#urianger tbt
minarcana · 2 years
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forced to have swimming lessons
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liightbringr · 8 months
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to reside in the domain of your wisdom, dear friend.
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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send my muse “will you be my valentine?” to see their reaction ! || Still accepting
@deadly-heavens​​ asked:  “will you be my valentine?” (Lona to urianger?)
The forwardness of the statement from Fedarlona was surprising, the man taken back by the way she spoke it. However, perhaps it had been more his own doing; she had mumbled something unintelligible before him and when prodded for her to speak up, the words had flung at him faster than anything he could have caught. Slowly the information began to seep in, golden eyes wide upon the woman as she seemed bashful in every other sense.
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“Fedarlona.” He spoke out, Urianger’s tone rumbling her name with a gentle tenor. “Prophecies didst not forewarn of such a thing, yet I find myself timely prepared.” Often did he check his cards when it came to the woman, simply to ensure things would go well for her for the day, yet the heavens seemed to keep this development from his sight with glee. However, despite the cryptic nature of his utterance, a smile tugged at his countenance, a hand lifted in gesticulation for her to wait a moment.
Turning, the jewelry on his person softly jingling with the motion, he approached a small desk he often placed his belongings within when researching endless hours within the Rising Stones. A drawer was opened and he procured a small box, sealing the drawer shut and returning to face her, offering out the gift.
“A token of mine affections, and acceptance of thine request.” Urianger confirmed, placing the container within her hands. Within the red wrapping, a metal bookmark within, fashioned with scarlet flowers and glimmering jewels that were akin to the stars upon his breast. “Something to mark our spots within the tomes we share. Mine mind thought to get a matched pair for it, but I fear the goldsmith’s guild is taking time with mine portion.”
Shaking his head, the elezen glanced up towards her, only minutely apprehensive. “Mine hopes lay that thou finds it useful?”
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brightblessed-aa · 4 years
FFXIVWRITE2020: Peace (Day Six)
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    Roi Coello was never happy. It wasn’t in him. It wasn’t possible for him. Maybe he had been in his youth. He remembered childlike joy when his uncle would teach him about magic. When he would help his mother cook and see her smile. But none of it was true happiness. Childlike wonder and glee. Maybe it was as close as he could get. 
  From the night his mother died, his heart had weighed like stone. If only it could be as cold and unfeeling. He knew it was his fault, and even so… She died to protect him. Again and again. His aunt, his uncle, so many others. A mountain of bodies so he could keep on living. Either because he had killed them, caused their deaths, or they died to save him. The ghosts clung to his ankles like shackles. Getting heavier and heavier with each new link in the chain. Each step, happiness became further and further away. 
  It wasn’t until he was turning into a sin eater that he realized how little joy there had been in his life. Either because of his own actions, the things that happened to him and those around him, or because of his own wicked mind. He would die a miserable person and become a monster the usher in a Calamity. That was what he thought. The despair of it was unbearable. It almost broke him. His soul and mind were cracking and he had thought it to be an end that fit his entire story. 
 But now he walks into the Rising Stones. Y’shtola and Urianger are talking about some tome they had both read. Thancred is asleep in one of the chairs. The twins are bickering while G’raha watches in horror. Krile is writing something with Tataru. He can’t help but smile. Peace was never to last for a man like him. A weapon like him. And yet… In this brief moment, this bubble of serenity… he can’t help but feel at peace. He’d been sleeping better lately. His days spent helping his friends recover from their ordeal. 
  He never could have dreamed it would end like this. All that pain, that bitter struggle. Mayhap it was the peace at the end of a battle, or the calm in the storm. Regardless, he needed to learn to relax and enjoy it. He spent too much time worrying about losing what he had. Far too little time enjoying moments. He still had a lot to learn about hoping and being gentle. 
  And perhaps this peace, this small space full of the people he loves… He has it. Happiness. 
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catleha · 5 years
out; they keep on calling Y'shtola "witch" in the live letter ... *thinking emoji*
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booty-uprooter · 2 years
tbt to that cutscene in arr where urianger is talking to thancred via linkshell and you dont hear thancred's side of the conversation but it's clearly 'is she hot? .... so she is hot'
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maskedmuses · 4 years
With all the HCs of being parents, I know I have a few muses who would be of interest. 
Azuna was already a mother, but since their deaths, she is apprehensive to have another child biologically. After time and support of a partner, she would definitely would love to adopt, but having a child herself would not be out of the question entirely.
Ysayle (with the exception of Azuna) is the first muse who has a child. Her and @aprisatm​‘s Estinien have a little girl by the name of Shiva, whom she would give the world for. 
Y’shtola would not be adverse to a child if it were to happen by accident, but she would rather it not occur for some time. Although should it happen, she would most likely raise the sassiest child Hydaelyn ever saw, and give Matoya a run for her money. 
