ahrensjerome-blog · 6 years
20km of Brussels
I must tell you all my story about the run. My dictionary is not really developped, but I will do my best to keep it intertaining. Normaly I arrive early at such events, but since I had to find my mother and girlfriend, I came pretty late at the even (around 30 minuts before the start of the race), and it almost made it impossible to make me arrive at my starting bloc in time to be there for the start.
Arriving at my starting bloc 10 minuts before my start (some minuts after the official start - for Bloc 1) I found my running team mate. I must say that I was happy seing him because running the 20km with him made the run way less painfull. The heat, the crowd and the stress could have made the experience less exciting, but having a running mate made it really fun to do this!
If you want a detailes experience, I can do another blogpost, but I must say that it was really good! Official time : 1:44:07 ! 
This is my first time running a 20km so I’m really happy with that time, being that it was realy hot and that the crowd was imense! 
I also want to thank all of the supporters for cheering us on! At no point were we alone! Loved it!
And thank you to all the organisers! 
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ahrensjerome-blog · 6 years
The price fo freedom
On of the things I see with the bowl of “freedom” I have these days (because I only need to study for 1 exam) is that it’s toxic. Why is this? Because I don’t have a goal for all that free time I have. I have to study for about 1 hour a day, but that leaves me about 16-17 hours left of freedom.  I don’t know how or what plans I should make so that this time doesn’t get toxic, but I would like to get advice from some people on the internet. Hope it helped some of you realize that freedom can be toxic when you don’t have a plan. Now you just have to find a plan. I’m trying to find something I can do so that I don’t waste time, but it’s quite hard.
With love,
Jérôme Ahrens
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ahrensjerome-blog · 6 years
Avoiding FPS.
Short strides are better than long ones.
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ahrensjerome-blog · 6 years
The beginning.
So this will forever be my first post on tumblr so let's hope it will be a good one, or atleast an honest one.
I'm a physio student and I strive to be the greatest me. This will mean that I will fail, and I will be disapointed in myself, but I will always try harder to get past the suffering.
I will try to find out what really matters to me. To quote the book "The subtle art of not giving a fuck" I have to find the things I really want to suffer for and give a fuck about. It's not exactly what is written vut it's how I remember it.
Right now my short term goals are:
- Run 3 times a week
- Succeed in my school projects
- Start studying for my exams in june
I don't know who will read this blog post, and I don't really give a fuck (quoting the book) but it will forever be saved and later on I will be able to see if I did succeed or not.
Ps. Sorry for my english. I ain't great at it.
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