Behold the bevy! (Just as the title says; there are going to be a lot of muses here. Click the links to see them all! Follows from martyslittleusedblog)
Last active 60 minutes ago
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#ooc#HHHHHH#Why do I either let myself get distracted or put RP replies off until I'm too tired to do them??
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Reblog this post to let your followers know you're fine with being tagged in random starters. Additionally, reblog this post if you're all right with being sent old memes, no matter how long ago you reblogged them.
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Things to remember when you roleplay with a villain muse:
Disclaimer: this post can apply to non-villains, too.
You are choosing to roleplay with them:
Basically, this does not give you any right to decide on how your partner will portray their muse. The only time you will get to have a say regarding a muse that is not yours is if your partner’s reply concerns a roleplaying sin (godmod, meta-gaming, power-play) or plotting.
So you have no right to disregard any headcanon or rule that the mun applies to their muse and/or interactions. If you are not willing to work with a muse with these headcanons or rules, then don’t make it hard on your partner. No mun wants to be forced to charge their muse for your obligations or fan-service.
They are choosing to roleplay with you:
Now, vice-versa, what I described above applies to your partner. However, villain muns often have a hard time roleplaying. Why, because not everyone takes villains seriously. Especially if a villain appears ‘comical’ in someway or have traits that make them comic relief to the audience.
[*note: when I say comical, I mean that the audience sees the comic relief even if the villain is taken seriously in-canon by other characters.]
Not every villain needs to be misunderstood.
Not every villain needs to be altered to be redeemable.
Not every non-human villain needs to be altered to be human-like.
This is discrimination. It makes villain muns question why they want to roleplay as a muse is most of their interactions is just going to be crack-based. Or they deal with people ignoring headcanons, concepts, and rules that they build their character upon.
I know that over the years, there has been a revolution in turning evil-based villains into softer versions. They are made misunderstood, tragic, and ripped of what made them villains to begin with. But people need to realize this should not be enforced in roleplaying.
[Examples of evil villains before modern media altered them: Dracula from the 1897 book by Bram Stoker and Maleficent from 1959′s Sleeping Beauty.]
Back to the main point, these muns are choosing to roleplay with you if they interact with your muse. They have the right to stop roleplaying if threads force them to alter their muse. They have the right to ignore you if you disrespect their muse, especially if it’s because you do not accept their headcanons, concepts, and/or rules that applies to how they will portray their muse in threads and asks.
Respect that they are villains:
Villains often do not play nice. Muns that roleplay as villains likely have already reblogged one post that explains this because they have at least one or more people who don’t treat their muses seriously.
If a villain blog claims to be a ‘crack blog’ or ‘fan-service’, then you can have all the crack and whatever from them. Still, follow whatever rules the mun has on their blog.
But, if you are approaching a villain blog that is not a crack-blog or fan-service, then you need to respect the mun and muse. Read their rules. Headcanons and any info that might be posted separately. Hell, try talking with the mun about their muse. They might reveal more than will give you a better idea on what you will see from their muse.
Remember, villains are villains for a reason. Muns will portray them certain ways. If you don’t want to work with a mun or muse, then look for another blog that will satisfy you.
#psa#rp psa#roleplay psa#rp etiquette#roleplay etiquette#role play etiquette#roleplaying help#role playing help#rping help
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Send me a misconception you think people have about my character and I'll explain if it's true or not
Please specify the muse for multimuse blogs.
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"SOOOOO... WHAT IF WE KISSED...?" PROMPTS * assorted dialogue for tossing out the idea of being in a relationship or just kissing and seeing what happens after, adjust as necessary
i hear you're a good kisser.
are you staring at my lips?
how about a kiss for old time's sake?
maybe we could experiment a little.
have you ever thought about kissing me?
is there even an "us?"
a little bird told me you're a really good kisser.
could you see me as... more than just a friend?
what's a little fooling around between friends?
i'll admit, i have thought about you like that.
kissing you sounds like a very good idea.
i've been meaning to ask you out for ages.
maybe we could... see what happens.
there's no harm in a little experimentation.
did you want to kiss me back then?
for what it's worth, i really enjoyed the kiss and i wouldn't mind doing that again sometime.
could we pretend this is our first kiss?
maybe we could go on a date sometime.
you could start by coming closer.
just wondering what you taste like.
i saw you looking at me earlier.
could we talk about... us?
i'm not interested in anyone but you.
i bet if we tried, we could make it work.
a kiss won't kill us.
wanna makeout?
quick, kiss me before they walk over here.
i've wanted to kiss you for a long time now.
i never had the courage to ask you if you'd kiss me.
could i keep seeing you after this?
i really enjoyed it, by the way.
you're a much better kisser than i expected.
well, that got out of hand quickly.
maybe we should redo our first kiss.
next time, we should make it a date.
can i kiss you?
kissing sounds really fun right now.
have you been kissed before?
i never liked kissing until you.
you are... unbelievably good at that.
give me a minute to catch my breath.
your heart is racing.
are you okay? you look very flustered.
are my cheeks burning?
figured we're both about to die, so what the hell.
#specify muse(s)#MAY be selective about which ones I amswer#rp meme#rp prompt#roleplay prompt#roleplay meme#ask meme#inbox prompt#inbox meme#ask prompt#sentence starter#ask box meme#ask box prompt#askbox prompt#askbox meme
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Rayman scratched his head awkwardly. "That...would take a while to explain, partly because it has something to do with how I was created. Uh, my name's Rayman. What's yours?"
"What kind of incident did you suffer that you are missing your arms and legs?" He didn't concern himself with it really, he just-- didn't understand what he was looking at right now...
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In the spirit of new beginnings, if we've never interacted before, this is your invitation to invade my inbox.
