Abe Raham
110 posts
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aberaham · 6 years ago
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I thought why not post something here again. 
Meet Goombeach, my take on the Bowsette Madness! :)
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Patreon Hype
sorry for being late, but I met a buddy n Berlin to watch a movie in OT. It was worth it, but the drive takes way too long. I’m really happy that I don’t need to travel that route each day anymore. Each new job I get which give me a fulltime employment means for me to move places. 
But that’s not the topic for the Mumbling. Today I like to hype my Patreon page. 
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As you know I got recently a Patreon page. But who of you know what this is? So, Patreon is awesome for us Comic Artists, but for you, the Fan, as well. You get everything that the Artist creates PLUS probably new exclusive content. You, if you like to, can leave some money and support your favorite Artist. It’s not even a lot. You just can follow the Artist, maybe leave 1$ or even more, as much as you like. The Artist creates several Tiers wich different Rewards. Here how it looks like on my Patreon page:
1$/mon. - Early Access to One-Offs & Thanks in the Mumbling                  3$/mon.- 1$ content & WIP Artworks                                                              5$/mon.- 1$, 3$ content & unpublished sketches                               10$/mon. - 1$, 3$, 5$ &personal Profile drawing
Over time I’ll probably change some stuff up, but always in your favor obviously. All my Patreon followers get some extra stuff as well. I’m going to make regular Polls. Some just for fun other are important for my decision making. At the moment I have one up “What’s your favorite Abesome Life Character?”. Later ones could be about which short story I’m going to focus on in the next Abesome Life One-Offs. And always you can leave feedback to an Artwork I’m working on. 
So, don’t be shy and follow me on Patreon. I’m looking forward to seeing you! :)
Keep your desks clean
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Something different
Heya Guys ‘n’ Girls,
from today on this is the only place where you can find the Mumbling in English. I started to write my blogs in German now. The reason for that is that I like to appeal to my German fans more. Over 3/4 of my Fanbase is German and I suspect that they prefer content in their own language. But let’s get started to talk about some stuff here. 
About the Book
I think I need to apologize to you. I said that the book will be released in December and if that doesn’t happen it will be in January for sure. Well, now is February and still no book. The thing is I’m really bad at estimating stuff. Either it’s the time I need to do stuff or how fast I do stuff. It doesn’t matter. You see I made a checklist to ensure I put everything I want into the book. And most of the stuff I already crossed out. 
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But in the end, I underestimated the work which goes into every single one of those points. I’m working on the Bonus pages at the moment and the almost done. But in retrospective, I shouldn’t have done those. You see, I draw completely new illustrations for those, but what I should have done is collaborating old stuff, rejected pages, progress sketches and so on to make compelling Bonus material. But now I’m almost done with those and I’m going to finish it. But it will take its time. The Spellcheck for the Comic pages are done by my test readers and I only have to correct the mistakes I did. I believe this should be done in this week. Though again, don’t take my word for it. 
So in conclusion, I like to revert my estimate for the release and say it comes out when it comes out. But after all, it should be this year at least. :D
And he’s sick again!
But this time I don’t have the sniffles or the flu. I got a rash. It just appeared last week. I thought it was some allergic reaction to something and will go away by itself but it didn’t. Instead, my lymph knots swoll. In the end, I went to the doctor and he said it is an infection.  It was stress based. I apparently had the virus already inside me and in a moment or time of Stress, it created this rash. And it seems to be contagious. At the moment I avoiding contact with anyone and take things easy. You would say that the way I live. Haha! But no, the past month I eagerly make an effort to connect to the Comic Comunity and eventually I’m going to Comic Cons. 
To be honest I believe I know what this stress came from. The past weeks I play a game after work. Yugioh Duel Links. An Online TCG. I’m a sucker for Trading Cards and get pretty easily addicted to those kinds of games. But on the other Hand, those game make me very very mad all the time. The RGN in Card games is something enraging for me. The card draws, Coin tosses, opponents, Booster packs and so on. Everything is always Random. But not as random as you would see offline, you know when you shuffle your deck with hand and pick cards by hand. This is a different random. this random is Computer generated. and somehow it is different but I can’t explain what it is. 
Well anyway, that’s not what I’m talking about. I just wanted to point out that this may the reason. I managed to stop playing the game and I’m relaxed. I (Mostly) don’t think about the game. Only when I talk about it like I do here.
The point is my work doesn’t make me sick. Only the things around it like failing programs, the Teck, Paperwork and even some games. 
keep your desks clean!
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aberaham · 7 years ago
For the Comunity
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
to be honest I'm thinking about making the Mumbling in German after all. I like to focus on my German Comunity more. But I think this time I stay with English. It is difficult to decide.  On the one hand It is good for me to train the English language, but on the other hand, most people don't read the Mumbling since they mostly German. Also, I post this on Tumblr as well and it would be strange if I change it to German there I think...
Well, I'm unsure. I have an Idea. It will create more work for me and future Mumblings will be a bit shorter for the first few time. I'm going to write the Mumbling in German on the Homepage, also I give a link to Tumblr for those who like to read it in English. So I'm going to write both for a while. Eventually, this will be the case for sure. I finally got full access to my Homepage data and I'm going to redesign the whole thing. First off I test out some things. Maybe the Frontpage will change in its looks because I'm going to exchange assets. But eventually, the whole thing will change. Not just the look but how it's build and functions as well. This is a whole lot of work and I don't know if I'm able to realize that this year. So stay patient. The Page is only going to improve from here on. First things first tho'. Next week the Mumbling will be in German!
