adelphoied · 5 years
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me crying whenever i see alisaie in a cutscene: turn up the volume i love this goddamn song
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adelphoied · 5 years
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I haven’t finished the new content yet but I played a nice chunk today and wanted to draw something.
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adelphoied · 5 years
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The Leveilleur Twins
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adelphoied · 5 years
A smile remains on her lips while she patiently waits for the young woman to answer. Though soon it fades, overtaken by a thoughtful frown. The information wasn’t unexpected as her own abilities were stripped from her when she arrived. Her brows furrow in concern, hiding her disappointment that she couldn’t  currently help Alisaie.
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“Ah, so you can’t invoke much either,” Iriste comments, reflecting on her own inability to conjure any other spell from her large repertoire. She taps her chin as she adds, “I can only use Physicks.”
As the question doesn’t phase her, Iriste takes it in stride. Almost as if she practiced the questioning encounters, resulting in becoming numb to the surprise.  “Many times in Eorzea and Norvrandt,” she answers her friend’s question, her smile solemn. “I like to believe we were close, especially from our adventures together.”
“ of all things? ugh, at least there’s some use for it. i can’t even use my damned skyshard. ” somehow, despite not really knowing the woman, alisaie has a feeling she’s scarcely used the spell after a certain point. she keeps things light, smiling and shaking her head that they’ve both been stuck with such minor spells. “ this realm is truly beyond me... ” not that she really feels that’s a surprise to anyone.
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even though there’s such a practiced, simple grace to it alisaie can’t help but feel guilty. iriste has such a presence about her that feels so familiar, but it’s escaping her. such an important gap in her memory leaves the girl so frustrated. that smile, especially, leaves a gaping wound in her heart. damn, she must’ve been important. 
“ norvrandt and eorzea? ” there’s really only one person that could be, keeping optimistic and not wasting her time with much further questions than that. that one person did have a knack for disappearing and reappearing looking absolutely nothing like themselves. “ well, if we’re beginning adventures in a third place i should hear your name. what’d you change it to this time, warrior? ”
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adelphoied · 5 years
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Alisaie Leveilleur is best girl! Change my mind!
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adelphoied · 5 years
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my children
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adelphoied · 5 years
alisaie didn’t really expect gaius to honestly say ‘yes’ when requesting his assistance, ( even with a slight bit of persistence ) but it’s certainly not something she’s going to object to. sometimes it’s nice to quell the ideas of feeling homesick, if only for a brief couple of hours and reminiscing simpler days. she wasn’t prepared for the impeccable levels of craftsmanship that came out of this collaboration, but she still smiles all the same now that the figure is nearly complete. it’ll show that brat that even she’s capable of a bit of artistry.
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she blinks at gaius when carefully carving individual strands of hair. ( she should be thankful gaius is cleaning up her objectively terrible contributions... but she’s trying her best. ) ...nope! she has no idea, and didn’t think anywhere near that far ahead! “ well, it can’t be that hard to find... it’s a mineral, right? we could just... dig it out of the ground. ”
@adelphoied​ // winterfes.
Gaius wasn’t a playful man. Not under normal circumstances at any rate. Garlemald was a cold, unwelcoming place, situated in the icy inlets of Ilsabard, and it was only as a young boy during the first virgin snows of the early winter where he would find joy in outside playtime. Years of being tempered against the frigid climes had rendered Gaius a stone against the flurries. Garlean children, however, seemed keen nowadays to make snowmen on the heavier days, and it was this very activity that Gaius agreed, albeit reluctantly, to take part in.
Alisaie Leveilleur was no child. But that didn’t necessarily mean she couldn’t have fun, and if she wanted to make a towering snow elf, then Gaius was the man for the job to help stack massive spheres of the stuff on top of one another to reach acceptable heights. Whatever commands or requests she had of him, he would quietly obey, and with the discipline of a hardened war general, ensured that each task was completed to utter perfection, from the size and shape of the snowballs to the stones to the shape and size of the long, pointed ears.
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It was during the arduous process of getting the ears to stick to the round head when he wondered how Alisaie managed to rope him into this. He had nothing better to do with his time, and shoveling snow was starting to get dull.
“I assume you know where to procure coal for the face, then?” He gave her a pointed glance as he smoothed and re-smoothed the edges of the snowman’s form. 
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adelphoied · 5 years
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Inktober #15 - Legend
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adelphoied · 5 years
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Some photos of new exhibits in the arms and armor department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Pt. 2/2
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adelphoied · 5 years
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Spanish espada ropera, 16th century.
from Artemis Gallery
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adelphoied · 5 years
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An off-the-cuff fountain pen and watercolor thing that I quite liked
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adelphoied · 5 years
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Il faut aller à l'escrime comme on va à la danse; il faut aller à l'escrime comme on va à  la guerre.**
- Émile Mérignac, Histoire de l’escrime (2 tomes), Imprimeries Réunies, 1883
**One must go to fence as one would go to dance; one must go to fence as though one were going to war.
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adelphoied · 5 years
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Argentinian officer’s sword, early to mid 20th century.
from Czerny’s International Auction House
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adelphoied · 5 years
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French rapier featuring etchings of the portraits of French Kings, 16th century.
from Czerny’s International Auction House
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adelphoied · 5 years
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Venetian schiavona, circa 1700.
from Czerny’s International Auction House
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adelphoied · 5 years
...no, there’s no way. alisaie follows the familiar voice with a subdued eagerness. if she’s proven wrong, well... that would just be beyond unfortunate. she’s jogging through the crowd, bobbing and weaving at the sight of that familiar white braid. what a relief. thinking has been so exhausting she desperately needs a break and most importantly a degree of familiarity.
“ alphinaud! ”
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she grabs his collar before he simply takes the crosswalk in front of a moving car, making the ever foolish mistake of paying more attention to his thoughts than what’s in front of him. alisaie expected nothing less. she turns him, grabbing his shoulders for him to face her, shaking him furiously.
“ pay attention to where you’re going! do you have any idea how infuriating it would be to find you only for you to disappear again!? ”
The high, modern skyscrapers were a sight to behold. If it weren’t for the unfamiliar architecture and sleek design, he would have thought to have transported back to Amaurot for some ungodly reason. Still, it didn’t make sense for him to be teleported to another new world when his body and soul were at a disconnect already. 
He was lucky enough that he was dressed somewhat appropriately for this world’s time of the year. He knew better since he first came to Ishgard that he should supply himself with clothing better suited for the weather. 
After being somewhat briefed in on his situation, he set out to explore the city after getting himself settled in his accommodation. He diligently follows the pamphlet he was given like a lifeline, taking himself to the main square to ask questions with the locals. To his surprise, they all seemed to be used to his queries, being told that he is not the only one who has arrived. This made him think of his sister and the Scions, if they came along too. But seeing the bustling crowd, almost every one of them uniquely stuck out to him.
Still determined to learn of this enigmatic island, he continued off asking the locals in the city square for now, having given a pen and paper by one of the elderly who seemed to feel sympathetic to see a young man like him get lost in the crowd. 
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“So, there are three other wards as big as this… They all seemed bigger than the city states back in Eorzea. I suppose here will be a good start…” he mumbles to himself, tapping the end of his pen on his chin as he goes through his notes, idly pacing about in the middle of the square. 
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adelphoied · 5 years
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I love reading Medieval fighting manuals. 
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