adventii · 11 years
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Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated this blog in forever. And unfortunately, I will not be able to do so for a while.
I'm currently attending conservatory, and I really really want to transfer. For music schools, auditions are required and 'tis the season to be preparing. As much as I would like to, I can't work on replies whole-heartedly at the moment. I have other blogs that are also on hiatus and I'm going to be getting back to them as soon as possible.
My Skype is mawaruuu so feel free to chat with me there! Unfortunately I haven't had time to really talk to anyone but you can ask for my other muses there.
Thank you to the people who took the time to read this. I hope to see you all soon!
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adventii · 11 years
                         ↻ Her voice brought him back into the present time, making his eyes go wide and his jaw drop slightly. Just before her hand could reach him, he had already turned around. There was a sentimentality in her voice that he wanted to erase, one that he certainly did not want to think about in the moment. A hand placed against the square of her back, he pulled her in slowly, eyelashes hanging low.
"No, no." This was just another job. It couldn't mean anything more to him ---- he wouldn't allow it. No woman in the entire world deserved the pain he could give them, the agony that she had gone through for him.
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Their lips were almost brushing against each other at this point, so close that he could sense the slight tremble in her breath. "I'm just fine."
☾— After changing she lingered around the doorway, contemplating his very own existance— Tiptoeing towards the other, steps heavy with regret she comes to a decision; he’d be safer dead.— Movements slowly come to a halt, as his tie drops to the floor. 
           ”Need a moment?”  She boldly breaks the silence, seeing slight hesitation in his movements, his posture.—  "It’s fine if you do… I’m in no rush." Vocals quiver slightly, she had gotten so used to him in this short amount of time they’ve spent together… With that, she edges a bit closer, close enough for her to reach out and touch him… 
      But here she stood, ready to take his life as soon as their lips would meet the world wouldn’t be the same— she wouldn’t be the same. 
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adventii · 11 years
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                          ↻ His eyelashes fluttering briefly, the immortal raised his head towards the source of the voice. He was rather surprised to see such a petite female before him. With the mentality of a 21-year-old, it was understandable that he saw her as a child. "Oh----" He slowly made his way up to his feet, his own joints feeling rather sore from the marble floors. Groaning a little, he straightened his back, exhaling with a smile.
"I'm sorry, little miss. I hadn't meant to fall asleep there." Oh yes he had. He had been hoping that no one would come across him, but it appeared as if his plans had been foiled. Now that she had awaken him, he couldn't just go lie back down on the ground, could he? He couldn't risk going to the front of the library, either, since there was a chance that his date for the night (who he was attempting to stand up) was in the area. With a yawn, he set his hand against the girl's head, the way an adult would to a child. "Thank you for waking me up. That was very considerate of you."
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✿;— -;✿ Aline nestled herself comfortably in one of the lush love seats scattered across the large library. Not that it was hard for her to curl herself in one of the large chairs, she was already quite small and the chairs only accentuated that feature. The girl set her book aside, now moving to stretch her slender legs out in front of her. While the plush chairs were quite comfortable her legs had begun to fall asleep and she wanted another book.
Aline stood, her heels clicking softly on the marble as her clear violet hues scanned the many shelves as she passed them. Her gaze landed on a small form curled in a corner, and she paused for an instant before approaching the figure. The fey crouched down next to the what she could now determine as a boy and pressed a small hand against his shoulder. “Hey..you shouldn’t sleep here..at the very least find a chair or something..you’re in my way.” He really wasn’t but she was concerned about the boy sleeping on the marble floors, it was rather cold down there.
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adventii · 11 years
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adventii · 11 years
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                         ↻ Placing his hands in his pockets, he lowered his gaze to the pathway, attention focusing on the little drops of water coming off the petals of small flowers and the tips of blades of grass. "I wouldn't mind that." His pace began to quicken as he raised his eyes to the sky. The rate at which the raindrops fell was increasing rapidly. He looked back once again. "Ah, we should probably hurry, shouldn't we?"
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« εїз »→; Reina wasn’t sure why anyone would be so happy to have her company, but it also wasn’t something she would question aloud. As he began to walk she did as he said, quickly following after him. “Do you think it’ll rain long?” Though she didn’t mind his company, it would be quite dull if the two of them got stuck here. At least she thought so, seeing as she didn’t believe herself to be remotely interesting.
