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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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WEEK OF MAY 8th – 14th
The week of the Full Moon starts with two days that we can use to speed up our existing projects and probably start a couple more. Once the Moon reaches the peak of the cycle on Wednesday May 10th, we will need to focus on examining the results of our efforts and deciding on strategies to wind down what has been during this Lunar cycle started and assessing the potential outcomes. The Full Moon in Wednesday may be intense and secretly emotional: Scorpio is not the easiest sign for the Moon. This Full Moon goes deep and touches painful and hidden places in our memories and our souls, the things that we outgrew but that are so difficult to let go of… The energy of Scorpio is the energy of transformation and resurrection. Expect the Full Moon to illuminate for you something in your life that needs to be discarded, left behind, or completely transformed and rebuilt.
The Sabian symbol (a unique image) for the degree of the Full Moon is “Obeying His Conscience, A Soldier Resists Orders”. It suggests to us to look deep inside and to act based on our very deep inner needs with integrity, not compromising or matching the expectations that others impose on us.
Moon in Libra: Monday May 8th all day
On Monday, the Moon stresses the connection between Mercury and Uranus that makes us truly brilliant and innovative this week. Our thoughts may be in the future, and it looks more exciting and surreal than any sci-fi movie or book ever described. This is the time for brainstorming and approaching the problems that are difficult to solve with new rigor and energy. The time is truly electric, and out brains may be working vey fast and in very unusual ways that we did not experience before. Monday is the day to give those brilliant ideas a structure, to set them in stone, so that we can reap the practical benefits right away or later.
Monday evening is the time to finish something that has been started before but not to plan any important meetings or beginnings.
Moon in Scorpio: Tuesday May 9th – Thursday May 11th early afternoon
On Tuesday, the Scorpio Moon will not support the interactions with others. We may prefer to stay alone, to dive deep into our dreams, and may be even get lost in our imaginary world.
Wednesday is the most intense day of the week, with the Full Moon in the evening. Those, who celebrate Full Moons with meditation, may dive very deep and have a truly spiritual experience behind the veil on this very special day. Everything new and important has to be finished during the day time, because the evening and night will not support the new beginnings: this will be the time to reflect on the Full Moon and to reach deeper understanding of he areas of our lives that need to be abandoned or transformed.
Take it easy on Thursday in the morning, and don’t start anything important: it will not develop as you expect it to. Anything important and new should be delayed until the afternoon.
Moon in Sagittarius: Thursday May 11th afternoon – Saturday May 13th
The Sagittarius Moon is inspiring and fiery, because it makes an easy connection with the Venus in Aries. We will be ready to overlook the others’ imperfections and combative moods. Sparks will fly, but very few can actually damage us or dampen our optimistic outlook on life on this day. The day and the evening are good for an adventure or exploration of a new territory, especially in a relationship.
On Friday, we will have a desire to be pro-active, but the problem may be deciding on what action to take: there will be several comparable options. If unsure, turn to meditation or to your intuition: the most impractical and unreasonable way to decide will lead us to a correct decision, even if we are unable to justify it logically.
Our optimistic mood and outlook on life may run into limitations and obstacles on Saturday, and we may be faced with the exploration of our limits and limiting our explorations… Unconventional ideas will help us overcome the obstacles. There is a lot of fire and passion in the sky; we will feel very inspired and energized. Also watch for fires in your environment, both metaphorical and real. 
Moon in Capricorn: Sunday May 14th all day
Capricorn Moon may not be our first choice for a weekend, but, if we use it wisely, it may help us build things and find our inner strength to structure our days or our lives. We may feel that on this serious day there is no place for pleasure and fun or for things of beauty and art. However, everything has its place if we approach life with the desire to organize and improve it and to find timeless meaning of the things and interactions. Sunday will be about growing the things and relationships that survive the time challenge: grow it if it is for a long hold, and don’t waste your energy if this is a fleeting impulse.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of May 8th – 14th):
Monday May 8th 6:58 PM – Tuesday May 9th 1:00 AM
Wednesday May 10 5:42 PM – Thursday May 11 12:59 PM
Saturday May 13th 10:14 PM – Sunday May 14th 1:37 AM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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Although the month will be less hectic than the previous months, and there will be a sense of increasing stability and grounding, May will be rich in intense astrological energies, especially around the dates of the Full Moon and the New Moon. However, this week offers a break from the intensity of celestial influences, as well as a lower pace than we had in the past weeks or will have in the upcoming weeks.
Mercury will turn direct on Wednesday May 3rd, ending the times of confusion and unexpected delays. After several days of picking up the speed, Mercury will be back to its normal function by the next week, and we may feel relief watching our mercury-related affairs proceeding with the normal speed. This week, Mercury works together with Uranus, the planet of revolutionary breakthroughs and unexpected events breaking the normal pace and expectations. It is a time when brilliant ideas may come to our minds, and combined with the strong and positive influence of Saturn, the energies of Mercury and Uranus may be solidified into practical outcomes and persistent efforts.
Moon in Cancer: Monday May 1st all day – Tuesday May 2nd 12:15 AM
The Cancer Moon is still channeling the energy of Aries, leaving her connection with Mercury and Uranus in Aries and forming a new connection with Venus in Aries. This creates a pioneering and active mood, the desire to be pro-active and make important moves. Use this energy of new beginnings and action – it will fade away as the month progresses.
Moon in Leo: Tuesday May 2nd 12:15 AM – Thursday May 4th 5:51 AM
On Tuesday, we are happy and playful and are not afraid to act and to be childlike when we do. We can use this energy to be creative, or to be romantic, or to spend time with the little children in our lives – all these activities will be delightful and fulfilling. The evening is more intense as we experience a conflict between our feelings and our core values and have to make a choice that is consistent with our obligations.
Wednesday is grand: we think big, and we have great unorthodox ideas that bring joy to our hearts. As the day progresses, we will find the ways to reconcile our emotions, our obligations, and our electric and brilliant ideas, and we will feel content and happy. The afternoon and evening are fiery and exciting, and we can be playful and happy like children.
Moon in Virgo: Thursday May 4th 5:51 AM – Saturday May 6th 2:22 PM; 
The punctual and systematic Moon in Virgo will demand our attention to our responsibilities and chores. There will be no time to daydream or sleep in – we will be focused on working for the future success with a realistic outlook at our lives.
Friday is practical and grounded. Where is our hidden power to turn the world into a better place for ourselves and others? How do we deal with the reality of others’ egos and power struggles? These are the questions that may come to our attention, and it will be easy to tackle them on this day and to act on our decisions.
There is a conflict between our heart desires and the reality on Saturday, and we have to make an adjustment and come to a peace with our duty and the real situations of our lives. It is a good idea to complete our chores and any work that needs to be done over the weekend before the Moon moves on into the sign of Libra in the afternoon.
Moon in Libra: Saturday May 6th 2:22 PM – Sunday May 7th all day.
The Libra Moon will make us look for a harmony between our desires and others’ wishes. Even if we don’t like what we hear, we understand the other’s point of view, and we are ready to adjust and to restore or keep the peace or to make the situation fair for everyone. The sense of duty is very strong too, even if we struggle with complying. Our efforts are rewarded on Sunday, when we celebrate the relationships and open direct communication and find power and transformation in the communion of two souls. Sunday is also a great time for a party, a formal dinner, or just a get-together with friends: everyone will be interactive, happy, and the laugh will fill the room. If nothing has been planned, reach out, act and contact, explore your options, and you may end up having a great time and conversation with a friend or a member of your family or with a complete stranger.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of 1ST – 7TH):
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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The New Moon in Taurus early in the morning on Wednesday signifies the beginning of the planting season. This is the time when spring comes into its rights, the weather stabilizes, and the plants start to grow and bloom. As always, planting is recommended within the first half of the Lunar cycle to use the helping energy of the growing Moon. If it is still too cold to plant into the ground, start sprouting the seeds indoors, unless you plan to wait until the next New Moon.
With the retrograde Mercury in Aries, the Moon in Aries for the first two days of the week, and Venus entering Aries on Friday, we will still have plenty of Aries energy in our lives. The pioneering energy of beginnings, exploration, bravery, and charging ahead will be the predominant energy of this week, despite the Taurus Sun that will make his call to settle down and to take care of practical needs and sensual pleasures. With the exception of the two days that the Moon will spend in Taurus, Wednesday and Thursday, the energy of the week may prove to be hectic and unsettling.
Moon in Aries: Monday April 24th all day – Tuesday April 25th 9:56 PM
The Moon is perfectly positioned between the connections to Venus and Jupiter, and it is in Aries, the sign of high physical energy and new beginnings. We may feel a surge of energy and may be able to finally get to those projects we kept delaying and reconsidering. Monday will be a happy and impulsive day, when we suddenly may just charge ahead and take a leap into unknown or attack an old problem with a renewed energy and determination. In the evening, watch out for power struggles and remain optimistic. It will be easy to keep a good active mood and to see another’s point of view with a very little effort.
