adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
Looking at the phone the brunette held out to her, Copeland gasped with her eyes growing the size of saucers. “Thank you, oh my god! I can’t imagine if I were to lose this thing. You don’t know how much of a life saver youi are, thank you.”
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Adelina laughed slightly at the other girls reaction to her phone.  “Well you’re more than welcome, personally I have everything stored on my phone and I’m terrible at remembering to back up data, so the thought of losing my phone and everything on it is a little terrifying.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
“I wouldn’t say virtually useless. Maybe a little, but that’s not problematic. These situations are when google maps comes in handy.”
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“I’m going to take that as a compliment, so thanks.  Google maps has this really bad habit where it gets me lost a lot, it’s like it’s out to get me and make me late for things.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
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Strange Love // Halsey
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
anonymously make an assumption about me and i'll confirm/deny it
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
“I never disappoint. and he wasn’t too bad. It’s just a term, as if you’re supposed to be full of shame walking home in last nights clothes. If you ask me, it should be renamed ‘walk of pride’”
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“Maybe we should just be a little more obvious and call the ‘post one night stand walk’, let’s not beat around the bush right?  I’m willing to bet you’ve disappointed at least one person sexually.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
“Are you alright? That fall looked pretty bad – do I need to call someone? Oh my god, I’m not prepared for this…”
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“Totally fine, falling over is kind of one of my special skills, I’d be the worst superhero ever.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
“So this is what a walk of shame feels like.” he shrugged “Huh.”
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“Walk of shame because you totally disappointed the person you slept with, or walk of shame because you were disappointed yourself?”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
"No worries. I hate losing things and I would assume most people are the same, it's nice when things can find their way home."
“I think you might have dropped this, maybe.  If you didn’t I have zero idea who else it could belong to.”
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“Oh… Yes, that’s mine. Thank you so much. I didn’t even realise I’d dropped it.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
"I don't think so. Even if you did this is old and full of holes, it probably needs to be thrown out anyway when I think about it."
“It’s totally fine.” Adelina said with a soft smile, taking the napkin from the boy and continuing to dab at the damp spot. “Mistakes happen, no biggie.” She said with a shrug.
“Are you sure it’s okay? Did I ruin your shirt?”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
"It's totally fine." Adelina said with a soft smile, taking the napkin from the boy and continuing to dab at the damp spot. "Mistakes happen, no biggie." She said with a shrug.
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“I’m so sorry!” Sonny said after spilling his lemonade on the person in front of him as he nervously dabbed a napkin on their chest.
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
“That’s a mans wallet. Have you checked the I.D. in the wallet?”
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“Considering there’s no I.D in it I’m kind of between a rock and a hard place.” Adelina said with a raised eyebrow as she showed the other girl the empty card slot.  “Didn’t really consider what gender the wallet was actually intended for you know.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
“Oh– thank you.” She turned abruptly to the brunette behind her, taking back her phone, “I’m not sure how I would have survived without this.” she smiled at the kind stranger. “I’m Saskia, by the way.”
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“You’re welcome.” she said with a smile, relinquishing the phone.  “It’s amazing how reliant we are on our phones, I’m the same way though, I’d probably be lost.” she said, rambling slightly.  “I’m Adelina, or Ade, whichever.  Nice to meet you.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
Okay but totally pointless facts are like, my third favourite thing. What else have you got?
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“Uh, strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges, rats can tread water for three days straight and mosquitos are probably attracted to people who have eaten bananas recently than others.  If pointless facts are third, what are first and second.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
—They do? The more you know, huh?
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“Just another one of the totally pointless facts I have stored in my brain, but amazingly this one is actually kind of cool, and apparently at least a little useful in this situation.”
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adelina-alert-blog · 9 years
“Sorry to be a total pain in the ass but … could you please point me to the nearest fast food joint? Long plane rides equal one hell of a starving girl.”
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“I have no idea, considering I’ve been here for about a grand total of twenty four hours, I’m virtually useless.”
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