64 posts
hey. i'm a loner who prefers movies/shows and video games to people. agender/asexual. love food, the woods, bantering and obsessing over things. fear is my biggest inspiration. i code a bit, write stories and kinda draw, so expect pics of my knitting.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
eh just a quick double standards runt cause i'm bored
new justic league trailer looks unexpectedly decent, though iā€™m still not expecting to be blown away. but thereā€™s something thatā€™s been bothering me since the first teaser. everyone is foaming at the mouth for aquaman and how cool he is, and donā€™t get me wrong, iā€™m enjoying what iā€™ve seen of him so far, but itā€™s not a secret that that take on the character doesnā€™t stay true to the source material. which, by the way, iā€™m fine with, because i like bold creative choices. whatā€™s really interesting though itā€™s that suddenly all comicbook ā€œpuristsā€ are suspiciously silent about that big change. or more so, they are happy about it. they say shit like ā€œthis is how aquaman is supposed to be, itā€™s so great that heā€™s not just a loser that talks to fishā€. they donā€™t care or they like it because they see that change as good, because the original aquaman is ā€œlameā€ and they want to see him turn into ā€œbadassā€. so when those fake hypocritical ā€œpuristsā€ say that they donā€™t want a character to change race or sexuality or gender, they say it not because they are against changes entirely and hold their precious cum stained comicbooks close to their hearts, they say it because they are against bad changes and thatā€™s what they narrow minds consider to be bad.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
oh fuck i think iā€™ve managed to make a perfect tea. for some reason it never occurred to me to combine differently flavoured teas together until now. i used melissa tea as the basis, and then dipped a banana and soursop flavoured tea bag a couple of time in there, just to add a note of the taste, without fully meshing them together (the latter is quite bitter, so i donā€™t like drinking it by itself). and fucking hell the tea ended up being delicious as hell. totally recommend.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
just finished playing the beginnerā€™s guide. itā€™s a good game that very much encourages self-reflexion. itā€™s obviously a fictional story, iā€™m pretty sure releasing that game for profit would have been illegal otherwise, but itā€™s still a meaningful message, an idea that is truthful in the world and applicable to people living in it. despite of the ending having a desperate pleading edge to it, the game didnā€™t leave me feeling hopeless or lost. i just think that every time we assess something we should first and foremost take a step back and make sure that we arenā€™t standing in front of a mirror. people are not just prone, we are bound to project. maybe the subconscious urge to relate, and belong, and be understood, to feel connected to someone or something, to share even without sharing, to call out and hear something back, is at fault here. but how often do we hear just the echoes of our own voices? and is it even possible to step back and recognise the flaw in our estimations when we are deeply submerged by feelings? what if we can be fair and unbiased only when we stop being involved? when we grow cold and disengaged? then it wouldnā€™t even count. maybe we canā€™t help but fool themselves. either way, i donā€™t recommend this game. it is many things, and itā€™s certainly an experience, but it is not an enjoyable one. that being said, i donā€™t not recommend it either. for some reason, i feel like people that are open and responsive to whatever the essence of that game is will be drown to it anyway. it just has something about it that appeals to a certain kind of humans, even if they arenā€™t the exlusive audience for it. lonely people, perhaps. creately stunted or challenged. rejected. letā€™s call the game a lamppost, and those people moths hungry for light. theyā€™ll find it. it will engage them, but they will remain outsiders. they wonā€™t reach the heat and get destroyed by it. itā€™s like accessing isolated destraughtness from a safe place, but in the end you arenā€™t really getting anything from it that you can truly use. you are a mere moth repeatedly smashing its body on the glass, unable to get in, but inside the locked vessel is another moth doing the same, trying to get out, or to be let inside a bigger world. maybe the vessel has mirror walls, and it looks like a caleidoscope full of moths beating themsevles to a pulp. none of them will ever cross passes, they will never reach an understanding between them, but i think itā€™s more about getting to know yourself better than building a connection. itā€™s about being led by the hand and following a stranger, not about walking with someone holding hands. like that it can be cathartic. like that itā€™s alright. so yeah, i liked the game. it made me think, it made me temporary feel something, whilst not making me more or less alone or confused, and i appreciate a calm pause from the continous panicked collapse my life has become.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