Or message me to plot out the future of our muses! This could be the year our muses become the best of friends, the most passionate of lovers, or the most bitter of rivals.
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Rayman arched an eyebrow; it was odd that Banda didn't know how he got here. But, with a (shoulder-less) shrug, he decided, "Well, we can figure that out later. For now, I'd be glad to show you around the Glade! Uh, the Snoring Tree shouldn't be too far from here; my friends and I have taken to snoozing there sometimes, as has Polokus the Bubble Dreamer himself! (Uh, he's the one who created this world.) Wanna see it?"
The owner of the beady eyes snickered, whispering to themselves, "It worked! Now to figure out how to execute the next step in the plan..."
Rayman and Banda would remain blissfully unaware of the mysterious figure sneaking away to who-knew-where...
"Likewise!" Rayman agreed as he shook Banda's clawed hand, "What brings you the Glade, Banda?"
Little did either of them know, but they were being watched by a pair of beady eyes in some far-off bushes...
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Reblog this if you don't mind crossovers!
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Multi-Muse RP Blog containing muses from various franchises such as Mario, Sonic, Dragon Ball, Touhou Project, Yu-Gi-Oh, Honkai, Gurren Lagann, The Creatures Under Your Bed, and more!
Mun is 25 with 9+ Years of RP Experience (Back in my day, you young whippersnappers, we role played on Club Penguin-)
Super Crossover and OC Friendly (The Greatest Crossover since Endgame-)
Rules and Muse List on Pinned Post (Cause I’m lazy and don’t wanna make pages-)
Reblog and like this post to spread it around (Soon enough, I’ll be known as King Plumb3r, rule of the universe-)
#promo#multimuse rp#super mario rp#mario rp#sonic rp#sonic the hedgehog rp#dragon ball rp#touhou project rp#touhou rp#yugioh rp#yu gi oh rp#honkai rp#gurren lagann rp#tengen toppa gurren lagann rp
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Hello~ Luci here, until I can get a new promo going for Pomni, I'll do one of these small self promo ones. If you're interested in interacting with an indie slightly canon divergent and headcanon based Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus, please help a girl out with a ↻ or ♡ to get more interaction going. Crossovers, OCs and personals are more than welcome! Don't need any knowledge about or have seen the show to interact with. Please read my rules. ❤️💙🎪
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(I remember, some time ago -- shortly after I deleted Gabe from this blog (before bringing him back in more recent years), someone asked for a starter or something with him.
Whoever it was, I don't think I've heard from them since...
I'm so, so sorry.)
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Reblog to let your mutuals know. . .
that they are appreciated. that they are important. that they are amazing. that they are creative. that they are loved.
No matter how long you take to reply, what mood you are in, how insecure you are feeling about your writing, or how active you are — your presence is still very much enjoyed. You never have to apologize or feel bad for taking a while with a reply, or not answering an ask right away. Life can get busy, energy can fluctuate, interest can shift, and emotions can change. You are human and these things do not make you a bad person/partner.
We write together because it is fun and enjoyable, not because it is expected of you to answer every little thing at the snap of fingers.
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✒ Donkey Kong loves bananas of course, but he's also a big fan of durians
LOL, that's interesting, because to my understanding, durians are a very controversial fruit; you either love 'em or hate 'em, it seems. 😆 I don't know if DK would have the palate for them. 🤔
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Send me “✒ + a headcanon “ and I’ll tell you if I approve it or not
#specify muse(s)#roleplay meme#rp meme#headcanons#ask box meme#ask meme#askbox prompt#askbox meme#ask prompt#ask box prompt#symbol meme
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*: ・゚✧ some plot ideas for muses with the same fc.
feel free to send in the number or the “title” of whichever plot you want a starter from!
TWIN AU. an au where the muses are twins. plenty of options here. they could have grown up together, or they could have gotten separated at birth. maybe one is the “good twin” and the other is the “evil twin”.
TIME TRAVEL AU. if both muses are the same character, maybe muse A travels back in time to ensure their past selves, muse B, don’t make the same mistake that muse A made in the future. if the two muses are not the same character, maybe muse A travels back in time and meets their ancestor, muse B, who looks a lot like themselves. or alternatively, muse A travels into the future, making muse A the ancestor to muse B.
CLONE AU. where muse A was cloned, be it willingly or against their will, resulting in muse B. what happens from here has endless possibilities, really!
SHAPESHIFTER AU. muse A is a shapeshifter and shapeshifts into muse B.
MIRROR WORLD AU. muse A and muse B come from two worlds that are each other’s mirror worlds. one day, while muse A looks into the mirror, they notice that their reflection suddenly starts moving on their own as the two worlds begin to collide with one another.
DOPPELGÄNGER AU. muse A is the doppelgänger of muse B. bonus points, sometimes doppelgänger are seen as ghostly or paranormal phenomenon and bringers of bad luck, so perhaps muse B is some supernatural being and/or bringer of bad luck to muse A.
MULTIVERSE AU. the multiverse exists and muse B and muse A are the same person, but from different universes, and at some point in their life stories, their paths took different directions. doesn’t necessarily have to be that one ended up becoming good and the other evil, could be something smaller such as one ended up working as one thing as their job, and the other got another occupation or something small like that. or maybe one was born as some supernatural being or with powers or was turned into a supernatural being / gained powers, etc. there’s really endless possibilities here as well.
+ ADD YOUR OWN! add a short description of whatever else ‘same fc’ plot you want a starter from here.
#specify muse(s)#rp memes#roleplay memes#rp meme#roleplay meme#ask box meme#ask meme#askbox meme#ask prompt#ask box prompt#askbox prompt#IDK if anyone does have any of my muses' faces as their faceclaim but...#let's see!
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