Laughing she shook her head pointing to the man. “You are so right. I see you at the clubs so much these days.” Teasing the demon she wondered how busy he was. What did he do so much he had no social life. “I think we will gain a bond different. Something that is strong in its own way. I want that. It’s all I’ve wanted. To have someone who cares about me deeply. He’s perfect.” Looking at Aladair the hound bit her lip. “It’s been many years since I felt this way. I came close with another here, but it didn’t work out. But Angus….I want it to work. He’s been there for me and I trust him with my life.”
Crown Point is a different world, very different from Hell. One of the differences come from the way the hellhounds interact. Here’s Violet, off to live what would be a normal life without the chaos of Hell’s wars and commands. Falling in love with someone to take care of her. So long as she’s treated well, Alasdair can only wish her well. “Well, allow me to extend the offer of protect to you if anything were to happen. While I’d like to trust that he’ll take good care of you, anything can happen these days. My door is always open.”
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Some devil gets into you, doesn’t it, boy?
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“There is an old tradition that should come to an end if the elders weren’t so heaven bent on keeping it alive.” he huffed. “How would I know, you are the first person I have met here..” he hummed, looking the other over. Letting out a heavy sigh, “But, without knowing who is here and only knowing what I am drawn to, I’d have to say I’d ideally like a male, preferably older, and preferably that has the capability of handling me if I get out of control, not taming the demon but talking it down. Why are you going to try and play cupid?” Slim chance, Freki’s previous ‘lover’ seemed to be the only one that could talk his demon down when things got too much for him.
“As the demon elder, I have to say I quite like the tradition and I suppose I’ll just have to continue on with keeping the tradition alive. There’s a natural order to things, the way they should be, and this happens to be it.” Alasdair tilted his head to the side as he considered the half demon in front of him. “Play cupid? Hardly. This isn’t a world of love, darling.” With a shake of his head, he slipped his hands into his pockets as he took a few steps back. “Perhaps I’ll come visit you in another week and see what’s changed. Maybe by then you’ll have learned that you’re only half a demon and learn your place.”
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“And yet we are still sent away to cells to rot when found, or treated like trash.” he sighed, looking the other over. “What other choice do I have? Who would even want me anyways?”
“There is a hierarchy. You’re not to rot away down here, that would be a waste for many.” Alasdair didn’t think anyone would want to clean that up. “Allow me to turn that around, who would you want to have claim you in a perfect world?” One they clearly did not leave in but color him curious.
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The boy sighed, shaking his head. “The other end to that tale is that I’d be at the beck and call of someone I do not know, or do not wish to know. Demons don’t attract good people, you should know that. We attack those who wish to tame a demon or those who wish to control one. Its rarely ever a good outcome for people like me. Add on the fact that I am a hybrid, well, you just have more reason not to trust those who may be interested.”
Demons don’t attract good people, that’s true. It happened on rare occasions, Alasdair could think of one particular person. “Hm, hybrid are only becoming increasingly more common,” he mused softly. “You’re another reminder of that.” Maybe it was a shift in the times. Granted, majority of hybrids were created not of natural means or good intentions. “If you do not wish for any of that, what is your goal? To sit in these cells forever?”
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{{ @aalasdair }}
Coming out of a meeting with one of his lovely and rebellious masters at the chateu Atlas wiped his hands clean before placing his hand on the others shoulder. “Know, with my deepest sincerity that I do not like having to babysit hm?” He half asked while the other cowered away and fluttered down the hall keeping their head down. Sighing a little, it was not the part of his job he liked. “Shit,” Atlas glanced down, the blood wasn’t going to come out of the new Armani suit jacket. Well, it might…one had to be resourceful. Just as he was headed back into the room he spotted Alasdair. It was as old as time, angels and demons their genuine lack of giving a shit about one another, however Atlas and Alasdair had known each other for what felt like an eternity. The demon had somewhat been there for the fallen angel and vice versa. But it wasn’t as the two got a long, persay. “Brother,” he nodded to the other, “What brings you around here? Fuck up with one of your claimed ones already? How many do you fucking have?” He chuckled.
