249 posts
Ex-Assassin | Owner of Quick's Emporium | Cigar and Flower Salesman | Tattoo Artist | Found in game as Aghog (WrA-H) 
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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Ornate German rapier, circa 1620.
from Hermann Historica
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
Looking For Contact!
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NAME: Aghog “Quick”
AGE: 37
SERVER: Wyrmrest Accord - 
HAIR: He is perfectly bald.
EYES: Foggy blue.
HEIGHT: 7′ even
BUILD: Aghog's face itself didn't stand out in a crowd anymore than a typical grunt's. His scalp was shaved perfectly clean, and polished to a bright shine. He had the typical mesomorphic build of a fit and combat trained orc. Judging strictly from looks it could be easily assumed he was a lumber muscle-head of an orc, until one paid enough attention to his movements and the way he carried himself. A surprisingly light step was matched with rather dexterous and nimble fingers. He may not have been the fastest sprinter, or the most flexible of a man, but he was certainly agile where it mattered to him. All in all, a fit, strong seeming orc with a surprising amount of grace and finesse. (First paragraph of TRP, I was lazy) 
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: A red ‘X’ tattoo’d on the back of his bald skull, as well as each arm being covered in tattoo sleeves of roses, vines, flowers, and thorns. 
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Common swords or daggers, knives, a flint-lock pistol almost always on his hip. It is rare to catch him without a box of matches, and a couple of cigars if not entire boxes. 
PROFESSION: Ex-Assassin and Mercenary. Currently owns a shop in Booty Bay called “Quick’s Emporium” where he sells his hand-rolled cigars, decorative flowers of every sort, certain herbs and spices, and offers tattooing services. 
HOBBIES: Rolling and smoking cigars, drinking whisky specifically, green thumb, showing others the intricacies of knives or his other hobbies, tattooing, writing, fishing, and anything involving time spent in the jungle. Along with many other case-by-case things.
LANGUAGES:  Orcish, Common, a smattering of Zandali and Goblin.
RESIDENCE: His shop in Booty Bay
FEARS: The ocean, forgetting things important to him, growing old 
PARENTS: Unknown, doesn’t care
SIBLINGS: One brother, dead.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Anyone who has been in the mercenary / assassin contracting world over the past ten years could have very easily seen Quick around or have known about him, though it was extremely rare he worked with others. If this is the route you want to go, let me know and we’ll talk it out!  Other than that Quick is quite the hermit and unless you had met him previously your character may have only seen him in Silvermoon peddling his cigars and flowers to others before he had disappeared for a few months recently.  If you want to set up some roleplay and are unsure how to go about it I am more than willing to talk and we’ll certainly be able to figure an RP hook out together! 
Customers, business partners, romantic intentions or simple flings, friends, rivals, or any sort of RP you’re willing to offer! I prefer multi-para writing as I am one to lean towards more descriptive purple prose. This isn’t necessary but it’s something to expect from me. I also understand such writing isn’t always viable in group settings or certain RPs and am usually one to mirror my writing partners! 
OOCLY, I AM ––––
An insomniac
Friendly to those who are friendly in return!
Avid gamer of almost all genres, highly competitive in select games.
A lover of all things fantasy.
Eastern time zone but with crazy odd hours. 
Discord: Ask!
In game on the character Aghog on Wyrmrest Accord Horde side
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
Settling Down
Without work, without violence, social bonds, and without the need for an income, months that passed by had felt like years. Days dragged on far too slowly for Aghog, and he found himself spending most of them staring at a wall or carving useless knick knacks out of twigs. It was time for something to change. Though he hated Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff wasn’t the type of place for him to stay, and in Silvermoon there was too much risk of his past revisiting him. It was time he stopped only dealing with the Horde in his day to day activities, so after a long few weeks of preparation and moving, he found his new and so far only ‘home’ he had ever owned. A small building within the small cove of Booty Bay, one that was very easy to miss unless one were to take the time to explore the goblin town or knew what they were looking for. From within the two windows his bouquets of flowers were visible, placed just beyond the panes so that they would serve as a decoration even from an outside perspective. Above the door frame hung a sign “Quick’s Emporium” and nothing more. The inside was small and humble, and aside for the right half of his store which was filled with growing flowers and herbs there wasn’t much to be seen. The counter on the left of the entrance was lined with closed cigar boxes and beyond that there was a large cushioned couch with a few ink jars neatly organized on a shelf nearby. The store could likely not even fit more than eight people in it at once without pushing them all uncomfortably into one another. One entrance lead back to his personal living quarters and there were no hidden passages or secrets. Exactly how he wanted it.  The place was absolutely perfect for him. It was time to return to the world once again.
