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I’m so tired, I’m going to bed. I’ll be on discord
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While Naoto had never been a particularly touchy person, he allowed the hug from Yukiko, actually feeling really good about it. It was better than the few times they had hugged before, when his breasts had always gotten in the way and made him uncomfortable.  Her compliments, made his cheeks and ears turn a little pink, but he couldn’t help but smile. Someone else seeing the changes and praising them made him feel more like who he was meant to be. “Thank you, Yukiko-senpai,” he laughed. “It’s been a process, to say the least.”
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He was relieved to lose one of the backs; he had more muscle than he used to, but carrying the bags was still a little exhausting. He laughed a little at the comment about the Inn’s excitement. “Goodness, what mess have I gotten myself into?” He teased jovially, gently bumping Yukiko as they walked to leave the station.
It had been a few years since Naoto had left Inaba. Initially, he had left for some big cases in the city, but he had ended up staying for personal reasons, able to find a therapist to get him on hormone therapy, and in the last few months he had managed to afford a double mastectomy.  While he still wasn’t completely happy with his body, he felt a lot better than when he had been in Inaba before. He felt like he could return with no regrets. 
So when he had contacted Yukiko about returning for a while, he never did tell her the exact reason, he was glad that she had been ready to help him with a place to stay. It was going to be nice to catch up, since it had been a couple months since they spoke; most of their conversations were kept short, so he had no doubt there was a lot to talk about.
He took a deep breath as he saw the station quickly approaching, his nerves kicking in. He had changed due to the hormones, though he hadn’t really gotten any taller. Well, maybe a couple inches, but not enough to make a huge difference; he was still the Tiny Detective.
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He took a breath as the train came to a stop, grabbing hold of his bags and heading out the door, looking for his senpai. When he spotted her, he grinned brightly. “Yukiko-senpai!”
Snapping her phone shut, as people started to flood off of the train she knew it was going to be a tiny bit difficult to see Naoto. Minor downside of height, but that was when she heard a voice call her name. Whirling around to someone who looked a bit like the detective and was also waving at her, Yukiko’s eyes widened.
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“Naoto-kun!” She rushed over and wrapped her arms around the other tightly. “Oh my goodness! You look…wow! Amazing!” Knowing that bags were in both his hands so that he couldn’t hug her back, she giggled a little bit.
Taking one from him, she beamed with excitement. “Welcome home. Now! Shall we? The Inn can’t wait to have the famous Detective back in Inaba.”
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He giggled manically, following obediently. He hopped onto the couch, kicking his feet childishly for a moment in excitement. “Sit with me, onee-chan!”
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“I’d rather have something gruesome, m’lady,” he replied, following her eagerly. He had to be careful not to trip on his lab coat. “My interests are rather, shall we say, not kid friendly.”
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“Ahh…well, then. I know just what to have them do then.” A small wave of her hand as the throne room doors opened as the two much stronger Shadows stepped in.
Low, throaty groans came then as hands grasped at Shayuki’s feet. Continuing to move and ignore them a snap then came. A big couch appeared for the two to slump in.
“Let the show being.~”
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He was a little curious, but allowed the topic to drop. He ordered the shaved ice as they approached the stand. He pulled his wallet from his pocket and paid, smiling and thanking the stand owner. “There you are, Ryuji-kun.”
“I can’t bear this heat anymore.”
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“It’s awful, isn’t it?” Naoto groaned, taking his cap and using it to fan himself.  At least he wasn’t wearing his coat, but it was still unbearablely hot.
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Naoto smiled softly, jogging to rejoin his senpai in leaving the TV World once more. “It will be alright, we will figure it out”.
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Naoto watched him for a moment. He was worried, to be sure, for Yosuke’s wellbeing. Not just physically, but mentally as well. He took a breath before he called out to him. “Senpai. If you ever need it…I can try to help you wit learning everything” He offered his new leader a small smile. “We can treat it like a study session…make it inconspicuous.”
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“I would really like that Naoto-kun.”
You admitted with a relieved smile on your face. You knew that your study skills were far from the best and you now had to learn something that stood between life and death for you and your friends. To say it was a minor stressor was an understatement. You didn’t want to be a burden on the others especially with everything that’s going on so that’s why you never reached out to the others for help.
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Kanji Tatsumi & Naoto Shirogane : P4 Golden Animation
Love these two so much. Despite what he’s really like I enjoy Kanji’s tough guy poses. Naoto is just so adorable as a girl or a guy. Love just watching her expressions. ^_^
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-independent Adachi Tohru - crossover friendly(selective) -mun 18+ -14+ years of rp experiance
Rules/ Profile
Read the profile or you’re in for a rude awakening.
Promo banner gifted by @kigajesuta
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💘: A real sweetheart
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Thank you so much!
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Okay, so, ‘I'm going to be working on fixing up my Adachi blog, because I miss my trashy disaster cabbage. I’ll pop in here occasionally, but I’m going to focus on fixing Adachi up to try and write him again.
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Naoto couldn’t help it as he snorted a little. “My hat?” He chuckled, taking his hat off for the moment. He looked at it for a moment, smiling fondly, before he gently set his hat on Teddie’s head. “It looks nice on you”.
@miraclemascot from here
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Naoto made an uncertain noise about that, chewing his lip. “Teddie, you’re sweet and all, but I don’t know about that….”
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He gave her an unimpressed look, sighing heavily. “You’re stating information we already know. And you’re getting repetitive. You’re trying to distract me from the rest of what I was asking about, Luna-san.” He knew these tricks, he had used them, and been on the receiving end of them, many times.
Fellow Detective
His voice was firm when he answered her. “Both. I want to know what you know about the case. I want to know about your little group.” His previously friendly demeanor faded to a stern and businesslike manner. “You and your friends are a suspicious bunch, always around before the police are.”
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“There’s a taste of fear When the henchmen call Iron fist to tame the land Iron fist to claim it all”
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Ah yes, he had heard rumors about this other “Ace Detective”. He found it rather amusing. “Good thing I have the title of Detective Prince, then,” he replied, teasing a little.  Sure, he had been called an Ace Detective as well, but being the Detective Prince was more common. He gave Ryuji a soft smile as they made it to the stand. “Nothing wrong with being a student, I think its quite admirable. “
“I can’t bear this heat anymore.”
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“It’s awful, isn’t it?” Naoto groaned, taking his cap and using it to fan himself.  At least he wasn’t wearing his coat, but it was still unbearablely hot.
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