Healing Spell
Two people I care about very much were in a very bad car accident, the healing process is very slow and painful and expensive… This is a spell to help for a speedy, healthy recovery after an accident or illness, to keep them safe and healthy for the future, and to promote peace to help them get passed this horrible event emotionally.
Tools: - Altar dish or bowl - Pink candle for love and care - Pink Salt for cleansing, healing, love and care - Queen of Pentacles to channel maternal care, love, support, compassion, nurturing, security, practicality Herbs: - Bay Leaf: healing, protection - Chamomile: Peace, love, healing - Cilantro: health, love, peace, protection - Cloves: banishing negative forces - Cramp Bark: healing, female energy (maternal energy for care and nurturing) - Lemon Balm: healing, peace - Lavender: relief from pain, discomfort, and anxiety - Rosemary: protection, feeling youthful - Sage: long life, peace Crystals: - Amethyst: healing, soothing, peace - Citrine: happiness, positivity - Rose Quartz: love, care - Black Tourmaline: protection
How To:
Step 1:
Place the dish in the center of the altar, fill the base with pink salt to start with a cleansed base and to promote healing, love, and care. Make a small round space in the center and use melted wax to stick the pink candle in the space.
Like so:

Step 2:
Place the herbs around the candle, over the salt. Focus on your intent as you spread the herbs in a circle around the candle. Once that’s done, place the crystals over the herbs. Then place the Queen of Pentacles tarot card under the dish/bowl as a way of charging the spell.

Light the candle for as long as you would like each night. Every time you light it, imagine the person being their usual happy, healthy, bright personality, loving self. I want them to be ok very badly… Also huge thank you to @starlesswitchybird for their Inspired Healing post, which was a huge inspiration for this one. I hope you don’t mind the changes to it.
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Working with Water
Air rules me but so does water. I am split down the middle between the two. Water is chaotic and memorizing, and there is much you can do because it is one of the two elements that you can actually touch. Just like my other post, Working with Air, we will be exploring different ways that you can connect more deeply with water. Enjoy dearies!
Here is a list of different ways to work with water:
We must drink water to survive, so when you are about to grab a glass of water (whether purified, tap, or bottled) before you pour it in your glass or before opening your bottle, enchant it by holding your hands around the glass/bottle (with your eyes closed or open) then say something along the lines as “I am one with the running waters of the Earth.”
Go to the beach. Collect seashells, rocks, and sand. Dip yourself in the ocean. Feel the powerful waves crash against you. NOTE: Be careful of any animals that live within the ocean, be respectful. Don’t collect anything that can be harmful for your health or illegal. EX. feathers.
Showers are powerful. If you are one who likes to take showers in the morning, imagine the water energizing you for the day ahead and see yourself conquering all that lies before you. If you are one who likes to take showers at night, imagine the water rinsing off to cleanse you from long day you had and see yourself washing away everything so you are fresh and new. No matter what time you take a shower, allow the water to freshen up your spirits.
Baths are very calming and relaxing. When one cannot go to the beach, this is an excellent way to substitute. Fill the tub, surround yourself with blue/purple candles, seashells, and crystals that relate to water. Put in herbs or essential oils within your bath to connect you to the ocean waves of the deep, vast blue. Bonus, you can put on ocean sound music to set the mood. NOTE: Do your research, do not put in herbs or oils that are harmful to your health. Do not put crystals around the tub if they can be toxic or if they deteriorate in water. Your health is always most important.
When it is raining, go outside and let the rain fall upon you. Close your eyes and let the water cleanse your being. Then if you would like, play. Splash in puddles, run around. Enjoy yourself.
Make a sigil that means “I connect with the waters of the deep, beautiful sea.” or something along the lines. (Again, I am not a sigil maker but something I would like to include for others who are) Wear the sigil on you as you go to the beach or are working at your water altar.
Make a special water altar, preferably facing west. Fill it with mermaid items, chalices, colors of dark blues and purples, seashells, etc.
Research mermaids. Merpeople swim in the deep depths of the sea. They are beautiful, alluring, and mysterious. Unfortunately, I haven’t found any sources on how to communicate with them so here is a small list of ways I have personally used to connect with them.
Go to the beach, sit in front of the water and sing. Whether it is a mermaid song (like Jolly Sailor Bold) or your all time favorite song, just sing your heart out. If others are around you on the beach, sing quietly or have your headphones in. If you are alone, then sing as loud as you want.
Collect seawater in a jar, then when you get home make an oil using essential oils and herbs that mermaids love. Then before you go to sleep, take a small inhale, then fall asleep. Let the mermaids come to you in your dreams. NOTE: Do your research, do not use oils that will harm your health. This is more for aroma, not placing on your skin.
