acronixvenomoid · 9 months
Venomoid got another update, mostly just establishing things and getting the plot going, but it gets quite violent so be careful
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acronixvenomoid · 11 months
Enter the Ninjaverse time twins might also be an interesting version for their venomoid counterparts to meet, actually, if anyone can think of interesting versions of the time twins for the venomoid twins to meet, uhhhh tell me! I'd be happy to hear how you think that might go down.
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acronixvenomoid · 1 year
Venom in My Eye
Warnings: Violence, hate crimes.
Acronix lays in the bath, battered, bruised, and with no idea what happened to him.
Not that the last part is unusual, since Wu had him lobotomized.
Can be downloaded here
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acronixvenomoid · 1 year
I just logged into ao3 for the first time in 8 million years and caught up on your Venomoid AU. And I mean this in the most positive possible way, I need to throw up. I don’t know how you can stand to write it, Acronix struggling with his memory hits so fucking hard. As somebody who struggles with short term memory, gaps, and time loss, maybe it hit me a little harder than an average reader, but nevertheless, that shit hurted. Good job.
Yeah, it's a pretty dark AU, I suppose that "I need to throw up" is more or less the intended reaction, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope that I did his condition justice. Out of curiosity, do you have any specific thoughts on either of the oneshots?
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Fic Prompt List
A prompt list! Repost this to your blog. Followers send you a number in your ask. Write a fic or drabble or ficlet or one-shot using that line or inspired by that line. Rinse and repeat!
Do not give me that look.
I don’t think I can do this anymore.
I’ve been waiting to get to know you from the moment I first saw you.
I don’t think that’s how that works.
Kidnapping them was the only way I was going to get them here.
Let’s make a deal shall we?
Stop acting like a child!
I know of your reputation all too well.
How long have you been standing there?
Stop it! You’re only making it worse!
Have you seen the rest of their family?
I just like proving you wrong.
I always sleep best when you’re next to me.
Am I scaring you?
Oh god, you’re just like your dad.
I let you win.
I can’t do this even though everyone says I can.
Looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a while.
Scream all you want. No one can hear you.
Do you even know what subtle means?
Listen, I haven’t exactly been truthful with you.
Oh, you’re just grumpy.
No, we’re going to talk about this now.
I just came to say goodbye.
Why do you have a picture of me?
You don’t hate me.
Tell me what I can do to help.
You call this luck? No, this is all skill.
Well we have two options, both of which you’re not going to like.
I already tried talking to them! They won’t listen!
Please don’t tell me we’re lost.
Are you aware of how much money you spent?
Great, now the electricity is out.
Truth be told, I forgot they were even here.
I believe I can be of some help here.
Did you honestly think that was going to impress me?
This is all your fault by the way.
If you move from that spot, so help me, I will tie you down.
You don’t have a choice in this matter.
How many times have you viewed this?
Can you teach me how to do that?
Can you be honest with me for once?
Trust me, you don’t want to meet my family.
Why are you still awake?
You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child.
They have amnesia?
Fine, you can drive.
Do you have any idea who you just pissed off?
That cute act is all just a lie.
I was not expecting that to work as well as it did.
Can you two save the kissing for later?
I am a really bad actor.
You’re right. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m just making it up as I go along.
Yeah well dying generally puts a damper on things.
It’s nothing but a bunch of old guys.
Ok, but have you tried the dessert yet?
The only thing I want is for you to come with me.
Ok, who gave out my number? I have 12 missed calls, 4 voicemails, and 75 unread texts!
No, listen, hear me out. All we need is some really good disguises.
Is it greedy of me to say I never want you to leave my arms?
That is not a good hiding spot.
Oh sweetheart, that was an act.
I believed you! I stood up for you! Defended you! And you lied!
I may have eaten seven of them already.
What are they doing here? I thought it was only going to be us.
Do you know what you’re like when you’re drunk?
My father may look like the scary one, but it’s my mother you need to be afraid of.
What’s the password? No, wrong one.
You see that death glare means she likes you.
Was this supposed to be a romantic gesture?
When you aren’t paying attention, they watch you.
Don’t you dare.
You’re putting an awful lot of trust in them.
It’s only just a little bit illegal.
It might be a little silly, but I still like to believe in fairy tales.
It could be worse. They could be dating. Wait? They are?!
What you just asked for is impossible.
If I had three wishes, I’d spend all of them to make you smile.
How did you get that scar?
What do you mean they escaped?
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Venom in my Eye
Acronix lays in the bath, battered, bruised, and with no idea what happened to him.