Tuesday will be a fiery day: four major planets are Fire signs, and they are connected in an easy configuration. Ideas will fly, impulsive actions will follow, and the limits will be tested and questioned. I would have advised not to make sudden moves and not to act impulsively on fresh ideas, because everything that is dome on Tuesday will be most probably re-done and repeated and corrected later, but I know better: nobody will listen to anybody’s wise advice on this day. Decisions will be made on the spot and followed by immediate actions, just to regret about it later…
Moon in Taurus: Tuesday April 25th 9:56 PM – Thursday April 27th 9:38 PM
Late evening on Tuesday is a great time to prepare for the new Lunar cycle and make new resolutions and plans for the month of Taurus. The best themes to focus on are our bodies and the way we treat our bodies, our money and the way we spend and make our money, our skills that provide our security, and our pleasures that we put off instead of indulging our bodies and treating ourselves to some luxury and quality. The evening of Tuesday and most of Wednesday will be pleasant and relaxed days, when even responsibilities and chores will feel like fun and pleasure. Wednesday evening is another good time to contemplate the plans and to make some resolutions for the upcoming month, but it is too early to act on our plans: we want the Moon to gain some light and energy. A bubble bath and a delicious dinner are twice better on the days of the Taurus Moon tan they usually are.
On Thursday morning, it will be easy to claim our power and to be in control. We will be ready for action in the evening, and some of our moves may change our lives.
Moon in Gemini: Thursday April 27th 9:38 PM – Saturday April 29th 9:47 PM 
On Thursday, we are making important decisions and moves. Thanks to the Universe, we will have options and choices. It does not matter what we commit to on this day, because the situation will change again and then may be again, and so will our choice.
When reflecting on choices and options on Friday, it is important to consider the big picture and to remain optimistic about the future and connected to others. There is very little grounding energy on this day, and our decisions will be purely intellectual and sometimes influenced by our dreams and illusions. It will be better to just limit our dilemmas to our thoughts and not to act on anything serious. The social Gemini Moon will make the conversations with friends and dates delightful in the evening of Friday.
Saturday will remind about the responsibilities and limitations we have in life, and we will see them clearly and accept them with wisdom or with suffering. Involve siblings or other people of your generation and age into solving your problems and dilemmas regarding your obligations or your limitations: talking about our constrains and discussing them may help.
Moon in Cancer: Saturday April 29th 9:47 PM – Sunday April 30th end of day
The Cancer Moon brings us back to our families, even if this is not exactly what we would prefer to do on this beautiful spring weekend. Family obligations will be high on our list of priorities on Saturday in the evening.
We may be too emotional on Sunday morning, and this may get us in trouble with our partners and loved ones: our moodiness will be at odds with our relationships, and this may lead to fights. However, the peace will be quickly restored, and our feelings will be in harmony with our choices, decisions, and opportunities for this day.  After all, we will be up for a harmonious and easy day. Power struggles may arise in the evening again, and we will need to stick to our choices and inner truth no matter what. No matter how soft, sensitive, and unprotected we feel on Sunday evening, it will be extremely important to protect our personal views and grounds.
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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The celestial energy will be changing this week, and we should expect the changes in our earthly affairs to follow. This week, the energy of the planets will be more evenly distributed between the signs and elements than it has been for a while. The Sun will move into Taurus in the middle of the week, while the retrograde Mercury will be moving back into Aries just a day later. By the end of the week, Mars will be entering Gemini, creating a good presence of the Air signs and the outlet for all of us for speaking out and shouting. The conversation may heat up and lead us into a trap as Mercury, the planet of words and ideas, will make an easy connection to Saturn, the planet of limits, restrictions, and frustration, by the end of the week.
Pluto will be turning retrograde in the middle of the week, and the combined energy of retrograde Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus that just completed her retrograde period, will create opportunities for re-examining several areas of our lives, restructuring our affairs, changing our decisions, and revisiting our past experiences. This week that ends with a balsamic Moon is just a perfect time to reconnect with our past and our present, to re-examine our senses and impressions, and to make new plans for the future that include a radically new approach to problems.
Moon in Capricorn: Monday April 17th all day – Wednesday April 19th early morning
The proactive Capricorn Moon may call us for actions, but we may have a distorted sense of reality on Monday, and we may run into a danger of power struggle.
Tuesday may bring a new unexpected twist into our life, and we may be forced to act even when unprepared, or we may act impulsively and erratically. Evening will be a great time to have a business meeting or just meet someone we like personally and who can ease our stress and restlessness.
Moon in Aquarius: Wednesday April 19th morning – Friday April 21st afternoon
Watch out for the breaking appliances, cars, and electronics on Wednesday morning when the Moon makes a difficult aspect with Mercury and highlights its retrograde behavior… The rest of the day may be better spent alone browsing the Internet or meeting virtual friends in the virtual places: normally social and interactive Aquarius Moon is not connecting to any planets for the rest of the day, and we may feel the urge to be left alone too.
We will wake up in a completely different happy, light, and social mood on Thursday as the Moon connects to Jupiter in Libra. This is a great day for any conversations and interactions or for a lunch and dinner with friends. The Sun just entered Taurus, and our egos will become less noticeable, while our desire to stop and smell the roses will grow.
An easy connection between the Moon, Mercury, and Saturn suggest that our heated interactions and conversations today may be more objective than we could ever expect. Aquarius is known for unorthodox solutions and revolutionary approach, and today’s Aquarius Moon may offer great support for easing the shouting and angry words and for getting a new look at the obstacles to the peace and progress.
Moon in Pisces: Friday April 21st evening – Sunday April 23rd late evening
The Pisces Moon may make us lazy and unable to react to harsh impulsive words, or it may make us say those words instead of acting and taking care of a problem. In any case, this will be not the best night for outing or interacting with others. An early bedtime on Friday and sleeping in in the morning of Saturday may be just what we need to feel happy and in touch with our feelings.
As Saturday progresses, we may find ourselves isolating from others and avoiding interactions. Day dreaming, meditating, listening to the music alone, or watching a movie may be more rewarding on this day than anything else.
Sunday starts as another day that should be dedicated to spiritual pursuits, dreams, and solitude. We may find the day to be enchanting if we don’t resist the celestial energy and spend the most of Sunday in contemplation. By the evening, the spell will be broken, and we will be able to come out into the world again, have enjoyable interactions, and fulfill our duties.
Moon in Aries: Sunday April 23rd late evening – end of day
The unsettling energy of the later evening may make us frustrated and restless. We may feel an energy overload without having an outlet for it and unable to analyze our condition. We may feel a desire to speak out, but the words may not come out or may not be understood as they are meant…
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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The week starts with four major planets in their retrograde motion: Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter. All of them except Mercury participate in major current astrological configurations that determine our activities now, and this is why most of us acutely feel the influence of these planets. Venus will turn direct in the sky on Saturday April 15th, and she will be in her best place in the Zodiac at that moment. The contact between Venus and Saturn at the time of her changing the direction in the Zodiac screams action and commitment. The day of April 15th is a fantastic time to commit to a relationship, to propose, to open up about our feelings, or to get married.
However, earlier in the week, the Full Moon of Tuesday will illuminate the relationship issues in the sign of Libra. This Full Moon makes a contact with Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto, stressing already existing astrological configuration of tension and stress. This will be a make-it or break-it week, when many couples and partners will face a decision and will make their choice between freedom and commitment.
Moon in Libra: Monday April 10th – Tuesday April 11th early evening
The Full Moon is intense, but not in an emotional way. In fact, this Full Moon is anything but emotional, and the tension and stress arise from the desire to act, to change the status quo and rebel against the current situation, and from a desire to show our power and resolve. With several retrograde planets, we are in a position to reconsider our commitments and past decisions and to change the focus of our life and attention. Things may be moving slow, and we may be not ready to make a big move, but the Full Moon may bring some clarity into the current situation and suggest some possible actions. Even if we are not showing any torment and work of brain, we are busy analyzing and making our decisions.
Moon in Scorpio: Tuesday April 11th evening – Thursday April 13th
The Scorpio Moon highlights retrograde Mercury. Even if the retrograde Mercury does not affect your horoscope and your life significantly this time, on Tuesday you may feel its trickstery and deceit. Mercury is in the Earth sign of Taurus, and it will affect material object or money-related news and transactions: watch out for misfiring devices and mistakes on your bank account or tax return! Diligence and patience will save the moment: check and double-check your equipment and financial transactions.
