#center jhope is my fav jhope
yengyangyo · 3 years
first impressions
there are times i think about my favs and i wonder what went through my mind when i saw them the first time. so im going to write one for the boyz before i forget so here goes;
i got to know him from my friend. he was whipped for this sangyeon guy cause of that gen z video. i was like “yeAaa he’s hot alright,” and he also gave me the leader vibes too he looks mature and turned out he is the leader
he looks reallyyyyyy familiar to me. so i dig out more of his pics and finally it hits me; he is jung hoseok aka jhope’s doppleganger. but this is just from my point of view ofcourse i could be tripping. the way he smiles so bright on stage really reminds me of hoseok. i really love jacob’s smile and he was my potential bias
he just screams VISUAL. i really dont like ranking people based on their looks but younghoon has to be no.1 out of all of them ((and again this is from my pov)). also i heard he was an army so yay a bonus to me!
this man too is sooooo good looking. i’ve noticed he was always in the center when performing and i loveeeeee his voice that i thought he was the main vocal. hes good at dancing too i guess he’s an all rounder.
another visual with amazing dancing skills. i don’t think he gets that much line distribution but somehow my eyes are always glued to him. his stage presence is everything
i know kevin before! i’ve seen him as mc for kcon and that’s how i know he’s an english speaker in the group. also i’ve seen a bunch of memes of him LOL and people just hyping him up. saw him in gen z and people just went crazy because he wore that crop top. i saw that and was like “wow kevin is so attractive and sexy,”
he’s that pretty member with a mullet! i didn’t notice him that much when i was listening to reveal. i don’t think he left that much impression on me UNTIL i saw him in bloom bloom. bloom bloom was his era! he’s prettier than me and i noticed he has a very unique vocal.
OH. MY. GOD. STAGE PRESENCE IS TOP-TIER. in rtk he was the opening for the danger’s performance. his hair was red so it was easy to recognize him. i was really amazed by the whole performance and q was reallyyyyyyyyyy good at dancing. his cute face is a twist tho and he was my potential bias too.
ayyyy im a pd101 fan so ofcourse i know haknyeon and that is also how i know theboyz. mnet really did him dirty and i remember i was rooting for him. haknyeon to me was a very active and cheerful person. he is also a good performer and no air has to be his era.
legit thought he was in hyung line only to find out he’s the youngest along with eric. i just couldnt help but to notice him in every performance cause he was that good. he gave off a scary vibe tbh at first ((luvyusunwoo))
this guy looks really familiar to me too. and i found people pointing out that he looks like jeno and YES HE DOES. eric was easy to notice too because of his blonde and blue highlight hair.
the boyz (overall)
i’ve heard about them when they debuted but i only knew haknyeon and i recalled myself being amazed by their visuals. literally every member was so good looking but i didn’t get to explore more ((i should’ve tbh what were u doing gorl)). so i decided to get to know them more when i saw their generation z video and road to kingdom. supported them since then and now i can call myself a deobi too hehe
that is all, your honor.
btw can you guess who’s my bias? /cackles/
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taemoonchild · 6 years
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one day, i wrote a long, long letter to the moon...
