abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
"We look terrible to you, and severe, and you see our blood flying."
She folded her hands in her lap and cast her eyes down to the ground, unable to refute his claim. Hadn’t that been part of the reason, after the devastation of the Great War when she was greatly depleted, to leave her long standing relationship with Austria and form a new union with the eternally neutral Switzerland?
Safe within this union, she was able to watch the squabbling of the other nations from afar, without the fear of getting directly involved, and it allowed her to keep an emotional distance as well, not letting herself get too invested in their struggles.
“You must think me heartless,” she said instead, shyly meeting his gaze. “Or at least terribly naïve.”
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
deathless ♚ sentence meme
You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast.
You are going to break your promise. I understand.
You’re lonely too.
It will stop your breath, how cruel I can be.
I am a demanding creature. I am selfish and cruel and extremely unreasonable.
I am your servant.
I crawl at your feet; for before your love, your kisses, I am debased.
For you alone I will be weak.
I belong here, and you will not deny me.
I say these things, and the world listens.
I do not tolerate a world emptied of you. I have tried.
In the dark, I have pored over the loss of you like pale gold.
I will not let her speak because I love her, and when you love someone, you do not make them tell war stories.
I moved the earth and the water for you.
You will always run away with her.
You will always lose her.
You will always be a fool.
You will always be dead, in a city of ice, snow falling into your ear.
You have already done all of this and will do it again.
No one should be judged for loving more than they ought, only for loving not enough.
We look terrible to you, and severe, and you see our blood flying.
What we carry between us is hard-won, and we made it just as we wished it to be, just the color, just the shape.
There need never be any rules between us.
Let us be greedy together; let us hoard.
Do not leave me, swear that you will never leave me.
I am selfish. I am cruel. My mate cannot be less than I.
Sleep with fists closed and shoot straight.
I can’t abide a poor liar.
You look like a winter’s night. I could sleep inside the cold of you.
Oh, quit that. Blushing is for virgins and Christians.
Scold me; deny me. Tell me you want what you want and damn me forever. But don’t leave me.
Bad luck relies on absolutely perfect timing.
In his own country, Death can be kind.
What is the world but a boxing ring where fools and devils put up their fists?
Men die. It’s practically what they’re for.
I am no one; I am nothing.
Nothing in me was not made by you.
A revelation is always the end of something. It might even be cause for grief.
Just tell yourself a story that’ll satisfy you and pretend he told it.
Forever isn’t bright; it isn’t like that. Forever is cold and hard and final.
I savor bitterness - it is born of experience. It is the privilege of one who has truly lived.
If you want to kill yourself, do not use us as your knife.
What did I do wrong? Was I boring? Did I ignore you?
Don’t you dare speak to me like that.
I have worn nothing but blood and death for years.
I have fought all your battles for you, just as you asked me.
I have learned not to cry when I strangle a man.
I have learned to watch everything die.
I am not a little girl anymore, dazzled by your magic. It is my magic, now, too.
Are we not devils?
No one is now what they were before the war.
I have not seen you without your skin on.
Close up your head; your brain is getting loose.
We obsess. It’s in our nature.
I’ve a devil of a habit for being right.
In war you must always choose sides.
If you try to be a bridge laid down between them, they will tear you in half.
We are all dead. All equal. Broken and aimless and believing we are alive.
My old bones will follow yours soon enough.
It is better to be strong and cruel than to be fair.
I will see him with his skin off before I agree to fall in love.
After love, no one is what they were before.
I have survived, but I have not been spared.
In the space of one heartbeat to another I loved you and I was lost to you.
Frighten me, make me cry, only come back.
It’s not so bad, my darling. Being dead. It’s like being alive, only colder.
You’ll think it’s love, while he dines on your heart.
You will be so beautiful when you are old.
I cannot keep you and I cannot let you go.
You will live as you live in any world…with difficulty, and grief.
I look at you and it is like my throat being cut.
She said you’d come and I swore to eat your heart.
I still want to kiss you.
My heart is being cut in two. I cannot bear it.
What happens to anything beautiful?
I have to know, I have to or else you will just rule me until the end of everything because you know and I do not.
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
Ludwig had kept his gaze fixed on the frame of the doors through which she had entered in an attempt to remain outwardly professional. Nevertheless as his order left his lips, his gaze drifted towards her wrists, the angry red marks drawing him in like a fly to honey. To those who didn’t know him well the wince that followed would’ve been nigh imperceptible, but to Adalie, it must have been painfully obvious.