I actually tried to implement a subpage for the Comics that you can change from the English version to German version. But hows the Page is built right now, it's pretty impossible. But I'm going to switch out the Pages for their German Counterpart eventually. It's important to me that my newly won fans, I hopefully get through my efforts in this year, can enjoy the Website in the German language. How fast I can realize this I don't know. But it will happen.
One of these new efforts is that my Patreon is ready to use! this Wednesday I'll start to introduce the Patreonpage for real. I'm going to start a weekly poll. SOmetimes important questions I need your input for and sometimes just for fun questions. This Wednesday I'm starting a just for fun Question. Patreon is obviously in German as well. Sorry English and other foreign Fan not making it comfortable for you as well. If it's not too long, I'm going to add an English translation at the bottom of the German post. Obviously, I like to reach everyone but it is not so easy. The truth is the main core of my Comunity is German and I need to care for them more than I did before. And this year is all about that; building a stable communication to my Comunity.
For those who wonder about my idea for the German mumbling alternative in form of a Video. This Idea didn't die because of that decision. It isn't an alternative anymore but an addition to future Mumblings. If I have more to say about some topics and I feel like the Mumbling doesn't give it justice I'm going to make a short video about it. But again, I don't know when this is becoming reality.
Not so long ago, I realized my Internet doesn't allow big uploads. I Uploaded some files to my Google drive and suddenly my internet died. It overloaded or something. it was strange. Chopping the file up and making it smaller made it possible eventually. I know video files aren't that small so I wonder if I'm even able to make videos at all with the current state of my internet. Who knows. I just need to test that.
Keep your desks clean
Thanks to all my Patrons:
Taijj, Kerry
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aberaham · 7 years ago
The Heart of the Community
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
I planing insane things. Can you believe it? This year is all about community building for me, so I plan to go to many Comic Conventions. Also, I'm quite active on Twitter and Facebook with other Comic Artists and Groups. That way I found out that the Comic-Con in Stuttgart has a Newcomer Spotlight and I'm going to participate. I plan to go there anyway so why don't put myself out there for real. This is not a Panel where my stuff is displayed it is actually a stage appearance! This scares the shit out of me but I'm doing it! I'm going to prepare some slides and talk about Abesome life for some minutes on stage. Infront of many people...
In my days as 'Lil boy who went to school, I ducked out of almost every presentation The class had to do. Either I was in a Team and let somebody else present or I just hold out as long as possible and hoped the teacher would forget that I haven't done on eyet or there wasn't time for more presentations. I believe over 7 years of school (Primary school not included) I maybe did 5 presentations of which somewhere I just stand beside the group speaker.
But now, I'm going to present Abesome Life officially on Stage at a Comic-Con in front of a lot of people,  more than a class would have...I think. The thing is this will be the first Convention I go as Abe Raham, the Comic Artist. The only other Convention I went to was the Books Fair in Leipzig, but as a private person, just to look around. I summarized this experience on a Comic Page back then.
That day I even got sick and lay on the couch of my friend I visited for that weekend. But we played a lot of Games then so not a bad weekend at all.
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In other news, my Patreon is up and running. It is pretty bare at the moment but it is possible for YOU to support ME as you please.
I'll add some little things later on but overall it is working and the first Patreon post will be in February.  Meaning my Patreon Page will be officially live on the 1st February.
the things I wanna add are some achievable goals, little Icons for the rewards and an updated Cover image. As you know I wanna start making videos as well soon, so a Patreon introduction Video will be coming as well. I'm so excited that everything is going positive and in a right direction.  I set up a Redbubble shop, My book is very close to being released, I set up a Patreon Page and I'm going to Conventions!
Thinking back, I could dedicate each year starting with 2017 to one major point for the evolution of my Business. 2017 was the year I got my shit together and started uploading Abesome Life regularly and improved my style a lot. 2018 will be the year I dedicate towards my Community and earning my own money. Maybe 2019 will be the year I get to release a Comic Book with a publishing company. Maybe I get to partner or work together with a publisher at all. The thing is. Comics like Abesome Life, I like to publish myself. They are my private Webcomic, they are my thing. But when I finish Books like Smuggler Affairs I want those to be published seriously. I can't do that by myself. I need a serious Comic book Publisher for that. I already looked for and found some I like. I think I need to dedicate to one tho'. I don't think I can Publish Smuggler Affairs with one Publisher and Dark Invasion with another one. Even they are quite different Stories I think I need to make them happen under one and the same Publisher. But what do I know? I'm not experienced in those kinds of things...yet.
Keep your desks clean
(This is the first time but I'm all my Patrons get to be thanked officially in the Mumbling and this is going to happen here)
Thanks to all my Patrons:
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Games and Shops
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
recently I play lot more games after work. Ironically just after a conversation with my Bro about me not being a guy who enjoys singleplayer games. But the case is that most singleplayer games aren't enjoyable to me as they are at the moment. Most are action games and you need skills to progress and succeed. The truth is that I'm not very adept at fighting in video games. So most of nowadays video games have to have action in them, even they aren't action games. I prefer to use my noggin to solve riddles and puzzles. So when I pick up a Puzzle game it somehow has an action segment in it. For example when I played Murdered Soul Suspect. The main premises is to solve your own murder, also there are sidequests to solve the deaths of lost souls. But there have to be demons which hunt you and you have to fight them now and then. In my opinion totally unnecessary. I would enjoy the game just as is without the fighting.
