agent-talley · 3 years
Moving to side blog
I keep forgetting to check in here regularly so I’ll be moving this rp blog to a sideblog under my main account. My apologies for any confusion I’ve caused. See ya’ll soon.
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agent-talley · 5 years
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Practice pic of a happy rancher trainer, Lucky.
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agent-talley · 5 years
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some happy
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agent-talley · 5 years
Talley stifled a small giggle. “Curry and Chili are different dishes. Both a little spicy though.” After thinking about it she began prepping to make a simple curry and rice dish. 
“I’ll keep it mild for now, and we can try some others some other time.”
She began humming happily, moving about and preparing the meals. Her Tepig wandered back to the living room, looking at all the other Pokémon there now and bounced up and down excitedly, trying to entice them to play with him.
After a while Talley returned and placed down their meals on the coffee table, and brought in some bowls of Pokémon food for the small crowd. “Hope you enjoy everyone.” 
“Don’t mind Piggy, he wont hurt you.” She smiled seeing the boy hide behind her, and gave Tepig a little head scratch. 
“Well I trust your judgement on if you want to let your pokemon out or not, if they are nervous.” She began heading to the kitchen, Tepig following close behind, oinking happily. “What would you like to eat kiddo? There’s some curry, chilli, or a few things to make sandwiches. any preference?” She asked, poking her head back into the living room. 
“My judgement…” Cassian thought for a moment before reaching into his bag, pulling a Poke Ball out only to put it into his pocket. Grabbing the bottom of the bag, he dumped the rest of the contents out, sending over a dozen Poke Balls clattering onto the floor. “Who wants to come out?” he asked leaning over the mess of Poke Balls. “Don’t worry. This Junior Agent Talley Henri seems kind. I do not think she will harm us.”
With that coaxing, a number of the Poke Balls shook before opening, releasing their contents. A Honedge, Sableye, Phantump, Sandyghast, and an Alolan Marowak all emerged from their Poke Balls one by one. Finally, Cassian tapped his foot making a pair of eyes peek out from his shadow. “It’s alright, our Shadow. You don’t need to hide,” however even though Cassian tried to encourage the Gengar to show itself, it didn’t move from his shadow. But it didn’t seem to be interested in hiding itself either. “Alright. Fine. You can be that way if you’d like,” he teased.
That was when Talley poked her head back into the living room to which Cassian stared blankly at her for a long moment. “What’s curry chili?” he finally managed to ask.
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agent-talley · 5 years
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Dancing with the enemy
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agent-talley · 5 years
“Don’t mind Piggy, he wont hurt you.” She smiled seeing the boy hide behind her, and gave Tepig a little head scratch.  “Well I trust your judgement on if you want to let your pokemon out or not, if they are nervous.” She began heading to the kitchen, Tepig following close behind, oinking happily. “What would you like to eat kiddo? There’s some curry, chilli, or a few things to make sandwiches. any preference?” She asked, poking her head back into the living room. 
Talley held his hand as they walked, heading back towards her borrowed apartment. “I’m not sure who put it to your mind that you’re trouble but I bet they’re wrong If need be you may stay as long as I’m stationed here. Help yourself to food, water, anything you need. If you need anything before you set out again let me know, if I have the means I can help you get it.” It was a modest ground floor apartment they walked into, clean but a bit spartan, with two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and bathroom at the end of the hall. A laptop was set on the coffee table and a Tepig sleeping on one of the sofa’s looked up and squealed happily as they walked in.  “If you have pokemon with you feel free to let them wander, there’s plenty of pokemon food in the lower cupboards. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll see what I can make for food. I’m not the best cook but it’ll be edible I promise.” She giggled. “only rule is please don’t touch the laptop I use it for work. Everything else is yours to use as you like.”
“Trouble…” Cassian let the word sit in the air for a moment before continuing. “I mean no trouble and often am not.” Cassian let out sound that was caught somewhere between a hiss and a dry laugh. “Except that one time, of course. But I hope you are right. My Master often said those things and he was wrong about many things… At least… I hope he was wrong about them…” The last part ended in a mutter that was more directed towards himself more than at anyone else.