Urianger is in similar standing to Y’shtola in that he would not want a child now, but should one happen by accident, he would eagerly raise it with care and attention. He would step back from the frontlines of Scions, as he was when he was caring for the twins. 
Then of course Koya, who is barely ready, doesn’t want a kid right now because of her goals to get stronger (plus the mother issues she has already, should she remember them or not) but should one happen, she would be the best mama bear type and would absolutely incorporate her baby (safely) into her work out routines.
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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@rainbowrite​​ asked:  She had spent so many years of her life knowing - believing - she would be the last of her bloodline. The concept of building a new family with someone else had... never occurred, and now the idea left her teary eyed. (Mayhaps the 'new family' she was building was partially to blame.) She reached up, absently wiping at her face. "I'm sorry, I - ... just.. never thought..." / babies ur honor? Spare Babs?
Urianger tugged her close, allowing her tail to coil around their frames. The swollen stomach had made things difficult for Alta to be able to nestle herself as she once did against his skin upon the loveseat, but the man adjusted without complaint. Comforting her in these times was his highest priority, not only to sate the Warrior of Light, but that she harbored his heart and mind as one.
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“Neither did I.” He whispered, dipping his face into her locks, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath. “Fear not, Alta. Thine concerns doth be shared with mine heart. Never in mine wildest imagination didst I think myself a father, as I was certain I was considered incapable.”
A smile tugged at his lips as he nuzzled into the dark locks, letting his hand drift against her stomach. “Thou hast proved me wrong a number of times, I am scarce to wonder if anything at I can divine might show me truth.” A jest, but he knew what he said might frighten her, so he rose a hand, drifting it to her cheek to wipe the last of the tears away.
“Yet I know the stars proved thine affections for me. I shall trust in them for their fortune, as thou shall trust in me.”
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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@rainbowrite​​ asked: "I think - ... I have something to tell you." / reverse uno card, alta to uri 👀
Her presence was not unexpected, the gentle steps she had taken to come within the small library situated in the Rising Stones still heard by his pointed ear even as he shuffled the tomes into his arms. Urianger had been researching the various differences in the star alignments between the First and the Source, finding it remarkable and how it could predict the flow of time between the two shards and offered a connection.
The man’s mind had been so busy with it that even as she tried to garner his full attention, he did not stop to listen fully until he had begun to place away the books he had collected, clearing the table after his use. However, as the words began to fall from her lips, his posture froze, the meaning overwhelming him.
Another aether signal from within her. How she had been ill. How there had been no other explanation than that which was presented to him now.
A loud crash of books toppling from his grasp, golden eyes wide upon her as she spoke, his mind not focused on the way the pages flapped open nor anything else in the room beside the woman who spoke of bearing his child. Something he thought would be impossible, improbable, that would not ever be if not from the lack of ability from his end or hers.
But here was confirmation right before him.
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“Alta.” He finally spoke, his throat dry, hands still lifted as if he was cradling the tomes he had released. Stepping over them, he crossed the distance to her, those idle fingers coming to clasp down upon her shoulders, trembling. “Thou speakest true? Thou carry mine…mine…” His gaze fell towards her stomach, mouth gawping some at the reality of it.
“We must maketh plans for thine comfort.” Urianger nodded firmly, bending enough to be able to envelop her in a tender embrace, his breath soft against her horn. “Thou hast made me the happiest man in the world.”
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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@rainbowrite​​ asked: "Have they - have the stars spoken to you lately?" Her tone is nearly neutral, and she may have gotten away with it entirely if her tail weren't flicking about, the motion full of energy. "Have they told you - ..." and Alta leaned forward, horn grazing his cheek - a little kiss - before, "... that I love you, verily?"
The perk of her voice drew his gaze from the tome he read, thinking her slumbering as they curled upon the loveseat. Perfect size for the two of them, it was enough that he was able to cradle her against his chest, her smaller stature fitting so well against him, and easy for her to move when it came to her interest to do so. Just as she did now, her frame lithe in movement upon him to gain level to stare the darker hued optics into his citrine.
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Tension made home on his shoulders briefly, until the sound of mild thumping against the furniture gave way to the excited flick of her tail, his expression remaining a mirrored neutral despite how a smile played at his mind. Without moving, he allowed her to shift towards him, the small kiss, the brush of her horn, all little things Urianger adored lay before him.
“Aye.” He mused after the clip of her lips left his, leaning in to sweep once more against her own. “Their utterances resound in mine ear, singing of thine sweet and true affections over and over again. I never tire of their chorus, as I ne’er tire of thine heart coupled with succulent lips.”
His amusement could not help but breech his countenance, bleeding through as the book was placed to the side, arms coming to sweep around her form and pull her close once more. His words were naught but a whisper against her skin, mouth clipping along her own. “I wish the stars doth sing to you, so thou might hear how much mine heart cries out those words for you.”