While you are at the beach, leave the mermaids small offerings that you feel they would enjoy. NOTE: Do not leave anything that is harmful to our environment, like jars filled with items. Be respectful to our Earth.
If you cannot go to the beach, take a bath and surround yourself with mermaid items; like statues, mirrors, seashells, etc. Fill the bath with herbs and oils that relate to merpeople then while you are bathing, sing. Look in the mirror if you would like, allow yourself to become one with them. NOTE: I don’t really care that I repeat myself so often but for real, do you research. Do not use herbs or oils that will harm your health.
Be careful as you would communicating with any kind of spirit. Protect yourself and be respectful while you contact.
Air Earth Fire
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Honey Lavender Bread
submitted by @materiamystica
½ cup Greek yoghurt ½ cup plain flour 1tsp baking powder ¼ tsp salt 1 tbsp dried lavender 1 tbsp honey 1 egg, beaten
The intent is to increase mental clarity and connection. To clear your spiritual and mental brain fog so that you can think and see more clearly again. To improve clarity of vision and connection to your heart’s desire. Lavender is employed to stimulate clarity and connection, cleansing, memory, passion, peace of mind, healing, love, passion and retention. With the honey for added sweetness and stickiness to make visions all the more sweet, and memories stick more permanently. Harvesting your own lavender can also be intended to honour Lammas, too!
1. Mix everything in a bowl and preheat the oven at 350 F. 2. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead adding more flour until it’s no longer sticky and has formed a nice stretchy bread dough. 3. Put into a floured loaf tin. 4. Brush top with egg wash. 5. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes until a golden crust has formed and a skewer comes out clean. 6. Slice and enjoy!
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@violet-the-witch 💜 | this tea is great for cleansing yourself of negative energy and providing protection throughout the day <3
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Polyhymnia by Joseph Fagnani
oil on canvas
Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Faerie Path

It is a route taken by the faeries, commonly in a straight line and between sites of traditionally significance, such as faerie forts or raths (a class of circular earthwork dating from the Iron Age), mountains and hills, thorn bushes, springs, lakes, rock outcrops, and Stone Age monuments.

In some parts of Ireland, Brittany and Germany, there were faerie paths that while being invisible, had been seen as geographical locations by the country people, and that building practices were adapted to ensure they were not obstructed.
The Corpse Roads of Europe are believed to be faerie paths. In Germany and the Netherlands, these tend to be straight invisible lines and are known by a variety of names including Geisterweg (“ghost-way” or “ghost-road”) and Helweg (“hell-way” or “hell-road”) in German and Doodweg (“death-way” or “death-road”) in Dutch. A similarly straight road did however run straight over various burial mounds at Rösaring, Lassa in southern Sweden.
In Ireland, people who had illnesses or other misfortune, were said to live in houses that were “in the way” or in a “contrary place”, obstructing a faerie path. An example of this faerie path straightness is provided by an account concerning a croft (now a cattle shed) at Knockeencreen, Brosna, County Kerry:
In an interview in the 1980s, the last human occupant told of the troubles his grandfather had experienced there, with his cattle periodically and inexplicably dying. The front door is exactly opposite the back door. The grandfather was informed by a passing gypsy that the dwelling stands on a fairy path running between two hills. The gypsy advised the grandfather to keep the doors slightly ajar at night to allow the fairies free passage. The advice was heeded and the problem ceased. It so happens that the building is indeed on a straight line drawn between two local hilltops, and is, moreover, at one end of a long, straight track.
It was believed that a house built on a faerie path would suffer from midnight noises or supernatural manifestations. Bad luck in the form of sick farm animals or personal illness could be the result and one remedy was to build small fires in several places along the faerie path, using fire from the blessed fire of Saint John’s Eve that was lit every year at sunset on 23 June.
Irish faerie paths are said to also exist under water, reminiscent of causeways in marshes at sacred sites and those to crannogs and other islands. These paths, only used by the faerie folk, ran from one island to another and were paved with coral, making them and their travellers visible to fishermen in their boats above.

Before construction of houses, builders used the technique of mapping out the floor plan in the earth and placing a pile of stones at each corner and leaving it overnight, if the stones were undisturbed it was safe to build, otherwise the work would not continue. There is another theme that states if one’s house is on a faerie path, one must leave the doors and windows open at night, front and back, to allow fairies to pass through. Builders were also advised against using white quartz in their stonework, as it is said to be a faerie stone.
A building placed on a faerie path would be demolished by the faerie folk, at least twice, often remaining standing however on the third attempt.