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adventii · 11 years
                         ↻ Oh, such a coincidence. Shun himself had attempted to kill himself in the same very lake while saying goodbye to the girl he loved. Did Saki come to this lake after he had sealed himself away? His complexion gentled, his smile still holding up despite the heaviness in his chest. He wanted to comfort her the way he would have reassured Saki had he had the opportunity to. "I'm sure he's just glad to see you've grown up so wonderfully."
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⊰ ♥ ⊱ —— Turning her face to look at him, the girl merely patted the spot nearby her, as if inviting him to sit beside her. Turning her attention back to the lake, Lina allowed her hands to play with the water, even when her mind just screamed for her to get away from this place, for she almost died while drowning. "I want to believe that, but… He died trying to save me." her voice was soft, a tone of sadness that he might recognize if he already heard something like this. "I wonder if Glen will ever forgive me because of this…"
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adventii · 11 years
                         ↻ Ah, time for the actual job. He had rather enjoyed his time with her, but they had only gone through all that for the sake of this moment. Deciding to give her some room for her to change, he stepped outside. With a sigh and a smile, he walked out into the living room.
Slipping his tie off of the collar of his shirt, he looked out to the city landscape through the large windows. Even as he tried to observe the passing traffic from the high point he was at, he could only see his reflection staring back at him. His tie had fallen to the floor at this point, several of the top buttons undone.
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Was this what he had become?
╰☾╮—  She holds the glass a bit higher in respect before knocking down the rest of her cup, "Ahh— what a fearless prey, I always like a challenge."  A gasp follows afterward, hopefully he didn’t catch that, and that night would go smoothly as planned. Her mind still wasn’t made up concerning the fate of the young man, to die— or not to die—? She questions to herself.
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   Following behind Shun, a hand is placed around and rested at his side, she slips in front of him motioning with her hand the room   "Like what you see?"  Sauntering over to her closet, she chooses her sexiest lingerie. 
        “I’m going to go change, I suggest you get yourself ready as well.”
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adventii · 11 years
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【エア新刊】僕の彼氏はご主人サマ | ういろう(腐)
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adventii · 11 years
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                        ↻ A few scattered drops were landing around the two. Hands loosely placed in pockets, he looked once again towards the sky. "The rain can be rather unforgiving at times." Taking a few steps forward before turning to face her again while continuing to walk, he flashed her another smile. "But then again, what can we do but simply go along with the flow?" Although Shun was rather confident that he could stop the rain if he truly wanted to.
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« εїз »→; Reina wasn’t sure why anyone would be so happy to have her company, but it also wasn’t something she would question aloud. As he began to walk she did as he said, quickly following after him. “Do you think it’ll rain long?” Though she didn’t mind his company, it would be quite dull if the two of them got stuck here. At least she thought so, seeing as she didn’t believe herself to be remotely interesting.
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adventii · 11 years
                         ↻ Bowing his head slightly as he received the glass, Shun felt his lips curve ever so slightly upwards. Although it never had any particular effects on the male, alcohol had always been a source of comfort for Shun. For this reason, he was never particularly choosy about the flavor or quality, in addition to the fact that his body could eradicate any unnecessary toxins.
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"Aren't you a bold one?" He mused, letting the thought slip through his lips. The moment she had requested for the two of them to meet beforehand he had been quite sure of it ---- verbally stating it provided some sort of confirmation.
Sipping some of the liquid, he simply gave her a relaxed, nonchalant look. "Well, you say you have nothing to be afraid of." Blinking slowly once, he turned the knob and entered the bedroom. "Neither do I."
╰☾╮— "Getting started already?" A small joke as her coat was placed along side his as she  noticed him unbuttoning his shirt. Sauntering back into the kitchen, digits pluck two wine glasses from the shelves "Would you like a drink?" Filling both cups with wine a soft smile was offered, feelings were still contemplated about what would be the fate of young Shun. 
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 "Well, I don’t have anything to be afraid of—" She speaks assuming that most women met with the male elsewhere because of security and safety reasons, "You should check out the bedroom, I sure do hope you enjoy firm beds."  A devilish smile before placing the clear rim of the glass to parted petals while doing so, the other glass is pushed towards the other figure. 
                “Aren’t you afraid, meeting strangers at random places, not knowing if they’re some mass murderer—?”  The succubus, truly amused at how come this man is still living. 