Not that the last part is unusual, since Wu had him lobotomized.
Warnings: Violence, Hatecrime against a fictional minority.
"Acronix? Are you okay in there?"
Acronix jumped, struggling to orient himself.
He was in his own bathroom, dripping wet and buck naked, and the tub was halfway full.
"Acronix?! Are you okay"
He thought he recognized the voice but couldn't put a face to it.
"I'm coming in if you don't answer"
"No-! Give me a moment!" Acronix shouted back, hastily grabbing a towel to dry off.
As he did so, he realized how sore he was.
His body was covered in bruises, his leg, especially, hurt to walk on, although it wasn't broken.
Far slower this time, he dried off and got dressed.
There was a venomari just outside the bathroom door.
Acronix raised his hood, lip curling to reveal his fangs.
The venomari took a step back, raising his hands placatingly.
"Hey, don't worry, I work for you, I wasss hired as a caregiver though the Turned Warriorsss charity"
Acronix relaxed, but didn't let his guard down, keeping one eye on him as he moved to the couch.
He winced as he lay down. "What happened?" he asked.
"You got lossst, someone must've-" he cut himself off, looking away, "I don't know"
Acronix was in his own bathroom, laying chest deep in lukewarm water.
He was covered in fresh cuts and bruises, and there was a creeping terror that he couldn't place the source of.
Carefully, near automatically, he cleaned himself and climbed out of the tub.
Every instinct was screaming for him to grab a weapon, but there wasn't anything that would work in the bathroom, he'd have to- ___
Acronix lay there a moment, panting, and then raised his head, looking around in an attempt to get his bearings.
He was in an ally, but it was too dark to see much more.
He flicked his tongue out, tasting the air.
It smelled strongly of garbage and piss, and he cringed.
Acronix was too tired to stand, and his whole body hurt.
He wondered, if he went to sleep here, would he wake up?
He jerked his head in the direction of the voice, tongue again flicking from his mouth.
A venomari stood just outside the ally. Acronix couldn't place the face but the scent was vaguely familiar.
As they got closer, and the beam of their flashlight fell across him, he could hear them gasp.
"Acronix!" They ran over. Kneeling next to him, they said "Are you okay?"
Acronix squinted against the light as he weighed his pride against his pain.
The venomari seemed comforted by his reaction.
"Oh, you sssstill aren't recognizing me" they muttered, a bit louder, they said "my name isss Akihiko, I've been helping you for the passst few monthsss"
Acronix flicked his tongue again, squinting at them.
He couldn't remember the venomari, probably never would, but he felt familiar, trustworthy, and that would have to be enough.
There were two men, one dead, the other moaning on the sidewalk and just starting to turn.
Acronix was covered in blood, and there was a knife he didn't recognize clutched in his hand.
He dropped the knife and hobbled away best he could, smearing blood against glass as he let the nearest building take his weight.
Sirens wailed off in the distance, growing steadily louder, Acronix summoned the last of his energy, and pushed himself forward through time.
He collapsed in an ally a few streets away.
There were five of them, circling like sharks. A sixth stood a bit away, holding up a phone.
Judging from the pain in his leg, the fresh bruises aching all over his body, he got the sinking sense that he'd already been attacked.
One pulled a knife from his belt, and at the glint of metal, Acronix flipped out.
Without thinking, he lunged at the man's face, clawing out his eyes and breaking a fang off in his skull.
The man fell, screaming, and Acronix got the knife. One of his buddies tried to pull him off, and Acronix slashed their throat.
He turned and stared the last four down, and they seemed to think better of continuing this attack, their target having been stronger then they'd thought.
They ran off, and left his memory.
There were six of them, and they hadn't realized he'd noticed them yet.
They wore heavy clothes are carried clubs. He didn't know how long they'd been following him, new memories slipped away like water between his fingers after what Wu had done to him, but he didn't need memories to realize he was being hunted.
One of approached, slowly, from the right.
"Hey" he said, voice gruff.
Acronix shot him a glare and raised his upper lip, giving a glimpse of his fangs, and walked a bit faster, hoping they'd grow bored and leave.
"Hey, I'm talking to you!" The man shoved him into the wall, and Acronix fell hard.
Before he could stand, he felt the club slam into his side, knocking the wind from him, and before he could react, they were on him.
He tasted blood in his mouth before the third blow landed, terrified, he did his best to curl into a ball, struggling in his panic and his clouded mind to access his powers-
Suddenly, he was on his feet a few steps away, the group slamming clubs and fists into the concrete.