He was taken out of his daze by the squeal of Talley’s Tepig which made him jump before he shrunk behind the agent. It was from behind Talley that Cassian looked at the accommodations with a wide-eyed sense of awe. “I understand! It will be as you ask. I will enjoy your food and I will not use your computer!” Not that Cassian actually knew how to use a computer in the first place.
Taking a wide berth around the fire pig, Cassian wandered to the middle of the room before taking the bag off from over his shoulder. “Are you certain that you want to see all of my friends?” He asked, turning back to face Talley. “I have many friends, and they are worried about meeting you. Not all of them trust humans, see? They asked me to make certain that you wouldn’t be mad about them being here.”
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agent-talley · 5 years
Talley held his hand as they walked, heading back towards her borrowed apartment. “I’m not sure who put it to your mind that you’re trouble but I bet they’re wrong If need be you may stay as long as I’m stationed here. Help yourself to food, water, anything you need. If you need anything before you set out again let me know, if I have the means I can help you get it.” It was a modest ground floor apartment they walked into, clean but a bit spartan, with two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and bathroom at the end of the hall. A laptop was set on the coffee table and a Tepig sleeping on one of the sofa’s looked up and squealed happily as they walked in.  “If you have pokemon with you feel free to let them wander, there’s plenty of pokemon food in the lower cupboards. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll see what I can make for food. I’m not the best cook but it’ll be edible I promise.” She giggled. “only rule is please don’t touch the laptop I use it for work. Everything else is yours to use as you like.”
Talley tilted her head, wondering what was going on but felt it would be rude to ask, and possibly didn’t want to know why he spoke into his bag. When he brought up sleeping on the streets it plucked at her heartstrings like a harp. “Oh dear. Uhm…” She bit her lip, it wasn’t strictly against the rules but it wasn't’ encouraged either. She hummed then nodded.
 “I have a spare room in the apartment I’m borrowing, can’t have you roughing it now can we? I’ll see what the agency can do for you though when I get moved again.” 
She smiled and offered her hand for him to take. 
It was Cassian’s turn to tilt his head, however this time it was in confusion. He didn’t understand why the Junior Agent was offering her hand. They had already shaken hands in greeting. But after a few seconds of examining it, he took it, figuring that whatever it was, he would figure it out by letting her take the lead. There was something nice about holding Talley’s hand that he couldn’t quite explain. Whatever it was though, it put a bit more of a spring in his step.
“We are grateful to you, Junior Agent Talley Henri. My friends were worried that you would be another mean human. But you feel different from them! Worry not, Junior Agent Talley Henri! We will stay in your spare room as if we were in a Pokeball! Quiet, unassuming, and you may even forget we are there at all!” Cassian let out a hearty laugh. “Worry not about housing us long! We are apparently what they call a, ‘wandering Pokemon trainer.’ If you wish us gone tomorrow, we will leave to spend the next night in the forest. We are very grateful to you, Junior Agent Talley Henri, and I do not want to make trouble for you.”
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agent-talley · 5 years
Talley tilted her head, wondering what was going on but felt it would be rude to ask, and possibly didn’t want to know why he spoke into his bag. When he brought up sleeping on the streets it plucked at her heartstrings like a harp. “Oh dear. Uhm…” She bit her lip, it wasn’t strictly against the rules but it wasn't’ encouraged either. She hummed then nodded.
 “I have a spare room in the apartment I’m borrowing, can’t have you roughing it now can we? I’ll see what the agency can do for you though when I get moved again.” 
She smiled and offered her hand for him to take. 
The kid struck Talley as a bit odd but he looked harmless enough. She just smiled and waited for him to finish what he was doing. “Well a Junior agent kinda, well we work with the police and the pokemon rangers as a sort of go-between.” She took her badge off her jacket to show the boy, careful to hide her first name on it. “Depends on what you need help with I suppose. I can help you find something, someone or some place, I can help if someone is being mean to you. If I can’t help with your problem then I can find you someone who can perhaps.” 
