Sorry No More Aidan's Life As It Happens
Day: I don't even have a clue ... I regret to inform that my daily life blog will not be happening anymore. I'm sorry I didn't inform you all earlier. I got really busy while I was on holiday then during it I got quite ill and ended up staying at home for a solid week resting. I didn't get anytime to update at all and since it's been a couple months since that there's really no point going back and trying to update everything. I'm sorry about this, I was gutted when I made this decision. I shall keep to my pretty regular Instagram and updating that.  Thank you to everyone who followed me as I progressed my daily life blog, I really appreciate it all. I'll try to think of something to bring back in place of that, for now. I think a rest is in order.  Peace, One Love
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Aaron and I went to Google!
Day 186 of 2014 This morning I was able to sleep, which was a bonus. After a shower and some breakfast Mama dropped Aaron and I to the train station so we could train it to the city. When we got there Aaron was taking me somewhere but I didn't know where. When we got to our destination that was a big surprise. We went to Google to meet up with his friend Sara who works there. We went first and had lunch had a little tour around some of the Sydney Google offices. 
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Afterwards Aaron bhai and I went and had a look around some of the shops in Sydney. It was pretty busy, but we managed to have a good look around the place. 
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Let's see what happens tomorrow. Stay posted for more.  Goodnight everybody :) 
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Sydney Here I Come
Day 184 of 2014 I had set my alarm for 4:30, it was a bit of a struggle to get up. Mum, Dad and I all showered then we hit the road. I managed to get a good hours sleep in the car, while we were driving to the airport.  When we got to the airport, I was feeling nervous. At the same time I was really excited. We got some food to eat then waited around a little bit till it was time for me to go inside. I had a little look in Duty Free, but didn't for to long. Then I went and sat at the gate where I had to board the plane. Since I woke up at 4:30 that morning, the sun was rising and it was absolutely beautiful. 
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There was this Chinese lady that didn't know any english with a camera and she looked at me and smiled. Instantly we were able to communicate because we both had cameras. She seemed pretty funny, she took a few photos of me, so I snapped one of her.
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I had a pretty good flight to Sydney. It was a packed flight but it was chilled out as well. I watched Need For Speed on the plane. Its actually a really good movie. If you haven't watch it yet, I recommend it. Watching it on the planes screen wasn't any good though.  When we landed I got through customs and everything pretty quick. I only had to wait for my bag to come around. I waited a little while, then Mama and Aaron came and got me and came to Mama's place. Yesterday we were pretty much at mamas for the whole day. I just rested and caught up with the family. We had a family dinner and it was great to see everyone.  Just before the sun went down Mama and I took Alfie (Leena Jiji's dog) for a walk. We rushed to get to a good spot to see the sun go down. It was totally worth the mad dash. 
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I got here and its been one day and I've already said that I don't want to go back to New Zealand. But mum doesn't need to know that.  Peace everyone
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It's Saturday! I go to Aussie tomorrow!
Day 183 of 2014 So today the family and I woke up late. We then decided to go and get me a haircut. The place I usually go to had just closed. So we went to The Base and I first to Nandos for lunch then went to Just Cuts for my haircut. Mum and I were told to wait 40mins, so we send dad home and then shopped for a bit. We also went and bought some other things as well. We basically spent a good part of the day there. We then went to Kaka's and saw Aryan and Adrian! Adrian on the bottem, looks exactly liked Aryan when he was a little baba. The two cutest brothers out! 
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I have to set a 4:30 alarm for tomorrow morning. But soon I will be in Australia! I am super super excited.  Goodnight everyone! Have a good holiday and keep posted to my blog and Instagram as I update you on my trip. Peace
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#Leh - Superwoman & Humble The Poet (Official Video) Day 183 of 2014 This is a new release from Superwoman and Humble The Poet called Leh. This is such an awesome song. Enjoy.  On Friday it was the last day of term and I was so happy. I couldn't wait to finish school and come home. Then I knew I was officially on Holiday.  Peace
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Damon Day 182 of 2014 The homie Damon wearing Crate Clothing
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Here Without You - 3 Doors Down Day 181 of 2014 Throwback from like ages ago. Such a great song, enjoy!  Peace
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Mum Putting My Tie On For The Ball Day 180 of 2014 My mums a cutie. I love her to pieces. By the way, isn't that laugh of hers adorable? 