With greater willpower than he wished he needed, Ludwig looked the Queen of Diamonds in the eye. After all he had done to her and her kingdom, the least he could do was meet her request. In all reality, there was also the matter of the advisors, courtiers and palace servants listening intently to this exchange. Ludwig could not afford weakness in a time such as this which gave only greater reason to him having not sought a private meeting with his cousin.
“Adalie, this is war. I have no room for personal attachment when my kingdom is what’s at stake. Francis…” Ludwig fell silent, knowing the mention of who had started what would do no good.
He approached her, leaving his place on the steps of the throne and stopping a meter or so away, “…You will not be kept in a cell.”
If only Adalie wasn’t so skilled at her job, if only her people did not love her so, if only her capture wouldn’t have harmed the Diamonds quite so much, perhaps then, this would’ve been different. Perhaps then, Ludwig could’ve afforded to steal their Jack instead.
Loathing filled her features as she gazed upon her once-beloved cousin. She allowed him to approach, one step after the other, without moving from her position. And when he was close enough, she pulled back her right hand and slapped him across the face.
“Don’t condescend to talk about my husband in front of me,” she said, drawing herself back up to full height. “And don’t you dare try to justify yourself. You had choices. You just chose to make this one.”
The cell wouldn’t have bothered her, and she couldn’t decide if it infuriated her more that he’d make the distinction, as if she were a gentle flower that had to be held to the light. She understood that he was trying to make this as painless for her as possible, but the anger she felt towards this entire situation would not leave.
Did they truly think she held enough sway over her husband for this to make a difference? She held sway only over her people, who loved and adored her, but Francis... he would make his own decisions with or without her. Just because they must share a throne and a bed did not mean that they shared the same powers. Francis would always be her Lord, and would lead the Diamonds regardless. It just helped to have Adalie along, to keep the good graces of the people. But the people would still follow Francis out of fear alone.
“Your kingdom for the sake of mine, I understand. But I will despise you for it. Our relationship is forever changed, because of this.”
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
more texts for you bitches
[text] You should have told me you wanted me out of your life. [text] I should have never let you back into my life. [text] Okay [muse’s name] what’s the deal, pretty sure this is you…listen if you want me to leave you alone, please just tell that. [text] Please don’t walk away. [text] Please don’t do this. [text] When are you going to realize I want nothing to do with you? [text] You want nothing to do with me, I get it. [text] I’m an idiot. You fooled me again. [text] When I think things are about to change … I’m always proven wrong. [text] I just want you to be happy. And you’ll be happier without me. [text] I just hate that someone could make me trust [him/her/them] the way that I did [text] The truth is I’m not over you. [text] The truth is I never really wanted to be with you. [text] I’m seeing someone else. [text] How the hell did you get my number, stalker? [text] You’re so selfish. [text] I just saw you leave with [her/him/them]. [text] FUCK YOU AND YOUR DUMB CUTE FACE
[text] Did I tell you today that you’re the most adorable? Cause, yeah. [text] Be careful. [text] I’m only saying it because I love you. [text] I’m only saying it because I care about you. [text] Okay, I’m bringing coffee. [text] I’m thinking dinner and a movie later this week? [text] Let me take you out, please? [text] Let me make you dinner tonight. [text] I want you to be happy. [text] You’re always safe with me. [text] I can’t stop thinking about you. [text] I seriously don’t know what I’d do without you. [text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that. [text] It was so good seeing you. [text] You don’t need this shit. [text] I’ll be there in five minutes. [text] Let me help, please? [text] You’re important to me. [text] Stop falling asleep in the bathtub. You’re going to drown and die and leave me and I’m not having that. [text] I would gladly watch Netflix and eat Thai with you any day. [text] I’d give up my phone charger AND the last piece of gum for you. That’s love. [text] Hey beautiful no judgment but why is there a bucket of KFC chicken in the bathtub??
