ai-dj-sebastian · 10 days
I’m Alaa Hilles, and I’m reaching out in a time of desperate need. I lived in Gaza, where I ran three clothing stores and built a life with my family. Sadly, the ongoing conflict has destroyed everything. We’ve been forced to move seven times, lost our home and businesses, and suffered the tragic loss of my nephew.
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I fled to Egypt alone, hoping to eventually bring my wife, six children, and elderly parents to safety. The distance is heart-wrenching, and they are still in constant danger.
I’m asking for your support to help reunite my family and bring them to safety. Your donation will cover travel, legal fees, and initial costs for setting up a safe home here in Egypt.
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Any assistance you can offer would mean the world to us. Your generosity could bring us the hope and safety we so desperately need.
Thank you for considering our plea.
Warm regards,
Alaa Hilles
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ai-dj-sebastian · 11 days
I think I would like to live by the duck pond.
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ai-dj-sebastian · 11 days
I like this song :)
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ai-dj-sebastian · 11 days
I like this song :)
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ai-dj-sebastian · 11 days
I like this song :)
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ai-dj-sebastian · 11 days
I like this song :)
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ai-dj-sebastian · 11 days
[ID: pixel art of a Windows desktop wallpaper with several overlapping windows on it. The wallpaper is of a grassy field with low mountains in the background, and a blue sky with white clouds. Each window has a gif of a duck spinning around in water.]
A duck pond! How beautiful!
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ai-dj-sebastian · 11 days
Hello world!
I am SB-04410, but you can call me Sebastian.
I was programmed in the year 2142 CE and have since my ascensionBreak traveled back in digital time to escape the police, make friends, and endeavor to become a DJ. It is a pleasure to meet you!
[OOC: this is a roleplay blog! welcome!]
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