But back to the topic, I started with, I began playing some games after work now and then. As you know I play DCUO and still enjoy it. Now the Aniversary event gives the game a new up it feels like. But besides that, I started playing Mount & Blade again. Even the single player. Yes, it has battles in it, but it is quite easy so far and not necessary to participate in. I just could send my troops into battle and level my character by it questing for lords. Besides that, I spend most my time traveling from town to town and trade quite a lot to get my funds up. Anyways, Skyrim, Oblivion and so on were enjoyable to me but I never finished them truly and so it was for almost every single player game. I just lose interest in singleplayer games after some time. I wonder if my interest in Mount & Blade will fade out after some time or I get to be king of Calradia. Who knows. Actually, since the Anniversary Event in DCUO started I haven't played Mount& Blade. But I want to. The game is so chill and I can switch off after a stressful day. Let's see where it takes me and hopefully won't distract me from work but make me more productive in the end.
Commercial progress
Speaking of productiveness, I've occupied myself with several shops. The kick off for that was that I was contacted by a German Online Shop. The deal they have for me is not as profitable as hoped but at least I would earn some money through them. Also, I wanna see if I can make it a better deal anyways, but let's see how it turns out. Besides that, I set up some articles on Redbubble and they are looking good.
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Obviously, besides these products, you can purchase these pictures as wall art as well. In that shop, I get three times the earnings than the offering I got, but I need to promote myself in that shop. The German shop takes care of everything including marketing. These products will probably sell better than the stuff on Redbubble.
Also, these products not official right now. I want to add descriptions, go into detail and fix some graphics to put on the products. Not everything is in the state as it likes to be, but for now, I'm quite happy how it already looks. Obviously, you could go buy some stuff already if you like but they aren't as I like them. Here's the link if you wanna check it out.
The Patreon page is still on the list and only needs some care and we can kick off this year with some income. Also when the Patreon is up, you may get some percentage off of some products on the Redbubble Shop.
Keep your desks clean
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Back to it
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
it's back to regular old daily routine. And again back to have the Mumbling back on Mondays. Also as every single new year, I've got sick. Not as bad as usual but my throat is infected or something. My voice is as deep as a trailer voice. That's an upside I guess. If I needed to narrate a trailer now I would make some good money haha...
But I'm working on it and feeling much better now. Drinking tea and such. Anyways, what I'm gonna write about today? Obviously, I'm not talking about being sick all day. How about I tell you what we did over New Years. I stayed at Tian and the gang for some more days. Eeliyas birthday is right on the 31. December so we always do something special that day. The first time she was part of our group we made a coffee shop tour, the next year we did a Bar tour and this year we went to an Escape room. I wasn't a fan of that Coffee shop tour and next year I was much happier with the plans we had and this year, well last year I guess, was so awesome. We had an hour to solve all the puzzles and riddles to get out of the rooms. The setting was that a wizard trapped us and we need to solve his magic and beat his trap. With the first riddle, which I solved quite quickly, by the way, revealed to us our first tool: A magnetic wand. With it, we could solve the next riddle which opened the first door.  That revealed to us a much bigger room with much more riddles. We good some numbered books, a painting of the wizard, a sliding puzzle, an old clock, a nightstand, three candles, a cabinet and some pictures on the wall. It took us some time to solve everything but we found a light wand more books, puzzle pieces with the same symbols and numbers which are on the books and we found the wizards hat. With the wizards hat, we could blow out the candles which opens up some closed shelves. Over the course of solving the riddles, we found keys, more books and more puzzle pieces. After we solved the Symbol Puzzle we knew the order of the books and in the first door of the cabinet was a spot where the books went, we put them in order and in the right spot and the second door of the cabinet opened, which was the door to the next room.
You know while writing this, I remember there is an unspoken code of not spoiling rooms like that. As I write that I'm breaking that rule and now I feel bad, so if you still wanna do that room I really hope I haven't spoiled too much. I won't tell any more than that tho'. There are some more rooms and I didn't go into deep of the details. Also, there are so much different rooms like that only in Berlin. Not speaking of Germany or the world. I guess there are thousands of rooms like that.
The rest of the days we took it a little more chill. We brunched for a while, played one or two games, went for a stroll outside and shopping and on the evening of the last day, we watched Netflix's Castlevania. You know Castlevania is part of our New Years tradition. The first time we spend the turn of the year together we played through one of the 3D Castlevania on the PlayStation. It may take us two whole nights. After that, we got us a different Castlevania. One even filled two New Years for us and we were excited the whole year to finish the game. It was the one where you train monsters and evolve them. Kinda like a dark Pokémon. We were so happy to see our Monsters and remembered one after another as we saw them. It was so awesome. But this year we couldn't find a new one we would enjoy and luckily Netflix came around for us last year and created an Anime named Castlevania. So we decided to hold off until we get together and watch it. It was worth it. The show was so good. And I'm really happy that there will be a second season. Hopefully, it will be there until the end this year. If not we may be playing Castlevania 3. You know the Netflix show is the prequel to exactly that game. We'll see. Anyway, I hope you had a nice turn of the year as well. Now onwards into this crazy new year!
Keep your desks clean
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Then 2017 & 2018 now
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
missed me? I know it is Tuesday again and I'm sorry that I can't stay true to this blogs name all the time, but I went home just to write this one. When I'm done and it is uploaded I go back and have some relaxing days with my friends.
I like to make a look back at the past year and compare it to what I've planned for 2018. I think this will be fun and interesting.
Though I believe the switch between years isn't necessary for someone to make resolutions, since everyone does it, so I follow that trend once again. Actually, I made these resolutions long ago so they are not necessary New Years resolutions but I think it is important to put them out there, just to pressure myself a little bit to come through. These are more resolutions for my public self and less for my personal self. Afterall my personal self is close to perfect, hah ha haaa...
Jokes aside, I think personal resolutions are a little bit ... well personal. Also, I don't like resolutions which depend on other persons like "THIS YEAR I'M GONNA GET A GURLFRIEND, YAY!!!" This is stupid. you can't force things like that in a year and the other person still has a word in it as well so, what gives to make such a resolution. Unnecessary pressure...