Acronix tried to run, but pain burned up his leg when he put weight on it, and a limp was all he could manage.
There were six of them, and they hadn't realized he'd noticed them yet.
They wore heavy clothes are carried clubs. He didn't know how long they'd been following him, new memories slipped away like water between his fingers after what Wu had done to him, but he didn't need memories to realize he was being hunted.
He'd never been safe in the city, always had to fear that someone would find him, lost and confused, and take advantage, but things had gotten so much worst after the serpentine returned, people who'd long been wary of those more squamous citizens, but had been held back by knowledge that any snake out in the open would likely be a veteran of the serpentine war, had grown bolder.
Deep down, he suspected they hid that hate not out of respect, but out of fear, fear of how the unprovoked murder of a veteran marked by war would reflect upon them.
Now that the true serpentine were back, they could hide behind the pretense that their victim had helped to call Her from the depths, and, well, if they turned out to be wrong? A snake is a snake, how were they supposed to know?
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Skales goes to buy groceries and meets a war criminal.
Warning for: Mental health issues, brain damage, amnesia.
Skales had only just left the store when the fangpyre approached, seeming to manifest from nowhere out of the ally.
He'd figured before the serpentine opened his mouth that he must've been turned, he didn't recognize them from the tomb, they didn't look to be from any clan he knew of, and they wore clothes typical of a human- that is, they bothered with clothes at all.
Looking them over, Skales got a sense there was something off. They where dirty, disheveled, with a line of greenish drool running down their chin.
Nevertheless, they projected a confident air as they approached, fumbling for something in their pocket.
"Excussse me, sir, ma'am?" 
And that settled it, between the concern around a stranger's gender, and the concerted effort to hide the serpentine lisp, there was no way this was one of them.
Skales raised a hand, signalling to his bodyguard, Mesmoroua, to stand down.
"Yessss?" He said, flashing what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
 The fangpyre pulled a scrap of paper from his pocket and handed it over, saying "I'm supposed to be meeting a friend, but I seem to have gotten turned around"
They snorted, "I swear, this city was built like a maze"
Skales scanned the street, looking for anyone the fangpyre might've been travelling with, but saw no one.
He looked down at the paper in his hand. It was an address, but alas, not one he recognized.
He furrowed his brow.
"I'm not sure where thissss issss...." He muttered, but, noticing the fangpyre's dismay, added, "but I think I can find it"
He heard Mesmoroua muttering something unsavory under his breath, but he didn't protest beyond that.
He turned to him, "Return to the tomb if you wish, we will be fine on our own"
"I cannot in good conssscience leave you alone up here" said Mesmoroua.
Skales gave him a nod of acknowledgement, then reached into his bag for his rarely used map.
He fumbled with it, muttering under his breath as the fangpyre waited nearby, pacing in tight, impatient circles.
"Excussse me, sir, ma'am?"
Skales looked up to see the fangpyre staring at him.
"What issss it?" He asked, lowering the map.
Again, they were fumbling in their pockets, but this time they looked flustered.
"I'm- I'm supposed to meet a friend but I've got a bit turned around" they said, looking increasingly desperate "I have the address here somewhere" he muttered.
Skales stared at him, dumbfounded as he tried to make sense of this, then- oh.
"You mean thisss addresss?" He offered, showing them the paper.
The fangpyre didn't answer, only looking away.
They wiped their mouth on their sleeve, and Skales noticed their fangs- normally folded safely away in a fangpyre- where visible poking out from under their upper lip.
"I think I've plotted a route" he said, with a smile, he added, "Chen'sss, I sssee"
Mesmoroua brightened up, "Oooh! We should ssstop there, too, I'm kinda in the mood for noodlesss"
Skales glanced over at the fangpyre.
"Ssskales Jr. would love a sssuprissse fast food dinner" he noted, "Letsss do thisss"
The three started off in high spirits, although the fangpyre was quiet, at first.
Skales decided to strike up a conversation.
"Ssso, what's your name?" He asked
"Acronix" they replied, and then, with a smirk, they added, "I'd be sssuprisssed if you hadn't heard of me"
Skales cocked his head, frowning, "no, can't sssay I have"
Acronix laughed, then deflated "maybe thatssss- that's a good thing" he muttered, smile fading.
Skales took a second look.
It was hard to gauge the age of a serpentine, harder still if they'd been turned, but his best guess for Acronix was... Probably somewhere in his sixties.
Hardly old for a serpentine, but certainly old enough to have fought in the war.
His face was misshapen, sunken in were his venom glands should've been visible, but judging by the greenish tinge to his drool, they must've grown back somewhat.