Walking Alongside The Paths
Although it is usually said that they should be avoided, some are reputed to be beneficial to humans - such as the “trods” of West England. These are a straight-line faerie path in the grass of a field with a different shade of green to the rest. People with rheumatism sought relief by walking along these tracks, though animals avoid them. Great danger was still very much associated with using these paths at times when a supernatural procession might be using them.
The Tylwyth teg of Wales have paths on which it is death for a mortal to walk.
The Breton Ankou, who is king of the dead, and his subjects have their own particular paths along which they process.
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Coffee Superstitions
In Finland, coffee can be used as a means of fortune telling by the way in which the froth formed on the coffee’s surface - if a bubble formed after it has been poured in an moves towards the drinker, it would mean more money. However, if it moved away, it would mean that they would lose money.
In Romania, if you spill coffee it means that you will receive money from somewhere.
If a girl spills coffee, it means that her lover is thinking of her.
Dropping a cup in which the coffee is in will bring bad luck.
If the coffee pot boils more than usual, it means that rain is coming.
If drinking Turkish coffee, there will be residue at the bottom after the cup is finished; the shape which forms will be symbolic.
In Brazil, there is a superstition in which you should always put sugar in before coffee, and one day you will become rich.
In Greece, it is bad luck to cheer with coffee.
In Egypt, it is believed that spilling coffee is good luck.
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Faerie Meals
Dishes used with ingredients that attract faeries, which can be used as offerings or simply enjoyed for yourself and others.
Earl Grey & Lavender Loaf Cake - (main ingredients) brown sugar, Earl Grey, dried lavender herbs or extract, cinnamon, and fruit if desired.
Rose Cake - (main ingredients) golden sugar, vanilla, rosewater, frosting, and crystallised rose petals to garnish.
Elderflower Cake - (main ingredients) golden sugar, ground almonds, elderflower cordial icing.
Poppy Seed Bundt Cake - (main ingredients) vanilla, sugar, almond extract, poppy seeds.
Lemon & Thyme Cake - (main ingredients) golden sugar, ground almonds, lemon zest, and thyme leaves.
Sunflower Bread - bake a bread mix with sunflower seeds.
Faerie Butter - (main ingredients) cooked egg yolks, rose water or orange blossom water, icing sugar, softened unsalted butter.
Pansy Petal Pancakes - whisk a regular pancake mix and add pansy petals.
Candied Violet Biscuits - bake sugar cookies and garnish them with crystallised violets and icing.
Dandelion Wine - (ingredients) dandelion petals, water, lemon juice and zest, white grape juice concentrate, sugar, white wine yeast, and yeast nutrient.
Elderberry Wine - (ingredients) elderberries, campden tablets, sugar, wine yeast, yeast nutrient, and water.
Note: always check for full recipes and cautions.
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Do you know anything about creating servitors?
A servitor is a spiritual being you create in order to do your bidding.
Servitors are used for:
Protecting you spiritually.
Guarding your property or your loved ones.
Creating glamour: creating a certain aura about you, and how others perceive you.
Bring you things you might need.
Aid in tasks.
Some servitors are such powerful thoughtforms that even others can see it (although this tends to be rare or is reserved for long-existing servitors).
Essentially, creating a servitor is put into three parts:
It is outlined as follows:
You will need to create a symbolic representation of your servitor. What do you want your servitor to do? If, for example, you would want your servitor to guard you, you might want to create one in the form of a knight or an intimidating dog. Or, if you want to create an appearance entirely of your own, you may wish to add features such as sharp teeth, claws, weapons, armour, etc.The possibilities are endless although I do suggest using features that you associate with protection (I prefer using traditional associations, sometimes I even borrow imagery from tarot cards). Even drawing it out on a piece of paper helps you mentally create a “solid” representation of it if you don’t want to solely rely on your imagination in your head. Also consider: what special powers does your servitor have? What colour aura does it have? It is advisable to create a smaller servitor to begin with because larger ones require more energy.
Create your statement of intent for your servitor (what you want it to do). However, be specific and create guidelines - for example, if you want your servitor to help you gain money, you may want to tell it that causing misfortune in order to gain money is not permissible. You don’t want anything to backfire!
It is also advisable that you create a sigil for your servitor or a symbol by which you will know your servitor. Finally, you will need to give your servitor a name. It can be any name you like or deem fitting. Do not tell anyone its name.
After you have created the appearance and description of your servitor, you will need to actually bring it to life.
