My favourite character is the scurvy
24K posts
M; 27; ace/aro/queer; she/her, fuck terfs! I do not control what gives me the brain scramblies at any given moment, I apologise in advance!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ace-louis · 8 hours ago
"they took pluto from you" "they took dinosaurs from you" "they took neptune from you" grow a second personality trait and stop getting upset that our understanding of the world has grown since you were in 3rd grade
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ace-louis · 8 hours ago
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where can I meet this guy’s wife
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ace-louis · 9 hours ago
Fröhlichen Long Covid Awareness Day euch allen 🫡
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ace-louis · 9 hours ago
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civic duty
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ace-louis · 10 hours ago
I failed at impulse control and bought a little clicker ("hand tally counter") today. Now I really want to count things but I don't know what. Please suggest things for me to count!!
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ace-louis · 14 hours ago
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ace-louis · 23 hours ago
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ace-louis · 4 days ago
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some twin I sort of know handed me this punch card when I said "I saw your brother last week"
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trying to get a read on this...did I offend him? Is this normal twin behavior
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ace-louis · 4 days ago
hyperfixation is really fun because i have to remind myself on a daily basis that i violently shiver in 50 degree weather and i would Not do well in a polar environment and i need to Not reroot my entire life to go live on a research outpost in antarctica
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ace-louis · 4 days ago
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Made this no good very bad presentation for a powerpoint night one of my friends is hosting! The instructions were to pick literally anything, and, well…. You know.
Sincerely hoping this isn't too insane for the non-polarhead. ah well
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ace-louis · 6 days ago
The South Georgia museum just opened job applications for museum staff. Someone tell me that I should not learn whatever an EPOS system is just so I can fulfill their application requirements (for next season obviously not for this coming one, I'm not crazy)
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ace-louis · 6 days ago
Es macht glaub ich mehr Sinn das ganze so zu betrachten, dass durch die Arbeiterbewegung immer kürzere Wochenstunden verhandelt wurden und 40 Stunden einfach der Punkt war, wo es nichtmehr gereicht hat um kürzere Arbeitszeiten zu erreichen. Die Tatsache, dass eine 40-Stundenwoche machbar ist, wenn man jemanden Vollzeit zu Hause für den Haushalt hat, könnte aber glaube ich schon dazu beigetragen haben, dass es der Bewegung an Unterstützung gefehlt hat um die Stundenzahl weiter "herunterzuhandeln"? Also wenn praktisch vorher Arbeiter und Mittelschicht dabei waren und der support der Mittelschicht irgendwann weckbröckelte? Weiß jemand da mehr ob das tatsächlich so war? Das wäre jetzt eher so meine Theorie.
Mir gehen Posts mit "Die 40 Stunden Woche wurde konzipiert in dem Wissen, dass ein Famimlienmitglied zuhause bleibt und alle dort anstehenden Aufgaben übernimmt" massiv auf den Senkel, weil das so eine 50er Jahre Mittelstands/bürgerliche Konzeption ist und während ich auch sagen würde, dass die 40 Stunden Woche nicht mehr zeitgemäß ist, habe ich sowieso den Eindruck, dass Leute das Arbeitermilieu vollkommen vernachlässigen und vergessen, dass das überhaupt eine Errungenschaft war.
Anlass: ich lese seit Woche Gewerkschaftszeitschriften aus den 20er Jahren, in denen es sich konstant darum dreht, dass der 8 Stunden Tag, der in Weimar festgesetzt wurde verteidigt werden muss und wie Arbeitgeber dazu gebracht werden können ihn einzuhalten.
Just some thoughts.
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ace-louis · 6 days ago
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okay, diva
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ace-louis · 6 days ago
So today I tripped. Fell flat on my face, it was awful but ultimately harmless. My service dog, however, is trained to go get an adult if I have a seizure, and he assumed this was a seizure (were training him to do more to care for me, but we didn’t learn I had epilepsy until a year after we got him)
I went after him after I had dusten off my jeans and my ego, and I found him trying to get the attention of a very annoyed woman. She was swatting him away and telling him to go away. So I feel like I need to make this heads up
If a service dog without a person approaches you, it means the person is down and in need of help
Don’t get scared, don’t get annoyed, follow the dog! If it had been an emergency situation, I could have vomited and choked, I could have hit my head, I could have had so many things happen to me. We’re going to update his training so if the first person doesn’t cooperate, he moves on, but seriously guys. If what’s-his-face could understand that lassie wanted him to go to the well, you can figure out that a dog in a vest proclaiming it a service dog wants you to follow him
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ace-louis · 6 days ago
the only thing more powerful than a weird little girl is a weird middle aged woman. the only thing more powerful than a weird middle aged woman is a weird old lady. and the only thing more powerful than a weird old lady is a weird little girl. thus the world is balanced.
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ace-louis · 6 days ago
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There’s a quote from Bert where he says he‘s “known big bird since he was a little bird” and the thought of it makes my heart cry so here’s that
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ace-louis · 6 days ago
sometimes i think about “this place wants us dead” and how it’s such an obvious example of foreshadowing, but it still ends up subverted in some way. like really think about it. the place doesn’t kill them, not really. they bring the diseases and the sickness with them. the lead is already in the cans before they leave. the food was already rotten. even tuunbaq is a man-made creature, not a bear like they originally think. it’s just. it’s not the place not really. the tragedy is that they were already doomed. they were doomed before stepping on their ships and they were doomed before they even reached the arctic and they were doomed before they even got stuck in the ice. she’s been dead since the beginning etc etc. i also think it’s so interesting that it’s also the remnants of colonialism that kills them. obviously james’ bullet wound is the obvious one but also the act of hubris in of itself. the fact that they think that they can last with their supplies. maybe the land does want them dead. maybe they were already dead. idk
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