"I sssuppossse you fought for the Alliance" said Skales, trying to keep the hard edge out of his voice.
"I was part of it" said Acronix, "I wasss one of the 'handsss of time' as they called us, fiercest warrior to ever sssee the battlefield"
As they walked, he could see that Acronix was half watching their surroundings, and no doubt, they felt the hateful stares as much as Skales did.
He couldn't help what he said next.
"And, how did that turn out for you?"
Acronix stiffened, "basstardsss" he spat, "Cowardssss, the lot of them, I sssuffered lesss asss the ssserpentine'sss prisssoner then I did from their 'help'"
A reward as the monster deserves, thought Skales, but he knew better then to say it.
That was the end of the conversation, in fact, as Acronix again forgot where he was.
There was a reason Chen's Noodle House was a such a popular restaurant among serpentine.
It was the only chain restaurant that would serve them, for one, and as they walked into this particular location, he could see multiple serpentine eating there, a few he recognized, some he didn't, but all of them seemed to have come here in a group.
Ninjago wasn't a safe place for a lone serpentine.
The cashier looked up as they came in, recognition and relief flashing across her face.
The three took a seat by the conveyer belt, and Acronix and Mesmoroua helped themselves.
Skales held back, wanting to eat with his wife and son back home.
As he sat, he thought about the person across from him.
There was no doubt in his mind that Acronix was a monster... But if his suspicions were true, then he had already suffered for it.
When they'd met, Acronix had been wandering the streets of Ninjago, alone and struggling with some kind of amnesia, and Skales honestly couldn't think of anything scarier.
The cashier- Skylor, according to the nametag- came up to them, gaze fixed on Acronix.
"Do you guys need anything?" She said in an overly cheerful, 'customer service' voice.
All three shook their heads.
"Jussst waiting for a friend" said Acronix, cool as a cucumber.
Skylor glanced at his companions.
"If you say so!" She chirped, and Skales thought he heard genuine relief in her voice.
She walked off, and Skales relaxed, waiting for his bodyguard to finish eating.
Acronix was done, and had taken to playing with his napkin, dropping and catching it is some sort of... Slow motion field.
Skales took a deep breath.
"Acronix?" He said.
Acronix looked up at him, letting the napkin drop.
Skales sighed. "I'm not sure how you feel about ussss" he said, grabbing his pen and tearing out a blank page from his grocery list. "But the war is over, itsss been over for decadessss, and... I believe it'sss time to mend the rift"
Hastily he scribbled down his email.
"If you ever need help, or jussst want to talk" he said, handing Acronix the paper, "send me a message"
Acronix took it. He looked it over and scoffed, "as if I'd need help from a snake" he muttered, but didn't immediately throw it out.
Skales decided that was probably the best reaction he could've hoped for.
Mesmoroua nudged his shoulder.
"I'm done eating" he said.
"And I should probably get our supper" said Skales.
He started to get up, but paused, "Acronix" he said, "will you be okay here alone?"
Acronix gave him a bitter look, "of course I will" he said, then cast a smile towards the cashier, "it's not like I'm actually alone"
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
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Very tired, have this out of context snippet of serpentine Acronix stealing stuff. May or may not make it into venomoid
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Fangpyre! Acronix AU: The Blog
What This Is For: This is where I will be posting writing and art centering on my various fangpyre!Acronix AUs from now on, although I will still reblog them to my main.
Serpentine Krux may also show, and so may AUs where Acronix is a scalie, but not a serpentine(such as the bad end AU for ninjago s1).
Asks and story requests concerning these AUs are welcome and encouraged, story requests will likely be reblogged to my main, but asks won’t, so if your seeing this on my main and want to see those asks, I encourage you to follow me here.
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
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Cover for the Venomoid AU- be careful if you want to check it out, it’s rated M for a reason
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
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Hypnobrai child, drawn as a supporting character in Venomoid, naming suggestions are welcome, due to her backstory, she is the only one for whom a serpentine name would be appropriate, but she should also have a human name, due to the situation she’s in.
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
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The willing turned, and mother of the child turned from Venomoid, you can see her without arms under cut, so you can see her neck(I like how her neck looks)
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Venomoid Ch4
Read previous chapter here
CW: Miner violence/aggression towards a child
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Venomoid Ch3
Content Warning: Transphobia, Aggressive Misgendering.
Summery: After being turned into a fangpyre, Acronix undergoes experimental surgery to make it safe to be around him, it’s a shame no one thought to tell Acronix.