It may be difficult to wake up in the morning of Wednesday, or we may be consumed by our dreams and fantasies for a good chunk of the day. It may be easy to overlook important details when dealing with finances – watch out for the Mercury effect! A great activity for the Wednesday night is a movie, a concert, or just an early bedtime.
Thursday may bring up a conflict that is difficult to resolve in a constructive way. Exercise your power, or you may be overpowered in the morning. However, in the afternoon, there will be a chance to sole the problem amicably without damaging the relationships with anyone involved. As we move into the evening of Thursday, amicable resolution becomes the only viable option. Change your behavior and plan depending on the timing of the conflict resolution.
Moon in Sagittarius: Friday April 14th – Sunday April 16th early evening
The happy and optimistic Sagittarius Moon helps us to connect to others and to make the interactions pleasant if not productive. As we move into the evening, the others may not play as important role as we expected, and we may find ourselves alone and happy about this. Don’t stress is the evening does not go as planned, get some rest alone with a book or a movie.
Venus stops in the sky preparing to go in a direct motion through the Zodiac… This is a moment of clarity and hope in a relationship, the moment to act and to get rewards for being able to wait and stick around. Action and commitment are the words of the day: we will see couple committing and changing their life choices.
Sunday is spontaneous, energetic, and action-packed. We will be connecting to many people, expanding our limits, and making decisions and choices that feel right even if unexpected and impulsive.
Moon in Capricorn: Sunday April 16th late evening – end of day
As we finish the weekend ready for a new week, we will feel energized and ready to charge ahead on Monday. The review of the weekend will make us satisfied and happy with the last couple of days, and we will be ready to battle the new yet undefined challenges ahead.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of April 10th – 16th):
Friday April 14th 12:17 AM – 6:26 AM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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WEEK OF APRIL 3rd  – 9th
After a couple of relatively calm weeks, we have entered the times of dynamic celestial changes again. In addition to Venus that is still moving backwards in her retrograde motion, this week Saturn, the planet of time, responsibility, and commitments, turns retrograde, followed by Mercury going retrograde as well by the end of the week. Venus and Saturn connect to create actions in the signs ruled by Jupiter that is now in the sign of relationship Libra. As Venus and Saturn connect, we will have the time to reconsider our relationships and the opportunity to expand and improve them. This will be the time to make commitments – don’t be surprised to hear about engagements, people moving in together, and couples taking their partnerships to new levels. Reconnecting with partners from the past and reconsidering where we stand in our past decisions will be another expression of this energy, but some of us will reconsider our current status and decide to choose the freedom and to go separate ways… Even if a decision is made this week, wait to announce it until the next week: April the 15th will be a very powerful day for anything related to relationships. Commitments made on this day will receive a very special blessing from the skies: this will be a magical relationship day that we encounter only once in our lifetime.
Moon in Cancer: Monday April 3rd – Tuesday April 4th early evening
Monday promises to be a very intense and difficult day. We may be struggling with our heightened emotions, attempting or experiencing power games, and struggling to express ourselves or to make difficult decisions. We may feel that there is no resolution to our problems and that we are just wasting the energy and going in circles trying to solve the situations that cannot be resolved. At some points, we would even try to escape from the reality and dive deep into our dreams and virtual world… No matter how difficult it is to act today, only a practical and steady action can save the day and bring an opportunity to get out of the hamster wheel and to reach a steady ground.
The intensity continues into Tuesday, and the situation becomes volatile and unpredictable. We also may lose the chance to act that we had the previous day. Turn to your partners for deep emotional understanding and some emotional relief: a personal relationship may save your day.
Moon in Leo: Tuesday April 4th late evening – Thursday April 6th
Although tension and some stress are unavoidable these days, the Leo Moon will stabilize out mood and bring easier experiences into our lives. On Tuesday, we will connect with other easily and without a struggle, and outside information and our own thoughts will keep us grounded. Considering practical matters is the best way to remain calm and collected on Tuesday in the evening and in the morning on Wednesday. On Wednesday in the afternoon, the situations will heat up, and we may act erratically. The fact that the giant Saturn is standing still in the sky preparing for his retrograde motion is not helping; the mood is explosive and too passionate, but there is not enough outlet for the fiery energy in the sky and in our affairs. We may try to channel the energy into creative projects, where we may encounter some important breakthroughs and innovations. Wednesday evening will not solve all our problems, but it may push us into action.
Thursday is a very creative day, with the high energy flowing easily and helping us to solidify our creative projects and bring them to life. Acting and working on creative tasks will bring success and satisfaction. If we don’t waste the day and do our work, we will go to bed in the evening inspired and satisfied with the progress.
Moon in Virgo: Friday April 7th – Sunday March April 9th early morning
Our workweek will end with a very productive day when we will be able to address the specific practical issues of the material world and to organize out thoughts and plans. With a couple of difficult planetary arrangements in the sky, the nervous and perfectionist energy of Virgo will not bring peace to our mind, but it may improve many aspect of our reality. This is not a time to dream and to indulge in fantasies: we have specific practical issues in hand, and the energy of the Virgo should be used to solve them.
Saturday will be another very productive day with an easy-flowing energy that may help us in solving everyday problems and to improve our world. We will feel very energetic and very powerful.  
Moon in Libra: Sunday March April 9th
The Libra Moon helps us to have a fresh look at our partnerships, to see them clearly, and to take an appropriate action on Sunday. Mercury turn retrograde on Sunday in the evening: it is time to check our bank accounts, mail our bills in advance and make sure the payment went through. This retrograde Mercury will be mostly about delays and mix-ups related to our money and possessions and, of course, about the areas of our lives under influence of Taurus in our personal horoscopes.
In the evening, we may want to be alone and avoid interactions.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of April 3rd – 9th):
Sunday April 9th 4:21 AM – 8:34 AM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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The week starts with the New Moon in the fiery sign of Aries. There is a lot of fire in the sky, with several planets in Aries and other Fire signs, and this signifies a very explosive energy. There is a lot of passion and inspiration, as well as anger and frustration, but they are not leading to actions.
This is a first New Moon of the new astrological year, in the first sign of the Zodiac. It’s time for new plans and new beginnings, but it may be difficult to act on our new plans, and this may be somewhat frustrating. Another uneasy configuration between “the big guys” Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto also add tension and stress to our life, and the Full Moon in two weeks will stress and illuminate the problems and the need to act.
The week and the Lunar month will be anything but peaceful or easy.
Moon in Pisces: Monday March 27th mid-morning
Moon in Aries: Monday March 27th late morning – Wednesday March 29th morning
Astrologically, the sky is on fire – there are multiple planets in the Fire signs, and other planets are under the influence of the fiery ones. Watch out for actual fire around you, and also notice the passion and inspiration you experience this week. However, any action may prove difficult at this time, and we have to be patient and persistent if we want to translate the inner fire into the affairs of the outer world. Many of us may experience a strong desire to break free and to act on our selfish desires and plans. There may be breakouts and explosions, both literal and metaphoric.
Moon in Taurus: Wednesday March 29th afternoon – Friday March 31st noon
The fiery impulsive energy of Aries is slowly changed to the stable and patient energy of Taurus as the Moon and later on Friday Mercury move into the sign of Taurus. Wednesday afternoon is harmonious and easy, with the emphasis on practical affairs and tasks. A luxurious bubble bath is a perfect way to end the day and relax while the fiery energy of Aries still lingers in the air.
On Thursday, a music or meditation may be helpful if you still experience a tension and frustration, but the day promises to be pleasant even if interactions with others are not on our priority list on this day. Take charge in a practical matter that may arise, and use the power if needed.
On Friday, any decisions about the future should be treated in a very practical manner – this is a chance to resolve a difficult matter and to use your wisdom and patience to heal an old wound.
Moon in Gemini: Friday March 31st afternoon – Sunday April 2nd early afternoon
The Gemini Moon poses many questions and makes us consider multiple solutions and outcomes. The right solution does not include large investments but involves reconsidering our connections and financial situations.
Although the Gemini Moon makes us talkative and interactive, the evening of Friday is not an easy time to relax with friends or, in fact, any people. There is too much tension and uneasiness in the air, and interactions may not be as pleasant as we would expect them to be. The best way to spend the night is with a newspaper or a book.
Saturday morning is fantastic: we will be full of optimism, energy, and happy about our choices and options. The minds will be busy; this is not a time for relaxation or rest.
Sunday will remind about our responsibilities and promises to others that we have made in the past. It may be painful to have to have to fulfill them now, but the situation will demand an appropriate action.