(( OOC info below the cut ))
 Thank you for reading and yes, I am returning my character Aghog “Quick” to the RP world, along with his blog! Hello again to anyone I have had the pleasure of RPing with in the past on him and welcome anyone who hasn’t RPed with him or me in the past! A LFC post will follow shortly detailing everything about hooks to RP with Quick and all such things.  For now, if you have questions or just wanna say hi, my messages are open! 
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
A Rose’s Rage
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The moon was as high as it would be in the sky, hidden away by wispy clouds and the smog of Orgrimmar. The only light that illuminated the streets was from the torches and dwindling braziers lining the sides of the road. This night was perfect for Quick’s idea. An idea that had been burning in the back of his mind like a bonfire since a unfortunate night ten years past. The amount of guards has even slimmed, thanks to the war taking place and less of a need for stopping petty crimes and more of a need on the front lines.  It took a week to find the person he was looking for. Once the company he had worked for had dissolved, mostly thanks to his involvement in the death of all of the higher placed officers of the company as well as the owner, the company’s head of security was quite elusive. Thought once Quick did find the man, he was easily able to piece together his routine. Scam or pick pocket a few people between the Tail and the Valley of Strength, head  to the Brawler’s Guild to spend his ill-earned coin and then fight for some more spending money, then drunkenly stumble to his home. For someone who had done dirty deeds his entire life, and been in the shadiest places imaginable, it seemed Quick’s rival has become lax in the past few days. He marched down the street with a mug in hand, shouting to nobody about his victory over some other orc. He hadn’t even seen Quick, garbed completely in black clothes and hiding away in a small inlet in the rock wall.  Quick’s heart slammed in his chest, harder than he had ever felt in beat in his life. Beneath his mask he took in one heavy breath to try to calm his nerves. Four more steps. His mind flashed to the image of the man before him holding a knife to Maji’s gullet. Three more steps. The image of a rose being burned in a fire seared into his mind for some reason. Two more steps. The shouts and cries all echoed in his ears. One more step. Suddenly Quick’s mind was back to a different time. He was younger, he was bloodthirsty. Moz and Quick, the unstoppable mercenaries, ready to take on the world. His mind recalled the first night he had ever met the person who was his world. In Stranglethorn they were resting at one of the bridges, charging any travelling merchants or civilians a fee to pass, and roughing up those who wouldn’t pay. Suddenly he was baffled, a woman walking down the road who looked exactly like Moz, the girl he had known his entire life. She was crying. He hadn’t even known her, but the way she sobbed sent him into a fit of anger, lashing out at Moz to fix the problem. He had never been as angry in his entire life, until now.  He stepped from the small hideaway he was tucked him, pistol extended out right at the other orc. He didn’t fire immediately, even though he knew he should have. He waited to see the orc realize, turn, look at the barrel then to him. He waited to here that first begging word of mercy before pulling the trigger. The smell of gunpowder filled his nostrils, the ringing of the shot echoing in the small ravine filled his ears, but all he saw was red. The red blood splattering the air before him. He had to make sure. He drew a knife, standing over the already lifeless body of his enemy and lifting him by the collar of his shirt. One slice. There was no recovering from that. Now all he had to do was escape the guards that were rushing towards the sound, though this city was his stomping ground, and that was never something difficult for him. Ten years of rage. Ten years of seething hatred over in a second. It wasn’t enough. Though he knew it wouldn’t be. But what else was he to do in times likes these?
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
Say Anything Saturday
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All of it!