heyooo my name is gráinne but you can call me banni;; i’m (mostly) yoongi biased, very much a rap-line supremacist, and a Whole Entire Fool with too much love to give 💜
i became a little bit of a multifandom kpop blog for a while (despite moving some groups to like 5 separate blogs asdgkjashj) and this blog has gone through many many changes and alterations but it was only a matter of time before natural selection came for me and i’ve finally evolved into my final form of a truly bts-centered blog
so!! I’ve decided to finally do a follow forever here as I don’t interact with people much from this blog and my follower count has become stagnant for months now;; I felt like this would be a good starting point to change that, and also a way to say thank you to all the wonderful fans and fandoms that I follow 🙈💕
mutuals ; favs 🌙
# - G
@1stlove 🌙; @2awake ; @92ksj ; @acciosugas 🌙; @agusmyg ; @agustdz ; @ahsuga ; @aquariuskino ; @artistictae 🌙; @aurjeon 🌙; @awoongi 🌙; @bae-jinye ; @bangtoori ; @bbcblackjack ; @beagletae ; @beui 🌙; @bfwooseok ; @bloombwi ; @blushykth 🌙; @bubblegeon 🌙; @bubblyjin 🌙; @bwipsul 🌙; @bwisan 🌙; @bwiseoks ; @bwisou 🌙; @cafejoons ; @cchims ; @champagnejimin 🌙; @changgulove ; @chimchims ; @cowjimin ; @cyphertaehyungie 🌙; @daegucrew ; @ddaengg 🌙; @dearbangtansonyeondan ; @dimplechim ; @dreamy-moonchild ; @everyday6 ; @flowerjjk ; @gayoongi 🌙; @ggukbwi ; @glitchyoongi ; @gloss-yg ; @guksdimple ; @gukyi
H - J
@hercypher 🌙; @hhobi ; @himdaes ; @hipseok ; @hob-e ; @hobies 🌙; @hobilu ; @hobisuki ; @hobixing ; @hoesoks ; @honeymygs ; @huangshitaos 🌙; @hyoflower ; @hyunggunight ; @ilhoonsmj ; @ilyoutrotear 🌙; @jaayhope ; @jeoncooky ; @jeonprince 🌙; @jeonsdear ; @jeons-guk ; @jeonttie ; @jeupstan 🌙; @jghoseoks ; @jhiraeth ; @jhope-shi ; @jho-seok ; @jiguk ; @jiminhoneybee 🌙; @jiminrolls ; @jimins ; @jimins-bootae ; @jimiyoong 🌙; @jinblond ; @jinm1n ; @jinsasleep ; @jinsjade ; @jjiminssi ; @jmin ; @joonfairy 🌙; @junghosoks 🌙; @junghosyub ; @jungkookie-s ; @jungshiii 🌙
K - R
@kimdaily 🌙; @kimrapgod ; @kimseokjin 🌙; @kookiebuff ; @kookied ; @kookiegguk 🌙; @kookmint ; @ksjknj 🌙; @kthparadise ; @kthpluto ; @lovesyoongs ; @lytears 🌙; @mainvocalist ; @mangpd ; @mellowsuga ; @mingenius ; @minjoun ; @minyoongihoseok ; @minyggi ; @min-yungii ; @msgicshop 🌙; @mygi ; @myherobts ; @namkoya ; @ohjiminn ; @outrojk 🌙; @parkjmzl 🌙; @ptgwooseok ; @rapdaegu 🌙; @rapnamu 🌙; @rmjin
S - Z
@sapidsuga ; @seokjinies ; @seokjn ; @sflop9 ; @sftae ; @sgyoongi ; @sin-taehyung ; @smilehani ; @smol-syub ; @soekjins ; @softest-yoongi 🌙; @softjeon ; @springsn0w 🌙; @sugageek ; @sweaterpawsjimin ; @sweetyoongi ; @taechubs ; @taecuttie ; @taeguk ; @taehyungsdf 🌙; @taetaes 🌙; @taevguks 🌙; @teacupjm ; @thatnormalcrazygirl 🌙; @thedaysix ; @twoy ; @vangtae 🌙; @vixtape ; @whyparkjimin ; @woosoek ; @yccnseok ; @yeo1 ; @yeosprout ; @yoonggi ; @yoongisolostan ; @yoongispluto ; @yoonkoya 🌙; @yoonmin ; @yoonminlov ; @yoonqiz ; @youngforevers 🌙; @yyoongiis
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denimini · 6 years
Hi ~ I love you so much and your observations seems more logical to me. I saw your 3 top jeonlous moments and I'm curious to know what do you think about jm's jaelousy moments. He got some few ones. Can you tell me what are your favs? (Sorry for my bad english 🙇)
Hi, darling Anon. Thank you for stopping by and for your love!  No worries about your English, it isn’t bad at all! Besides, English is not my native language too so I could never judge you. 
Ah, the famous cousin to Jeonlous - Jimlous. Much more rarely seen, harder to provoke but when it comes to play, it bolts in the door. Certainly as a quantity the times we can be sure Jimin was jealous are distinctively less than with JK. He is simply better at controlling his facial expressions and I think generally he is chill with Jungkook interacting with the other members for example. Maybe it’s Jungkook whose behaviour makes him feel more at easy. Jimin is almost always in the center of Kookie’s attention anyway, verbally or not JK somehow manages to always show his favoritism and affection, so that might be a factor too. Or maybe Jimin is simply better at pretending.
That being said there still are some iconic Jimlous moments. Most often than not the reason behind can be analysed not so much as jealousy per se but more as Jimin getting petty and salty over Jungkook showing favoritism to another person. We know Minnie likes attention and praise and we also know Jungkook is more than happy to give it to him but in the rare instances when Jiminie feels neglected, things get interesting:
Example A: “Jimin-ah” - This moment right here at around 0:25 - 0:40. 
