acornofstardust · 2 years
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Is this a problem?
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acornofstardust · 3 years
huuuu I like to listen to scary stories and I suddenly got an au idea where bilbo is in like witness protection and the company are like his guards/contacts/agents
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acornofstardust · 3 years
I literally don’t get people who complain that other people are just projecting onto characters like “you’re just using that character to explore and actualise yourself” well done james that’s what stories have been for for centuries what the fuck is your point
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acornofstardust · 4 years
When you find a fanfic writer you like:
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acornofstardust · 4 years
having ocs is so fun tho. It’s like playing with barbie dolls except we’re hallucinating it all vividly in our heads and everybody is emotionally scarred
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acornofstardust · 4 years
utilising the gift of imagination to hallucinate moments of tenderness between fictional people
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acornofstardust · 4 years
i do unironically love saying The Before Times when talking about covid. if we’re gonna be in a deadly pandemic we might as well talk like we’re in bad YA. let’s allow ourselves that
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acornofstardust · 4 years
Things that are still writing even if you don't think they are (an incomplete list)
thinking about a story
creating a new document
thinking of a title
explaining your story to someone else
reading other stories and noticing things like word choice, sentence structure, plot development, characterization
thinking of a great line that doesn't have a story yet
getting a picture in your mind that you want to put into words someday
being inspired by others, even if you don't know what to do with that inspiration yet
making notes about how you want to tag your work
cutting out lines or scenes that don't work
stopping work on something that isn't working right now
starting over
writing a summary
rewriting something you've written before
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acornofstardust · 4 years
my dad–also a writer–came to visit, and i mentioned that the best thing to come out of the layoff is that i’m writing again. he asked what i was writing about, and i said what i always do: “oh, just fanfic,” which is code for “let’s not look at this too deeply because i’m basically just making action figures kiss in text form” and “this awkward follow-up question is exactly why i don’t call myself a writer in public.”
he said, “you have to stop doing that.”
“i know, i know,” because it’s even more embarrassing to be embarrassed about writing fanfic, considering how many posts i’ve reblogged in its defense.
but i misunderstood his original question: “fanfic is just the genre. i asked what you’re writing about.” 
i did the conversational equivalent of a spinning wheel cursor for at least a minute. i started peeling back the setting and the characters, the fic challenge and the specific episode the story jumps off from, and it was one of those slow-dawning light bulb moments. “i’m writing about loneliness, and who we are in the absence of purpose.”
as, i imagine, are a lot of people right now, who probably also don’t realize they’re writing an existential diary in the guise of getting television characters to fuck. 
“that’s what you’re writing. the rest is just how you get there, and how you get it out into the world. was richard iii really about richard the third? would shakespeare have gotten as many people to see it if it wasn’t a story they knew?”
so, my friends: what are you writing about?
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acornofstardust · 4 years
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A Writing Cheat Sheet: for linking actions with emotions. 
As always, click for HD.
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acornofstardust · 4 years
I have so many snippet ideas/prompts swirling around in my head for Star Wars Sequel fics, but mostly Kylux fic ideas, specifically mpreg 🙈 or kid-fic
✨Hux’s biology is not fully human—probably due to some secret/hidden xeno ancestry; Snoke uses that & Hux’s dedication to the FO to his advantage
✨Hux gets an artificial womb
✨Hux and Ren find out that because the General is force-resistant (not null as initially speculated), Snoke/Palpatine (undecided who) has his genetics taken to experiment/fuse with Ren’s into an artificially created child (or perhaps multiple attempts? children?)
✨Hux loves the idea of having children, though he hates the idea of sex. He journeys to Kamino to commission a clone child created for him
✨Ren and Hux, tentative co-commanders/friends-with-benefits relieve tensions. Hux didn’t realize he could carry children and gets pregnant. Maybe A/B/O au? Maybe just xeno biology
✨Hux’s father had another child, and Hux became the guardian after his father died. Ren is jealous of how Hux interacts with this child
✨Hux had an arranged marriage right out of the academy; he had a child with his wife before she died. Maybe the child is Force sensitive, & Snoke has tasked Kylo Ren with training the General’s child in the Force
✨Kylo Ren repressed the memories of Ben Solo having a twin and/or younger sibling(s)
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acornofstardust · 4 years
I had a wild, vivid dream the other night
I want to preface that occasionally I have some weird fan-related dreams that make no sense. They’re usually dreams where I’m in the world setting; some I’m dropped in rather unceremoniously, and others are like I belong there? Well this dream was a hybrid of the two, and somehow merged the Star Wars/Hobbit worlds??  In this dream, I was one of the children at Luke’s new Jedi school, and was there for a few years before Ben Solo turned/was deceived by Snoke. Apparently I had a fascination with Luke’s cybernetic arm, and delved into studying how it functioned and wanted to learn to make them myself. When Ben did attack the school I was about 10 or so (and he was a teenager, like 15/16), and I lost my right arm, and my saber was badly damaged, and I passed out. I was pretty sure I died. But when this 10 year old me woke up in the dream, I had appeared on the border of Rivendell. Elrond’s twin sons took me to the safety of the Elven House, and he treated me and allowed me to grow up in Rivendell. The Force was something I could still access on this foreign world, but I couldn’t really continue my Jedi training because Luke wasn’t there to teach me. So I had to practice on my own.
