adisolomon2005 · 9 months
How delusional am I?
Mark and Lexie are still alive. They just moved away. Lexie can’t deal with trauma very well. Remember the shooter episodes? Well the aftermath. She wanted a new start and Seattle Grace Mercy West hospital was too traumatizing for her to return to. Mark being in love with Lexie, took her away to another state and they’re still medical professionals. Due to the injuries sustained in the accident, Lexie is no longer a surgeon but Mark has his own private clinic. Lexie is a neurologist. Every summer, Sofia comes to stay with them and Callie and Arizona come for thanksgiving. Mark and Lexie visit for Christmas. It’s quite the ride because they still have a fear of planes.
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adisolomon2005 · 1 year
I seriously think that we don’t talk enough about the very cute bond that could have been between Lexie and Sofia.
I remember the scene where Mark held Sofia in the radiology room and Lexie came in. The way Lexie looked at Mark and Sofia… I just know that at that moment, she realized that she could love Sofia so much.
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adisolomon2005 · 1 year
I Need A Minute To Miss My Brother
"No George! You can't play with this toy! It's mine!" Four years old Sofia stated. She picked up the toy and realized it was broken. "Look what you've done!"
"Hey baby, what's happened?"
Arizona asked as she came into the room. After three nights at her dad's and Lexie's house, it was her mommy's turn to be with her.

"George played with my toy and broke it! I hate him!"

"Sofia, don't talk about your brother like this! He is your little brother. I know you love him."

Sofia rolled her eyes and said, "Can we please go now?"

"Come on, honey, let's go," Arizona said, leaving Sofia's room.

Bye, Daddy, I love you," Sofia said, hugging her father, who had no idea about what happened earlier and left with her mother.

Arizona knew that it was normal for siblings to fight. She also knew that Sofia adored her brother and didn't mean what she said, but it still bothered her. She knew it was about Timothy, her brother.

"Sofia, George is your brother. You should never talk to him like that again. He was scared when you yelled at him," Arizona said as she was driving home.

"I don't care! I don't want to have a brother anymore! Maybe we can give him up."

"I don't think Lexie and Daddy would like the idea," Arizona said.

"I wish he would die! I hate him!" Sofia stated.

Arizona couldn't take it anymore. She would do anything to get her brother back, and here is her daughter, wishing that her brother would die. That thought made Arizona cry.

"Mommy, are you crying?"

"I want to tell you something. You know that mommy had a brother?"

"Yes! Grandma Barbara showed me pictures of him, but she didn't tell me a lot about him."

"That's because your grandma doesn't like to talk about him. It hurts her too much."

"What happened to him?"

"Your uncle was a hero. He died in a war. He died for saving our country."

"Woww... really?"

"Yes, honey. He would have loved you so much. I know that. You would have loved him too."

"I wish I'd gotten to know him..."

"I know, sweetheart, I wish that too..."

"I shouldn't have treated George like I did, right?"

"George is your little brother, and he will always be. As his big sister, you have to protect him and help him. Maybe he can be annoying and take your toys, but that is because he loves you. He wants to be like you, like I wanted to be like my brother."

"Can we go to Daddy's and Lexie's house, please?"

"Of course we can," Arizona said, smiling, proud of her daughter.

When they arrived at the house, Sofia saw her father and brother playing in the yard. She ran to her brother, hugged him, and said, "I am so sorry, George! I really didn't mean what I said earlier! I love you so much!"

"I am not complaining; it's very cute, but what the hell is that?" Mark asked, confused.

"This is our little girl growing up," Arizona responded.
"Mommy?" Sofia asked. They were now in the car after Sofia's apology.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Grandma Barbara told me that Timothy would have been proud of you."
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adisolomon2005 · 1 year
IT Is So Hard To Say Goodbye
Summary: Maggie, Amelia, and Meredith help Lexie grieve over her her father's death.
Set up after "The Winer Takes It All (15x11).
Maggie, Amelia and Meredith were in the living room when Amelia said, "I'm worried about Lexie; she hasn't spoken to me since her father died."
Suddenly, Meredith's phone began to ring.
"It's mine," Meredith told them. "I'm going to get it."
"Hi Mark, how is Lexie doing?"
"Wait she is not with you?", Mark asked her as he held his one year old son.
"No, she doesn't."
"She doesn't answer my calls and I have no idea where she is."
Meanwhile, Amelia and Maggie heard a knock at the door, and went to open it. They found Lexie, her eyes full with tears.
"I am afraid that if I had stayed with Mark, I might have killed him. May I come in?"
"Of course you can״, Amelia told her.
"Have you seen Lexie?" , Meredith asked her sisters in panic.
Then Meredith saw her sister and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh god Lexie, Mark got worried."
"I am not a kid. I am fine״, Lexie replied.
"Lex, you are not fine. Your father just died", Maggie told her.
Lexie said, "This is the reason I couldn't be with Mark. Please stop worrying about me״ ,She sat on the couch.
"What are we going to do?" Meredith asked worriedly as the girls walked into the living room.
"Sorry Mer, I know how crappy dad he was to you."
"Lex, please just talk to us."
"When my dad died, I was only 5 years old. I was afraid, hurt and confused. I know that if it happened now, I would still feel the same way because that's how I felt when Derek died. You feel like a lost little 5 year old child."
"I have a five years old kid. I can't feel like one. I really appreciate it, but I don't want you to worry about me, I am going to be fine."
"I don't think it's possible. We would always worry about you. When Derek died, you never left me and Amelia for a second, even though his death was hard on you too״ , Meredith told her.
"It's just stupid."
"It doesn't matter, we are your sisters and we love you. You can complain about everything you want, and we will listen to you, and no matter how stupid it is." , Maggie told Lexie.
"Sofia and Zola baked for me peanut butter cups. That made me think of my mom. Once when my mom was sad, I baked her a cake. The cake was awful, but my mom cried of joy because I made it to her״, Lexie said smiling.
"I am a bad mother."
Amelia, Meredith, and Maggie all said in unison, "What?"
"I left my kids in the middle of the night just because my father died."
"You didn't leave them. They are with their father. Lexie, you are allowed to grieve. Mark gets it, he is just worried about you. We are worried all about you״, Amelia said.
Then, they saw Zola descending the stairs. Surprised to see her aunt, Zola quickly rushed up to hug her.
"Auntie Lexie, did you like the peanut butter cups we made for you?", Zola asked her aunt.
"Yes Zozo, they were the best I've ever eaten."
Zola went to the kitchen, and came back with a glass of water.
Zola said, "I love you so much Auntie Lexie," and then she hugged her again.
"I love you too, Zozo," Lexie said, as the girl walked up the stairs.
"You see ,Lex? You are a great mother and a great aunt. Zola, Bailey and Ellis adore you״, Amelia told her.
"Would you like to sleep here?" Meredith asked her.
"I would love that," Lexie responded, smiling.
"I know it's stupid, but I am afraid to sleep alone."
"You don't have to. You can sleep with anyone you want״, Meredith told her
"I love you so much.", Lexie said as she hugged her sisters.
"We love you too״, Maggie told her.
"I'm gonna call Mark. He is really worried״, Said Meredith.
"So let me talk to him. He won't leave us alone until I will talk to him."
That night, Lexie slept in Meredith's bed.
"Thank you for visiting dad. I know it meant a lot to him, even if he didn't deserve this."
"Well, he gave me the best thing I could have asked for," Meredith said, smiling at her sister.
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