bold  what  your  muse  CAN  do   ————   REPOST ,  don’t  reblog .
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bake  a  cake  from  scratch   |   ride  a  horse  |   drive  a  submarine   |   speak  a  second  language |  dance  |   catch  a  fish |   play  an  instrument  |  throw  a  punch  |   build  a  deck   |   ice  skate   |   unclog  a  drain  |   program  a  computer   |   change  a  flat  tire  |  fire  a  gun |  sew  |   juggle   |  play  poker  |   paint   |   fly  a  kite   |   sculpt  |   write poetry   |  change  a  diaper   |   sing   |   shoot  a  bow  &  arrow |   ride  a  bike  | swim   |   sail  a  boat|   do  a  back  flip |   play  chess | give  cpr  |   pitch  a  tent  |   flirt   | stitch  a  wound |   read  palms   |  use  chopsticks  |   write  in  cursive  /  calligraphy   |   use  an  electric  drill  | braid  hair |   make  a  campfire  |   make  a  mixed  drink  |   do  sudoku  puzzles |   wrap  a  gift  |  give  a  good  massage   |   jump - start  a  car  |   roll  their  tongue  |   magic  tricks   |   do  yoga  | tie  a  tie  |  skip  a  rock   |   shuffle  a  deck  of  cards   |   read  morse  code  | pick  a  lock .  
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“–– I just wanted to bring you a coffee before you left, Hunnigan. Stop stressing yourself out over a boring meeting.”
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❝ could you make this quick? i have a meeting to attend in about ten minutes and i’m already running late as it is since someone decided to misplace some files. ❞
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for the winter. 
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Always ever reliable.   He was such a good friend.   Leon Kennedy will always be a hero to Claire Redfield.   It’s funny how everyone they knew had always been on time.   Maybe when time slips between your fingers,  when you’re fighting for survival  –  you just don’t take it for granted.   She’s hauling her two bags through the airport,  heeled boots clicking against the tiled floors.
Claire looks more TerraSave than she had ever before.   She’s really filling the role.  Button-up,  pressed shirts.   Clean,  leather jacket.  Tight,  smooth jeans. She just screams Director of TerraSave (but that’s what she’s going for).
Head tilts,  looking through the crowd.
She spots him instantly.   Claire smiles.
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“Leon…”  It’s a breath out.  Almost as if she’s relieved.  “Thank you so much.”
It was hard to miss the young Redfield in the crowd of people. She stood out immediately. The way she walked towards him almost made him forget to breathe. Claire Redfield had always been a beautiful, strong woman. Back in Raccoon City he was blown away by her personality and courage to find her brother, Chris. 
After so many years, nothing’s really changed.
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Once the redhead was close enough, Leon gave her a smile. “No problem. My car is over here. Let’s grab some breakfast before I drop you off at your brother’s place. I know he isn’t home right now, so it gives us a moment to catch up.”
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Raccoon City — those two words that she dreaded, echoed in her head. Repeatedly. 
She couldn’t get her head around the situation either. She’d be damned if she has to watch people die again, in the worst way possible. Being eaten by others. Being turned into a monster, while your soul is trapped somewhere dark. She would know what it’s like, and it was a miracle when she managed to find the cure to save her own humanity. It was a miracle she didn’t decay, like how the rest of them did. 
“Well, I definitely won’t be getting any sleep tonight either. We could take up on the night shift, too? Keep an eye on him, too. It’ll probably make us both feel better.”
Her drink was picked up, and she took a huge sip – letting the mouthful of water slide down her throat to satisfy her thirst. “I’m well familiar with the Raccoon City, by the way. I was stationed there, by Umbrella. Biggest mistake of my life.”
Leon had never been judgemental. However, when those last words left Alice’s mouth he couldn’t help but look over at her and study her expression. It was hard to read, if she really meant it was a mistake. But he had to trust her on this one.
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But what did Umbrella want with her? He had questions, but knew it was a bad idea spilling them out on the table so soon. He had learned from his mistakes in the past too.
“And what exactly did Umbrella want to do with a nice girl like you?” he tried to smile softly at her; bringing up his own can of water only to sip a little. He continued; “I mean, Umbrella doesn’t just pick anyone for their projects.”
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“–– I.. Really?”
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Need some neapolitan for another Ada-less night?
“I’m alright, thanks. Could use a beer though.”
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Need some neapolitan for another Ada-less night?
“I’m alright, thanks. Could use a beer though.”
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"Leon, stop leaving your shit at my place. I swear to god–"
“What did I leave behind this time?”
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Hey there sugartits ;)
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He was always on time. Probably because he had always been ready for duty, the stupid night shifts and calls, but he was there, ready to pick up an old friend. Once again, it had been a couple of years since they last met. Was she still with Terra Save? He could always ask the questions later.
A buzz from his phone made him quickly swipe out the device from his pocket and just grinned at the sight of the text message. He replied:
Got it. Ready here.
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He took a deep breath and looked towards the arrivals, hoping the younger Redfield would show up soon so they could get out of here. He was starving.
Call her biased,  but Claire hates airports.   She was even far too anxious to sleep away the plane ride like she usually does.  There’s just her carry-on she’s dragging with haste behind her.   Rushing to the carousal because she misses her gun.   Who would have thought that Claire Redfield carried one around regularly?   Blame She-Wesker.    Smart phone in hand,  she sends a text:
Hey,  just meet me outside. I’m going to grab my bags then I’m ready to go.
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That sounded rude,  didn’t it?   She’ll say thank you in person.
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Chris: Jesus, when was the last time you ate, Kennedy? Alright fine. And I'm 20 minutes away from your place, you kidding? Unless I can somehow teleport over there. Anyway, I won't be long, and don't worry about paying, it's on me.
Leon: Just got home from a mission. Crash and burn, you know? So I'm pretty damn hungry. And alright, just hurry. Can you bring some whisky too? Rough morning.
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Leon: I’m always free when it come to Carls Jr. Hit me up. Bring some beers too
Chris: Alright, alright. Well, what do you want? I already have a good guess. Chicken strips?
Leon: Chicken strips, some fries and a burger too. I'm starving. If you're not here by five minutes you pay it all yourself.
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[Text] Hey, you free? I'm at Carls Jr, want anything?
[Text] I’m always free when it come to Carls Jr. Hit me up. Bring some beers too.
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