aigen-art-corner · 9 days
Arkaday is one of my little headworld I sometimes work on. Arkaday is mainly a woods and prairie kind of world with a small desert and winterly edge of the world in the west. The snow region is influenced by ancient magical obelisks keeping the region cold. One of the archeologists goals is top find out who exactly build those obelisks and for what reason.
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The World has or had one main God, like a Godking or Queen so to say which dreamed up four Dreamswhich became the new gods. Created out of those Dreams dreams were the mortals. Resulting in the currently two races inhabiting the world. The Vek'na and the Ven'nix.
The Vek'na are the ones that can be found the most all over Arkaday. The Ven'nix concentrate in the snow regions though sometimes one Ven'nix may be found outside the cold area though often either sweating and regretting their choice or shaved down.
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The five Dreams are the overall gods of Arkaday and depending on culture one may be more important than the other. These Dreams are the Gilded Dreams, SInful Dreams, Wicked Dreams and Vague Dreams though there are three Gods present not originally belonging in this world. These gods presence being also interrupting the natural flow of rebirth the souls of the mortals go through. Usually a soul flows through a blue river or travels along a street depending on the cultures view towards their jugdment. There the souls get jugded if they can be reborn again or have to wait in the other world. Though because of the foreign gods this has been interrupted trapping the souls of the mortals in the mortal realm. One of these gods Rivera though felt bad for this and gave the Ven'nix a special kind of magic allowing them to guide souls into the afterlife. Though these ended up backfiring as those people born with this magic being cast out and seen as bad. Instead of trying to fix that too Rivera simply fled and is now living outside the Ven'nix reach. Hoping they solve this issue themself. The other two gods have yet to actually do something and are rather in a kind of sleep.
Arkaday is alos home to a few animals. Some being besties with the Ve'kna and Ven'nix and some really wanting to eat them. One is the Avenator. Actually a pretty chill fella. The usually hang around water and are burrowers.
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This one doesn't have a name yet. I just call them giant moles? The too burrow too and are usually found in woods though they have been hunted to near extinction so seeing one can be rather rare.
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Also doesn't have a name yet but they can be ridden! They are fast runners and good hunters. Often times they are used similar to hunting dogs and help sniff out prey.
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Don't know about anname yet too but maybe Banshee? Screechers? Dragons? They are Wyverns. Could be ridden if you have a initial death wish as taming one can be near to impossible. They can screech loud enough that it could cause a ravine and then they pick out their food from the aftermath.
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Now my favorite. Also doesn't have a name but I like calling them Vek'na Camel lmao Can be ridden. Very good boys and girls. Similar to horses can form a special bond with their riders and people.
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And uhm yeah I guess thats all I have right now for Arkaday?
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aigen-art-corner · 3 months
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Let‘s gooo
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aigen-art-corner · 5 months
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Let's begin with the one that is right now the one who has the most lore and is the best written out. Tiiat or how it is called in the modern days now: The Shadowlands. Tiiat is the old Kingdom of the old race, the Allaren, who had reigned from here over all of Io. Formerly Tiiat had been covered with lush forests an wide planes with rivers leading towards their city. The Allaren Kingdom had only existed for 2000 years before it became uninhabitable and deadly. The third and last Warqueen had in her time begun a lot of wars with sourrounding kingdoms that still resisted them and did not want to be taken over. At the end of her reign, she released a great evil. The old god Ragnar, personification of the Darkness had been trapped under the City since the beginning and the Allaren had formerly been tasked to protect his prison and make sure he isn't able to break out. Over the years Ragnars influence had seeped into the lands slowly rotting it from the inside. After Ragnar had been freed the Darkness took over Tiiat. Trees burned and the grass turned to sand. The rivers dried up leaving deep crevices behind. At the day of his release he couldn't smell his freedom for long as at the time the second Warqueen had been there trying tom stop the third. Ragnar couldn't be killed so he instead was trapped again. When the plan to trap him back in the hole again failed instead the Second Warqueen trapped him in his own skin resulting in the giant statue now on top of the citys ruins. Ragnar is still alive inside there and everybody who enters the Shadowlands and comes closer to his statue starts to hear his whisper trying to manipulate them. The lands are mostly dead with no flora or fauna though one thing does live there. The remnants of the Allaren who didn#t die but were rather taken over by the darkness. They are crawling around like husks of themselves waiting for any unfortunate traveler who could become their next snack. They rarely leave the Shadowlands and if they would, they would die. They somehow fullfill their old purpose of being the keepers of Ragnar and making sure he doesn't escape.