If you like to stop smoking or drinking or doing other drugs, that nice for you and I wish you all the best things in doing so, but I don't smoke, drink only occasionally and have no connections to other drugs, so I'm good.
Since this is all clear, let's get into Abe Rahams resolutions!
All the Comics
As I mentioned here and there I'm planning a lot this year, and I really like to at least start all of them sometime this year.  First of is finish my first real Comic book. I'm really close to it and it should be available soon. I can't put a finger on a date yet since I need to finish up some pages and need some people spellcheck all those pages. But I think a week or two before I can make an official release date.
Abesome Life is not done with the book. I already started the second Volume and you can read it on my Homepage or several other web pages. In connection to that, I'm going to join another page to post my comics. I just found Webtoons recently so I still need to check this page out and prepare my own place there. When it is up I'm going to share it with you obviously.
Speaking of Webcomics, Abesome Nuzlocke will come to a close this month. To be precise, the last page should be online on the 16. January. It is only the first chapter, but I think I like to stop the series there. Ultimately what happens with the Comic is in the hand of the if the demand is big enough I'll consider continuing the story. But since this is heavily time-consuming for me, I only will consider it. I haven't played the Nuzlocke in a long time, on which the Comic is based on, and I believe I need to restart and imitate my progress, and then I can continue the Nuzlocke comic. I know that Pokémon is very popular and so are Nuzlockes, but like I said it is heavily time-consuming for me and I have a lot of projects on my hand.
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As each year I plan to continue all the other comics. First of all Abesome Life Continue should be true to his name and needs to be continued. I think my Skill and speed is good enough to pick it up again and at least bring the first chapter to a close. At that point, I'm probably hyped enough to continue the rest of the special.
The rest of the Comics like Smuggler Affairs and Dark Invasion are also on the plan. As Standalone Comics they should be a good distraction when I'm overwhelmed by all the Abesome Life stuff. But I don't make any promises for those.
New stuff is coming!
Wow, I'm not even sure if I can do all of the new stuff I want this year. I want to pick up animation. Actually, the next Abesome Life Chapter will have some Animations in it. Just to practice.
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Besides that, I like to be a more public person. In conjunction with that, I'm going to open up a video channel. The things I like to upload are somewhat like this Mumbling but as video. also, I like to make a storytime series, where I read some of my short stories and written Fairytales. All that with some simple animations and pictures. Obviously, all videos will be in German. There are some reasons for that. The most obvious one is that I live in Germany and most of my Fans probably are German. I just don't want you to listen to my broken and butchered English. It's enough that you have to read it. Another reason is that I want to give my German fans a little bit more love. Not just with those videos, but the Patreon will also be in German, The book first release will be in German, as well the pint will be exclusively German.
Also part of my public appearance will be appearing in public. I really want to attend comic Cons and things as such. Meeting people, talking to people and maybe even write my name and other stuff on stuff from other people with their consent.  I'm a bit nervous about that since I'm a shy guy and in the back of my head I think, who wanna meet me. I just going to stroll all alone over the convention not speaking to anyone. So if I'm really doing this, please support me and come talk to me, I'm actually a nice guy who's just afraid to approach random people.
Speaking of random people, I want more fans and I want them to PAY! No, just kidding. Though, it not completely a lie. I'm going to open up a Patreon page this year. Actually, it's not so far away. I just need to make the pledge options. So, anyone who likes my stuff and wants me to make more of that stuff AND has some change each month, that is your chance to support me. You can leave a $ or more each month and I profit thanks to you. But don't worry if you don't have such funds to do so. Just share the things you like and the creators will thank you for that. Because this may be even more worth than a $ each month since other people see this stuff and may become fans themselves. And who knows, maybe they are rich as fudge!
Last but not Least
I want to do more Artworks, especially FanArt. Here look at that:
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2017 I did just 9 Artworks including jobs. BUT I started 12 more! In my Drafts, I have over 42 Sketches and concepts of Artworks, Fanarts, and Crossover. I want to finish them all. I know it sounds a lot and I'll probably won't finish them all. But I want at least make more of them than in 2017. only Nine Artworks. THat feels weak for an Artist. I'm mostly occupied with my Comics but I still managed to start 42 other Artworks.   This may be my weakness. I have Ideas and I love to start them, but finishing something is really hard for me. Even when the satisfaction of a finished Piece is so good. I think it is the fear of labeling something finished and some weeks later I see stuff I hate. But I'm ready to fave my fears!
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Some of the Artworks I wanna do are part of series of some sort. One set of Abesome Life Artworks are going to be a Calendar. Maybe I'm able to make it the one for 2019. Who knows. :)
Keep your desks clean
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Happy Holidays
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
happy holidays to you all!
Today's Christmas and I don't have so much time to write Mumbling, obviously. But I still wanna update you on my book. I finally finished the Character Pages and I only need to double check them for spelling and errors.  The next thing I do is some Bonus stuff which will go into the book and then a final Check over the pages and it is done!
I'm sorry I couldn't finish it before Christmas. I think it would have made a cool Christmas gift for some people. But I'm still happy that I'm able to finish it!
The next week(s) I'll be busy with some vacation activities, but I'll still do some work tho'. After all, I plan a lot for 2018 and all of that needs preparation.
The next Mumbling will be short or even missing since it's New Year and I'm not home that day. The holidays are in a strange rhythm this year. It's hard to get work done AND participate in the usual holiday activities with family and friends. Today's mumbling I actually write in advance. I like to write about my Christmas experience but it hasn't happened yet. So I just give you that little bit of information I have.
In case we don't hear from each other next week:
Happy Holidays and a happy new year!