Draw the sigil or symbol of your servitor on a piece of paper and find a place where you will not be disturbed. Focus all of your attention on the sigil, repeating the servitor’s name. Visualise as vividly as you can the servitor’s shape forming. Firstly the base, and then the main symbols and features, and then the detail. You need to believe with all your will that the servitor is real and alive. There is no point in creating something which you think does not exist. This can take from 10-30 minutes. Repeat this for three days. Afterwards, the servitor will be able to function and appear on its own.
You will need to give the servitor concise instructions on how to do your bidding here. See the servitor alive before you and call its name. Then, give it your instruction and then send it out to do your bidding. Never be afraid of your servitor, it is bound to you and it exists in order to fulfil your work and desires.
You will also have to decide on what your servitor will feed on in order to require energy (you may wish to do this on the creation section too). Here are some examples:
I suggest not using your blood or yourself as a way to charge it because this can very quickly spiritually drain you, especially if it is a larger servitor.
You might also want to create a vessel or talisman for your servitor, and this way “feeding” it is easier as you can place the object on the feeding source. You can use anything you deem fitting for this, either jewellery, a statue, a drawing, a crystal, etc.
To get rid of a servitor
If you no longer require a servitor because its purpose has been fulfilled, you may wish to destroy it. You can either stop using it and feeding it, destroy its vessel, or simply tell the servitor to stop and return to you.
Damon Brand suggests that you add a code word or ritual to the job description that when spoken or done ends the life of the servitor – the warning being that it shouldn’t be a word or ritual that you could do by accident and destroy your Servitor without that being your intention.
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Sun & Moon Superstitions

To move in a circle against the motion of the Sun (counter-clockwise) will invite the powers of darkness into your life.
If you sweep dust in the direction of the Sun you are destined to never be wed.
The Greeks regarded the sun as an all-seeing eye, and believed that no deed escaped its detection.
The appearance of three suns, it is said, denotes war. It is claimed that they are only visible at sunrise, and differ in size.
The head of the bed must never be placed toward the rising sun, since it will cause the sleeper to rise with a bad headache, and even insanity may result.
In Germany it is the custom on St. John’s Day for hunters to fire at the sun, believing that they will thereby become flawless hunters.
For the sun to shine upon a bride is a good omen.
The Mexicans say when it rains, and the sun is shining, a she-wolf is bringing forth her offspring, or a liar is paying his debts.
If the sun shines while it rains, the witches are baking cakes.
When the sun does not shine, all treasures buried in the earth are open.
To dream you see the sun shine, shows accumulation of riches and enjoying posts of honour in the state, also success to the lover.
To dream you see the sun rise, promises fidelity in your sweetheart, and good news from friends.
To dream you see the sun set, shows infidelity in your sweetheart, and disagreeable news. To tradesmen, loss of business.
When the sun sets on a cloudy day, the following day will be a stormy one.
In the Scotch Highlands they still “make the deazil” around those whom they wish well of. This superstition consists in walking three times around the person according to the course of the sun. To circle in the opposite direction or “withershins,” is productive of evil, and brings bad luck.

The full moon is good to start a new job, and to finish old business.
Cucumbers, radishes, turnips, leeks, lilies, horseradish, saffron, and other plants, are said to increase during the fullness of the moon; but onions, on the contrary, are much larger and are better nourished during the decline.
The moon seen over the right shoulder brings good luck, the moon seen over the left shoulder, brings bad luck.
Being poor when in presence of a new moon was thought to bring bad luck. Having a few silver coins cancelled this out.
If a girl is curious about whether or not she will wed, she should hold a silk handkerchief up in front of the moon. The number of moons that she sees represents the number of months until her wedding day.
The full moon gives a very favorable energy for divination. If you keep a moonstone in the mouth during the night of a full moon, you have the power to see what awaits you in the future.
Children born on a full moon night are said to become very healthy and strong.
Sick people should not look at the full moon because in this way, they will delay their healing.
Deaths occur most often when the tide is going out, and births occur when the tide is coming in.
At first sight of the new moon, flip a silver coin and make a wish.
In Roman times, to have a healthy baby, women wore silver crescent moons on their shoes.
Charms and amulets in the shape of a crescent moon, are used to protect you from the evil eye, witchcraft, and bring you wealth. The crescent should always point to the left, representing the moon’s first quarter, when things prosper and grow.
You will be caught if you try to commit robbery on the third day of a full moon.
It is said that “When the New Moon holds the Old Moon in its Arms”, meaning that a ring is seen circling the New Moon, ships will be lost at sea.
Pointing at the moon is unlucky.
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The Fairy Faith
Celtic Fairies
Legend of the Isles
Scottish Myths & Legends
Rise and Fall of the Druids
The Witches
Secrets of the Occult
History of Angels
Dragons and Serpents
The Last Dragon
Supernatural Tarot
The Invisible Science
Nikola Tesla
Egyptian Book of the Dead
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Faerie Sight
How to see faeries:
Wearing one’s coat inside out.