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adventii · 11 years
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                         ↻ A sigh of relief escaped from the core of his chest. He rather appreciated the company, especially on a day that brought out the nostalgia from the depths of his heart. "That's wonderful. I'm quite glad to hear that." Walking past her, he walked to the end of the bridge towards the traditional styled pagoda. "Let's hurry on, then. The rain is coming."
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« εїз »→; She had begun to zone out as she stared at him, but quickly refocused as he cleared his throat. "Ah, really?" Pink hues drifted towards the sky, noting that it did appear like rain was soon on it’s way. "I’d love to." After all, she wasn’t quite ready to being alone again yet.
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adventii · 11 years
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                         ↻ A sigh escaped the cracking lips of the immortal, eyes gazing off. Had winter always been so unforgiving? At least the small male had decided to put off the subject of paying him back for the meantime. "I can't guarantee that my place will be your ideal castle, but it should be good enough to keep us out of the cold." He hoped this boy was reasonable and understood that, at least.
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           The way this man seemed to think really confused the Russian, as to be expected. Acceptance being a form of payback sounded like a silly idea. His thought halted for a moment, giving the other a glance as he continued walking. It wasn’t like Nika had any possessions that could be stolen, besides the clothes off his back. And that would only further entice him to be forward on the stranger. “I’ll…ask again l-later,” He gave a small sigh, breath nothing but a cloud in the cool air. “In case you change your mind, s-s-ser.”
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adventii · 11 years
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                         ↻ He took note of her silence and cleared his throat momentarily. Turning around once again to make eye contact with her, he let a smile slowly materialize on his complexion. "It looks like it might start raining soon." There was a certain possibility of it, considering how heavy the dark clouds looming over appeared. "I'm going to head into the pagoda. Would you like to join me?"
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« εїз »→; Reina tilted her head at his words, deciding not to question him right away. Instead she stared at him for a bit, which wasn’t really that much better. Not that she seemed to notice. The brunette often made people uncomfortable without even meaning to. Either way, she was already interested in him.
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adventii · 11 years
                         ↻ He was rather glad to finally be out of the bitter winter cold. He had never been a fan of the winter, and the fact that temperatures were dropping gradually into the negatives certainly did not change his distaste for the season. He had been quite surprised to hear that his client had wanted to spend the night in her own apartment. For most cases, women tended to avoid going back to their own homes, primarily because they were either cheating or simply wanted to run away from their lives. Granted, he wasn't one to judge the decisions of his clients, but he couldn't help but make the observations.
It was a rather nice apartment, one that Shun would have liked to stay in if he was willing to work overtime. He had never been the type to value material wealth or anything of the sort, but he certainly had to admit that Laelia had splendid taste. Folding his coat in half and setting it on a small table nearby, he loosened the top buttons of his white dress shirt.
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"I'm surprised you wanted us to meet here." He confessed, seeing no real harm in stating the truth. There had been plenty of hotels near the cafe they were speaking in, so why...? "Of course there's nothing wrong with that---" He felt as though a clarification was necessary, as he didn't want to offend her.
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adventii · 11 years
                         ↻ A gift? Well this certainly was taking quite a bit of a turn. "Oh, no." He panicked a little, not entirely sure of how to react to the young female. "I don't celebrate the holidays. I couldn't possibly-----"
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            Moriyamanever really knew how make friends, being so she tried her best to befriend the male. Ah —- P-please this flower as a gift..”she reply to her trying not sound desperate to befriend him.
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adventii · 11 years
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                         ↻ Was this true dread? The mere thought of having to pleasure a woman for the night yet once again sent shivers down his spine. Unfortunately, he most definitely had to pay the rent for the month and couldn't get out of the appointment. She was a married woman, one who hungered for attention despite the fact that she had a loving husband. Of course, to Shun, that wasn't a problem as long as he was paid. For the time being, he was taking refuge in a local library, shielding himself from the bitter winter cold.
He could feel his conscience slipping away, bit by bit. He wasn't much of a morning person, and the time was certainly taking a toll on his body. Laying in the corner of the library archives, he slowly let his eyelids fall heavily. There wasn't a single voice to be heard, and the silence only made Shun drift off even further. In the distance, he thought he could hear footsteps, the quiet click clack of boots against marble. He pushed the possibilities away, wishing for solitude.
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adventii · 11 years
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                                                                     "Merry Christmas, everyone!"
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