Jungkook is talking with a fan (who is also called Jimin), he is holding her hands, sending her a flying kiss and calling her “Jimin-ah”. Jimin is throwing glances at them from the side, cracking his neck (repeatedly), putting his tongue in his cheek and generally looking hella annoyed, downright scary. Next thing we know JK continues to hold the fan’s hands while she is moving to PJM side and calling her “Jimin-ah”. The tension breaks, our Jiminie laughs and the moment is broken.
JK probably did know what he was doing though and was teasing his hyung with these Jimin-ahs because the same fan returned to another fansign (I think it was last year during DNA era but I might be wrong) and Kookie started calling “Jimin-ah” again and he was looking at Jimin to see his reaction. He was either teasing at the first fansign too or he wasn’t but later saw videos of the moment. He must have found them and Jimin’s reaction funny, hence why he decided to do the same thing again when the chance presented itself. In any way two times is not a coincidence. 
It’s a small moment, nothing spectacular but the reaction PJM showed was one of his scariest looking moments in my opinion.
Example B: “The shower incident” -  This one I want to analize in a bit more thorough manner. I’m talking about BTS Run ep. 15 . 
(Some background information: BTS are separated into two teams: Maknae line vs The Hyungs and have to find one spy among them. They’re playing a game in which the members attack each other with words and if you react with anything other than “I see”, you lose) 
The moment start at 6:00. It’s Jhope vs Jungkook, Hobi accuses Kookie of being impolite because while he was showering JK opened the door, checked him out, called “Yeaaahh” and left. Jimin is watching from the side. The moment Hoseok talks about this instance, at precisely 6:16 you can actually literally see the surprise in his eyes.  Up until this moment he didn’t know this had happened. His fingers stop moving and he looks genuinely taken aback. Then he moves to the edge of his seat, puts his hands on the table and start looking down. His whole body language screams that he is uncomfortable, like proccessing a piece of information that he doesn’t like (6:23 - 6:29). 
By then, Hobi has already moved to another story of JK leaving dirty dishes behind but Jimin is not satisfied and decides to do something about it. He actually gets up, in the middle of the game, and goes to Jhope’s side (6:31), a person from the opposite team and immediately points at Jungkook, literally points his finger at him, and start recalling a (dare I say kind of absurd) story about JK toothbrushes. Everyone is suprised. Hoseok keeps looking at Jimin with a frozen expression (6:43), Kookie even turns to the side and asks “Are we not at the same team?”. But Jimin finishes his story with the statement “I was very angry” to which JJK responds, in a state of apparent shock and seemingly mild panick “That wasn’t me���. Jimin, who looks to actually be bluffing, smiles awkwardly at 6:59 and goes back to his seat. 
Hopekook finish their game and hug while Jimin ignores them. At first he looks at the ceiling (6:53), then at 6:56 , when they hug, he looks at them briefly and the diverts his gaze at his hands, proceading to sulk in his seat. Which he continues to do for some minutes after. Meanwhile JK sits at the side next to Tae. At 7:46 Jimin gets up to play the next game and Jungkook (who is now standing at the side and watching him) tries to catch his attention, pointing, stuttering a little and saying to him “Jiminie hyung you must win this round” to which he receives no reaction as far as we see (it could’ve been cut).
Throughout the games Jiminie continues to be somewhat quiet and him and Jungkook don’t have interactions but in the end of the episode we can assume everything is fine as he is sitting in Jungkook’s lap (although that might be to get closer to Jin’s food) which concluded this awkward exchange.
Example C: “Who are you even Jungkook” - I’m not even going to do a detailed analysis with timestamps on this amazing moment  as the whole video is honestly worth watching. 
The entire time Jimin sounds salty and petty, talking about how he has never seen Jungkook being like this, how Jungkook has never responded so well or acted like this even for him, how he ignored Jimin when he tried to talk to him and continued playing on this computer, how he threw him around the house and etc. Honestly to me (and a lot of people at the comment section) he sounds jealous. (Disclaimer: not of Minwoo but of the difference of behaviour Jimin thinks that Jungkook shows)
And at the same time JM keeps reminding us how he talked with Jungkook about the show, how they went bowling together, how even though Kookie is not good at grilling meat, he still tried a few times with Jimin, how Kookie likes to throw just him around and even when Jin tries to say he gets treated roughly by Jungkook too, Jimint cuts him off by saying “He doesn’t do anything to you but he does to me”. 