[text] If you don’t want me to bust your window, I suggest you answer the phone. Now. [text] To quote Mean Girls, you’re a fugly slut. [text] Are you SERIOUSLY bringing that up right now!? [text] Lose my number, asshole. [text] You’re so predictable and obnoxious. And it’s not only me who thinks so. [text] …The least you could do is answer, wtf. [text] You’re a piece of shit human being and an even worse friend. [text] This is YOUR FAULT. And you can’t even pretend like it isn’t, because you know it is. [text] Why couldn’t you just stay out of it? [text] Holy fucking shit, take a hint, asshole. [text] Go fuck yourself. [text] What the fucking hell is wrong with you? [text] You can take your stuff back as long as I don’t light it on fire first. [text] I have cramps and a migraine so you do NOT want to mess with me right now [text] Bye and have a very fuck you day
[text] Just let me suck your dick and be happy. Let me have this. [text] Why are you so hot…like honestly, it’s not fair. [text] Yeah, you looked good in your [dress/shirt/pants] last night but really, they looked way better on my floor. [text] Come over. With condoms. [text] You should come over, clothing optional. [text] I feel like a nasty slut and I LOVE IT [text] Sorry I got drunk and texted you about my sex life [text] Sex on a rooftop - trashy or adventurous? [text] If you’re not at my apartment, shirtless, in five minutes, I will be personally offended. [text] I don’t think he likes that I’m always sending him pictures of me in my bra but he needs to get it together [text] It’ll be like The Notebook, except with way more of my penis. [text] I didn’t know that all of his brothers would be hot and musically inclined, too. That’s a dick move on behalf of biology. [text] I DON’T WANT YOUR DICK. I WANT BRUNCH. [text] So is it your turn now to pretend like dating someone else would stop us from fucking? [text] I just need some of your time and all of your body. [text] I am available for nakedness [text] I think about [him/her/them] when I masturbate so I guess you could call it love
[drunk text] So wat are you really over me no w [drunk text] AND I UNFOLLOWED YOU ON INSTAGRAM TOO, BITCH [drunk text] You are my queen and my savior and I love you forever [drunk text] You are the most beautiful girl I have ever known [drunk text] I’m eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza and autocorrect just wrote that text for me pretty much, what’s your night like [drunk text] Listen up slut, you’re one hot piece of ass and if [he/she/they] doesn’t realize it, it’s their loss [drunk text] but what’s the point of a Disney sing off party if you’re not here. You have to be be the Pumbaa to my Timon [drunk text] Can you pls remind me tomorrow of how much of a fool I made myself tonight [drunk text] FUCK YOU YOU’RE GORGEOUS [drunk text] I think maybe you and me should like go out and eat pizza or something check yes or no [drunk text] Please don’t hate me I’m too tired and too dizzy to be hated [drunk text] I hate (him/her) but less when I’m drinking. Thanks, alcohol. [drunk text] Omf g you need to get over here now I think I’m dyin [drunk text] SWEEEEEEEET CAROLINE
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
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aesthetic // Spring
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
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Tis I, Lux, yet again! ;) If y’all could { like / reblog } if you’re interested in interacting with an { APH South Korea } AKA this giant hyperactive nerd that would be super cool! 
Also this is a { sideblog } to @marching-man so follow backs will be from there!
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
Random Song Lyric Starters
A completely random mixture of song lyrics, ranging from fluffy, to angst
“Look into my eyes” “It’s the start of my demise” “We shall rise” “What if we run away?” “What if we left today?” “What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?” “We’ve got no time for getting old” “Cross your fingers, here we go” “I’ve got a lot to say to you” “I notice your eyes are always glued to me” “It makes no sense at all” “Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone” “I guess I’m dreaming again” “Let’s be more than, this” “I know I never make this easy” “It’s easier to disappear” “I just can’t stand leaving you alone tonight” “It’s too late to go” “I just stutter” “Did I stutter?” “So here I am” “You can take or leave me” “I won’t be anywhere but here” “I heard that your dreams came true” “Guess he/she/they gave you things I couldn’t give to you” “Ain’t like you to hold back, or hide from the light” “I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited” “I wish nothing but the best for you” “Don’t forget me” “Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead” “You make me smile when the world comes undone” “You are the one who sweeps me off my feet” “Everything’s all that I love about.” “You would make my life complete” “What am I supposed to do, just sit here and not fall in love with you?” “There’s no turning back - I’m in love” “All that I need is to know I’m not wrong” “One look at you and my heart starts to soar” “Now it’s clear to me, that everything you see is not always what it seems” “I wish I knew then, what I know now” “I don’t have to pretend” “I am trying to hold on” “I tried seeing the bright side” “I miss the taste of a sweeter life” “Why did you run away?” “I was there for you in your darkest times” “Where were you when I was at my worst?” “You said you had my back” “I can’t get over you” “I like the way it hurts” “I still fight, while I can fight” “Where you going?” “I’m leaving you” “I feel so ashamed” “I’ll never stoop so low again” “I guess I don’t know my own strength” “You ever love somebody so much, you can barely breathe when you’re with them?” “Yesterday is over, it’s a different day” “Life is no Nintendo game” “I know we said things, did things, that we didn’t mean” “Maybe our relationship isn’t as crazy as it seems” “I love you too much, to walk away” “Don’t you hear sincerity, in my voice when I talk?” “Next time, there will be no next time” “I apologize even though I know it’s lies” “I’m tired of the games” “What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?” “What am I supposed to say when I’m all choked up and you’re okay?” “They say bad things happen for a reason” “No wise words gonna stop the bleeding” “I’m trying to make sense of what little remains” “Who do you think we are?” “Trust me and we’ll fly, not fall” “Together we can go so far” “All the lights in the sky are stars” “It doesn’t make me nervous” “If anything, I’m restless” “I’ve been around and I’ve seen it all” “Can’t go home alone again” “I need someone to numb the pain” “What would I do without your smart mouth?” “You’ve got my head spinning” “Cause all of me, loves all of you” “I love your curves and all your edges” “Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you” “You’re my end and my beginning” “Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too” “You’re my muse” “I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t love you.” “I never should have let you go” “Never imagined I’d be sitting here beside myself” “When you left I lost a part of me” “I can’t sleep at night when you are on my mind” “It’s breaking my heart” “I’m trying to keep it together but I’m falling apart” “I need you back in my life”
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
“…” He was a literal maid for a little over a century, and dresses were the absolute worst to work in. He curses the memory of them to this day. “…But wouldn’t jeans be so much more suitable for work like that? They’re better to soil with dirt, no?”