It is that day again! And my mail box needs some love. Send me your questions or confessions! Heard a rumor you want confirmed or denied? Need to be nosy about a muse’s personal life? Maybe you’ve got salt, or sugar that you wanna drop, then drop it. It’s Say Anything Saturday - so Anon is on! Bring it. And you’ll receive:
Unfiltered Opinions  Confessions Honesty
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
Quick’s Greek Muse
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You got Melpomene: The Muse of Tragedy
When it comes to romance novels, you like high drama and deep emotion. Tortured heroes, tragic backstories, and lovers reaching for one another across the wild pain of an empty world are the things you crave. The more drama, the more heartbreak, the more satisfying the eventual happy ending will be.
Tagged by: @naisav <3
Tagging: Anyone who would like to. Uh here’s a few. @thefireinherveins @kharrisdawndancer @iceborne-and-starsworn
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
Quick’s Bad Habits
Bold the “bad” habits your Muse has!
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck (head) | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
Tagged by: @naisav <3
Tagging: Anyone and everyone who would like to fill it out! 
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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Your knot is a: Spiral Knot
The overarching theme of the spiral knot is growth throughout eternal life. Its one continuous line represents movement and growth through whatever your path is, whether it be birth/life/death, spirit/mind/body, or past/present/future.
Tagged by: @naisav <3
Tagging: Anyone who would like to do it! But uhhh, here’s a few if you haven’t. @threska @iceborne-and-starsworn @nevelis
Take the test HERE! (Fair warning: adblocker is a must because HOLY SHIT)
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
A Sword, The Sea, And Snowstorms
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Quick wasn’t sure where his journey would take him when he had set out on it, though he knew at some point where he would wind up. He simply didn’t expect to end up in Northrend so soon. The tundra bit his skin as it always had, and this time he was even less prepared for the slicing winds than his previous visits. He had only a few furs he bought at port, and his flask of rum to keep him warm. Hunting in the tundra was hard, but he was experienced in it, the problem was shelter. Moz’s cave was no longer an option for him, and it was bad enough he was going to likely draw her attention anyways. It was rare she spent much time away from Maji’s grave. He pushed on regardless, as there was something he needed to do after all of these years. In the dead of the night he found the grave, the only thing in the world he could always find his way to no matter the circumstances. The pile of rocks were untouched, the sheathed rapier still standing watch from inside of them, guarding the dead. He brought no roses, he shed no tears, he felt nothing. There was a strange eerie feeling about the moment, and he completely fell to his blank minded daydreaming. Why was he here? He had forgotten what he came for. If it wasn’t for flowers, or to see Moz, why was he near freezing and standing in the middle of a blizzard? Before he could answer his own thoughts, or get his head straight, he heard a voice. A voice that was all too familiar, from a person who’s face he dared not look at. The face of her twin shouldn’t be glanced at, else he would shove that spike right back through his heart and fall into the same hole he had been so desperately trying to climb free of. 
“Joo don’ belong ‘ere, Aggie. Leave ‘fore I bury joo der too.”  Suddenly his sight and mind filled with red, and an explosion of realization had occurred. He remembered exactly why he was here. Without a word he stepped forward and took the sheathed blade in one hand, yanking it from its rocky confines in a single tug. Not a glance was spared to her before he turned and started to sprint into the dark and snowy abyss. He heard her voice behind him, screaming, he heard a few of the words but hadn’t fully listened to them, then he felt a heavy weight thudding against his back and caused him to stumble forward and roll on the icy plane. He couldn’t look away now, she was on him, fists raining from the sky in a flurry of deep seeded anger that had built over the past decade of their lives. He guarded himself as best as he could, not even sparing a muscle to try to fight back, until she had knocked his arms away and cracked him solidly in the jaw with a heavy blow. The red flash returned to his mind and he acted. One arm looped up over one of her own and twisted it inward, cranking her elbow joint to force her torso to move with the pushing to ease the pain and prevent serious injury. With a shout he headbutt her square in the nose, foot coming between them in the same motion to kick her up and off of his body.  He was to his feet before her, scrambling a hand in the snow to recover the sword he had dropped when he fell. “It is my sword! I had given it to her, and it is mine to take now!”  She was up and ready to fight again, but he was too fast, and she was met with a barrel of a pistol pointed straight at her. In defiance she growled out. “Dat sword be wha’ got ‘er killed, an’ joo know ‘ow she cherished it. If joo gonna leave ‘er anyt’ing, leave dat. Else I be findin’ joo, Aggie.” He watched her carefully, considering her words with a foggy mind and a state of fear and freedom he had not felt in years. “Well, maybe she was right. Maybe it is cursed. If so, I’ll be seeing her soon. Be well, Moz. From this day forward, you will never see me again.” His words came without thought, acting purely on impulse and the emotion that had welled up in him. The orc backed away slowly, pistol facing the troll until they were both lost in the snowstorm and he could turn to make his way back to port. Hopefully he made it before he froze. No where else to go. 