Moon in Cancer: Sunday April 2nd late afternoon – end of day
The Cancer Moon will make us emotional and domestic, and on this day we will thoroughly enjoy our families and people, who provide a security net. There will be opportunities to express our feelings without words and to experience our commitments as an important part of ourselves. Many of us will feel fortunate, lucky, and emotionally secure, whether we owe this to our family, our close intimate friends, or to our bank account.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of March 27th – APRIL 2nd): 
Wednesday March 29th 8:06 AM – 11:47 AM
Thursday March 30th 7:12 PM – Friday March 31st 12:40 PM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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WEEK OF MARCH 20th – 26th
The week of the transition of the Sun into Aries is probably the most important week of the year. This move of the Sun defines the beginning of the new astrological year, and the horoscope of the moment when the move happens determines the flavor of the year: the positions of the planets at that moment tell astrologers what we should expect in the upcoming year. The chart of the so-called Aries ingress for Washington DC, our capital that determines the direction of the country, shows a lot of confusion, a focus on our internal affairs, heated discussions and interactions, sudden changes in financial matters, difficulties for the money market, reduction of government sector, and new boundaries that the people will experience, for better or worse. But this week we are still far away from many changes that may happen this year and from the new level of reality that may await us, so we can just relax and embrace this relatively poor in celestial events week.
The week starts with the overload of Fire energy: 6 bodies out of 10 that most astrologers follow are in Fire signs. This is a passionate and energetic start to the week, but most probably the wild Fire energy will not transform into anything damaging or aggressive, because Mars, the ruler of Aries, is mild and powerless in the sign of Taurus. However, as I always warn in these cases, watch for an actual fire and any impulsive steps and words that you may make or say.
Moon in Sagittarius: Monday March 20th morning
It will be a great start of the week, with the Sagittarius Moon in the morning becoming a Capricorn Moon later in the day.
The Sagittarius Moon will make us energetic and full of big plans in the beginning of the new week. The tight connection of the Moon to Saturn, the planet of time and commitment, will make us follow through with our outrageously ambitious plans too. Monday, the beginning of the new astrological year, will start with a big bang and a lot of passion and dedication.
Moon in Capricorn: Monday March 20th afternoon – Wednesday March 22nd evening
The Capricorn Moon will make Monday a great first day of the week: we will feel serious, ambitious, persistent, and dedicated to our projects. The astrological weather suggests focusing on our work, career, and responsibilities and not on our love lives or interactions with other people. While the love lives may be on the back burner, we may accomplish a lot in every other area of our lives. It’s springtime, new astrological year, and a time for new beginnings and taking charge of our lives for the next year. Time to come out of the winter hibernation and to charge ahead with new ideas and new actions.
Monday is a busy day with a lot to do during the day and in the evening. There will be some tension and stress in the air and no relaxation or enjoying simple pleasures.
On Tuesday, heated discussions and interactions may call for decisive and practical actions: we may be called to keep our promises and to commit to our words or to get cast out. The evening may bring power struggles, and they will have a potential to escalate and to result in unexpected outcomes.
Wednesday will be dynamic and full of potential to experience sudden breakthroughs if we can find the right balance for being conservative and respectable but unconventional and free-spirited at the same time. Some of us may rebel in a search of our unique ways to express ourselves.
Moon in Aquarius: Wednesday March 22nd late evening – Friday March 24th  
What starts with great intentions and amazing ideas in the evening of Wednesday may never materialize in actions and move from the starting point forward.
On Thursday, we may feel stuck or moving slowly and unable to break the spell of procrastination and inaction.
Friday is brilliant: we may come up with amazing new ideas, we will be able to communicate them and expand our influence and our creativity, and we may have the most amazing breakthroughs in everything we touch on this day. This is a day of opportunities and chances that may lead to amazing changes in our ways of thinking and dealing with our lives. However, a part of the amazing deal will be taking responsibility fro our words and actions and following through on our ideas and words.
Moon in Pisces: Saturday March 25th – Sunday March 26th
Saturday will be a lazy and relaxed day, and we will be compelled to stay in bed longer and to start our day later. As the Moon is finishing her monthly Lunar cycle, we may be thinking about the past and become more sensitive and emotional than we usually are. This is a great day for a movie or a concert, as well as any meditation or other forms of connection to the Universe.
On Sunday, we may prefer to be alone and to spend the day dreaming and relaxing away from our friends and families.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of March 20th – 26th):
Saturday March 25th 1:55 AM – 6:06 AM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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After the weeks of intense ever changing cosmic energy and a busy time in our live, we are entering a period of calm. The next two weeks promise to be quiet and relaxed, with a lot of celestial energy still focused in Pisces. This week’s move of Mercury into Aries slowly starts our imminent transition from the dreamy and relaxed Pisces energy to an energetic, physical, and assertive energy of Aries by the time of the New Moon at the end of the month. With the planet of relationships Venus being still retrograde, we may be inclined to be less interactive and more concerned with our own perception of our relations. The Scorpio Moon that will dominate this week will intensify the mood by pushing us to go deeper with our thoughts and feelings and by making us less interactive and more secretive.
Moon in Libra: Monday March 13th – Wednesday March 15th morning
The Libra Moon places a lot of emphasis on our partnerships on Monday. We will be inclined to consider and reconsider our love life and to reflect on how we can bring harmony into our relationships without sacrificing our own interests. Even if we do see the way to reach a compromise without betraying our selves, we will be unable to articulate and express out thoughts. It is too early to make any decisions, and even if we do, we may be unable to act on them now.
On Tuesday, we may be in an “all or nothing” mood. It may be a good idea to stay away from any serious conversations or actions, because we may find ourselves acting unpredictably and unexpectedly and unintentionally going too far in everything we do. The consequences may be too dramatic. Special attention should be paid to any power games and power display – just don’t get involved and stay cool, collected, and balanced.
Wednesday may bring out a situation that needs a peaceful non-confrontational resolution. Relying on the past experiences and our intuitive way to act and taking in account how our actions now may affect the future, we should come to the right conclusions and a peaceful resolution.
Moon in Scorpio: Wednesday March 15th noon – Friday March 17th late evening 
Wednesday afternoon may feel like if we were doing everything in a slow motion or were stuck and could not move on or out. In addition to this difficult, slow, and frustrating energy, we may start feeling tired and slow as a result of the transition to the summer time, and we may need to catch up on our sleep. An early night or a slow morning on Thursday would be very appropriate and in tune with the celestial energy.
Thursday morning may be foggy and unfocused. We may need some down time to regroup, recharge, and transform. In the evening, our mood may become a little emotional, and we may need to watch out for jealousy, power struggles, and suspicions. Our intuitions will be at its highest, and it will be a great time to investigate anything that bothers us, whether the investigation involves delving into our psyche or doing a factual research.
On Friday, our choices may be defined by our emotions and past wounds. If you are not in a situation where such approach is appropriate, just stay away from any decisions or expression of your moods and intentions. We may feel more tired and less inclined to go out or interact with others in the evening, and it will not be a good time to start anything important or new. It may be an evening for a quiet study or time alone, processing our feelings and the last week’s experiences.
Moon in Sagittarius: Friday March 17th late evening – Sunday March 19th
No matter how many chores you plan for the weekend, the desire to explore our horizons and relationships or to go beyond our limits will be just too string to resist. The Sagittarius Moon may just throw off all our sensible plans and overtake our whole life with adventure. The best outcome for this energy is spending some time outdoors being active and exploring the nature. If this is not a viable option, the energy can be tamed by having virtual explorations and adventures with a book or with an online tutorial. In may be difficult to calm down by the evening and to go to bed at the end of the day.
Sunday will be fiery, both metaphorically and for some of us literally. We may experience unexpected outbursts of energy and fire. Although the mood will be mostly optimistic, we may start feeling limitations and constrains of responsibilities.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week OF MARCH 13TH – 19th):
Monday March 13th until 1:28 AM
Friday March 17th 5:56 PM – 10:59 PM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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We are move away from the intensity and business of February, and this week will be the last one in March with the intense energies building up to the Full Moon on Sunday. The Sun is in Pisces, providing some drama and food for imaginative minds, but the Moon will be in practical and productive Virgo on the Full Moon, and it will keep the usual intensity and drama of the Full Moon down. Although we still have a lot of planetary presence and energy in Pisces, Mars will be moving to Taurus this week, and this will add to the earthy energy of the Full Moon. This is not the time to go overboard with feelings or dreams: practical and earthy Mars and Full Moon will make us care about practical and earthy things in our lives and act on our practical plans. The rest of the Month after this week will be much less intense and more stable than many recent weeks.
Moon in Gemini: Monday March 6th early in the morning
Those, who can force themselves to get up earlier this morning despite the sleepy mood and the desire to catch another minute in bed, may have a chance to finish something they promised before, to fulfill their obligations, and to attend to their duty. The early morning is not good for starting anything new. Don’t try to push it, wake up later: the later start will bring better results.