So about 14 years passed in Middle Earth; I was trained for combat by Elrond’s sons, who occasionally took me out to help them hunt orcs. During that time, I collected metal and scraps to build myself a new lightsaber and a cybernetic arm, and had just finished making an arm when I felt a huge disturbance in the Force. Shortly afterwards, it felt like the Force was trying to show me something, and I saw an adult Ben with an older man, and I force-pulled the man away from him before Ben’s red saber could fully pierce him. Of course, that man was Han Solo. & when I Force-pulled him away from Ben aka Kylo Ren, I pulled him into the world of Middle Earth, and our connection to the Star Wars reality was lost.
Shortly after, Bilbo Baggins arrived in Rivendell with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. And Han and I wanted to go on the quest with them, but I can’t remember why because that was the end of the dream... 
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acornofstardust · 4 years
More ideas/prompts for fics:
✨Bella receives news from her mom—she and Phil are having a baby. Renée asks Bella to come visit.
✨Renesmee wants to meet with Nahuel, his sisters, and any other half-vampires like them.
✨An announcement comes from the the Volturi some years after the events of Breaking Dawn: they call for the death of a mysterious vampire. Any coven/clan who harbors this being will be wiped out.
✨The Cullens come across a different variant of Vampire, one more closely resembling stereotypical legends.
✨Rosalie is surprised when she makes friends with a human at the Cullens’ new school—they are terribly kind to her, & keep in touch with Rosalie even after they ‘graduate’. They name Rosalie the legal guardian of their child just before they die in a horrible accident with their spouse.
✨The advancements in technology and social media have begun to put a strain on the secret of the vampire race.
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acornofstardust · 4 years
Twilight thoughts that I’ve had that I kinda want to turn into fics:
✨What if Bella had gotten the care she needed during the entirety of her pregnancy, and not just when Jacob made a snarky comment about vampire diet? Without the stress on her body, what if she had been carrying twins?
✨What if the reason certain vampires have certain powers is due to their human ancestry/bloodline? I.e. Edward comes across another mortal he can’t read, & they turn out to be distant cousins of Bella’s family
✨The Cullens come across a human that looks like one of them—because that human is a descendant of one of their family members. (I.e Rosalie’s great-grand-niece/nephew, or Jasper’s great-great-great-grandchild)
✨Twilight / Trueblood AU: Vampires are out in the open now because synthetic blood has been invented.
✨When the Cullens (+Jacob?) move to a new area, they come across a different race/family shapeshifters who rule the territory.
✨Charlie figures out what the Cullens are.
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acornofstardust · 4 years
Just a couple ideas I’ve got for Hobbit inspired fics:
✨ Bilbo Baggins has faerie blood, and finds out the hard way when he touches cold iron—& maybe he’s sensitive enough that any type of metal hurts him?
✨ Alternate fantasy-AU; Thorin’s family are rich/royalty, known as the Durin’s. They live in a semi-secluded mansion in a town called Erebor. Frerin goes missing around the same time Bilbo Baggins of The Shire travels to Erebor.
✨ Everyone lives AU; Thorin is unconscious, & Bilbo is leaving Erebor to return to The Shire. Fíli and Kíli try to convince him to stay long enough for their uncle to wake up
✨ Alternate AU; Frerin survived the Battle for Moria, injured & without memories of who he is. A young Gerontius Took finds him wandering near The Shire. Frerin is taken in and sheltered by the Took family
✨ Modern Fantasy AU; Arkenstone is Bilbo Baggins’ username, a blogger who writes fantasy-adventure stories. His writing catches the eye of Thorin’s publishing company, because his nephews won’t stop talking about Arenstone’s works. But Bilbo’s writing has also caught the attention of a Mr. Smaug from a rival publishing house.
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acornofstardust · 4 years
I’m a new account that loves writing, but have never really posted any of my stories, drabbles, or prompts online for fanfiction before. And I want to try :D 
I enjoy a lot of media, which I want to start posting fanfiction of. I am open to a lot of suggestions for prompts, feedback on future posts, and even new series’ to pick up.
Here’s to an interesting start to 2021!
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