She smiled and put the badge away again. “So, how would you like me to help you young sir?” 
“Help? Help… Ah! You would have been a lot of help back then! They were mean to us. Very mean. But they’re gone now! So we could have used your help, but not anymore! If you could have helped in a time that isn’t now, then I would like you to, but we don’t need to find any thing or one right now. Unless…”
Opening the bag again, Cassian muttered into it, not particularly worried if the agent overheard. “Do you think she would help? She is the first to offer… I see… I see… Yes. I will ask.”
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Turning back to Talley, Cassian put on a bit of a shy expression. “I am told it is embarrassing to ask, but this body grows tired and it lacks a home. Do you have a place where we can stay, Junior Agent Talley Henri? We are worried about sleeping on the city streets.”
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agent-talley · 5 years
Opening lore? I guess.
News reporter: our latest update on the attack at the Pokémon league. Merely hours ago there were several explosions and what appeared to be airships descending onto the championship battle. Both the champion and challenger were moments away from a deciding call when panic ensued.
Reporters have been sending in footage however some appears distorted. Between these airships a large Pokémon or an entity was coming out of nowhere. Local professor theorizes it could have been Giratina but deems it nearly impossible.
Next day’s news: we are sad to announce. There were some fatalities amongst the casualties during yesterday’s attack. The challenger for the champions title was saved after the entity vanished by her team of five Pokémon. They caught her from what would have been a fatal fall and threw her towards the fire marshals, though it has been confirmed there were injuries. Witnesses claim that her infernape tried to save her team as the league building fell.
The organisation known as team galactic have been accused of being behind this attack and many affiliates have been taken in for questioning. However the ones present are nowhere to be found, one airship apparently vanishing into nothing.
The tv was shut off by the nurse tending to Sammy who was staring at the ceiling with tears streaming down her cheeks.
she had fought every attempt to help her, insisting she had to get her team back? That they needed her there. However her back had suffered a few fractures and her left leg was broken in three places. It would be a long while before she could go anywhere. She felt the cold and heavy weight of the great ball hanging from her neck on her chest. Her last ditch attempt at stopping whatever it was coming through the rift and destroying everything.  
The nurse was speaking but she couldn’t hear her. The news was still ringing in her mind. Dead. She refused to believe it. She couldn’t. Her heart already hurt being away from them and the possibility that she would never see them again almost killed her. If the nurse’s reaction of pushing the crash button was any indication.
Almost a year passed before Sammy could finally get up and move on her own. Several surgeries had made sure she would walk again with the aid of a cane, otherwise she’d use a wheelchair for walks longer than ten minutes.
The champion had tried getting in touch with her and even offered the title, declaring she would have won or that her team’s heroics were a testament to her character.
She refused.
Today however was different. The champion reached out again and offered to bring Sammy to the monument placed in the garden of the new league building.
The monument was shown live at the reopening ceremony and she nearly went mad. Why did they keep her team there and not send them home? It Occurred to her later that given what happened that it wouldn’t be possible.
So Sammy found herself in a limo being driven up to the league and pushed in a chair up to the garden gates. When asked if she’d like an escort she declined and slowly hobbled through. She knew the champion was following and ignored them. Once she got in sight of the gravestone she could feel her heartbreak anew.
It was beautifully made out of polished granite, the likeness of her team’s faces all looking up from a gold plaque along with their nicknames. She broke. The next few hours were the most painful she’d ever been through, more than coming to in hospital, more than the physical therapy. Her world ended here and the universe clearly felt it. Rain struck and quickly soaked her through. The cold granite and gold faces looked like they were crying too. She couldn’t help them, they weren’t coming back. It wasn’t fair. A year’s worth of rage, frustration  and sorrow hit her all at once and she fell, sat with her back to the stone unable to face it and clutching her face as she let all these things out in a scream of absolute anguish.
