adenev · 5 months
The ‘you’re mature for your age’ to sleeping with a bed full of plushies in your mid twenties pipeline is real
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adenev · 2 years
My fave Jane Hopper (El) headcanons
🧇 Wears long sleeves majority of her time in California because of her number tattoo and people think she’s weird for always wearing long sleeves
🧇 The first thing she ever asks for is a music box
🧇 Favorite Disney Princess is Snow White. Hits very close to home for her.
🧇 Needs glasses but doesn’t know it cause she thinks that’s how everyone else sees
🧇 Refuses medications (even Tylenol) bc she’s afraid of what they’ll do to her
🧇 Has frequent breakdowns in California because they aren’t in Hawkins anymore (and all the new changes)
🧇 Got sick super easy and all the time when she left the lab since she wasn’t used to everything. She had vaccines but wasn’t exposed to anything outside of that
🧇 The first time she celebrated her birthday, she cried because she was so happily overwhelmed. Also cried when she got presents
🧇 Spent quite a few nights in Will’s room because she didn’t like being alone, as it reminded her of the lab
🧇 When she watched Frankenstein, she asked Joyce if she was a monster since she was also “created” by scientists
🧇 After Hopper “died,” she refused to wear anything that wasn’t his. Joyce had to talk her into wearing her one clothes before the school year started
🧇 Major imposter syndrome after losing her powers. Afraid her friends wouldn’t like her anymore
🧇 Likes practicing painting nails on Will
🧇 regresses to cope with childhood trauma (I head canon that her and Will regress together sometimes 🥺)
🧇 Picks dandelions for her friends and family, and they all love it :)
🧇 Loves experimenting with clothes. Will fully wear striped tights and a plaid dress around the house.
🧇 Loves when her and Will coordinate clothes
🧇 Also loves when Joyce picks out her outfits
🧇 Sometimes goes through Will’s closet holding up different shirts like “Can I borrow this one and this one? How about this one? Oh, is this one new, have you worn it yet? Can I try it?”
🧇 Keeps newspaper clippings of any articles calling Hopper a hero.
🧇 Griffindor
🧇 Uses Will’s cologne
🧇 Wears a lot of jewelry
🧇 When doing math work, she chuckles a bit if the answer is 11
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adenev · 2 years
Matt Sturniolo is an INFP because I said so
(This is coming from an INFP)
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adenev · 2 years
Once I stop procrastinating and starts reading 365 pages books in two days again then it's all over for everyone.
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adenev · 2 years
Matt Sturniolo listens to Taylor Swift and no one can tell me otherwise. He’s gotta be a Swiftie, and his fave album is folklore because I said so
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adenev · 2 years
Mike Wheeler headcanons I enjoy :)
🎲 The only one allowed in castle Byers without the secret password. 
🎲 Saw Ferris bueller’s day off exactly once and it changed his life
🎲 Listens to Lynyrd Skynyrd
🎲 Would ask you to name 5 songs from a band he likes if he sees you wearing one of their shirts. 
🎲 Yells at inanimate objects when he bumps into them
🎲 Bites nails when nervous
🎲 His dad never allowed him to believe in fairytale creatures (Santa, Easter bunny, tooth fairy, etc) because “that’s for girls, not men.”
🎲 That being said, he did everything possible to make sure Will believed in those things for as long as possible 
🎲 Used to be passed notes that were filled with people talking about his friends (Will, Lucas, and Dustin) and would throw them out before they noticed (they still saw them)
🎲 Taught to play guitar by Eddie
🎲 Made Will a hellfire shirt when he made his 
🎲 Had a fish once, he thought it died, so he flushed it. The fish was very much still alive. Traumatized him. 
🎲 Wears sunglasses inside
🎲 Smells like axe body spray and lemons 
🎲 Cried himself to sleep once cause Nancy told him he looked like a girl
🎲 Hair grew out due to lack of care to cut it after Will and el moved. Eddies style encouraged him to clean it up a little
🎲 When his parents fought growing up, he’d stay in Nancy’s room until he grew up and was embarrassed to ask. Nancy soon asked him to come stay with her 
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adenev · 2 years
Some of my fave Will Byers headcanons :)
🎨 Pulls the: “I can’t believe you’re dating my sister” card with Mike
🎨 Sometimes puts hot sauce on food and then jokes that it keeps the mind flayer away
🎨 Apologizes to inanimate objects when bumping into them
🎨 Wouldn’t eat anything animal shaped growing up because he didn’t wanna hurt them 
🎨 Hates the number seven because that’s what he rolled the night he went missing
🎨 Knows how to sew
🎨 Favorite Disney movie is Peter Pan. Close second is Bambi 
🎨 Keeps a small snack on him at all times, in fear of getting trapped in the upside down again
🎨 Mixes up his paint water and drinking water a little too often
🎨 Still loves playing games like hide and seek but is too scared to as if anyone wants to play with him
🎨 Has to sleep with a stuffed animal. Also a night light.