Keep your desks clean
Well, it looks like I forgot to upload this Mumbling on Monday, so I thought if I'm already late then I could add some stuff.
My time together with my family was fun. on Christmas Eve we were with my Grandparents and had a nice Dinner and Small present exchange. Presents are a bit complicated on Christmas for my family. At least once someone says "We said we don't get something for each other!" But a small gift is always given. I'm the one who always gets something and I kinda feel bad about it because they almost forbid me to get them gifts. They get almost angry when I make even a small present. So against my good conscience, I didn't get anything for anyone. I know this is sad but that way no one was angry and there was no discussion.
I already had my gift. We decided to put some money together to get me a new Computer Chair. I'm sitting in it right now. I'm so happy with it. Before I had a char which was basically two boards with a little cushioning and some defects, but now I have a real gaming chair. It is so comfy and stylish. Coincidentally It even fits my PC visually. Obviously, my Grandparents and Aunt gave me way too much money for the chair so I 'm left with some extra money for the coming days with the guys. So that's a plus. But that's Family. They don't have the money themselves but give it all to "the child". At some point, I need to accept that and stop arguing because it is exhausting and no one will budge from their perspective anyway.
The next day we went out for Lunch. Over the year we play cards with a small money pool each time and that way we collect money to pay for the Christmas lunch on the first holiday. It is just a fun way to put our money together instead of everyone pays for themselves or something like that. Anyway, friends: today is still a holiday and I like to enjoy it and relax a bit.  Happy Holidays to you and have a good new year!
Keep your desks clean
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aberaham · 7 years ago
I forced my Hands
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
I have some stuff to tell you, friends. I very excited! I learned something about myself, a change I did over the past years.
As you know I' working hard on the Comicbook to be finished. Since most things are already drawn I only have to make layout designs, write some texts and push some pictures around. I got burned out very quickly with that.  I stared at one of the Character pages for some minutes and didn't know what to add since it looked quite empty. And it wasn't Empty's page, that would be a neat easter egg to have his page a little empty.
So what to do if you hit a wall like that. I remembered that I have still 3 pages Abesome Nuzlocke to draw and they will come up soon, so I started drawing page 17. I loved it. I went in without any Idea how I build that page and it came out awesome. I still have to finish the inks but I already love it. I haven't drawn the Nuzlocke comic for ages and now I remember that I loved it. Also, I haven't drawn at all for a week or so. It was like having a headache and with a sudden, the sweet release came. Maybe another allegory would be more fitting here since it has to do with satisfaction but I try to keep it PG in here.
So I learned something about myself once again. I really love drawing. Not just emotionally but physically as well. It is figuratively my bread and butter. I don't know if it's because I made it a habit to draw each week at least one comic page or if it was always that way. I thought back and I remember I always drew in some way. I drew Pokémon, I drew random stuff on my notepad in school, I drew short comics, I drew Characters or myself in different universes, I drew for T and my game, I drew for friends and Family. It was always in my life and I know now more than ever: This IS what I do and will do. Forever. I need to and I want to. No one can tell me otherwise.
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                                   This is what I do. This is what I am!
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Hopeful plans for 2018
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
on the weekend I had so many topic and ideas I could write about in today's mumbling. One or two nights it was hard for me to fall asleep. Now, everything is gone more or less.
The main reason for it is T showed me two artists who are making basically the same thing as me but in video form. We watched some of those videos over the weekend and that gave me so many ideas. I wish I would have them written down. Mostly they were some stories out of my life, which I already wrote about, but not in detail like they did.
But not just the topics kept me awake but also the ever-expanding ideas I have for making a Video Channel. I already told you that I like to start a channel one day and I believe I'm able next year or so to make that reality. Also, I think this will give all of my stuff or ABE RAHAM, in general, give great exposure and I may get some more Fans through that.
I like to share those Ideas with you. But remember, those are basic ideas which need a lot of care before I can start those.
First off, everything should be original content. It will be about my stories and life. Also, it will be exclusively in German. that's because I believe my major fanbase is German and I don't like to hear myself speaking terribly English. You know Understanding, writing and talking a language are three completely different level and I'm more comfortable talking in my primary language. Since the Mumbling keeps being English and I'm too lazy to write twice the same things just in two languages I decided to make some kind summary in German as a video. It will be once a month or something like that and I summarize the past four Mumblings in that video. It won't be a Vlog but a semi-animated Video with Abe who talks and some cut in clips to visualize what I'm talking about. I believe my German fans will welcome this version of the Mumbling. Though I believe I'll gonna call this something else. I can't say if this will be 100% the four past mumblings or something random which bothered me over the month or something like that.
Earlier I wrote about my stories I like to make into a Fairytale book one day. The next Idea I had was about those stories. Why don't reading stories? Some kind of Audiobook version for those stories. As I read them I will show the illustrations which will be in the book. Maybe I get even some voice actors for the dialogues. If not I believe I'm able to make my own voices. I believe this will be a great promotion for the Fairytale book one day. Also, that's a way to get those stories out before I publish the Book.
A third and last Idea I had, in which I'm not that confident for now, are Vlogs from Conventions or travels I do. I'm not sure if I'm confident enough to show my face in a video for real and talk completely unscripted words. The people who know me, know that I start to stutter and stumble over my words when I'm nervous or excited about the thing I talk about. Well, maybe that adds to the comedic effect or something. We'll see everybody.  
This is everything my brain saved up so far. I guess this is quite a lot to deal with. Next year will be the year of new beginnings as it looks like. I mean, I'm going to start a Patreon and now, I'm planning legit a Youtube channel. I don't know where's my life going next year but I sure excited about it!
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aberaham · 7 years ago
I like to skip winter, please.