It was midnight before the champion came back, worried that she hadn’t gone home. Sammy was picked up and taken inside out of the rain and cold.
When Sammy turned 23 she had recovered from her injuries but had not taken on another Pokémon since. She kept the great ball on her at all times. Constantly worried that if anything happened to it the world would be at its mercy. She avoided trainers questions and pleas to battle and avoided interviews about what happened even more. When asked ‘hey weren’t you that challenger whose team saved the league?’ it tore her in half, wanting to lie just to get away or trying to say yes without breaking down.
A friend happened to suggest travelling a bit. She still had a trainer passport and a not too bad chunk of savings. So with little warning she did just that. Grabbed a boat ticket and just left. She wasn’t sure what would happen but as long as it was as far away from painful questions and sympathetic looks it would be Better.
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agent-talley · 5 years
Opening lore? I guess.
News reporter: our latest update on the attack at the Pokémon league. Merely hours ago there were several explosions and what appeared to be airships descending onto the championship battle. Both the champion and challenger were moments away from a deciding call when panic ensued.
Reporters have been sending in footage however some appears distorted. Between these airships a large Pokémon or an entity was coming out of nowhere. Local professor theorizes it could have been Giratina but deems it nearly impossible.
Next day’s news: we are sad to announce. There were some fatalities amongst the casualties during yesterday’s attack. The challenger for the champions title was saved after the entity vanished by her team of five Pokémon. They caught her from what would have been a fatal fall and threw her towards the fire marshals, though it has been confirmed there were injuries. Witnesses claim that her infernape tried to save her team as the league building fell.
The organisation known as team galactic have been accused of being behind this attack and many affiliates have been taken in for questioning. However the ones present are nowhere to be found, one airship apparently vanishing into nothing.
The tv was shut off by the nurse tending to Sammy who was staring at the ceiling with tears streaming down her cheeks.
she had fought every attempt to help her, insisting she had to get her team back? That they needed her there. However her back had suffered a few fractures and her left leg was broken in three places. It would be a long while before she could go anywhere. She felt the cold and heavy weight of the great ball hanging from her neck on her chest. Her last ditch attempt at stopping whatever it was coming through the rift and destroying everything.  
The nurse was speaking but she couldn’t hear her. The news was still ringing in her mind. Dead. She refused to believe it. She couldn’t. Her heart already hurt being away from them and the possibility that she would never see them again almost killed her. If the nurse’s reaction of pushing the crash button was any indication.
Almost a year passed before Sammy could finally get up and move on her own. Several surgeries had made sure she would walk again with the aid of a cane, otherwise she’d use a wheelchair for walks longer than ten minutes.
The champion had tried getting in touch with her and even offered the title, declaring she would have won or that her team’s heroics were a testament to her character.
She refused.
Today however was different. The champion reached out again and offered to bring Sammy to the monument placed in the garden of the new league building.
The monument was shown live at the reopening ceremony and she nearly went mad. Why did they keep her team there and not send them home? It Occurred to her later that given what happened that it wouldn’t be possible.
So Sammy found herself in a limo being driven up to the league and pushed in a chair up to the garden gates. When asked if she’d like an escort she declined and slowly hobbled through. She knew the champion was following and ignored them. Once she got in sight of the gravestone she could feel her heartbreak anew.
It was beautifully made out of polished granite, the likeness of her team’s faces all looking up from a gold plaque along with their nicknames. She broke. The next few hours were the most painful she’d ever been through, more than coming to in hospital, more than the physical therapy. Her world ended here and the universe clearly felt it. Rain struck and quickly soaked her through. The cold granite and gold faces looked like they were crying too. She couldn’t help them, they weren’t coming back. It wasn’t fair. A year’s worth of rage, frustration  and sorrow hit her all at once and she fell, sat with her back to the stone unable to face it and clutching her face as she let all these things out in a scream of absolute anguish.
It was midnight before the champion came back, worried that she hadn’t gone home. Sammy was picked up and taken inside out of the rain and cold.