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aigen-art-corner · 5 months
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The world map is finished, maybe over time I‘ll some more points of interest and start drawing in the smaller details like woods, towns and stuff.
Maybe I‘ll use it to start and share stuff of my world building…and also start to figure some things out. Maybe I‘ll one more dragon skeleton just for good measure.
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aigen-art-corner · 5 months
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Recent art
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aigen-art-corner · 8 months
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Something happened again
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aigen-art-corner · 8 months
Something happend
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aigen-art-corner · 1 year
Clown Time
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And this is definetly not because of a certain clown
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0 notes
aigen-art-corner · 1 year
Recent art sketches
Just some stuff
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
Genshin Ocs - Some art
Al - Mondstand, Dendro Bow user
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Alina - Mondstadt, Hydro Catalyst User
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Aoi Hata - Inazuma, Pyro Claymore User
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Asashi Momotaro - Inazum, Electro Pole user
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Kaidan - Inazuma Geo Pole User
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Kirishima - Inazuma ??? Sword User
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Rikka, Inazuma, Cryo Sword User
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
Some Uchiha Ocs
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
Ceshi Headworld Ramble
The world is basically consistend of planes and a few desert. The hub point of the world is a spire reaching into the clouds which the people living there would love to enter and climb but they can't because then tehy hear whispers and go mad. The closer the get to the spire the louder the whispers. But they also can't live without the whispers so they live close enough to slightly hear them in their mind but not too close so they don't go bonkers.
The color sheme of the world is more in the white, beige, golden, greys and light blues. Similar to this first image. The people who live there are the Ceshi together with a few other beings. The big one on the far right is the apex predator.
There are some who are called travellers who can go to the spire, even go climb it but the door that's up top can't be opened. So they are kinda stuck there especially bad if they don't even belong there.
In the Ceshi religion it is prohibited to go the spire as it is seen as a holy symbol where their god the sky serpent lives and residents. And because it doesn't want to be botherd they hear whispers that could even kill you when you are up top. Thats what they think at least. nobody really dared to get too close. Ceshi live in smaller communities often led by a woman. Actually alot of their females are warriors and the males more take over the role of priests and the ones who interpret the spires omens as males are more affected by the whispers. Even are able to make out a few words. usually it's just talk you can't make it any words.
The god of the world is Caoilainn, a serpent, that is improsdened in the spire.
The Ceshi have lived near the whispers for centuries and with every new generation born near them they stayed. Since they grew up with the whispers it was hard for the newer generations to leave. In their legends their god had forbidden them to leave for the desert as they would die there which made them stay near the spire
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Males are more likely to hear words from the whispers and the closer they get the clearer they could hear it. On to could hear the whole thing being said. Not all males can devicer it. Though only a certain count of males can hear clear words. Not all.
Often times the priests go deeper into the plains, closer to the tower to hope and hear better.
If there was potentially a Ceshi that reached the top without going amd. though ending up with massive headaches because it‘s so damn loud
They would hear their god. The screams of their god. „Set me free.“, „I will burn all of you“, „there is no love left,“, „There is no salvation“
Ceshi prayers maskes are build top deprive the priests of their sight. Paired with thier deep trance where they ignore everything around them they can concentrate on the whispers to deceiver them. The masks may look light but they are infact heavy to give the feeling of being anchored in the real world. every mask is custom made to fit the personality and liking of the priests.
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Ceshi seperate their roles. The females become warriors and hunters while the males become priests. While it's not liked to be seen that the roles are switched, the Vak'hal tribe did such a thing with the highpriests son who wished to be a hunter. They seem to slowly shift their views with the son becoming the leader of the tribe.