Moon in Cancer: Monday March 6th morning – Wednesday March 8th morning
The Cancer Moon will bring our attention to our obligations and commitments and the way our actions affect our life and shape our future. The focus will be on the feelings and emotional security, and the energy may be too intense to handle without becoming too emotional. In the evening, there may be too much tension in a relationship, and we may be rethinking and reconsidering our commitments. Remember: this is not a time to act. Venus is retrograde for several weeks to come, and we should use this time for thinking about our relationships, but not trying to break them or make them. Any decision made now will be reconsidered later.
Tuesday will continue the drama with the commitment, but the situation will become more about controlling our emotions or transforming them. It is easier today to find harmony between our feelings and our choices and desires, even if compromise involves some denial and illusions. The afternoon and evening will bring a feeling of instability and inability to decide between personal freedom and control. The desire to act and to seek change may be very strong, but it will be difficult to make a right decision and finalize our choices.
Wednesday morning is unproductive; don’t start anything new until the afternoon. Don’t schedule any important meetings or medical intervention in the morning.
Moon in Leo: Wednesday March 8th afternoon – Friday March 10th afternoon
Sparks may be flying on Wednesday afternoon: there is a lot of Fire energy in the sky. We may be eager to act and to make a change, with passion. Watch out for an actual fire as well. In the evening on Wednesday and in the morning on Thursday, the playful Leo Moon will make an easy connection to the love goddess Venus in passionate and hot Aries, and we may be knocked off our feet with desire and passion. However, tread lightly: Venus is retrograde, and our love affairs and partners’ reactions are unpredictable. Don’t get burned.
On Thursday in the afternoon and in the evening, the fiery Moon may make us unpredictable and force us to break out of our normal behavior and reactions. However, confrontations will be narrowly avoided. Passion and relationships will be on our mind for the rest of the day, and by the morning of Friday we may be ready to commit or to explore our limits. We may be full of passion and fire, but our actions will be slow and careful.
Moon in Virgo: Friday March 10th evening – Sunday March 12th end of day
The weekend will be perfect for chores, organizing, improving, and cleaning. Friday night and Saturday morning are not the hours for sleeping or resting: we will be full of desire to act and to be productive. The practical and anxious energy of the Virgo Moon will keep us busy and preoccupied with improving our lives and our health. Friday night and Saturday will be great for exercise, especially physical activities focused on skeletomuscular system. On Saturday night, we will be full of energy and power and not in a mood to slow down or to submit to dreams or fantasies. The energy of the weekend is very practical and solid.
As we approach the Full Moon on Sunday, the energy may build up, but the earthy Virgo Moon will keep it from becoming too emotional or dramatic. By this time, many of us will uncover the promises of the February eclipses, but we will be well prepared to deal with any practical consequences of our new knowledge on this weekend and to tackle any hurtful information with practicality and coldness of the Earth signs.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST/EDT, WEEK OF MARCH 6TH – 12th):
Monday March 6th 3:21 AM – 7:54 AM;
Wednesday March 8th 9:59 AM – 11:45 AM;
Sunday March 12th 10:36 PM – end of day.
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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We are in a season of Eclipses: the first, Lunar eclipse happened ten days ago, and the second, Solar eclipse will occur at the end of this week on February 26th in the morning in the sign of Pisces in a close contact with Neptune, the planet closely associated with Pisces. As usual, near this date or a couple of weeks later, we may uncover something that has been hidden from our view and understand something mysterious or unclear until now. The Lunar eclipse on February 10th was the first eclipse in the series of eclipses that will take place in Aquaruis/Leo and indicated a new cycle of events associated with the eclipses in our lives. The upcoming Solar eclipse will be the last in the Pisces/Virgo series and most probably will bring to life something from our past, and the events of the past 2-3 years that were mysterious and difficult to decipher may become clear and have a conclusion and closure.
The day before the eclipse, on Saturday, Mercury will move into the sign of Pisces as well and thus will become a part of the eclipse picture. Although Pisces is not a favorable sign for Mercury and makes the planet of thinking, speaking, and communications become foggy and not as sharp as Mercury normally is, in the context of the eclipse Mercury may offer additional benefit of important information that transcends normal channels of communication, intuitive thinking, and going beyond the veil with our minds.
Moon in Sagittarius: Monday February 20th
Moon in Sagittarius may give us an extra boost of optimism and grandiose plans for the upcoming week. Moon’s close contact with Saturn, the planet of realism and time, may help us to be more practical in assessing our abilities and planning our time. The Moon is making a very lucky arrangement with the happy, optimistic, and peaceful Jupiter; with sharp and creative planet of thinking, speaking, and communications Mercury; and an impulsive rebel Uranus. This configuration may cause lucky breakthroughs and unusual creative ideas leading to a significant progress. Monday will be a great day for brainstorming, discussing our plans with others, and starting important projects that excite us.
Moon in Capricorn: Tuesday February 21st – Thursday February 23rd late morning
The serious Capricorn Moon will be determined to work with the Pisces Sun to create opportunities for the future and to take the best from the past in order to make practical and reasonable plans for the future. The Moon will resist any distractions, especially the ones coming from our relationships with others. It’s the time for business, and we better be very focused and serious in preparation for a chance to act on Wednesday.
Wednesday is an action and power day. There will be no force to stop us on our ambitious paths or to modify our behavior. Our decisions will be quick, and our actions will be even faster. In the afternoon, if unclear, look for clues in your heart or in your past and allow yourself to be idealistic.
Thursday morning is one of those times when we need to focus on finishing projects rather than starting new ones, and acting on any important projects where you want progress and change, is not recommended: nothing will go your way or any way, there will be no progress with anything we start on this morning and early afternoon.
Moon in Aquarius: Thursday February 23rd afternoon – Saturday February 25th early evening
The Moon in in the social sign of Aquarius, but on this morning, we will prefer to be alone. Our own thoughts and intellectual pursuits will be on our minds, and we will hate any distraction. However, by the Friday morning, we will be ready to spend some time with our significant others, collaborators, clients, or consultants and get involved in a heated intellectual exchange about the subject that we feel passionate about. By the afternoon, there will be also an opportunity to act and to make significant steps forward. If needed, we will be able to defend our point of view, especially when it comes to our thoughts about the humanity or science.
On Saturday, we will welcome social occasions and interactions: our brains will be working fast, generating exciting new ideas, and we will shine in any formal occasions of a great significance. Our optimism will be high, and so will be our expectations for the interactions.
Moon in Pisces: Saturday February 25th late evening  – Sunday February 26th
As the Moon approaches the Sun preparing for the new Lunar cycle, this will be the last hours to prepare for the New Moon and to set our intentions for the next month, year, and for the eclipse that may bring new developments into our lives. The appropriate intentions for this New Moon and eclipse would be to understand events from the past and to make sense of something that happened to us some time ago but remained a mystery since then. Creative intellectual pursuits are another appropriate area of life to meditate on and to setting intentions about. The energy of Pisces, the sign of transcendence, creativity, intuition, and compassion, will be very strong, with Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Neptune all in the pile participating in the eclipse. Take and opportunity to focus this energy in your meditations and intentions! The unique image for the sign of Pisces in which the New Moon and the eclipse will occur is “A Jockey Spurs His Horse, Intent On Outdistancing His Rivals”… This is powerful and positive eclipse that we should use to make significant improvement and progress in our lives.
On the day of the eclipse, the Moon will not connect to any other planets that are not with her on Pisces creating this unique Piscean energy together. I think this stresses the idea that we need to spend this day without distractions, in meditation and reflection about our intentions for the months to come.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, week OF FEBRUARY 20TH – 26th):
Wednesday February 22nd 10:23 PM – Thursday February 23rd 12:17 PM;
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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Have you seen Venus in the West after the sunset? She shines bright in the evening sky being at her closest to the Earth in preparation for her retrograde motion…
We are going through intense and beautiful time this week that follows the Lunar eclipse and leads us to the Solar eclipse of the next week. This series of eclipses are benign, with the focus on Neptune, which may mean that we will get more clarity about any unclear situations or life directions after we move past February eclipses. These days, the focus is also on the planet of love and relationships Venus and joyful and generous Jupiter that connects to Uranus and may shower us with unexpected gifts.
The week is not very rich in astrological events. The most important development is with the Sun that will move from Aquarius into Pisces, signaling the beginning of the end of the astrological year and the promise of spring and new beginnings at the end of the tunnel.
The week will have a difficult pace, with many stop-and-go moments and some frustration about delays and lack of progress in our projects and our lives. However, it will end on a positive note with the happy energetic Sagittarius Moon on the weekend.