i donā€™t know how people normally spend the valentineā€™s day, but i spent mine watching human centipede 2 with a bunch of strangers, every single one of us a sicko for it. now i canā€™t help but imagine all characters from everything else in the same predicament. iā€™m a changed human. no regrets.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
i broke my glasses in three different places and continuted to wear them. yesterday i finally got them ā€œfixedā€. by which i mean a repairman had covered the areas of breakages and far beyond with thick layers of glue which now emit a toxic smell. iā€™ve read that it sometimes takes up to a month for the glue fumes to wear off, and that itā€™s not only dangerous to inhale them, but can actually kill you. so basically i canā€™t use my glasses anymore, and i canā€™t buy a new pair, because i canā€™t find the same frames that i have anywhere (whis is pretty ridiculous because itā€™s plain black frames that many hipsters wear, they should be everywhere), and those were the only ones iā€™ve ever felt comfortable wearing, and itā€™s hard to find another pair that fits my stupid face when i canā€™t actually see myself when iā€™m trying them on, and any frames similiar to mine that iā€™ve found so far are too expensive. so iā€™m stuck. somehow i just now realised how useless i am without glasses. i mean lately they used to fall from my face and break into four separate pieces all the fucking time, and while searching for all of those parts while desperately crawling on the floor and seeing nothing but blurs is pretty telling (and fucking scary), but still, iā€™d find them all the time, iā€™d put them back together and go on with my life, fully-functioning. iā€™m not functioning anymore. iā€™m writing this with my laptop on my fucking chest, and i stil canl barely see the letters. this morning i couldnā€™t find a cereal box so i could have my breakfast. i canā€™t even fully decipher myself in the mirror. i definitely canā€™t go outside like this. iā€™m actually half-blind. itā€™s a mess and i donā€™t know how to clean it up.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
you know what's even worse than the bad act itself? the lack of awareness. self-awareness when it comes to the person whoā€™s committed it, or others being oblivious to the negative coloration of said personā€™s behavior. the former is sickening in a away that any example of exceptional stupidity is. the latter makes you feel like you're surrounded by insane people, which consequently fools you into thinking that you're the one whoā€™ve lost their mind.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
my niece had spied on me unlocking my ipad so i had to change my passcode on all of my devices. iā€™m really bitter because it was 3556 which stands for Br Ba, my favourite show of all times. i had that passcode for years, and now i have a shitty boring one. on a brighter side, i currently have blue dye applied to my hair which hopefully wonā€™t take away said hair when iā€™m gonna rinse it off.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
tried to take a test on whatā€™s my mental disorder, because apparently iā€™m bored enough to enterain myself with pseudo-sceience and topics i already have the most insight on, but couldnā€™t get past the first question, because all the options were true and choosing just one would be a lie and over-simplification while summing up the points given for the choices would just completely ruin the results. so i had to resign.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
why do constructions like ā€˜a perfectā€™, ā€˜more perfectā€™ and ā€˜most perfectā€™ even exist, when perfect is already the final form. it bothers me. itā€™s one of the things than bother me the least, but isnā€™t it how social medias and blogging work. question mark.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
so i blew up the lightbulbs in both my lamp and the chandelier, and now iā€™m forced to exist in complete darkness. we are out of water too, and no one is cooking in this household for a few days which leaves me with a couple bags of crisps to spread out over that time. i mean we all know that 2016 was a shit year, but i didn't think it was shitty enough for 2017 to be post-apocalyptic.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
this is how i celebrate
iā€™m so fullā€¦ i ate so much foodā€¦ i also slipped up and murdered a double cheeseburger. but eating meat once a year isnā€™t so bad, right?.. i guess i still temporary lost my vegetarian cardā€¦ the saddest thing is that it wasnā€™t even that good and i felt weirdly ashamed the whole time i was eating it. but yeah, horrible 2016 is almost over, and iā€™m entering a new year fat, stupid and useless, with no friends, job or plans for the future. awesome.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
sick as a dog with a fucking flue. hopefully will feel good enough to enjoy new years.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
why am i not surprised that the new walking dead game from telltale doesnā€™t have a mac os x support? not gonna say iā€™m gutted, in all honesty most of telltale games are extremely overrated and clearly piggy-backing on the fame of other established properties.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
bleached my hair. one step closer to being blue.
