adonis-things · 1 month
Some times my skin is uncomfortable Not in a philosophical way but in the way it feels Some days it just feel tight and I find myself picking little pockmars and holes along my arms and face Trying to some how loosen the very flesh I'm wearing
And there are days in quite the opposite where my skin is loose and I feel I have to hold it tight or someone will notice the sagging in my face a balloon deflated far too many times Folds of skin and I've never weighed more then 150
I'm always angry and uncomfortable My skin always making things more difficult And once I thought it was my clothes but this happens even if I'm standing in my bathroom Naked and dissociating
Sometimes I want to filet it all off and finally get some comfort
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adonis-things · 2 months
i wish to seek comfort in living, but i only feel comfort in the thoughts of death.
my death will be my gift, my gift of nirvana,
in which my soul will seek shelter of you.
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adonis-things · 2 months
I want to see my dad again
sooner or later, I will
I'll be in that sky with him
he'll get to know the adult me
because he couldn't know child me
instead of bonding over children movies and icecream daddy daughter dates
we'll talk about our depression and struggles throughout the life we so badly wanted to live,
but just couldn't take anymore
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adonis-things · 2 months
A Remarkable Time
I can't float in water; All I do is sink into a body That plugs my ears. And that deep unknown,
That easily cradles others,
Likes to pinch my nose instead— Reminding me Of what I take for granted.
I've tried and tried—I don't float!
And some may think that I'd Let myself drown but I kick Right through the inconvenience Of my disconnect
And from the outside, it may Seem like I am having A remarkable time.
Andi Leigh 08/09/2024
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adonis-things · 2 months
I'll never be as pretty as her
because I bet you told her the same thing you tell me
"I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen"
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adonis-things · 3 months
July 4th 2023 - Untitled
I look at the clouds
and I see the opening
leading to heaven
waiting for me to join
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adonis-things · 3 months
March 29th 2024 - Untitled
the glistening in their eyes
hoping I don't leave them
I swore to protect them,  but now I'm leaving
I hope time will soon shed the tears for me
because I can no longer listen to the weep of my own pain
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adonis-things · 3 months
The Night Sky - April 18th 2023
The Shadow across my ceiling
That still haunts my dreams
Looking out the window, but something catches my eye
I'm going crazy, insane, I need help
I call for the stars, hoping to save me from the night
But I'm wide awake, and the stars can't help me this time
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adonis-things · 3 months
April 23 2023 - Untitled
would I be pretty
if I were the sky
or would I be doom and gloom
and ruin pretty pictures
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adonis-things · 3 months
~ one of my favorite series to read is "Lorien Legacies." I'm currently re-reading the series and thought to share some of my favorite quotes!
- I'll come back to you," I say. "I promise you, if it's the last thing I do, I'll come back to you."
Her face is buried in my neck. She nods.
"I'll count the minutes until you do." she says. "Pitticus Lore"
- The price of a memory, is the memory of the sorrow it brings. "Pitticus Lore"
- A place is only as good as the people you know in it. It's the people that make the place. "Pitticus Lore"
~ If you read, specifically Sci-Fi, and need a suggestion, the "Lorien Legacies" series is amazing!
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adonis-things · 3 months
The Surface - June 28th 2024
I'm scared of the ocean
the waves crashing, pulling me under
when I was younger, the waves were intimidating
something I've never seen before
My grandpa got me out to sea to ride the waves
telling me how calm the waves are further in
I looked out, noticing the scenery
noticing how the waves didn't look so scary
not anymore
I took a breath to calm my nerves
listening to my grandpa, and took a leap
I rode the waves without a care in the world
just hoping to do it again
I'm still scared of the ocean
but not who I am once im in it
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adonis-things · 3 months
~ lost both the title and date of this short poem ~
maybe when we die
we become clouds
they leave a little room for me
when I'm a little extra sad
showing me
there's a place in the sky
where I can go
so people can look at me
and think I'm beautiful
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adonis-things · 3 months
June 27th 2024 - Untitled
everytime the seasons change
I find myself longing for my favorite
as I'm bundled up in my sweaters, looking at Christmas lights
I wish to feel the Autumn breeze as I'm tasting my first coffee of the season
It brings me peace, Autumn
as if Autumn is my friend, letting me be me
once I see the change in the leaves
excitement fuels my body
ready for the adventures to come
but once I get Autumn, I take it for granted
it sneaks up being me, and I miss everything
and I continue to change, along with the seasons
waiting for my favorite
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adonis-things · 3 months
Tangible Thoughts - June 26th 2024
another restless night
with the thoughts throughout the day
storming the night
I lie awake, looking past the ceiling
and into the spaces inside my head
feeling the pain and sorrow
of the peace I will never have
hoping to shut my eyes and feel free
to only be haunted by my dreams
it's as if I'm cursed
binded by what I thought was just made up
is also tangible
I feel the pain, in my chest
in the attacks that corrupt my safe thoughts
it feels so real, that death has come
with every tear and every breath
slowing down my heart rate
its just me
trying to keep my broken self together
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adonis-things · 3 months
June 8th 2024- Untitled
hold me
hold me so tightly
so I don't drift away
so I can just forget today
to feel whole, to feel as one
hold me
hold me so tightly
I need it so desperately, so deeply
in a world of chaos, I find peace with you
and within peace, I find myself
losing myself means losing you
because there'd be no me to give
with the one chance I have to live
I'll be doing it with you
hold me,
hug me so tightly
and don't let go
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adonis-things · 3 months
The Night Sky - April 18th 2024
~Two separate poems about the one I love, written at the same time ~
1 am
looking out the window, counting the stars
and the days until we can count the stars together
You love the sky, and its pretty paintings
I like to look at you, loving the sky, seeing
The painting it creates
226 miles away from each other
And I can't see your pretty face tonight
So I'll stare, and stare and stare and stare...
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adonis-things · 3 months
April 4th 2024- Untitled
I forgive you, dad, I do
because I need to
there was never an ounce of hatred for you
even with the words I heard, I never believed them
I knew you tried your hardest
"there no mistake too big that I can't bounce back from"
you said that, and I will continue to follow those footsteps you left for me
my memory of you is fading
but I get a reminder with beautiful butterflies, and the color yellow
you show yourself in times I need you the most, and that's all I need from you now
you don't get to guide me through life,
because you put all the effort into guiding yourself
you felt there wasn't a place for you in this world
but there's always a place for you in my heart
I forgive you dad, I do
because you need me to
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