Moon in Virgo: Monday February 13th until late afternoon
Don’t plan much for Monday: this will be one of the unproductive days that I always warn you about. If you need to work, decide to focus on finishing the work that has been begun last week or to dedicate the day to planning for the future. This astrological climate will continue until late afternoon when the Moon moves into Libra, and we can finally charge ahead and use the rest of the day productively. In the morning and in the early afternoon, the mood will be very practical, and responsibilities and duties will prevail over anything else, despite our frustration of not being able to fulfill them today.
Moon in Libra: Monday February 13th evening – Wednesday February 15th
The late afternoon and the evening on Monday will bring attention to partnerships and relationships. Although a tension and disagreements are possible in committed partnerships, it will be easy for us to see another person’s side of an argument or disagreement, and we will be willing to compromise and to make peace at any price.
On Tuesday, action and motivation are the taste of the day, and, on top of that, we will have a clear mind and the ability to express our thoughts and feelings in an eloquent manner and with refined clarity and diplomacy. The evening of the Valentine’s day can be absolutely delightful, with the exquisite attention from our partners, a mutual desire to please each other, and unexpected joyful moments and optimistic insights into the future. Happy Valentine’s day!
Although Wednesday may bring a couple of surprises here and there, it should be a delightful, happy, and harmonious day. Late evening on Wednesday should be dedicated to relaxing and doing nothing or at least not much. We may feel a little tired and overwhelmed with the celestial changes and strong energies of eclipses and major planetary moves and may need an extra sleep or down time.
Moon in Scorpio: Thursday February 16th – Saturday February 18th early afternoon
Nourishing our goals for the future and committing to them with passions and loyalty will be on our mind on Thursday. We may also receive care, support, and affirmation of commitment from our partners, and this may make us emotional but also deeply thankful. If we are looking for such support and loyalty but not getting it, we may feel revengeful and deeply hurt. We are committed to clarifying what happened in the past and deciding what lessons we are taking with us into the future and what parts of our lives we commit to develop or leave in the past as irrelevant. Thursday night is a great movie night, when we will be feeling deep and enjoying the out-of-this-world experiences.
We may be strained for words on Friday, and it may be difficult to even define our feelings and thoughts, but our inner work on empowering ourselves will be intense, even if unnoticeable to the outside world. Finish everything important by the early afternoon: the rest of the day and the morning and the early afternoon of Saturday will be unproductive. We may suddenly feel that nothing is moving anywhere. It is time to relax and to be a little lazy outside, so that we can finish the important transformation and deep healing happening inside.
Moon in Sagittarius: Saturday 18th afternoon – Sunday February 19th
The transition from Scorpio Moon to Sagittarius Moon is palpable. If we felt like we were stuck in the muddy waters of Scorpio without any visible progress for the last couple of days, this mood will instantly change, and we will find ourselves happy, content, and full of energy to move the mountains. The Sun just has moved into Pisces, bringing the grain of new intuitive insights and compassion into our lives, and the fiery energy of the day will make us passionate and inspired about anything we decide to do on the Saturday afternoon and the evening of on Sunday.
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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We are approaching an intense week rich in celestial events and changes above and below.
Mercury, the planet of information, words, and communication is moving into Aquarius, the sign where it feels at home and can exercise its functions at the full speed and full capacity. Our projects related to communications, processing of information, learning, writing, speaking, and trading will speed up and feel easier to deal with.
Jupiter turns retrograde in the middle of the week, and we all may start looking for the source of joy and optimism inside ourselves rather than expecting others to keep us entertained and happy.
Venus has started preparing for her retrograde motion that will not start until beginning of March, but she has been slowing down in her path through the Zodiac, and we may start feeling glitches in the ways we related to others. It is not advised to make big changes to your appearance or to invest into a large purchase during the retrograde motion of Venus, but caution should be exercised already as the planet of beauty, wealth, and relationships moves slower and slower in the sky.
However, the biggest event of the week is of course the Full Moon on February 10th and the Lunar eclipse, one of the two this year. Although eclipses are often dreaded and make us anxious, this one is very positive and will bring luck and joy into the lives of people, whose birth horoscopes are affected by it. The events brought about by eclipses may manifest within several months after an eclipse, but most often happen within a couple of weeks. If you know your birth chart, look for the house containing 22:28 Leo and 22:28 Aquarius to identify the area of life that may be affected. Any chart angles or planets close to these degrees of Zodiac will indicate that you are susceptible to the effects of this very positive eclipse and may get a lucky break in one or two areas of your life!
Moon in Gemini: Monday February 6th 
Starting the week with the Moon in Gemini promises a busy and hectic time on Monday. There will be unexpected surprises, breakdowns or breakthroughs, but the mood will be happy and optimistic independently of the external events, and our feeling will be in agreement with our actions, opportunities, and choices. This is a beautiful day for interactions with associates or friends, for important meetings and communications, and for conversations about the responsibilities and limits. Overall, a very dynamic, energetic, productive, and happy day.
The evening may reveal that we have more responsibilities and duties than we expected, but being optimistic and generous with time and effort will help us handle the challenges.
Moon in Cancer: Tuesday February 7th – Wednesday February 8th
The Cancer Moon may bring some drama and tension into our relationships. We could be too emotional and sensitive and may want to crawl into our shell to protect our feelings and not to get too hurt. There may be a confusion about the past events and uncertainty about the future that may make this day an emotionally difficult time. Watch out for power games and power display in the evening of Tuesday: with the current emotional drama, staying away from power struggle may be difficult but at the same time very beneficial.
Wednesday morning may increase the strain of power struggle, and, with a difficult relationship between the Moon and Mars, the weather may be too stormy and too confrontational. We may decide to make choices that promote war, not peace. If we make an effort to not start a war, the afternoon may bring sudden happy breakthroughs and a happier outlook at our relationships and people we love. Although it may difficult to resolve difficult situations right away, we will see a glimpse of hope, and start seeing a way to reinstall peace and harmony.
Moon in Leo: Thursday February 9th – Saturday February 11th early morning
On Thursday, the passionate Leo Moon connects with the Mars and Venus in another energetic Fire sign of Aries, and the sparkles will be visible. With the eloquent and intelligent Mercury in Aquarius, this is a great time for a conversation about a relationship: it could be passionate and fiery, but detached, non-judgmental, and objective at the same time. We would be also aware of the other person’s opinions and will clearly hear their words.
Unexpected obstacles may arise on Friday, and we may be reluctant to deal with the sudden complications. However, the fiery energy of the day should move things along even without our effort. Anything unexpected could be dealt with if we use our optimist and good humor. A Lunar Eclipse, one of the two this year, will happen in the evening and could be observed if the sky is clear. Despite a bad reputation of the eclipses, this one will not feel heavy and most probably will create new unexpected and positive opportunities in our lives, especially for those, whose birth horoscope is directly affected by this eclipse.
Early morning on Saturday (for those who rise early) will be about making solid plans and starting to create real changes for the future.
Moon in Virgo: Saturday February 11th morning – Sunday February 12th end of day
The Virgo Moon may be a blessing for those, who plan to work on the chores or job assignments over the weekend, but a curse for those, who planned to relax: it is difficult to be lazy and playful under the productive and anxious Virgo Moon. Reassessing plans for the future and making adjustments to fulfill our responsibilities of may be high on our agenda on Saturday morning and afternoon. Planning is what Virgo does the best, and we will have help from a studious Virgo Moon if we decide to dedicate this day to planning and researching the options.
On Sunday, it is time to work on resolving any misunderstandings and being very practical and analytical about the reality. Seeing and acknowledging the truth will be empowering and transforming and will help us to start fulfilling our obligations and dealing with the past mistakes and disappointments.
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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This week promises to be productive and busy. As Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn on its direct way through the Zodiac after three weeks of the retrograde motion, the Moon is full on the same day, and the Full Moon is occurring in Cancer, opposite of the Sun in Capricorn. The sign of Capricorn is the sign of no-nonsense, business-like mood, hard work, and rewards. As the two major astrological events of the week are happening in this sign or in the opposite sign, we should expect the energy of Capricorn to dominate the next week. The degree where the Full Moon occurs stresses the events of the last year related to the effects of Mars in our lives, and this may bring back uncomfortable memories of the last year. However, it also creates an opportunity to understand and sort out the outcomes of these sometime unpleasant events and gives us the motivation to move on from any negative experiences of the last year. This month, the Full Moon brings a strong energy of change and action and an unusual amount of power and of will to break out of our routines and to break free. However, despite an element of unpredictability, the experience of this week should be overall constructive and rewarding. Even if unexpected and unplanned happens this week, there will be several days to turn the changes into positive and constructive and to solidify the process of moving on and going forward with the new plans.