Half of the time he’s throwing shade how Jungkook basically doesn’t love him enough (or show his affection to him enough) and the other half he’s going on about how special he is to Kookie. So which one is it? PICK A SIDE, JIMINIE 
 And then there’s the cherry on top, also known as Jimin being CAUGHT IN A LIEEE - 
Jimin: He (Jungkook) never has that in front of me. […] He has no emotion in front of me in anything. 
That is THE lie of the centure right there. Who are you trying to fool Jimin-ah - us or yourself? ‘Cause you know, we ain’t blind or deaf, we see how Kookie looks at you and how soft he is with you. You can’t trick us. 
I would like to add though that these are my personal thoughts on the moments so take them with a grain of salt. Also, just as I said when I talked about Jungkook being jealous, I will repeat that I am not a big fan of the whole jealousy concept. While it is a perfectly normal human emotion which happens to exist and is not always a negative thing, I don’t like the fact that it gets too overhyped and romantized, especially in combination with possessive and problematic behaviour. 
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taegiiseok · 6 years
Hi! I really like your blog and I was wondering if you could recommend me some similar blogs to follow, since my dash is dead? Pleaseee. If they're taegi centered or hobi centered it'd be great, but that's not necessary. I hope this isn't too much to ask, if you can't it's fine sjjhfh have a nice day ily 💜
hey nonnie ! sorry this took me a couple days to respond to i just get a lil stressed when people ask for blog recs lol,,
but i’m gonna list some of my fav blogs okay ? there will be no organization to them and some are mutuals while some are just blogs i rlly like so slkfj i hope this will give u a few more awesome people to follow. I’ll try to keep it to mainly tae, yoongles, and hobi lovin babes ! altho most of these blogs are ot7 and multifandom :)
@yeontata @nomilk @myhusbandhobi @fluffyliontae @kc-junghsk @literally-just-yoongi-trash @toxic-suga @cphyr @honeyeontan @2gi @mygjhs @mygskths @syubto @acciosugas @antaedepressant @daegusoftboys @jaayhope @jhope-shi @itskimtaehyung @taetaetrashhh @sugaforyou @soft-yoonqi @taepott @btsmicdrop @heartsfortaegi @sevenandtwenty @cyphertaehyungie @lovtaegi @hobiwithhearts @yoongiandhearts @artistictae @vanillalattaes @mylovelytaetae @sheloveskook @milklattaes @ahsuga @taegiboo @deletaed @taegifucker @sugaa @velvethoseok @taehyungwithhearts @kainks OKAY IM ENDING THIS HERE UMMM
if you want more i’m probably gonna do my first ff soon so just keep a look out for that i guess idk hahaha
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ask-bts-stuff · 7 years
How to start an ask blog
I already answered this question, but my tips were pretty short so for the 20k I decided to take the time to write all the tips that I learned. So I hope that I will help the new ask blogs!
If you don’t know me, hello I’m Sarah and I started this blog in June/July 2016 when there were only 3 ask blogs and the other 3 were inactive, yep. It’s been now 8 months than I run this blog so hopefully this will help you! (ofc my tips are good for not only bts ask blogs!).
Also it’s just tips and things that I noticed so you don’t have to follow everything!
Warning: very long
1. Chara Design
*Chara design is really important, it’s the first thing that people will see. Since tumblr users scroll down really fast, they need to recognize the member really quickly. So before starting your blog I think you should take your time to sit down and to create the chara design. Try different things and see what is the best for you! A quick way to do it is to mix their personalities with their real life features! But don’t worry, you will surely change your design after a couple of months, but it’s a great beginning to have a design in mind!
*Color palette is also really important. I don’t like to whitewash but do what you want. If you don’t like to whitewash like me I think that this VLIVE  really shows their beautiful skins♥. But again you will change it for sure later, I often change my color palette tbh. It won’t be perfect, and it can’t be perfect so don’t be too pressured by this!
2. AUs (Alternate universe, other professions, ships & OCs)
1. Alternate universe
My ask blog isn’t an AU so I don’t know everything about this. But I’ll try my best to give you all my advices. 
I think that AUs are really funny and really great (for ex witch au etc). And a good way to create one is to ask yourself some really simple questions who will help you to develop this universe and to keep it consistent. For example: Where are they? Do they like were they live? The mood of the place? Specificities of the place/universe? Do this place affect their appareance? In which way? Do they have the same age? How the universe interacts with them? etc....