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
how much is too much
some people deserve the worst. some people are vicious, irredeemable, vile. some people love themselves too much and too little. they get hurt, they let it happen, they continue letting it happen, and then they turn ugly on those who surroung them, throw shit they are drowning in, hoping to get someone else dirty, to sullen them, to hurt them, so they wonā€™t have to suffer alone. selfish miserable bastards getting hooks in anyone they can, tugging, ripping parts of you out. you canā€™t reason with them. they lack something inside their brain, inside their heart, and therefore unable to understand unpleasant truths about their wrong doings or the concept of selflessness, of putting anyone before themselves. they are flawed, self-destructive and dangerous, but unable to see that, too unresponsive and lost to seek help, probably beyond any fixing. and they just hang from you like rotten fruit, drag you to the ground, try to bury you along with themselves. you canā€™t let them. they have the nerve to apologise too. but donā€™t fool yourself into thinking itā€™s about you. itā€™s clear that they donā€™t really feel bad, because they donā€™t even get what they are apologising for, they donā€™t admit thereā€™s something wrong and they are unwilling to change their ways. they apologise only because they think itā€™s what is expected of them and - mistakingly - that itā€™s what you want to hear. they want to be forgiven. they want to feel better. itā€™s a string of empty shallow words, means to an end. all they want is resolution without working for it or solving anything. all they want is exoneration. and when you refuse them, they seem flabbergasted before they inevitably, idiotically get angry. it doesnā€™t faze you. not in a way they want. it cements you decision instead of swaying it, but it slightly rises your hackles, makes you bare your teeth and tense inside your head. because just like they donā€™t deserve good things, on the other side you donā€™t deserve to stoop to their level, to lash out, to fight them. and you know you canā€™t go half way if you do. if you decide to react, to engage, if you donā€™t hold yourself back and just let go, snap, you know youā€™ll need to go all the way. and itā€™s not right. you donā€™t want that. for yourself or for anyone else whoā€™s involved. so you continue holding back, even when your protective instincts and your overzealous urge to make things right and fair scream for you to move, to attack, to defend, to punish. you feel the ice-cold shaky rage burning your insides, making your heart sky-rocket, you punch the wall instead of the hated face, you swallow down the poison your hate produces, you poison yourelf, and you choke, choke on it, again and again, and hope that they will deal the job themsevles, self-destruct before they destroy you or anyone dear to you. but days keep piling up, harm keeps getting done, and they just keep fucking going. parasites donā€™t kill themselves before they kill the hosts.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
were you ever weak enough to feel powerful while threatening someone whoā€™s even weaker? but more importanly, have you ever done it and felt disgust instead of satisfaction? and remorse, and worry, and shame, and painā€¦ and it made you feel even weaker, be even weaker. but you werenā€™t doing it for your own sake, so you couldnā€™t, wouldnā€™t allow yourself to stop. you werenā€™t trying to rise by standing on someoneā€™s head. you were protecting someone that you cared for. but the problem is that you happen to care for the one you scared too. and it sucks when you have to choose sides, when you have to be the big bad wolf and tarnish someoneā€™s innocence with bitter fear. they deserve it but they also donā€™t. they arenā€™t that innocent. they are not to blame for how they are but they are still responsible for their actions. and they will never learn if thereā€™s no negative response to their bad behaviour. i just wish i didnā€™t have to be the one to show those wrongs, to bring the verbal punishment. my threats are fucking empty, i would never physically hurt someone who isnā€™t trying to hurt me or someone i care for, but they donā€™t know it, and thatā€™s the point. but i donā€™t like it. i donā€™t like it at all. but what choice do i have?.. they donā€™t listen to reason. i tried so many times. i still try and will continue to try, iā€™ll always start with rational words keeping threats as my last resort. i just donā€™t know what else i can do. the only thing i do know isthat i canā€™t be a silent observer. i canā€™t allow the unjustice and the cruel disregard of other peopleā€™s mental or physical state that is so frequent among painfully young people. i just wish that people would listen to each other. would at least try to understand. to connect. to empathise. and sympathise. so i wouldn't have to be the bad guy. so nobody would need to. so nobody would be scared and hurt. but iā€™m not naive enough to believe that is possible.Ā 
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ace-with-a-mace-blog Ā· 8 years ago
fuck, all shift codes for b2 iā€™m finding are either expired or have already been redeemed. iā€™m screwed.
update: okay, the catastrophe is averted. iā€™ve got 171 gk now.
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