Moon in Gemini: Monday January 9th – Tuesday January 10th late afternoon
In the morning, the Gemini Moon may make us nostalgic and may prompt us to remember something very beautiful from the past: a beautiful old tune or a perfect experience from the past that made us dream. However, the busy Gemini Moon will not dwell for long on memories and will move on to the present day and the future plans. The Moon is moving very fast through the Zodiac sign on this day, and we will experience a faster pace in our lives as well. We may feel a chance to capitalize on a very desirable opportunity, and we may do something that is out of our comfort zone to solidify this chance into a practical outcome. The process will require a strong commitment from us and from others; don’t be afraid to make your decision and to inform others about it: things may magically and unexpectedly fall in place just as you fantasized them to.
On Tuesday, the desire to speak out is strong, but bite your tongue: you may say too much, or it may come out too wrong. The day promises to be quite pleasant, and we may remain optimistic and upbeat until the early evening when the Moon will enter the emotional and nostalgic Cancer.
Moon in Cancer: Tuesday January 10th evening – Thursday January 12th early evening
Moon in Cancer may be emotional and overwhelming, especially as it approaches the opposition with the Sun – the Full Moon. It will be too easy to become nostalgic and to dream about the past. Don’t say a word on the Tuesday evening: not only you will not be at your best under the Moon in a silent sign of Cancer, but, if you do squeeze words out of your mouths, they will not be the ones you planned to say. The night dreams should be especially pleasant and magical.
The morning of Wednesday may be too sleepy and too beautiful to keep up with business demands or to feel energized. However, situations may require picking up a faster pace, to reclaim our power, and to start acting. Reminding ourselves about our goals, ambitions, and choices may help with motivation when the emotional and introspective Cancer Moon will try to keep us from being out in the world and doing what we always planned to do.
The Full Moon in Cancer will occur early in the morning on Thursday, and it may make the night before and the day after excessively emotional and overwhelming. However, the Full Moon also stresses the Capricorn Sun, and Mercury enters Capricorn on Thursday in the morning as well. The focus is on achievements, hard efforts, consistent and persistent movement forward and up, and productivity, even if the emotions are strong and it is hard to focus on the material world. In this emotional struggle it may be good news that Thursday is one of those days where starting any new projects or doing anything important is not advised. This is a day to finish already started projects and to make plans for the future.
Moon in Leo: Thursday January 12th early evening – Saturday January 14th late evening
The Moon enters Leo in the evening, and our mood may instantly change from the moody emotional state to playful passionate feeling and a desire to be kings of our universes. Too bad we most likely will find ourselves in isolation, actors without audience, and the isolation and solitude may continue into Friday morning and afternoon. In the evening, unexpected experiences may occur, but most likely will leave us to be spectators rather than actors in a situation. The desire and the passion to commit to the unexpected and unplanned situation and to use it to improve our lives will solidify the next day, on Saturday. This will be dynamic day that may unexpectedly bring a great progress in the lives of those, who have courage to commit. The Leo Moon usually brings a playful happy time, but this time it will get a bit more serious and more practical that usual. If spending time with little children, work on something that requires concentration, focus, and some effort, then reward generously.
Moon in Virgo: Saturday January 14th late night– Sunday January 15th end of day. 
Leaving the silly dreams of the past behind, we will be diligently working on improving our future. Sunday is a great day for making plans, discussing practical matters, and writing the lists of things to do. Good organization and planning will feel empowering and transforming.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, week of January 9TH - 15TH):
Thursday January 12th 6:33 AM – 7:07 PM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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The week starts with Mercury stopping in the sky and turning back in his retrograde motion that will continue for three weeks. The timing may be inconvenient with all the holiday preparations and interactions: the time of retrograde Mercury is not the best for planning, preparations, or communications. The packages may be lost, the presents may have to be exchanged for a different size or for an actually working device, and there may be many misunderstandings when we meet our family and friends at the holiday parties. The retrograde Mercury suggests some introspection, reconsideration of the past, and planning to correct past mistakes, and this may be good at the end of the year if we can find the time to dedicate to solitude and self-analysis.
Meanwhile, a very positive configuration is forming in the skies between Saturn, the planet of commitment and responsibility, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and beliefs, and Uranus, the planet of rebellion, breakthroughs, and unexpected surprises. This is the time to commit to our beliefs to make important breakthroughs in our lives, to expand the reality into unexpected directions, and to rebel against anything that constricts our growth and expansion. This is a constructive time if you have the courage to break free from your fears and to expand your horizon in the directions you never dreamt of. Merry Christmas!
Moon in Virgo: Monday December 19th – Tuesday December 20th late evening
Moon is in Virgo, the sign ruled by Mercury, on the day of Mercury turning retrograde… This is a double focus on Mercurial activities. Double-check your calculations, pay extra attention to details, and plan extra time to get organized. Schedules may be broken, numbers confused and mixed, and very material outcomes may arise from the confusions… The Moon will try to bring our attention to organization of life and future, but other influences will distract us and make our plans dissolve. In the evening, the Moon will help us get our thoughts together and to express them in a very practical and productive manner. This is a good time to revisit previous conversations that failed to result in practical outcomes and actions. This time the results may be more tangible of we reclaim our power and think twice before saying anything out loud.
Tuesday is a good day to make big adjustments to resolve anything that restrict and limits us from being ourselves and to grow. The day may feel a lot like a struggle between our passions and practical affairs, and the evening will call for relaxation and idleness, despite the feeling that many pressing tasks have not been addressed.
Moon in Libra: Wednesday December 21st – Friday December 23rd early morning
Just when the Moon moves into the sign of Libra, the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn, and they form a tense but productive relationship. The intellectual and accommodating Moon in Libra connects to the practical and hard-working Sun in Capricorn, and the day may become very productive and satisfying despite any difficulties and obstacles. The key is to double-check anything that may malfunction or get delayed, because Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, and it can affect objects and events. Later in the day, the Moon is making an easy and happy connection to Venus, and this will be great for relationships and interactions. Great evening for a date or a get-together with friends, although interactions will be more intellectual than passionate or emotional.
Thursday is another fantastic day for interactions and fun activities. If we watch what we are saying and stay away from any power struggles and power displays, we are guaranteed to have great conversations and a pleasant time. Surprises and unexpected developments are possible on this day, but they should not be disappointing.
Early in the morning on Friday the Moon is completing her path through Libra, and we are preparing to make our choices: as soon as she enters Scorpio, we will have opportunities to shine and to act.
Moon in Scorpio: Friday December 23rd late morning – Sunday December 25th late night
It will be easy to act and to be courageous and proactive on Friday. Although the day may be quite emotional and we may sometimes drift off into daydreaming, the practical Capricorn Sun will not allow us to forget about the reality and the opportunities that exist in the material realm. Going deeper and acting on feelings will help to resolve any past illusions and to move on into the future.
Saturday brings a chance to reach deep down to reclaim our power and to reanalyze and discuss again something that has been brought up before. If handled correctly, the process will end up pleasantly and to everyone’s satisfaction.
Sunday is one of those days when we just need to remain idle and do nothing. It’s Christmas, so this will be just too easy to achieve. Don’t make big plans, don’t start anything new, try not to act at all.
Moon in Sagittarius: Sunday December 25th late night.
The night owls may catch the late Moon in Sagittarius. She will bring hope, inspiration, and the desire to be active. It is a good time to make New Year’s resolutions in preparation for the change of the year number.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, the week OF DECEMBER 19TH – 25TH):
Tuesday December 20th 8:55 PM – 9:39 PM
Sunday December 25th 2:21 AM – 10:18 PM
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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The focus of this week is on the Moon: we will have a Full Moon in the sign of Gemini on the evening of Tuesday December 13th. The Moon is moving fast this week, and she will visit five signs during the next week. Anything associated with the sign of Gemini (our interactions with siblings and other relatives of our generation, our relationships with neighbors, the way we communicate, our writing projects, any issues with documents, etc.) will come into the full light and full clarity. Short-term project initiated under the New Moon at the end of November and long-term projects initiated half a year ago in the beginning of June under a New Moon in Gemini may result in the first fruits and a clear understanding od where we stand with these projects, where they are going, and what needs to be corrected or changed.
Mercury is becoming more significant during this week: not only he is the ruler of Gemini, the sign of the Full Moon, but he is also behaving unpredictable now and is preparing to go retrograde in the beginning of the next week. This is a good time to backup our computers and protect any information we can’t afford do lose, whether electronic or in a hard copy.
A positive and productive interaction between Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn is going on in the sky during this week, and we can use it to solidify our growth, expand and improve our reality, and to make productive and visible positive breakthroughs in our lives.
This should be a positive and informative week for everyone, who turns their attention to their own affairs and aspirations and will be able to keep their focus on what matters the most.
