationship. jealousy & pining. lots of hook ups. tbh one or both love interests might hook up with other characters that aren’t the reader and if you don’t like that, don’t read. no infidelity but the relationship dynamics are complicated. lots of insecurities and clashing male egos. sex is at times weaponized/used as retaliation for hurt feelings. there are nice things too I promise.
A/N: a special thanks to @hobi-gif​ for beta-ing for me. everyone say THANK YOU HOPE 😘
Series Masterlist
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Jungkook appreciates all the things that had to go right, to get you here. In his bed. First, there was the transfer he was all too apprehensive about. It’s not that he didn’t like his last university, but he’d outgrown the small town, his underperforming team and if he was going to be taken seriously as a hockey player, this move was a necessary one. Still, change can be a scary thing and as it stood, Jungkook had it pretty good at his last school.
Second, there was the fortuitous opportunity to move into an apartment with one of his new teammates. He had practically jumped at the chance to move on from dorm living, eager for the privacy of his own bedroom. Not to mention, said teammate being in classes for another few hours. This left Jungkook with ample time to get up to no good in their empty apartment.
And last, but certainly not least, there was the empty seat in class last week. The empty seat next to you and that killer fucking smile of yours. Jungkook was a little startled by the fact there hadn’t been a pile up of people eager to get next to you but their loss was only his gain. Jungkook’s never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
He counts his lucky fucking stars as he staves off what is bound to be the best orgasm he’s had in recent memory. Really, he hadn’t meant for this to happen. Not yet, anyway. Truly he’d only asked you to come over to watch this movie for your film class to get to know you a little better. If he was lucky he’d end the night with your number. A kiss maybe, if he was really shooting for the stars. But the situation that’s quite literally landed in his lap is far beyond any expectation he could have cooked up in his fucked out brain.
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airplanetae · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Ch. 1)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Creative Content Contributor: @baebae-goodnight​ (WHO MADE THIS PERFECTLY GORGEOUS MOODBOARD)
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU 
Word Count: 7,003
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.    
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airplanetae · 4 years
—moonstruck. (m)
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⟶ pairing: taehyung x reader
⟶ genre: werewolf!taehyung au / arranged marriage au / smut with a sprinkle of fluff
⟶ words: 7,421
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ summary: in hindsight, being friends with a pack of werewolves and, thus, suddenly being thrown into a world of supernatural furries and other inhuman beings isn’t something you would recommend but it was too late to back out now, especially when you consider the fact that apparently you’re now being “hunted” and the only way to save you is to be mated with taehyung. whatever that means.
⟶ warnings: multiple smut scenes, first time (virgin!taehyung), clumsy sex, soft and gentle sex, sort of rough sex, all the sex, cunnilingus, riding, hair pulling, knotting, buckets of cum, biting kink, slight impregnation kink, unprotected sex, creampie
⟶ disclaimer: first fic back after a long hiatus and i’m suddenly v nervous to post this!! also this is shamelessly and 100% inspired by an episode of the show outlander (to be exact, the wedding episode). i couldn’t help myself!! 
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“Are you serious right now?”
In hindsight, being friends with a pack of werewolves and, thus, suddenly being thrown into a world of supernatural furries and other inhuman beings isn’t something you would recommend but it was too late to back out now, especially when you consider the fact that apparently you’re now being “hunted.” Whatever that means.
Had you heard yourself speak a year ago before meeting Taehyung and having your life turned upside down, you would have surely thought you were insane, and you would have definitely thought Taehyung is insane, and the rest of his friends who are, subsequently, now yours ━ each of whom are all currently splayed out before you in Namjoon’s spacious country-side home with similar grave looks staring back at you.
“Dead serious,” Hoseok takes the liberty of breaking the odd silence saturating the kitchen. He’s made it a point to be on time for once, which you consider great and all if it wasn’t basically to dispute your current death sentence. “Always thought Jaebum’s pack were sons of bitches ━ glad to know it’s still true.”
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airplanetae · 4 years
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airplanetae · 4 years
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Jimin and Jungkook performing to Black Swan Orchestra Version in MMA 2020
(photos from topdaily.kr)
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airplanetae · 4 years
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hobi leading the dynamite dance break @ mma 2020
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airplanetae · 4 years
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back after 5 years, it’s suga’s album review
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airplanetae · 4 years
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jungkook for weverse magazine
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airplanetae · 4 years
Oh My God, They Were (Quarantined) Roommates
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ty to my love @wwilloww​​​​ for the banner!
Word Count: 22.8k 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: College/Roommates AU, fluff, smut
Warnings: *takes deep breath* soft dom!Jungkook, sub!reader, dirty talk, vibrator use, fingering, size kink, hair pulling, pussy slapping, degradation, praise, unprotected sex, overstimulation, creampie, multiple orgasms, cum-eating, oral (m&f receiving), marking, spanking, face-fucking, rough sex, morning sex, soft sex, body worship, teasing, rimming, ass-eating, anal fingering, butt plug use, anal sex, cumshot, aftercare (don’t stress, this isn’t all one scene fhkfdlghfd)
Rating: 18+
Summary: What do you do when you’re quarantined for months on end with Jeon Jungkook - S tier cuddler, workout robot, and thirst trap extraordinaire? Fuck him, you guess.
A/N: Here it is a day early because I finished editing it and I have approximately 0 self-control when it comes to holding my works back to post at a later date. Hopefully this doesn’t inconvenience anyone FHKFDLGHFD
I literally worked away at this fic everyday for the past 3+ weeks, and I’m so glad it’s finally here! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and please do let me know what you think. A comment means the world to me! 
Big thank you to everyone who showed interest in this fic as I was working on it, as well as the lovely people in the BSH discord who gave me motivation to write every day along the way!
You sat on the couch of your shared apartment, scrolling mindlessly through social media once again. It wasn’t as though you had many other choices of activity. Being university students on break, the quarantine had ripped both yours and Jungkook’s summer job opportunities right from beneath you.
So here you were, month three of minimal contact with the outside world, sitting on the couch you may as well call your home within a home.
You learned very quickly that Facebook was definitely not the app of choice to pass time on, seeing as you only ended up angry at the amount of bad takes visible within the first 5 minutes of browsing. No, you chose to favour Instagram instead, seeing as you could just scroll through food porn, beautiful people, and memes for hours on end.
It definitely was not because your roommate’s thirst traps tended to dominate your feed there. Definitely not. At all.
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airplanetae · 4 years
here’s my BE ranking:
1. the entire album
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airplanetae · 4 years
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bonsai papa in action 🥺
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