My Journey From Pregnant To Fit
153 posts
I started this page to capture and share my progress from pregnant to being in shape again. I was inspired by several product ads which will show you before and after pics but never give you insight on the entire process.I want to share the struggle and achievements step by step and maybe inspire more women to embrace their strong side.Before pregnancy I had an average athletic body. I worked out alot and mainly consumed healthy foods, but I wasnt motivated enough to take it to the next level.Being pregnant and having that tummy grow bigger and bigger gave me an massive amount of motivation to finally get the super toned body of my dreams.Please join me on my journey and don’t hesitate to contact me for information and sharing.💪🏽💪🏽Ich habe mit dieser Seite begonnen, um meinen Fortschritt von Schwanger zu wieder in Form sein festzuhalten und zu teilen. Inspiriert haben mich sämtliche Produktwerbungen bei denen immer Vorher- und Nachherbilder gezeigt werden, aber der harte Weg dazwischen nicht gezeigt wird.Ich möchte die Schwierigkeiten und Erfolge Schritt für Schritt teilen und vielleicht noch mehr Frauen dazu zu inspirieren ihre starke Seite wahrzunehmen.Vor der Schwangerschaft hatte ich einen durchschnittlich athletischen Körper. Ich habe zwar viel trainiert und micht hauptsächlich gesund ernährt, aber ich war niemaös motiviert genug um es weiter zu bringen.Schwanger zu sein und den Bauch immer größer werden zu sehn, hat mir einen riesigen Motivationsschub gegeben um endlich den super definierten Körper meiner Träume zu bekommen.Kommt mit auf meine Reise und zögert nicht mich für Informationen oder Austausch zu kontaktieren.
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after-baby-transformation · 2 years ago
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#custombike #harleydavidson #harleywood22
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after-baby-transformation · 2 years ago
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
Proteinbowl for breakfast! . . 🌸frozen berries 🌸iso whey 🌸oats 🌸flaxseed 🌸chia 🌸maca 🌸baobab 🌸acai 🌸water . . Superdelicious and healthy!! . . #proteinbreakfast #fitfam #fitness #tasty #fitmom #imafitgirlforlife #happiness #mealplan2.0 #summertime
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Morning workout done! Do this routine 6 sets, each set 8 to 12 reps! Thank you @valentinalequeux for this workoutidea #poolside #bikinibody #womenwholift #fitfam #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #fitness #imafitgirlforlife #summer #workoutmotivation
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Simple, healthy and delicious! Fish, Fallafel and tea. Yum yum yum... . . . #fitfam #imafitgirlforlife #womenwholift #fitspo #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitmom #fitgirlsofig #nutrition #foodstagram #healthyfood #healthylifestyle
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Birthdaypresent when you are a fitnessfreak! 🙌🏼☺️ . . #fitfam #womenwholift #fitspo #fitnessaddict #fitstagram #fitbit #imafitgirlforlife #fatburn #totalcontrol #excited #bestboyfriend
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Kickdowns!!! #energetic #fitfam #womenwholift #sexybadass #bikerchick #bikinibody #imafitgirlforlife #training #badweatheractivities #
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
HIIT in the morning! I love working out here. 😍 5 Sets 10 reps of each excercise. @andreiabrazier your workouts are killers! 😝🤘🏼 #trainwithandreia #workoutmotivation #fitnessaddict #healthylife #outdoorworkout #poolsideworkout #workoutathome #bikinigirl #hiit #hardbodyangel #divafitness #fitmom #fitgirl #fitfamgermany #imafitgirlforlife
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Super healthy preworkout breakfast! Oats Chia Flaxseed Honey Peach Lime Almonds Banana Gojiberries Raisins Dark Chocolate #womenwholift #womenwithmuscle #fitfam #workoutmotivation #nutrition #morningmotivation #preworkout #energetic #tasteofsummer
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Back to reality #womenwithmuscle #womenwholift #workoutmotivation #fitfam #fitspo #fitnessaddict #workout #muscleandhealth #bikerchicksofinsta #
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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The end of 4 wonderfull days! Thank you Rüdesheim, we will be back 👍🏼 #hardbodyangel #magicbike #magicbikerüdesheim #fitfam #customized #bosshoss #harleydavidson #vrodcustom
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Bikes bikes bikes... #magicbike #magicbikerüdesheim #fitfam #hardbodyangel #bikerchicksofinsta
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Day2 #fitfam #hardbodyangel #magicbike #magicbikerüdesheim #harleydavidson #motorcycle #bikerchicks
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Magic Bike. Day1. Sunshine, Bikes and Wine. ☀️🤘🏼😜 #magicbike #magicbikerüdesheim #wine #fitfam #weekendvibes #love #harleydavidson #custombikes #bikerchick #womenwithmuscle #motorcycle
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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On the road.... #magicbike #magicbikerüdesheim #fitfam
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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Swimming 🏊🏻‍♀️ is a great fatburner! #poolside #summertime #sunshine #workoutmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitspo #fitfam #fitgirl #fitmom #fitness #hiit
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after-baby-transformation · 7 years ago
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I love the summer! The sun! Warm air! Flowers! Good moods! AND....outdoor workouts! 😉 And I love doing it in my #gymkiller sportsbra! #outdoors #workoutmotivation #fitspo #fitfam #womenwithmuscle #summervibes #beachbody
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