Moon in Taurus: Monday December 12th early morning
The morning will not be very productive. The best use for the early “Moon in Taurus” hours would be staying in bed and enjoying a hot shower a little longer, and spending some extra time at breakfast making indulgent choices instead of healthy ones. By the time we get to the offices or to any other places of work where we spend most of our workweek, that softening influence of the Taurus Moon will end, and a busy day will pick up the speed under the Gemini Moon.
Moon in Gemini: Monday December 12th morning – Wednesday December 14th early morning
Monday may be busy, but extremely pleasant and full of satisfying interactions and conversations. If there is that discussion that you planned to have but delayed not knowing the reaction it would get, this is the day to start it. People will be nice, polite, and friendly to each other, and everyone will end up in a good mood after verbal or written interactions. There is also a very good chance that conversations and communications of Monday will be solidified into practical decisions, actions, and consequences. The evening, up to the very late night, is a fantastic time for interactions with friends, in person or in a virtual world.
On Tuesday, the positive influence of the Moon and Jupiter will continue, and this will be a great day for interactions and conversations as well, but the energy will somewhat change. We can still use the day for effective communications, but we need to exercise more caution: unexpected reactions are possible, although they most probably will be positive over-reactions to your words. Expect positive outcomes and breakthroughs, but watch out for unexpected outbursts.
Both days, there will be a lot of passion and a clarity of min and words in all our communications, and we should use this energy of the sky if we expect specific material outcomes from our interactions.
Moon in Cancer: Wednesday December 14th morning – Friday December 16th early morning
Wednesday may start as an emotional day. We may fall into a trap of fantasy and daydreaming and get caught in our past experiences and feelings. Only by the evening time we may be able to evaluate the reality and to get back to real life with real demands and structure. The focus will be on the past and its influence and power in our thought process today.
Thursday is a very dynamic and powerful day, with the focus on power and expansion. We are ready for radical and big changes, feel strongly about reclaiming our powers, and determined to make the best out of every situation that arises on this day or has been bothering us for a while. There is a real chance to make real changes and to solidify new limits to our lives. This is a day to go for it! The time to act or to make decisions is the morning and the early afternoon. The later afternoon or evening are unproductive, and anything started during this time is bound to fail and to fade away without consequences. 
Moon in Leo: Friday December 16th late morning – Sunday December 18th early afternoon
A warm, playful, and passionate Leo Moon is interacting in the sky with a cool, refined, and delicate Aquarius Venus. Who is going to win? This may be a day to combine both influences and to support the creativity and fire of the Leo with the intellectual attraction of Aquarius. Our mind may contradict our feelings, and this will be our task to unite both, to detach, and to see both sides of the creativity and attraction: the passionate wild side along with the intellectual and cultivated approach. If we are unable to combine both the feelings and the intellect in our choices and actions, we may find ourselves alone on this day, with nobody to play with.
On Saturday, the Leo Moon gets more action: while still maintaining a weak contact with Aquarius Venus, the Moon also connects to the fiery Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in the third Fire sign of Aries. This is a lot of fire in the sky, and we should expect to see just as much fire in our lives, whether this will be a metaphoric or an actual fire. We will feel inspired, active, ready to charge ahead and to consume everything in our path. Use all this fire to create and to make changes and improvements in your life! The creative passionate energy will be flowing easily, and it will be growing and expanding without any effort from us.
On Sunday, we clearly see what actions need to be done to fulfill the promise of a fiery path of the Moon in Leo and her interaction with other fiery planets. It’s just that final push that is required to materialize all the creative energy, and Sunday morning is the best day to make that step.
It is uncommon to have a business lunch on Sunday. However, if you did plan anything important to be discussed during the lunchtime on this day, definitely cancel: anything started during the lunchtime will be forgotten without a trace.
Moon in Virgo: Sunday December 18th 1:57 late afternoon – end of day.
The Virgo Moon will give us a resolve and desire to be ore productive and to finish anything that has to be done before the holidays. It’s all about the future and about the reality. There will no time for daydreaming or fantasizing; we will have things to do and things to organize. Ending our weekend and beginning our new week with the Virgo Moon gives us a guarantee that we will be well prepared for the holidays and well organized for any unexpected delay that the retrograde Mercury will bring us the next week.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, week of December 12th – 18th):
Wednesday December 14th 12:57 AM – Wednesday December 14th 7:08 AM
Thursday December 15th 4:36 PM – Friday December 16th 8:14 AM
Sunday December 18th 11:55 AM – 12:51 PM.
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adoastrology · 8 years ago
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WEEK OF DECEMBER 5th – 11th   
It’s a quiet week, without major celestial events. The only planet that may be acting unusually is Mercury, a planet that is already preparing to go retrograde in two weeks and slowing down in its motion. As the Moon is growing, almost reaching her full disk by the end of the week, we should dedicate our attention to going forward with any project that have to be completed by the end of the year. This week, we will have two full days that will be extremely unproductive: Monday and Wednesday. Spend them working on something that is already underway or just in a quiet inactive reflection and rest.
Moon in Aquarius: Monday December 5th
The social Aquarius Moon may interfere with our business plans on Monday. We will be more concerned with humanitarian issues than we usually are. Our reactions to the unexpected news related to equality, fairness, and world peace will be exaggerated, discussed, and shared, and we will go to the root of the problem and dig out any possible information and truth in order to form our own opinions about the events, whether the events are global or personal.
Don’t plan much – things will not go right or will not result in expected results.
Moon in Pisces: Tuesday December 6th – Wednesday December 7th
Something from the past will come up on Tuesday. It can be just a memory, or a person, or sudden revelation about the past. Understanding your opinion about it and making a choice to stick with your truth will help dealing with the past and to move to the future. As the day proceeds, we will be faced with a choice to face information about our real life or to submerge into daydreaming and self- deception, and we just may not be ready and strong enough to accept the reality. Don’t be surprised if you decide to call it an early night – this is the influence of the sleepy Pisces Moon, just submit to it and sleep tight. It also may be a great night for a movie or music.
Wednesday will deliver another reality check, and this time it may be louder than it was yesterday. Even id you are still ignoring the calls of reality and truth, you will return to the theme later in December and in the beginning of 2017, and you will be forced to deal with the issue(s). Wednesday will be unproductive, don’t expect to accomplish much, unless you are finishing something that has been already started.
Moon in Aries: Thursday December 8th – Saturday December 10th early morning
The physical and aggressive Aries Moon is toned down by an easy contact with Venus in a social sign of Aquarius. If you want to stand out in a group of people, this is the day. You may be able to do this without extra effort and in a considerate and soft way, accepted by everyone involved. As the Moon moves on through Aries to form an easy connection with the Sun and Saturn in a fiery Sagittarius and later conjoins Uranus in fiery Aries, the atmosphere may be heating up with passion and fire. There will be a lot of inspiration and resolve in the air.
Friday may bring unexpected development, shocking revelations, and breakthroughs or breakdowns. Friday and Saturday are the days when yearly meeting between the Sun and Saturn will take place in the sign of Sagittarius, and it will illuminate our quest for structure, realistic outlook, and exploration of our limits. This is the last time they meet in Sagittarius – this will not happen again until 2045. Take a realistic look at yourself and your situation to evaluate you limits and your quest for truth and make some choices and resolutions about the ways you will be handling the truth and responsibilities in the next almost 30 years. Also, if you are old enough, look back into November 1985, December 1986, December 1987, and November 1988: what was a message about your truth and exploration of your limits then? How did you commit to the process and what are the results? Does your philosophy need a review and will you set new goals and make new resolutions?
Few people will wake up early enough to catch the last minutes of the Moon in Aries. If you do wake up super early, take your time and delay any important activities.
Moon in Taurus: Saturday December 10th morning – Sunday December 11th all day
There will be a choice to pamper yourself and do what YOU want and like best or to please others and let them talk you into something that THEY want and like. Choose what is important for you. You may not be in a mood to interact and communicate. It you just want to take a luxurious bubble bath and dream about your past or your future, indulge yourself in doing whatever YOU please – the Moon will support this selfish decision. In the evening, you may have an urge to get your finances in order. Calculations, analyses, and search for refinancing or other financial options may go well on this evening, even though this is a weekend night.
The Moon supports continuation of calculations and analyses of our financial situations, whether we are dealing with debt or plans for financial security. No matter what aspect of finances you are examining, this is a great day for practical decisions. If there is some shopping to be done, The Moon will assure that we are practical and frugal, despite opportunities and desire to splurge: it will be easy to remember that it is all about our future and our dreams and goals, not about indulgence in the moment.
 Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, week of December 5th – 11th):
Monday December 5th 5:23 AM – 10:30 PM
Wednesday December 7th 8:05 AM – Thursday December 8th 4:15 AM
Friday December 9th 7:06 PM – Saturday December 10th 6:40 AM
Sunday December 11th 10:04 PM – Monday December 12th 6:41 AM
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