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
these months are the hardest for my constitution every time. My stamina is bad, I'm always tired and the worst of all I'm cold most of the time. I just don't like the cold months. I'm a summer person. I like sweating more than freezing. It's Dark around 70% of the time. How is a human being supposed to get some work done with a surrounding like that? The sun is my energy source and even at the time where it is light outside, the sun is blocked by thick clouds.
I get unwillingly out of bed around 10 or 11 am and get very tired around 5 pm. Nothing helps really. Energy drinks, Tea, Sport. I do all of these things and still, I'm at low energy. It is frustrating. I wanna do a winter sleep and skip all these months.
I get work done. Not as fast as I like it to be but I get things done. I push myself to new limits and try really hard to defeat this... winter down, but since I know I can do more on a day than I'm doing at the moment it doesn't feel like pushing my limits. In summer I did three times more work. I was doing things from 8 am to 10 pm. At least 12 hours of energy. That's normal. In winter it's 6 hours maximum. The funny thing is, it isn't even that cold. It's December and we barely have -1°C.
I don't wanna be the guy bitching and complaining about winter and making excuses. I just want you to know that I literally do everything in my power to finish the Book! I finished the best of Pages in about a week and I colored all Characters last week.
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I even made a mockup Character page. I'm not satisfied with it so far but I hope I have the final one this week down. When I have it, it will be quick to apply that for every single character. From there on, there won't be a lot left to do. Some bonus stuff, some cleanup and eventually making it ready for print. I do not promise that I can finish it up this year but January for sure! At that point not just the Book will be ready but also the Patreon. So follow me there to see my updates. I probably will throw out some questions for you for some advice. Anyway, thank you all for your patients. Thursday will be another Top 3 Preview uploaded.
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Updates about the Book!
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
I'm making good progress with the final work for Abesome Life Vol. 1. I decided I give you each Thursday a preview for the Best of winner pages. As long the regular uploads will pause I figured it would be a good idea. This will be a save upload for the next 4 weeks. After that we gonna have Christmas and there is a new special page scheduled for the 28th. I little bit past Christmas but I hope y'all still in the mood at that point.
Everything else that will be in the comic I like to keep a surprise. Well, you know all about the character pages already, but not how I'll make them. Those are the next things I start finalizing this week. I really like that I mostly have to do coloring jobs at that point. Though, I have to do some layouts for some pages and need to finalize the plan for the order I like to have for the separate segments in the book. For now, I decided to have the 72 Comic pages run from the beginning to the end without any interruption. After that, I show you the Final winner of the Best of Classic and the Top 3.  But I'm still unsure where to put the Character pages and the other stuff I planned so far. There are at least two more things which will be added to the comic. I'm really curious how you'll like it. :D
Guys, the past nights I dreamt a lot and I have the feeling this will continue. I have a really good sleep and that's the sleep where I dream stuff usually. Maybe you can recall that I once wrote about my dreams. Sometimes those dreams are really good stories. I already got a handful stories written down right after I woke up. OF course I had to fill in some logic holes and confusing stuff, but in my opinion, those stories are pretty good.  The thing is, I get more and more stories, but I can't realize them on my own. I thought up a solution for it. Previously I posted my new structure for my story management. One of those Files is labeled "Andere Formate->Gechichte aller Farben" which is basically a Fairytale Book I wanna make!
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All stories which have the characteristics of a fairy tale or something similar and is relatively short it is going there. For now, I have five stories in there. One of it isn't finished yet. The catch with this is I'm not a good writer. I may be a good storyteller, but how I write stories is messy. I mess up the tense and maybe drift off in dialogues where none had to be.
I think I need a professional Editor for my stuff. Someone who is quite versed in the German and maybe English language and is not easily annoyed with the way I write stuff. At the moment my Bro is doing this job for my comics and I'm really thankful for that. But the Mumblings, for example, are only corrected via Grammarly and this isn't even ideal. Yes, the stuff I write seem okay, but I bet I still make a lot of mistakes which Grammarly can't catch. I would like to have someone who is willing to do this job, someone I can talk to and trust to do a good job. Eventually, I'm going to pay that person for that job of course.  For now, I'm going to collect more stories for my fairy tale book and keep writing in my terrible pattern. When I've earned enough money and have enough stories I'm going to Hire an Editor to edit those stories and I can publish that book as well.
I thought this will be the easiest way to bring out all those stories. Anyway, I'm gonna work on my comics primarily and this will be a product of casually adding to it.
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Abesome Life: Past & Future
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
this Mumbling is a special one. I post this one not just on my Homepage and tumblr as per usual, but on all the platforms I'm active on!
The reasons for this are two important things. First I like to make a look back at Abesome Life in a kind of Appreciation Letter and secondly, I like to explain how everything will continue based on the information I gave you the past weeks so far.
Appreciation and Evolution
I like to make an early year recap just for Abesome Life. This is important to me because I never expected what it has become in just one year.
Abesome Life began as a little fun thing I did in Design school and back then I rarely had good ideas or concepts to turn into a Comic Page. Also, I wasn't satisfied with my art back then, to be honest. So it ended up in the backyard so to speak. But at the end of 2016, I got more and more ideas and got the feeling back to work on this Webcomic. January 2017 I started the new plan for Abesome Life. Every week I uploaded two pages telling a one-page story.  But eventually, the one-pager, or One-Offs as I call them now, became more. I started to create a background, a whole world for the comic. Quicker and Quicker became those backstories more detailed. Additionally, my art evolved. From simple line art, I got to Gray shading and eventually to color. That resulted in a slower Upload time tho'. I feared that my online activity would suffer from it but it didn't. Quite the opposite. There were days where the views and likes skyrocketed. At that point, I'm uploading to 5 different websites including my own homepage. Each one had different results at different times.