A tribe is led by a Highpriest.
Males depict a horn on their snout, while females don't. Females have pouches ion which the child gets directly born in after being gestated.
Ceshis color shemes are always white and grey, only differating int heir markings
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In the world, besides the Ceshi, are a lot of different beings who live there. Besides the Fauna, there are also travellers coming from another world.
Traveller are apparently from another world and Ceshi stories tell that they can find a door atop the spire which will lead them back to their home. Though some traveller say that the door doesn't open.
Other legends say that trevellers are in this world to repay their debt, after doing that, the door may open and they can return to the night they met their debt collector. Though to the travellers demise they don't know their debt or anything from their former life, not even how they ended up this world. Some receive broken parts of their memories back over time. With luck they can pieve back together their life and find out their debt.
Travellers may die in this world. They also don't know how to repay their debt
Every Traveller had once made a packt with Caoilinn, in return for their wishes to be made true they come to her world at the day of their dead and free her, in return to their payed debt she lets them return to their world as if nothing happened.
The worlds time runs differently than in the worlds of the Travellers. While years go by in this world only mere seconds may pass in the travellers world.
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Some creatures and the main protagonists, the Ceshi, from one of my headworlds.
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
Demon Headworld Ramble
Hell is parted in different areas, while some demons specialize in gathering contracts and souls for hell some others gather the needed things to keep it‘s fire burning.
Succubus and Incubus for example gather lust which is a potent material to fire hell. Others gather other emotions.
This man
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He lives as a casual human, family and all and has a pawn shop. In wjich he also sells contracts. Two types of contracts.
Someone gets a wish that Rucola is able to fullfill
the person can „rent“ him for three uses where Rucola aids them as hellhound if called.
And depending on which contract is taken there are two different types of payments.
Your soul
you carry the child of him/Find someone who carries his child.
Why the second payment? Rucola is the first Hellhound and father of all and he needs humans to create more so when someone wants his second contract, they gonna need to pay more than their soul.
Every name Rucola has are the ones he has been given by people to summon him, it‘s part of the contract. They can use the ame three times and after the third it dosn‘r work anymore.
And he just decided to keep some of them thats why he is called Rucola Rucolus Amanda Magret Erika Johanson Stoner.
His real name is…I don‘t know, I have to think of one.
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His two kids with his wifey are not Hellhounds as it requires a contract and he didn't make one with his wife.
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Collected souls through a contract are send straight to hell where they are transformed to a demon to possibly collect contracts themselves.
There are two types of demon work:
Field work
Hell work
In field work ghey can go to the mortal world to makw contracts and collect souls
In hell work they are transforming the souls and help managing hell.
There are also alot of different demon types. Succubus/Incubus, Shadows, Hellhounds, etc. which all have different kind of works.
Succubus and Incubus collecting lust, Hellhounds protecting Hell and hunting souls that try to flee and Shadows that are send to the mortal realm to collect rouge demons.
Every fullfilled contractd, noticed by it‘s red color, nust be burned in the blue flame to keep hell on fire. If the blue flame goes out, hell will freez.
The more emotion the contract catches, the redder it is and more potent for the flame.
There are contracts to capture emotions, like the ones from succubus, or contracts simply for a purpose, like to get souls for hell. Those are golden.
Some demons have custom contracts, those can have a various color sheme in the end, depending on the demon. Depending on the inhalt of the contract, it may be potent or useless for the flame.
Emotional Contracts
Soul contracts
Custom contracts
Ranks of demons are simple.
normal ones
Primals have the duty to take care of their prides and make sure that there always new ones. They are the only one allowed to reprocrrate
Archdemons have more power and sre allowed more, like having a mate or soulbond. And they can reprocreate withe the primal. They may reach a primal Rank when killing their primal
Normal demons can highten their rank by gaining reputation
Sorts of demons
A demon, except Familiars, has two forms. Their original demon form and a human disguise form or also called Visage
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
Werewolf Headworld Ramble
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The premise is that the Lycans wish to free their sun god Sòl, who way imprisoned in an ancient city by her brother Màni.