“They’re so rough!”
She shudders at the thought of scratchy denim coming in contact with her delicate skin.
“I have old slacks that are much better to work in, and I don’t have to worry if they get dirty! The fabric of them was too fine once upon a time, but it’s been so many literal decades, they’re good for nothing other than yard work at this point. But skirts aren’t so bad either! I guess you just have to like them, though.”
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
Send (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ to hug my muse
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
“Is it really practical to wear dresses all the time?”
“You’d be surprised! I even garden in dresses, or slacks. Never jeans. Jeans are abhorrent!”
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
ooc: If anyone knows any Switzerland blogs that are active please let me know immediately
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
✍️ - Write something on my muse
So wrapped up in her knitting was she that it took her a moment to realize that someone was writing something on her arm. The needles stopped their movement as she turned to look at him with wide eyes, genuinely shocked.
“What are you doing?” she asked, setting her materials down in her lap. “What are you writing?”
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
Touch Starved Meme
My muse is touch starved, send one for your muse to-
❤️ - Hug my muse from behind 👏 - Ruffle my muse’s hair ✋️ - Hold my muse’s hand 💪 - Pick my muse up 👆- playfully poke my muse ✍️ - Write something on my muse 💋 - Kiss my muse on the cheek 😏 - Playfully headbutt my muse 😝 - Lick my muse 😙 - Cover my muse in multiple kisses 🖐 - Give my muse a backrub 💤 - Cuddle up to my muse 😶 - Quietly lean against my muse 👃- Boop my muse on the nose ✊️- Playfully punch my muse 🙌 - Playfully shove my muse 😖 - Bury their face in my muse’s chest
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
💋- How good is your muse at kissing
Well she hasn’t gotten a lot of practice but she gets an A for Effort, hahaha
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
💘- What is your muse like in ships
AN ABSOLUTE ANGEL! She likes kisses and cuddles and will probably sneak into your lap whenever she’s able, and will always want to comfort you. She’ll cook for you often, and spend lots of free time just in your general space, like a cat that likes you. She’s also REALLY BLUSHY about EVERYTHING even hand kisses! She’s a dear, really.
💞- Do you like or hate love triangles
OHOHOHO love triangles are my secret weakness, ESPECIALLY IF THEY END IN POLYAMORY. Think of all the PINING!
💗- Do you have a gender preference when shipping
Nope! Adalie usually consciously goes for guys, but she’s honestly open to relationships with anyone of any gender. Chemistry is the more important thing here!
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
non-lip kisses are my absolute favorite. absentmindedly kissing the back of someone’s palm as you hold hands. chaste forehead kisses and brushes against their cheek. silly boops on the nose. kissing fluttering eyelashes. neck kisses that barely touch skin but are no less passionate. kisses on collar bones or exposed tummies. sloppy kisses at the corners of someone’s mouth. kissing each and every fingertip with a delicate touch.
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abovetheyoungrhine · 7 years
💌- Would your muse write a love letter
She’s written several, but she hasn’t sent them yet. They’re in a box under her bed, tied with different colored ribbons reflecting the mood she was in when she wrote them. Adalie is the sort to fall in love easy, and she’s written letters to each of these people, though not a single one knows they were written. (In the case of HRE and some humans she’s crushed on, they’re dead and can never read them, so she keeps the letters still to remind her of the love she felt for them)
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