[ The completion, the final chapter of his -- this -- Grand Story {the Angel with too much Heart} would begin in
d i s a p p o i n t m e n t. ]
I don't--
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[ And it would end in disappointment. ]
I don't know what to do, Dean.
He stood for a few moments and just stared. There wasn’t much he could say to that. Nothing that he could do to make it right. Hell, he didn’t even know how it had happened.
The Angels….
They had Fallen…
Castiel and Metatron….
"Cas…. Tell me you didn’t…."
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Some pics from Animinneapolis 
We had a damn good time.
And met so many awesome people.
Me as Dean 
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outofcharacter.  oh bby u know i got love to give.
///ugh can i love you? i just want to pet your face
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ooc: So we meet again.
outofcharacter.  So we do mystery Dean.  So we do.
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hearkeningheartstrings said: [ Aaa. This is lovely. ]
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outofcharacter.  Enough omg where is your right in being so kind and generous and talented you have a lot of explaining to do b/c you can't possibly be so perfect okay thanks.
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Who dictates the end of a journey?
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Is it the one who walks or the one who carves the path— entertaining, of course, the belief that something like fate or destiny could hold any true relevance in reality. Knowing what I know now I’m more inclined to believe the former.  I think a path is only as long as its walker’s ability to keep walking.
[ through dusk, through dawn— on broken ankle and swollen knees;               snakes & wolves & frost & night                                                     There are monsters in the grass.
                                                         There are monsters everywhere. ]
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I have— tried to walk my own path.  One free of the path set before me.  I have tried to make good choices.  The right choices.   But time & time & time again I—                                                                                                  . f a i{l} l . 
[ "You know the difference between you and me? I know what I am.
                                                               • ฬђคt คгє א๏ย, ςครtเєl • ]
I don’t know what I am.  I don’t know why You’ve forsaken me us, why you refuse to answer me when I call, I have done all you’ve asked.  I choose them [him].  I choose family, didn’t I?
Our family.                                         
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But I am tired of choosing [WRONG].
I am tired of this path.
                                              Freedom is a length of rope—
& I would like my journey to be over now.
                           —God wants you to hang yourself with it.
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I suppose that in and of itself is the essence of Ŧгєє ฬเll. 
that ι cнoѕe тo ѕтop walĸιng.
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what happens in the series happens in the series but destiel happened in my heart okay and that's all that matters.
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they call him hell,
they call him Ferg-us,
they call him tailor.
they call him king.
that's not his name.  that's not his name.  that's not his name.
that's not his -- name.
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New Trenchcoat, The finger of Dean Winchester (Attachment optional), A list of good intentions, Feather of a dead angel, Pile of apology letters.
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Send me a △ and I'll rename your character
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+ t h e  m e s s e n g e r
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5 things you would put on a pentagram to summon me
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“Welcome back little bird, you’ve been sorely missed."
[ ? m i s s e d ? ;          .by who.
breath funnels in lipid stream through cracked pale pink,
& the AngelHuman stiffens in dry reply. ]
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I highly doubt the sincerity of your words.
Given the state of things.
[ Fallenfallen -- by his Grace they are F A L L E N. ]
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[[outofnightmare]] As a fellow military member, I would like to say that if you ever need to talk I will listen. No man or woman left behind. //sends hugs and love
I hope you don’t mind my posting this.  Firstly, thank you.  I appreciate it much more than you will ever know, & I will definitely take you up on your offer should I ever need to.
Secondly, I want to show anyone struggling with burdens of their own that there are lovely people you can talk to— who are willing to listen & want to help.
[ swaddles in love]
I’ve missed you.  I’m very happy to hear from you again.
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Hello Followers.
It's certainly been a long time since I've made any sort of post on this blog, but having just purchased a fully functioning computer & gotten an opportunity for some leisure time between shifts at Starbucks, I thought I might prepare for a slow but definite return.  I haven't decided if I will be keeping this blog or transferring my things to another one, but I will be returning, & I'm more than a little excited to be getting back into the swing of things.
On a more serious note, I feel my lengthy absence may need a bit of an explanation.  I'll bypass some of the finer details, but as a precaution, there is a **trigger warning** below the cut.  
Anyway, if you're reading this, it means that even after all this time, you decided it would be worth your while to keep me on your follow list-- a huge number of you at that, & for this, I THANK YOU.  Really.  It means a great deal to me that I can come back to such an amazing group of people even after crappy events have transpired in my own life.
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Thank you, thank you, & thank you again.  I look forward our threads.
With Love & Adoration,
I'd like to keep my explanation of events as brief & direct as possible, for your benefit & my own.  As many of you know, I was enlisted in the Army for a brief time late last year, where during a routine training exercise, I fell, fracturing my right hip.  While I was recovering in a hold-over company to prepare for my return to Basic Training, I was sexually assaulted by a Drill Sergeant on base.  The case was taken to a Military Court Martial just two weeks ago where he was found guilty & sentenced to six years in prison, dishonorably discharged, & forfeiture of all pay.  Needless to say, it was a really difficult experience for me.  I was feeling really down on myself for a while.  I didn't have the energy or the drive to write.  I needed time to heal, & with a little help from my psychiatrist, I got just that.
I truly appreciate those of you who took the time to read through this, & I hope that it sheds some light on my absence.  My experiences in the Army are eerily similar to so many others.  It needs to be discussed.  People need to be aware, and if any of any of you, any of you at all, are curious about it or feel compelled to discuss a situation of your own, I'm all ears.  Ready & willing to listen.
I'm excited to come back.
I love roleplaying.  I love the friendships I've made.  I've missed you all, missed the experiences and forging new ones.  I love writing far too much to leave it behind.  So thank you for following, and thank you for giving me the chance to be a part of your literary lives once more, and again, THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND.
Because yes the fact that you're following me already makes you my friend you're just going to have to deal with it.
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