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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I want you bad 
Can you reciprocate? 
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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There are two types of ladies Quick meets. And he always chases the wrong ones. Make your own here. 
Tagged by: @twosidedsana Tagging: UHHH @threska, @naisav (do it again), @iceborne-and-starsworn, aaand @deadwoodrin
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
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Photo by Kelly Sikkema
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
[ Some Quick inspiration. A whole lot of relative lyrics here. ]
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aghogquick-wra · 6 years ago
Quick was never good with letters. But the time had come. He had to leave. Just like Maji had to leave before he had met her, and Moz had to leave after Maji had passed, it was Quick’s time to hide away in Azeroth and find what he needed to find for himself. Though Quick was never one to leave without saying goodbye to those who needed to hear it. 
First, the easy one. A letter left in the Tail, with the staff on paid orders to give to Threska should she return for a pint of booze as she is known to do. “Threska,      First of all, I know someone else will be reading this to you. Thank you whoever it is for doing this. You and I haven’t spent much time together, though we’ve gotten to know more about one another than I think we had planned or expected to. I imagine you have changed a bit and been through fel since the war started, and I hope you are doing well. 
      I’ll never forget how drunk you were dancing with me that night, and I hope you find what it is you’re looking for in Azeroth. Have a drink for me, already paid for. For now I am going to be gone for however long I need to be, stay strong and don’t cave. The cruelties of this world should not change someone as kind as you.                                                                                                       -Quick” Next, one he didn’t expect himself to want to write. “Zulie,       It has been awhile since we have spoken. That is my fault. I don’t know what to say other than that I am going to be missing from Orgrimmar and any Horde territories for awhile. I have things I need to handle, things you’ve probably seen many go through in your time on Azeroth. I will handle mine hopefully in less than a few thousand years, I don’t have that much time.      I wish we got to talk more before things started to end up the way they did. I feel like we would have been far better friends if we had simply met at a different time in my life. Stay safe throughout the war, the world still need you around longer than you’ve already been here. 
                                                                                                    -Quick” Then, one in a spur of the moment thought, with a map of Eversong and a small red “x” painted onto it. “Handrin,      Thanks for the chats. Thanks for the help. You’re a good guy. I can’t say the same for most other elves I know with your tastes and style, but you are one of the few I’ve met in a long while I truly am impressed by. All my boxes of cigars are stored out in Eversong if you ever feel like having a smoke, here’s where I got them hidden away. Ain’t gonna see you for a long time, maybe never, who knows. Don’t know why I felt like sending you this shit, guess I just felt like ya were good enough of a fella to get a late farewell.                                                                                                        -Quick” Finally, the hard one. He had already sent a comm message, but every gift needed a hand written letter. This one didn’t need to be as detailed as the others. This one he wrote for his own pleasure.  “Piece Of Shit,      One rule. No fucking on it. No exceptions. No matter what, if you fuck on the ride you end up making with this, your ass is going to be haunted in the worst fucking way imaginable until Azeroth itself crumbles. Oh, and I stole your best looking bottle of booze. Watch out for old orcs on the road, not all of them can move out of the way before you run them down. See you when I see you.                                                                                                   -Fucknut” And then, aside from those letters and the boxes of cigars hidden in Eversong, Quick vanished. There was no trace of him in Orgrimmar, Eversong, Silvermoon, or any major Horde or Alliance hub. This was time he needed. [[ Thank you all for the RP, to those who actually reached out for it. I am taking an unexpected break from Quick due to mental health problems and the difficulty to RP his character without discomforting myself in real life. This leave is likely not permanent, though it likely will not be short.  Mentions for letters @threska, @iceborne-and-starsworn, @deadwoodrin, @naisav ]]
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