I feel pretty.
227 posts
harmonies & won competitions If you're from anywhere close by and are fortunate enough to have some kind of musical talent or even just a passion in the direction, it's safe to assume you know who I am. You should, anyway. But since I hear the talented ones are supposed to give back I'm going to be nice and give everybody a rundown. I'm Quinn Fabray, 20 and a Drama Junior at Bellmont University. I'm also a part of the definitely most talented and amazing showchoir - the Tonicizers.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
That's because we weren't a part of those teams before. Intense is good, it means we're all doing something right.
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I thought the transition back to school would be much more difficult.
Then this will be an interesting competition, Quinn. I must say, Bellmont hasn’t had such an intense acapella battle in years. 
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
That doesn't sound good at all. You should probably make a quick trip to the nurse as well, just so you can be a .... normal human being in the near future again.
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So, I'm sick.
There was a kid in design lab who wouldn’t stop coughing, so I think he’s how I caught… whatever this is. My head hurts and I can’t talk without feeling like someone’s punching me in the throat. And it sucks.
I guess I’ll take the day off and take some cough medicine and watch weird reruns tomorrow. Otherwise I’d turn the whole floor into coughing migraine zombies, and that’s not good.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
Well, don't be so sure about that, Rachel. The Tonicizers aren't slacking either and we will be bringing out best game.
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I thought the transition back to school would be much more difficult.
But I can happily say that I braved the first half of the week with a coffee cup in hand and my tap shoes in my bag. Of course I miss the sun and the sand, but I’m ecstatic to return to my duties as captain. We have a championship to win, Bell Tones. 
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
I'm definitely happy to see the sun out a bit more than usual as well. It just puts absolutely everyone in a better mood, whether they want to or not, and morning classes are a lot more doable when most people aren't grumbling about how those suck.
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We've made it over the hump, people.
The first few days after Spring Break are always the worst, but after a groggy Monday and a promising Tuesday, I’d like to think we’re finally getting used to our schedules again. And plus, the weather’s finally starting to look up! If we ignore the rain, of course, but at least it’s warm outside? Warm enough for elongated walks around the campus, at least. And I took advantage of that this afternoon with Kurt — I suggest everyone follow suit. The quad is really nice when Spring starts to hit.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
See, this is what I've been saying. It's good to know I'm not the only one that's going to be painted the strange one.
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I have yet to figure out what all the fuss is about the return to school. I happen to appreciate the structure and access to practice rooms.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
I can't say it was intended as such but I think the whole thing is a big Little Mermaid reference. I'd prefer if you stuck around with us as a human.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
I think I'll come out alive. At least I'm somewhat used to... this.
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Here's what I want to know.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
Don't you think that's a little overdramatic, Santana? I'm sure you're going to survive first period, mostly awake or not.
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Here's what I want to know.
Who the hell decided it was alright to have 9AM classes? Especially the first day back after break because let me tell you something, if I don’t get some kind of caffeine in my system in the next hour, the apathy I have toward homicide is only going to increase. And the first person to piss me off today’ll be the first to go.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
It's really something they should have planned out a bit better. But, we've all made it here without any bigger injuries so I'll count that as a win.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
That’s very unavoidable. I suppose that’s what they get for squeezing two rivaling acapella groups in the same bus for five hours. 
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
No need to be concerned or to go into detail about that.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
Our own personal beach would be perfect. Maybe we should suggest it to the sorority. It would be the place even better, if that's possible. How was time with Ryder?
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
As you should.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
I want to graduate at some point and that's not going to happen if I never go back. Oh. I'd say good luck but that would be very unfortunate. You could never dance again.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
I had plenty of fun, thank you very much. I just know how to balance fun with a perfect GPA.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
Breaks are the best, of course. But I know I need to get some work done for school and without the pressure of classes, that would be a lot harder.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
Really? I’m not ready at all to go back to school. Unless they decide to put a beach on campus, then I’ll go back somewhat willingly.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
It could have definitely been a million times worse. Of course, I would have loved to stay for as long as possible but every break ends and since I do plan to graduate sometime, getting back into the academics is sort of inevitable. 
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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acaquinn · 11 years ago
Hey, it's better than most things that could have happened.
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And so a wonderful week ends.
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