2. Other professions
It’s basically the same than 1. but with different questions: Where do they work? With who? Do they work a lot? How are the customers? Do they like their job? How involved are they in this job? Are they good at it? Someone ocasionally helps them? etc...
3. Ships
Ships are part of the AU because in your universe, the ship is canon (which is not the case irl). It’s also the same than 1. and 2.: How is the relationship? Do they have habits? (things they do often etc..), How the members interact with the ship? Things they love about each other? Things they hate? Where do they live? etc...
4. OCs
I only saw a few ask blogs including OCs but they exist so I have to talk about them eheh. (oc x member, doesn’t me it’s a romantic relationship tho)
If you want to create this type of blog, be ready because it’s going to be really difficult. The thing with Ocs is that it will take time to your followers to like your OCs because they don’t know them. You should introduce the OC in your first post: How do they know each other? (member and the oc), Age? Type of relationship? Interactions with the other members? Do they know the other members?  Reasons why the member likes your OC etc...
*obviously you don’t have to answer to all the questions!^^^^
3. The start of your blog & tips
1. Make an introduction! 
It’s basically just a post saying “hello i exist plz send me asks ty”. You can maybe tag other art blogs to bring some of their followers on your blog so you can starts somewhere! If it’s an AU, introduce it a lil bit. Don’t be too pressured by this post. You will hate it later trust me, just draw something cute, introduce the theme of your blog and that’s all!
2. Don’t answer directly to the ask
By that I mean don’t answer in this lil box (?) here
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And here’s why:
The quality is better when you upload your drawings in the picture post (idk how it’s called??), plus it takes more time to load (at least for me?)
But the major reason is because of this:
Tumblr media
When someone reblogs an ask, it will cut/hide the pictures a bit. Which is really not good. If you write some texts it might be hided because of this, and the tumblr user will have to click on it to read everything. But the majority won’t click on it. I did this myself, and I’m glad that an anon told me about this! 
So what I do now is that I took a screenshot of the ask, I save it and upload it in the picture post (still don’t know how it’s called ugh).
Clarity is key guys! I see a lot of beautiful artworks who aren’t clear, so we don’t understand what’s going on! :^((. Tumblr users scroll down really fast, if they don’t understand something or if they have to take the time to understand it, they will keep scrolling. 
So don’t explain all the story in one or two pics (or maybe it’s just really short but wtv). There will have a lot of informations in one pic and it’s not good at all :^((
Don’t be afraid to SHOW things. Show what’s going on. Yoongi is watching Jhope’s body roll for 5 minutes on Youtube? In an other picture, zoom on his laptop to make it clear: “yes Yoongi is a J-Hope trash, look at his laptop”. That’s why my comics are 6-9 pictures long. I make sure that everything is understandable. 
4. I don’t get attention, why? :^(
OK this is a really complicated topic, but I get this question pretty often. I won’t talk about the lack of reblogs or anything like that.
In this section I will talk about things ask blogs don’t talk, so here we go.
For some reason,people reaaaally don’t talk about this topic in the drawing or writing community (in the kpop fandom). But ayy let’s talk about this: Depending on the member, you will get more or less notes. That’s sad but true. The maknae line is more popular and the hyung line is less popular. So if you choose to create a blog centered on only one member and he’s not really popular, you will get less notes. Be aware of that.
Same for ships. Some ships are more popular! And some are less popular.
(for this one please don’t be offended ;<;)
After working on this blog for a while, I realized something. Maybe you noticed it, but I don’t answer questions like “what’s your fav color”, “do you like this instrument?, “do you like that?” etc... It’s because...it’s not the most interesting questions in the world. Let’s say you answer and say “blue”. Well yea, the drawing can be amazing, but the content isn’t really interesting. It’s blue, well ok. So if you only answer this kind of asks, there’s chances that people might not be really interested.
Again, I’m not here to tell you how to run your blog! If you like to answer to this, keep going bro!
An other thing that I noticed. Comics are always prefered to illustrations. Because it’s a story. The illustration can be amazing, but it’s an illustration. People really enjoy comics because it’s a story and it can be funny, and angsty or idk. My asks are stories. It’s not a direct answer, it’s a story that answer to the question. But again, if you don’t like to make comics, don’t do it :^DDD It’s just something that I realized! 
SO I FINALY FINISHED IT!!! It was long and it took me so much time omg. I hope this will help you♥♥
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