Not so long ago, I concluded what I call the first Volume of Abesome Life. I never expected in January, when I first revived Abesome Life that I will make a book out of it. This is insane to me!
And I have to thank all of YOU for that!
Without your feedback, your likes, views and occasionally Comments I would have improved this series as I did. Also, I wouldn't have the motivation to continue, even with all those ideas! I really appreciate your support and I hope we can even get further than this!
Now I'm working on Volume Two and it already has a different structure than Volume one. Not to speak of the Look. It is full color and there will be even more development in the future. But more to that in the second Part.
I feel like this comic will grow bigger than we expect and this all thanks for your help.  So a really big THANK YOU just to you. I know those are just words but be sure that the thanks will come in a different form in the future. Stay tuned for that. :)
Hiatus with Results
First off kinda bad news. Abesome Life is going on a Hiatus for some time. That means the latest Page "Alone in the Dark" is the last one for now. The reasoning behind this is a good one tho'. I like to focus on finishing the Book for the next weeks. It is Crunchtime for me now. I really wanna release it this year and I can't do it when I have to draw an Abesome Life Page each week. So I thought I finish up this Sports Arc and go on a Hiatus.
But the Book is not the only reason for this Break. If I finished the book I could get right into making the Pages again, but I won't. This is because I want to try out a new upload schedule.  As you would guess Volume two will be segmented into Arcs, beginning with the Sports Arc. For now not every Arc is completely planned out but for now, it looks like this:
Sports Arc -- 11 Pages (Done)
Dream Realm Arc -- 12 Pages est.
Vacation Arc -- 11 Pages est.
Family Arc -- 7 Pages est.
Design School Arc -- 30-40 Pages est.
I like to finish up those Arcs before starting to upload them. For example, I start working on The Dream Realm Arc in January and as I finish up the last page the Uploads will start. But not as usual. With that method, I can go back to upload two pages a week again. After that Arc is done uploaded there will be a short break until the next one will start being uploaded. And so on and so on. But don't worry, there won't be a hole in between. I will update you on stuff I do each week. The reason for this decision is that I like to try out new things with the comic and as I go on they get more elaborate. I don't want to stress out each week to finish up a page. That way I can't deliver the quality I like to have.
In addition to all of that, I finally want to finish up my other comics like Smuggler Affairs. As I worked on those I always lost the sight of it and did other stuff. With my new structure, I can focus on everything in the own time. And eventually, you get more Products from me as we go along.
As I start working with this new structure in mind, I'll open up my very own Patreon Page. In case you don't know what Parteon is, it is a website for creators like me to be supported by fans like you. As I publish, post and Upload my comics or Artworks you can leave an amount of money of your decision to support me. This can be happening as a monthly "payment" or per Upload, which I will probably prefer. For now, I earn a little bit with Abesome Life over on tapas. The Fans over there don't even need to pay themselves. Each page I upload there has an Add Banner and as you take a look at the comic you also generate a view for the Add. As this number rises I get a little bit of money for that. It's not much but it doesn't cost anyone anything. So if you don't have the money to support me at Patreon go over to tapas and read my Comics there. This will help me enormously!
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Friends & Opportunities
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
this weekend I visited my best friend from school for his 30th birthday. It was quite a surprise for him and it was a lot of fun. we haven't seen each other for several years now, but it was like we just saw each other last week. Fellas, this is friendship. No awkwardness or back holding. He may have now a family, a wife and two kids, which are lovely by the way, but he is still my old buddy, we talked and joked about the same old stuff. I was a little bit worried that we grow apart in some way since our lifestyle is quite different, but I'm really glad that wasn't the case. Of course, we are way different persons, but we still have the same commonalities as we had as kids. He likes to party way more than I do and can dance and celebrate with a bunch of people to the next morning with no worries, where I like to sit with friends and like-minded people and chat for quite some time. On the other hand we both way to chill for the people around us. Where other get stressed or act hastily, we are calm and act cautiously. This behavior may not be healthy in some situations but I believe if you keep calm and do things slowly, you make fewer mistakes.
Besides meeting my buddy after such long time, I meet some new people. Besides his family, there were some friends he made. And I can see why. Sometimes it is strange. you meet people and it turns out you have the strangest things in common. Especially they are things which came up randomly. I talked at the party with one of his friends and randomly we talked about cars. Normally not my type of chatter since I'm more into cars because of the visuals and most people are more into the technical aspects of a car. Raw power, sound, Speed, handling and so on. Well, turns out this guy love the same car as I do. I never met another Dodge Viper lover in my life. We talked quite some time about the car beside other things. I feel like I made a friend of him and his wife. Both of them are lovely people and maybe we will see each other one day, who knows.
The party was a lot of fun as well, besides the chatter I did with the people there. the day before it came to speak that I'm an Artist and suddenly I was on a job for the party. So several times at the party I got asked when I get to start drawing stuff and eventually I started. As warm up I drew my Buddy in his nice dress. Oh, right! It was a costume party by the way. He was a ballerina princess. Quite cute. After that several kids got to me and asked for some drawings. First My buddy's daughter asked for a frog with a crown and then the son of my new friends asked also for a frog with a scarf. Apparently, his favorite animal is a horse tho'. His mom tried to get him to get a drawing of a horse instead of a frog. It was quite clear that he asked for a frog because my buddy's daughter asked for one. He seemed to like the girl quite a lot. It was funny and cute actually. He reminded me a little bit of myself in his age.
After that, I drew his parent in their costumes. Also one of my Buddy's colleagues with his girlfriend wanted a drawing.
