acidfall · 2 years
You've had all the resources given to you. Handed straight in ur lap. If you wanted it you would take it. But you don't and here you are. Again and again and again.
Ya see, how that shit works is you either continue the fucked up life or go the complete opposite direction and fight to change the life. You say u want a normal life but you do nothing to make that happen for urself then play woe as me instead of saying I fought so hard for this life and to change the path and look at me I'm so proud.
You do not just get to pick and choose when you're in and out of my life. That is not fair to me keisha. I love you. I want my best friend back but clearly I can't have her. You'd think you'd wake up as you sit and watch everyone you've loved around you growing and building their lives and changing their lives and getting married and having kids and you're not even apart of it. Not even invited to dylans wedding. Not even knowing I was having a kid. But instead u played woe as me and just went and did ur shit.
We've talked every single day since you got out of rehab. U know that? Every single day. I liked that shit. But that was just a wasted trip huh?
U say the other day that you would have died that night with Sean, that ur sad and depressed and thinking about these 2 boys who have passed bc of drugs, and then that night go and do drugs? Sounds like a good night to get fucked up huh? Hey I almost died with that kid, shit I'm lucky, lemme go get fucked up about it.
You are so lucky. How ur still alive is beyond me. You're clearly meant for more with how much you've lucked out on. So sure you say you wanted to be born into a normal family, you wanted more for your life. So make fucking more, open your eyes and see how lucky you actually are and use it to build ur story. Do something with your life, make it meaningful. Take the steps to better urself and stop giving up when things get hard and in the end making things harder. You've played this game for so long you'd think you'd be sick of the ending by now.
You have demons keish. Either fight them or let them consume you. It's ur choice.
As for me, I refuse to let someone like you be in my child's life which is why when you continuously ask to hang out I do not, as I wait for you to be keisha again and then when you Start to come back you just run away again. So I can just keep getting my hopes up to be continously let down as my friend is not here anymore and one day I'll collect that. So if you'd like to be apart of mine and corbins life then you need to figure out your own.
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