The exitence of Lycans like some other things is unknown to humans, except a few, the Bray Corps.
Groups: Lycans, Vampires/Inferi, Witches/Wizards/Warlocks, Humans
For the Lycans to reach their goal they need to first free Hatis head from the Bray Corps as she seems to know something. Freki is the only Aloha working against them as he is part of Bray Corp and is controlled by them.
The Vampires or Inferi wish to keep Sòl imprisoned so their main goal is to keep the location of the prison safe and secret.
Witches, Wizards and Warlocks stand in the middle of the conflict. Depending on where they gain their power from they are either interested in saving Sòl or not. Warlocks, who gain their power from blood, can choose as either helping Sòl or not wouldn‘t be a difference for them.
Humans have no idea of this happening, except they are part of the above grouping or not. Depending on the character they may be involved.
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They Lycans are led by Skalli and Geri.
The Vampires are led by Hecate.
Witches, Wizards and Warlocks have their different leaders depending on whag circle they are part of.
Fenrir: Part of Bray Corp and Humans
Fenrir: Part of the Vampires
Hati: Just a head being tossed aroun inside Bray Corp.
Place in modern world
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
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Some creatures and the main protagonists, the Ceshi, from one of my headworlds.
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
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The daughter of the Queen found herself on the end of a bargain thag would leave her trapped and deformed in a pit hidden in her castle.
In the hopes lf getting rid of her mother she instead let an old god free and took it‘s position being transformed into a similar image of the god.
Her mother, hating her daughter yet loving her her keeps her fed but never attemps to free her. Fed with the children of her husband and his lovers. Raised as her own before tgrowing them into the pit to be devoured by actual daughter.
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aigen-art-corner · 2 years
IO is a personal fantasy world project of mine which has gone through a lot of changes.
It‘s a world inhabited by the gods, a personal elf species the Allaren and a canine based species called the Arush.
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IO had in the very beginning been inhabited by giant scaled creatures, ruling the skies and turning it into orange light with their fire. Dragons have been in the modern time of IO just creatures of lore and history who died out except for their gods. A few certain dragons had been selected by the stars to protect the vulnerable race of the Allaren. The Celestial Deities each became a constelation in the skies of IO, taking care of the souls of the dead which became a part of them in becoming a star.
Avalanche The matriarch of the deities and watcher over all, Avalanche takes care of her siblings and the mortal world. Her Constealltion and Zodiac is called Avan.
Brasidas The second oldest of the siblings, partner to Avalanche and to him belongs the Sidas Constellation and Zodiac. Brasidas looks after the present.
Calus The third oldest son and more of a loner but pretty narcissic. His constellation and Zodiac is named Calla. Calus writes the future.
Vore Vore is watching over the Past and protects it. His name comes from him apparetly eating the time. His constellation and Zodiac is called after him.
Khan A bystander of the siblings and the youngest, he has been given the role of looking after sinful souls coloring his constellation in a dark red. Avalanche later, together with the help of the other, brought down his constellation and over the time he was forgotten. With no place to go the sinful souls wander the mortal realm and corrupt it. Khan is trapped under a old temple and working on a way to get out and take revenge on his siblings.
While some dragons took those gifts others demised it. The hated it. They turned their back on the celestial order and the stars and instead protected the Arush, a race that was seen as dirty and not worthy of life. Those dragons became their own gods with their own strenght. The are often described as foul gods.
Sarf The one who took the first iniative and in lore is the one who brought the fire to the Arush to keep them warm in the cold night as the stars didn't spend it to them. He is seen as the god of warmth, the sun and the day.
Ragnar Often seen as the god of darkness and the shadows and the one who brought the curse of night to the Allaren in an attempt to bring them down from their high horse. He is seen as the malicious and hateful god.
The Great One Having his name lost to time due to Vore the the great one is looking over life and death and is protecting the Arush souls under his wings in his realm.
Clay A young god under them all. He was found by the great one and is writing down all of history. He is protecting the time and making sure their legacy is acknolegded.
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