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Venomoid Ch2
First chapter here
Warning: Manipulation, dehumanization, removal of rights, infidelity
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
Warnings: Non-consensual Surgery(although the subject isn’t too bothered about it, in this case), drugging(related to the surgery) wrongful imprisonment, dehumanization, referenced murder/mass murder
Summery: After being turned into a fangpyre, Acronix undergoes experimental surgery to make it safe to be around him, it’s a shame no one thought to tell Acronix.
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acronixvenomoid · 2 years
I liked your post asking for writing prompts and then forgot to send any! uhhh, if you like futureshipping (acronix/cyrus), maybe like cyrus finding out what the elemental alliance was Really Like and getting big mad. or if you're comfortable with it I'd love to see your take on trans lady acronix. IDK anything else
Not sure this is exactly what you asked for, but, eh. It’s in a fangpyre! Acronix AU because that AU really brings out the darkness of the elemental alliance, content warning for: dehumanization, attempted murder, misgendering, and vague homophobia
The fangpyre loomed in the doorway as Cyrus worked, watching him intently with it's golden eyes.
He tried to ignore it, focusing on the time machine in the hopes that if it saw he was busy, it'd leave, but he had no such luck.
Acronix entered the workshop regardless, tail swishing lazily behind it as it watched.
Cyrus hunkered down, trying to communicate without words that he did not want to be bothered, but Acronix didn't seem to care, leaning over the work desk to get a better look.
"What do you want?" Cyrus half squeaked, tone somewhere between annoyance and fear.
Acronix turned his attention from the time machine to the inventor, "Nothing, jussst curious" it said, the distinctive, rasping tone of a serpentine dragging icy claws down Cyrus's spine. "What can I say, all thissss.... future tech is fascinating"
"Your brother doesn't seem to agree" Cyrus snapped.
Acronix waved a hand dismissively, "Krux is all talk, he doesn't mean anything by it"
Cyrus snorted, "right" he muttered. If the serpentine heard him, it didn't comment.
"Honessstly, if I could ssstay here, in the future" said Acronix "I think I'd be happy"
"And, why don't you?" asked Cyrus, seeing an opening, "You don't have to do this"
Acronix's expression fell, "you don't know what I have to do" he said simply.
Cyrus felt a burst of anger rise in his chest "Do you? Look at the harm you're brother has done, Ray and Maya had young children, when he took them, Krux left those children without a family"
"I know about Kai and Nya, I don't care" Acronix snapped "their parents got what was coming to them, and frankly, if they knew what those two put me through? They'd probably agree"
"How could you say that?" gasped Cyrus.
"They tried to kill me!"
"OF COURSE they tried to kill you, YOU betrayed the alliance! I bet you would've done the same!"
Acronix slammed a hand down on the desk, and Cyrus flinched, "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"
Cyrus went quiet, realizing he'd pushed the beast too far.
"When I wasss.... turned, it was just them and my brother with me, when they realized I wasss to far gone, that antivenom couldn't sssave me, they" his voice hitched "they tried to kill me" there was genuine shock in his voice, and, despite the position he'd been put in by the man, Cyrus felt the same.
"What about Wu and Garmadon, didn't they put a stop to that?" Cyrus asked.
Acronix sneered, "Wu agreed with them. I fought for him, won the damn war for him, and he tried to fucking kill me"
There was a shocked silence.
Acronix backed off, inhaling through his mouth and exhaling through his nose.
"I'm leaving" he said, "goodbye!"
"Acronix told me some... things" said Cyrus, "I'm sure they aren't true, but, umm... I did want to confirm that. Too clear things up"
"What did it say, exactly?" asked Ray.
"He said you tried to kill him when he first turned" said Cyrus, "I'm sure it's completely untrue, a lie to get me on his side, no doubt"
There was a heavy silence
"Cyrus" started Maya, "I know what he said sounds bad, but you have to understand- when a fangpyre bites, their victim isn't themselves anymore. The kindest thing is to put them out of their misery."
Cyrus felt a chill run down his spine
"It was inevitable" Ray cut in,  "Acronix wasn't who he led us to believe, he had... desires"
"What? What does that mean?" Cyrus asked.
"He slept with a serpentine" Maya elaborated, "a male serpentine, I'm sure Wu would've kicked him out, if his brother hadn't threatened to leave over it"
"shoulda kicked them both out" muttered Ray.
Maya snorted, "Wu said that he'd been 'seduced by the insidious words of a serpentine', as if there's anything seductive about a filthy snake, I think Acronix was sick. It just took him getting bitten for Wu to realize that"
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