When Sammy turned 23 she had recovered from her injuries but had not taken on another Pokémon since. She kept the great ball on her at all times. Constantly worried that if anything happened to it the world would be at its mercy. She avoided trainers questions and pleas to battle and avoided interviews about what happened even more. When asked ‘hey weren’t you that challenger whose team saved the league?’ it tore her in half, wanting to lie just to get away or trying to say yes without breaking down.
A friend happened to suggest travelling a bit. She still had a trainer passport and a not too bad chunk of savings. So with little warning she did just that. Grabbed a boat ticket and just left. She wasn’t sure what would happen but as long as it was as far away from painful questions and sympathetic looks it would be Better.
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agent-talley · 5 years
It’s Too Cold Starters
“I’m so cold that arson looks like a great alternative right now.”
“Is eleven blankets still not enough?”
“I could give you my coat…”
“I’m absolutely freezing.”
“Well it’s warmer where I am.”
“Can you get me a jacket or something?”
“It should be illegal for it to be this frigid.”
“I’ve been to receptions warmer than this.”
“If you sit any closer to the fire, you’re going to get a heat rash.”
“No, we are not igniting flammable objects for warmth.”
“I should make sure you aren’t getting hypothermia.”
“Someone keeps turning the heat down and I do not approve.”
“There isn’t enough hot coffee in the world to rid me of this chill.”
“Tea? Hot chocolate? Coffee? Anything? It’s cold!”
“I’m conflicted whether or not to drink my tea or leave it to warm my hands.”
“Is a third sweater too much to ask for?”
“I had to wear this stupid thing because a blanket isn’t proper public attire apparently.”
“The lock on my door was frosted over from the inside when I left.”
“I will fight you over this blanket if I have to.”
“I’m starting to lose feeling in my thighs.”
“So the temperature is arctic, with a wind chill of hell no.”
“I’m not letting you go out in this weather, that under dressed.”
“You walk out there like that, and you will get frostbite.”
“A hot bath would solve that chill.”
“Becoming an unrecognizable mound of fleece blankets and duvets is certainly an option?”
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agent-talley · 5 years
“Whoa!” Talley skidded across the icy floor into a couple of people and eventually into a group of trashcans with a loud clatter. Hey Riolu mewed with concern and hopped onto her knee as she got up, holding her head. “Urgh that hurt...looks like they got away.”
A few people started looking at what happened and Talley couldn’t see anything of the rockets through the crowd and sighed. “We’ll get em next time. Alright people nothing to see here.” 
Talley yelped as a stream of high pressure bubbles and water rushed at her, Tepig squeaked and tried to run but couldn’t move on the ice very well and both of them got shot passed Cyan into the other side of the ice wall with a dull thud. 
“Tepig you ok?” The little pig pokemon grunted and lay on her lap, not much use in a battle. She returned him to his pokeball and pulled out the other. However before she could throw it Cyan was already running. “Freeze!” She got up and gave chase, struggling to maneuver through the crowd. 
She was hoping she wasn’t going to get into trouble for this mess up, she was loosing sight of Cyan, who clearly knew the place better than she did, she called out her second pokemon, who appeared on her shoulder, a small gold Riolu yawned and then held on for dear life while they continued the pursuit. 
“Sorry, gotta go!! Good luck next time, Abigale!” he he yelled back, not daring to look back.
“But if you want me to freeze….well, Here ya go!” a jet of ice shot out, making the people around Cyan scream. Another floor of ice stood between Talley and Cyan, and he was gaining traction.
He made a few quick turns, and was soon out of sight, heading towards his hide-out. He was sure that the ice in the town square would cause enough trouble for his fellow rockets to escape as well!
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agent-talley · 6 years
Open asks
Alright all, I’m full of coffee and have too much free time. So let’s do a thing. Talley’s x-transciever’s number’s been leaked and she’s taking all calls / messages annon or not. What would you like to ask a new agent/ranger.