🎨 Will was paired up with one of El’s bullies (specifically the guy with the sun glasses) for the only project where they couldn’t choose their partners. He comes to the Byers house and works with Will in his room. Sees that will has both a stuffed animal and a night light and gets heavily picked on for it. He also sees the picture of him and Mike on his bedside table but doesn’t say anything about it. He knows what Will Byers is. 
🎨 Believed in the tooth fairy and Santa longer than the other kids, and his friends made sure to keep it that way
🎨 A hypochondriac and a germaphobe since leaving the upside down. Constantly worried if there are still slugs in him
🎨 Believes in fairies 
🎨 Puts a dot on his ceiling for every bad dream he has and now his ceiling looks like the night sky
🎨 Falls asleep at inconvenient times. A very sleepy boy, if you will. 
🎨 One time he was proud of his report card grades and brought it up over dinner and Lonnie complained that he should be bringing home awards for sports instead and it just turned into a huge argument between him and Joyce so will never brought up his accomplishments again unless someone asked him
🎨 Knows about hellfire but doesn’t bring it up because he thinks they wanted to play dnd just not with him
🎨 Talks to his stuffed animal
🎨 Studio Ghibli stan
🎨 Cat lover but they make him nervous. He’s afraid to pet them cause he’s afraid even cats won’t like him :(
🎨 Cries every year on his birthday
🎨 Spills almost everything. When he was little he was only allowed cups with lids on them
🎨 A Knick knack enthusiast
🎨 he gets eaten by bugs SO BAD the entire summer he’s covered in bug bites, even when he’s just outside for five minutes, his mom says it’s because he’s so sweet
🎨 watercolor is his main medium
🎨 when he paints he lines his brushes up from most to least favorite
🎨 when he has a bad week, he’ll sleep in his moms bed sometimes
🎨 Favorite seasons are fall and spring because he can wear sweaters with shorts
🎨 “I saw this and got it for you” and has money set aside specifically so he can do this for his friends
🎨 Has a really high pain tolerance. When the group gets matching dnd tattoos, he just chuckles under the needle
🎨 age regresses sometimes to work though his trauma
🎨 Deeply resonates with Rapunzel from tangled 
🎨 Checks his temperature religiously, afraid he’ll be the right temperature for the mind flayer again
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adenev · 2 years
My fave willel headcanons cause I feel like I need to share with the class:
🌻 They color coordinate clothes often
🌻Will will give El a copy of the book Matilda (it came out in '88) and it becomes her favorite comfort book. Later in the 90's when the movie comes out, it's a siblings day out as she and Will go and see it in theaters 
🌻 Everyone in Will and El’s school thinks El’s middle name is Elizabeth (or something along the lines of it) because they overhear Will calling her El all the time. He also slips up in conversations and says El instead of Jane and everyone’s slightly confused 
🌻 El asked will to cover up her 011 tattoo with a drawing and every few days he changes it, normally its flowers blooming from the tattoo
🌻 They share each other’s lunches at school
🌻 They like watching Care Bears and the Smurfs together 
🌻 Eleven, walking into the bathroom while Will is trying to take a shower: “Hey, did you- stop screaming, it's me- did you eat the last Eggo?” Will tries to make sure El doesn’t need to ask anything before he showers, but after a little while, he just gets used to it.
🌻El expresses an interest in comics but when she asks Will about Wonder Woman, Will realizes his comic collection is not all that diverse (he has his favorites). He starts buying comics he thinks El would be interested in when he goes to buy his own.
🌻Will freaks out over bugs and El takes them outside. Jonathan would squash them. When Jonathan kills them, it brings both El and Will to tears
🌻El asking Will to teach her how to ride a bike so that they can go places together without her riding on his back
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