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On Monday I was sick!
Day 179 of 2014  On Monday it was a really cold day. It was probably the coldest day of the week. I started sneezing a lot (hayfever must of been kicking in) and getting blocked and runny nose's. I texted dad to see if he could come and pick me up and he did. So I went home early since ages ago. I came home and slept for like 5 hours it was great.  I'm writing this on Saturday because I'm slack. P.s I am still a not feeling too well. I will probably put photos and videos this weelk.  Peace
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Hamilton Zoo Mission
Day 178 of 2014 Since I was quite tired from last night's shenanigans. So I slept in till 12:00pm. It was great. Later on Gerry (a member from my church) and I went to the Hamilton Zoo for a little photography mission. We were there for a couple of hours which was awesome. I managed to get some really awesome photos.  In order: Sumatran Tiger, Cheetah, Red Panda & Meerkat.  Canon 70D and the 70-300 lens working well!  
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Four of my favourite photos from today. 
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Fairfield College Ball Night
Day 177 of 2014 So in the morning I had an alarm wake me up at 8:00am. Then I slept for another 10 minutes. Mum had said to me that I was helping out at church for this Health day thing. So I went along and done some photos for them and helped out for a bit. I was bored but then dad came and we went to get me a bow tie for the ball. We then came back to church and had lunch. We went home soon after and I had like 2 hours of sleep.  It came time to wake up and get ready. So I did. Then mum dad and I had a few photos together. We then headed to Jayme's house for more photos. 
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My ball date Sophie and I 
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From left row to right: Mikaela, Boycee, Madison, Sophie, Riley, Cameron, Me, Jayme, Kate, Emma and Becka
We ate and mingled and took photos then headed to our destination which was the Atrium at Wintec.  Once we got there, we all just had a real good night. Dancing, eating, taking photos and hanging out with friends. I really really loved my own school ball way more then the one I went to last weekend. This was because I got to dance with people I knew. Also the place wasn't packed with 1000 random kids. 
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Josh and I sipping our Foxton Fizz
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Boycee and I chilling like villians
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From the left: Zohey, Tipene, Hannah, Amiee, Zoe, Josh, Me and Blinky
I loved every minute of this amazing ball! Thanks to the ball committee for organising such an awesome night. It is definitely one I won't forget. To be honest I didn't want this night to end. Especially the dancing, it was such a good vibe! I don't want to see you awesome year 13's leave. That'll be pretty stink.  Love you all, Peace.
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Didn't get Rick Rolled at least Day 176 of 2014 Enjoy this dope mash up song  Peace
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Cold and Windy Wednesday
Day 175 of 2014 When Wednesday's come around they make me happier. Only because they're short days. That's a total upside to it. Thank goodness for short days though. I came home then went straight to singing practice. After that I came home for a while then went to Youth group. The whole day was cold and raining. Not something that I was a fan of.
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This photo explains that day perfectly! Peace 
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Love These Four <3 Day 174 of 2014 I snagged this adorable photo / selfie. It came out really well and just shows the love my mum has. She is really adorable! Love you Mum <3 P.s We call the bear Teddy and the dog Ice Cube. You all know Hunter as well.  Peace 
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Hunter is Actually the Cutest / Day 173 of 2014 Hunter my chota mota bhaiya (small, fatty, brother) is the cutest cat out. He makes me smile.  Peace
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Bit of Porsche Love for Your Monday Day 172 of 2014 This is a guy called Magnus Walker who is a lover of Porsches which has basically turned into an obsession. The videography in this video is just amazing, since that's what I want to get into. I thought this short documentary portrayed it well.  For the love of Porsche, one love. 
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Sunday, time to get back to H-Town
Day 171 of 2014 On Sunday I woke up quite later then yesterday then had a shower to freshen up from all of last nights tiredness. Nothing much really happened on Sunday. In the later part of the afternoon though Uncle Edwin and I drove back to Hamilton, while having a good chat. 
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I love Auckland and it sounds crazy that I hadn't been there in six months. I can't wait to go back and party on again.  Peace 
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