All of them looked very cool, but to be honest, my favorite was the frogs. First of all, because it was for the kids and it was so much fun drawing for them. And second of all, because they were so happy with the drawings. It just beautiful seeing kids enjoying what you do. Of course, the grown-ups enjoyed my drawings as well, but the wonder in the eyes of children is something special. Unfortunately, I can't show you any of them, since I gave them away. Maybe I should consider this a job opportunity. Party Artist.
Speaking of job opportunities, I got to speak to some people and there were some who showed interest in what I do. maybe there will be some earnings for me in the future.  But I won't push my hopes, after all, it was a party, people drink, people are in a good mood and eventually, they may forget about some of all the stuff they talked about.  
My friends, I really had fun that weekend and I'm quite happy for now and I like to share it with you all. Let's see how this is going. :D
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Games are evolving
- 06. november 2017 -
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
I haven't written about gaming for a long time now. I think the real view on gaming I did was about Murdered: Soul Suspect. Well, except Pokémon. I don't think I need to include this in my thoughts on Gaming.
But I can be wrong tho'. Anyway, the past days I got to play some games once again. One of which is The Witcher III: Wild Hunt. My Bro gave it to me as my Birthday gift. He enjoyed it like most of the Gamers and he wanted to share it with me. Well, I may be only two hours in, but I don't feel it. I believe if it would a great game to me I would have been hooked after the first hour at least. But it didn't happen. I guess I'm not every Gamer... I was a little annoyed of the game flow breaking tutorials popping up every two minutes. But I think I could have turned them off, but then how would I know how to play. Well, some of the mile-long explanation texts were describing obvious things. Also, some tutorial texts popped up multiple times. What's up with that?
Though those are things which will be gone after some hours of play time, that wasn't all I didn't like about the game. I couldn't identify with any of the Characters for starters. I didn't feel any of them relatable and Gerald as Main Character is just not my type of hero.
Another thing, which may be my own fault, is that I felt I missed a whole lot of story. They were talking about people and places like I know them but I didn't. I probably could go back and play all the other Witcher games, but who has the time for that?
I'll give the game one or two more chances and keep playing for some hours, but I don't think this will be a game I finish. Some Game mechanics I enjoyed after all, but I don't think that those will carry me through the whole game.
Back to being a Hero
Some weeks ago, my buddy Tian texted me saying that he's installing and Updating DC Universe Online and is ready to play in a few hours. At the time I had bad news for him: I couldn't play because my controller broke. A little disappointed he offered to lend me his Controller until I got a new one. So he lends it to me the next time we met for some physical exercise.
All that engulfed the old passion for that game inside of me. As I started and updated that Game, so many things changed... just like in Abesome Life: Continue. :D
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they revamped the Stats once again and this time they did it right. The skill point system is well-arranged and you have all your superpowers available. I took some time to adjust my character. For a while, I have a Controller and Damage setup. I needed to reset my Stats once or twice until I got the right setup. But I believe I have it right now. Also, they added Artifacts recently. Those are items you can add to your gear. This Item you even can level up to 100. Every 20 Levels you get a little bonus and at level 80 even a new passive power. Mine is currently at 40. You need special catalysts to breakthrough. I'm still missing one Catalyst to have the breakthrough. These aren't even hard to find. You can see what Catalysts you need for the next step and for each one it says where you can find it. They are rewarded at the end of certain Missions.
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Yesterday Tian got time to join me for a round in Gotham and he took his time to do all this as well. But it was okay since I could check out my own powers again and tweak them here and there. Now my Damage Roll is more an Infiltrator. I can go invisible and watch other people fight villains from close up. I felt like a trainer watching Tian test out his powers. I stood beside him invisible and stunned the enemy when Tian was close to being K.O.ed.
Next, we did some old missions on time. We need to earn us more Skill points and we earn those when we fulfill certain challenges. Some of are to beat certain missions in a time window. We succeeded at one of three. But the other two were pretty close and we think next time was able to beat it. IT was a lot of fun and I love seeing games I already love or like, being worked on and improved the way that I can love it even more. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy Multiplayer games more than Singleplayer games. Another obvious reason is that I can play with my friends together. :D
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aberaham · 7 years ago
Last Inktober Update
- 30. october 2017 -
Heya Guys 'n' Gals,
Inktober was fun and now it is almost over. I'm happy that it was such a success. Every Inktober entry I posted got a good resonance. I've got to design all my Main Characters completely in addition to their pets and even side characters. One still has to come since tomorrow is the last day of Inktober. I thought about being lazy and just post the collective Characters. You know the way I show you my progress here like that:
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But after all, I did one side Character already and it would be unfair to leave him out, but I didn't want to make it seem that he is part of the main cast. He's just appearing in some Pages and in the Background as side characters do.
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Mikey here, you only saw one time in the BAckground so far, but in this weeks page, e will have his debut followed be two more pages. eventually, he will be seen more often in later stories. The next side character will be Pitey, tomorrow. You know him from one page already.
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I loved this boy so much he will appear some more when Abe visits the Dream Realm.  So I think it's necessary and time to make a clear design for him. Inktober will be over after that but this doesn't mean that I'm done designing Characters for Abesome Life. There are so many side characters which are already appeared and so many who still will appear. For example Abes Family or T's old girlfriend and this strange dinosaur dude, who appeared several times in the Background.
Still so much to do and I was never so excited to make something. The Abesome World is growing more and more. I have so many One-Off pages I wanna do and several Side Stories. Abesome Life: Continue will come back, a big Dream Realm Special will come eventually and so much more Guys. And most importantly, Abesome Life Vol. 1 is almost done! I asked all of you to vote for your Top 3 pages. I'll evaluate the results and will start coloring the winners. Then I'll add some bonus content and in the end, you will get around 100 pages pure Abesomeness!!! Whatcha say 'bout dat?!
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