A tender press, his hands firm along her back, trailing his kisses down from Alta’s lips along her jaw, small utterances slipping in his breaths. “How mine heart beat only for thou. How I yearn for only you.” Finally, he found himself nestled between horn and flesh.
“That I love you, Altansarnai.”
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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@rainbowrite​​ asked:  Alta's lips nearly traced his ear, more conscious of the placement of her horn near his jaw than her mouth. She paused, grazing a kiss against the very side of his cheek, and then: "do not doubt that I love, Uri."
His throat rolled with a small groan, his shoulders slumping from sheer weakness from her gentle brush against his skin. Urianger was still not accustomed to the way Altansarai was able to move in such a way that could stir his senses to something beyond the simplistic. Every fiber of his being beckoned for her, every ilm of self-control taken to ensure that he did not silence her with a collision of his lips against her own or to simply reach out and grasp her entirely.
The Astrologian could not have divined the exact moment when Alta had become so entirely close to him, but ever since, his heart was wholly hers in every sense. Excuses to be in her company were made frequently, including this very instance.
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Unable to squander her entirely away from prying eyes, having her assist him in the library of the Rising Stones was enough for him to relish in her company. Having her step upon the shelf ladder to place away the high reaching tomes, she had taken the moment to be on equal footing with him to offer such affection. His hands emptied from the last of the books he had wanted to shuffle away, hovering around her frame, almost fearful for grasping her too quickly from the spot.
Not until she spoke those words, his actions far preceding his mind. Deft fingers pressed against her hips, shifting with precision to avoid the points of her horns to instead press his mouth along her sweet tasting lips. Slowly the hands slid to encompass her fully, lifting her mid-kiss from the perch, allowing her to wrap her legs and tail about him as he relished in the sensation of her touch. Her lips. Everything that made her the wondrous woman she was.
Peeling his face from hers, he canted his head some, shifting slowly around her horn to dip down to the scaling upon her neck, pressing small kisses along the tender, exposed flesh between the keratin, soft whispers vibrating against it.
“I shalt never doubt thine love, as it mirrors mine own for thee.” Sweet utterances came to press more affection against her frame. “I love thee more than life itself, Alta.”
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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Protective Sentence Starters || Still accepting
@rainbowrite​ asked: "I've lost so many others in my life. Not you, too." // oops my hand slipped ... urialta 👀
In certain instances, more than one healer was unnecessary.
However, in this particular moment, Urianger thanked every heavenly body on the Source and First that he had accompanied Alta on this mission. Something that should have been done alone, the Elezen had overly suggested with superfluous wording that she should not be alone when she ventured out, and ultimately had earned her company. Something he would both find a boon and a curse all at once when the strike had fallen, aiming to slice apart the woman.
He had stepped in, no shield offered upon his person, only to bar her from injury as she finished her cast. The spell resounded in conjunction with the tear of his black cloak, piercing the flesh beneath before the enemy fell. And so did Urianger.
Toppling from his height to his knees, it was Alta who wrapped her arms around his form, halting him half way from collapsing entirely. His chin slumped towards his bleeding chest, daffodil optics unfocused as her voice was only a wisp against his ear. At least until warmth shot through his frame, the searing pain waning in favor of a rush of gentle coolness. She was repeating the healing spells so quickly, Urianger nearly thought them to be a single phrase.
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Finally, his bearings returned, and she was worn from the spellcasting. Concern came to rest upon his features as he turned, scooping her into his arms and against his tattered chest. “Why wouldst thou wear thyself so thin? My life would have been sustained.” Fingers pulled up to the base of her neck, folding into her hair. Worry over her now, relief only stemming for the fact that there were no more enemies about to target the weary healers.
However, despite all his restoration from her intense healing abilities, it was her words that hit him the hardest. Curled against his chest, murmured against his flesh, it was a sentiment that pierced his heart more than any words could.
He knew the pain of loss. Urianger knew the weight that Alta had to bear, and was immeasurable to his own hurt, but agony could not be compared, merely prevented.
Pulling her closer, his head dipped down to press his lips into her crown, eyes shutting tightly as he held her, refusing to let her go. “Mine soul could not rest if thou were to take the blow, yet I was not privy to thine own fears. Pray, forgive me, Altansanai.” His voice a whisper, pleading with her to forgive his foolishness. Had he not learned every time he offered to sacrifice that it was not what she wished for?
But his body had moved. He only wished to protect her.
“There shalt be nary a day that I will not be at thy side, lest you wish me away.” His fingers gently stroked along her back, tender reassurance. “Thou shalt never lose me; I shall prove it every morn and eve, so thou never feels the burden of worry over me.”
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