Wearing a posy of primroses.
A four leaf clover crushed and put into an ointment may give one sight of the Faeries as well as placing Faerie Ointment on the eyelids.
Bending over and looking backwards through your legs.
Looking through a Fir knot hole.
Looking through a loop made with a Rowan twig may cause Faerie sight.
Looking through a hag stone.
Meditating on a daily basis.
Averting one’s vision.
Dawn, moon, dusk, and midnight are the best times for faerie sightings.
Believe - faeries will most likely not show themselves to non-believers.
Have good intention - faeries can sense it.
Looking for a long time without blinking.
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Potion Herbs & Ingredients
From my personal grimoire
How to Make & Use Potions
Potions are usually made with a liquid base of either water, milk, syrup, or other. Depending on the intent of the potion, a spell can be [ritually] recited over the cauldron or pot during the brew, while stirring either clockwise (to direct energy) or anticlockwise (can be used to reverse spells). Unlike magickal tea, a potion can be either drunk on its own or a few drops added to another beverage. During the brew, visualise the intent of each herb or ingredient added, and state its use.
Afterwards, pour the liquid into a vial and use the potion within a span of one to three days, depending on the ingredients used. A potion can be left to charge overnight in the light of the moon to add more spiritual power.
For beauty potions:
Roman Chamomile.
Evening Primrose.
Yerba Santa.
Lemon Verbena.
For love potions (use responsibly) :
Juniper Berries.
For psychic development potions:
Blue Cornflower.
Lemon Balm.
Blue Lotus.
Star Anise.
Hawthorn Berries.
For protection potions:
Caraway Seeds.
Bay Leaves.
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Woonyoung Jung - https://woonyoung.tumblr.com - https://www.facebook.com/woonyoung.jung.9 - http://woonyoung.blogspot.com.es - http://woonyoung.bigcartel.com/ - https://www.instagram.com/woonyoungjung
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“Harvest Festival. Pagan Rus” by Yuri Sergeev.
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goddess of fire, sun, hearth, fertility, crafts, smithscraft, occult knowledge, justice, inspiration & home
who is brigid?
mythopedia.com: Brigid, or the Exalted One, was the Irish goddess of spring, fertility, and life. Beloved by poets, she was the master of both healing and smithing. Her holiday, Imbolc, was held on February 1st and marked the midpoint of winter. Many of Ireland’s wells and waterways were devoted to her.
As a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Brigid was the wife of High King Bres and mother of Ruadán. She shares many similarities with the Catholic St. Brigid of Kildare, the patron saint of Ireland.
devotional acts
☀️ celebrate imbolc
☀️ spend more time gardening
☀️ write poetry/create art in her name
☀️ learn alternative medicine & herbalism
☀️ include essential oils, flowers & herbs in your practice
☀️ watch the sunrise & practice sun magick
☀️ work with the element of fire
food & drink
🍲 seeds 🍲 sunflower, pumpkin
🍲 bread & cakes 🍲 poppy seed cakes
🍲 dairy 🍲 shee’s and goat’s milk and cheese
🍲 bakery 🍲 scones, breads, muffins, waffles and pancakes
🍲 others 🍲 oats
crystals associated with brigid
🔮 carnelian 🔮 creativity & confidence
🔮 garnet 🔮 energizing, protection & courage
🔮 amethyst 🔮 calming, aids sleep and physical and emotional healing
🔮 bloodstone 🔮 energy and well being
🔮 turquoise 🔮 balance and healing
herbs associated with brigid
🌿 lemon balm 🌿 passion, achievement, calming
🌿 ginseng 🌿 love, wishes, protection, health, lust
🌿 chamomile 🌿 calming attributes, aids sleeps, prosperity
🌿 blackberry 🌿 healing, money, protection
🌿 witch hazel 🌿 protection, chastity
incense associated with brigid
💨 vanilla 💨 love, lust, psychic powers
💨 carnation 💨 protection, strenght, healing
💨 basil 💨 love, banishing, wealth, protection
💨 bay 💨 protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength
💨 myrrh 💨 protection, healing, spirituality, banishing
credits: harmony nice’s “wicca” and scott cunningham’s “encyclopedia of magical herbs”
Requests for more deities of any pantheon are open!
#mine#mine: deities#mine: celtic deities#mine: tuatha de danann#deities#celtic polytheism#tuatha dé danann#witchcraft#witches#witchblr#wicca#paganism#celtic paganism#irish paganism#irish polytheism#brigid#brigid worship
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