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agent-talley · 6 years
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agent-talley · 6 years
attention all pokemon fans
the boss of team plasma, ghetsis harmonia, has tried to take over unova again and n harmonia needs your help to stop him. but, in order to do this, n is going to need y
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agent-talley · 6 years
Talley yelped as a stream of high pressure bubbles and water rushed at her, Tepig squeaked and tried to run but couldn’t move on the ice very well and both of them got shot passed Cyan into the other side of the ice wall with a dull thud. 
“Tepig you ok?” The little pig pokemon grunted and lay on her lap, not much use in a battle. She returned him to his pokeball and pulled out the other. However before she could throw it Cyan was already running. “Freeze!” She got up and gave chase, struggling to maneuver through the crowd. 
She was hoping she wasn’t going to get into trouble for this mess up, she was loosing sight of Cyan, who clearly knew the place better than she did, she called out her second pokemon, who appeared on her shoulder, a small gold Riolu yawned and then held on for dear life while they continued the pursuit. 
There was a visible twitch of annoyance, hearing her name, especially from a Rocket. She could feel someone moving behind her and shifted slightly so she could attempt to keep her guard up. It was clear she was putting up a front, trying way too hard to seem like she was unfazed. 
“Comes with the job unfortunately. I cannot and will not stand and do nothing, while people like you think you can get away with causing trouble for people and pokemon.” 
Her hand was slowly moving for a second pokeball at her hip, not really sure where to look first. At the man on the ground or the one trying to get behind her. Suddenly she wished she’d done a bit more pokemon training along with field work as a teenager. A bit late now she thought, feeling sweat starting to roll down her neck. 
Cyan could actually tell. After doing this for so long, you could pick out the newbies pretty easily.
This Abigale girl? She was a newbie. He may have gotten beaten up a lot, but he at least had experience.
He saw her reach for a pokeball, and he knew it was time to make his move.
“Azure, bubblebeam!!” 
The Wartortle let out a cry of it’s name and let forth a beam of bubbles straight at the tepig, intentionally aiming by the girl’s ear so the bubbles would pop by it and disorient her. Cyan let out a yell and charged at her, only to try to feint and run past her, aiming to slide on a bit of ice to get some space between them.
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agent-talley · 6 years
There was a visible twitch of annoyance, hearing her name, especially from a Rocket. She could feel someone moving behind her and shifted slightly so she could attempt to keep her guard up. It was clear she was putting up a front, trying way too hard to seem like she was unfazed. 
“Comes with the job unfortunately. I cannot and will not stand and do nothing, while people like you think you can get away with causing trouble for people and pokemon.” 
Her hand was slowly moving for a second pokeball at her hip, not really sure where to look first. At the man on the ground or the one trying to get behind her. Suddenly she wished she’d done a bit more pokemon training along with field work as a teenager. A bit late now she thought, feeling sweat starting to roll down her neck. 
Her first real day on the job was not what Talley was expecting, more exciting but unexpected. She was listening to the directions over her headpiece and sprinting down the street and saw the ice blocking the pathway.
 “Tepig Ember!” 
Her small companion raced ahead and launched burning hot flames from his snout, melting some of the ice, just enough for her to leap through after scooping him up onto her shoulder.
 “Halt! You’re all under arrest for property damage and attempted theft!” 
Man that sounded cooler in her head, she hoped her green horn wasn’t showing, and stood in a battle ready stance and looked over each of the people in front of her. 
And the other man was off, leaving Cyan alone in a ring of ice, and a lone Ranger. He stood and brushed himself off, looking around, backing up slightly.
“Now now, let’s talk about this-” He squints, trying to read her nametag. “-Abigale, reconsider. We’re Rocket, we’re the biggest baddies you’re ever going to contend with! Do you really want to mess with us?”
He stood his ground, although he felt his knees trembling from the cold and the idea of fighting someone potentially stronger then him. He had to bluff, and give the higher-ups a little more time to loot.
Azure was eyeing the tepig, noting what the little pig-like pokemon had done to his ice. He went around, sliding on the ice till he was behind Abigale. Pincer formation.
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