Seeing Atlas was always that of mixed emotions. A part of him enjoyed the company of the other -- not that you would ever find Alasdair admitting to such a thing. More often than not he would rave about his frustrations and the overall annoyance of fallen angels as a whole. There’s history between the two of them. A long history that has found themselves some bit of common ground. “I’m hurt you would think I’d do such a thing. I value those I claim and I only have one at the moment. He’s enough of a handful for me at the moment,” Alasdair said with a chuckle. “But no, work actually brings me here. Apparently, for you as well.” He pointed to the blood on the suit. “You need more practice to avoid getting so messy. Hardly a job well done if you ruin a suit, now is it?” A teasing jab.
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“I can respect that.” Honestly the other two seemed to have far too many screws loose in their heads. But she also knew that not all demons were the same. They came in many different shapes, sizes, and forms of chaos. The thought alone of the first causes a far off look to dim her sweet expression. The things they did to her were truly unspeakable. She stiffens and shakes her head as if to rattle her brain to knock such thoughts loose and away.
“That particular demon tried to make me eat…dog biscuits.” Specifically those made for a hound. They tasted of death and burnt ash. She could hardly stand their taste, let alone stomach them as they were shoved into her mouth. And this was coming from someone who had eaten human hearts. Her wolf could surely be vicious when it went for the kill. “The other - well, I’d rather not discuss as I hope it never happens again. Are you the new elder?” As they were the only ones who could truly ever get anything done.
“Maybe I can sneak you a small bag of his soil - surely your plants will thrive then.” She smiles - this one finally reaching her eyes as excitement bubbles up within her at mentions of the greenhouse. “Yes, it’s in the back.” As she speaks, she put her notebook away and waves him back behind the counter so that she can lead him back there. “Just - try not to touch them.” She’s referring to the plants. “They can be a bit - shy toward strangers.” More like - temperamental.
Dog biscuits. It took far more effort than Alasdair would like to admit to not roll his eyes. Which one of them, he could only guess. There were many demons that he could list off who would likely try to do such a thing. For amusement? There are much better ways to get amusement. And much more fun people to play with. As for what other trials the poor werewolf could have gone through, he could only imagine. Perhaps if it had been a random werewolf from outside the city, it wouldn’t have mattered. But Kora belonged to Sidian and Sidian was important to the city. The last thing Alasdair wanted was for it to also end up involving Matthias.
“I am, in fact. A newly acquired title that I’m still attempt to get used to and sort out. Who knew there’d be so much paperwork behind it all,” he laughed softly. At the very least it finally gave him the eyes and ears he needed in the city.
Alasdair followed toward the back in the direction of the greenhouse. His interest is piqued and he can only imagine what has happened within the sanctuary. A witch’s domain. “I shall be cautious. I would hate for anything to happen to them.” Alasdair said as he stepped inside, an arm across his stomach as if to physically hold himself back. “Death likes to follow me, I’d hate to see these suffer the same fate as my own plants.”
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“i just… i don’t know… but i haven’t been what masters have been looking for i guess…” she huffed softly, her pout still on her lips. “yes… i’ve been working a lot… the guards have grown to be pretty nice to me too… which is nice…”
“it’s impossible not to be sweet on you dear,” alasdair assured celine. he couldn’t even find it in himself to be the slightest bit mean to her -- not unless she wanted him to do so. “you’re adorable and irresistible.” reaching out, alasdair ran his thumb along her bottom lip, the cute pout on her lips making him smile. “how could anyone say no to you?” he wondered curiously before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to forehead. “would you like to join me today?”
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“Within reason.” he murmured, “I’d have rules much like a genie, for instance, one of those favours can’t enquire for more favours. Nothing that would endanger myself or if I ever get claimed and god forbid end up liking them it can’t harm them.” he hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. “You are taking a risk though, I do not intend on getting claimed, sucking up to people isn’t a strong suit of mine.” he sighed, shaking his head.
“Rules?” Alasdair raised an eyebrow. “You hardly seem to be in a position to be making rule. You’d be mindful to remember your place at the moment. But I could ensure that no more favors would be asked and no endangerment to yourself. The last one, I may not be able to promise. If it benefits me, I’d take that risk.” It was impossible to tell who’d end up needing to be... dealt with at some point. “You have no intention of getting claimed? Are you content then with your position? That of a slave in the cells to be used at the whims and mercy of those who see fit?”
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Freki rose a brow, “Pass.” he sighed. He didn’t think anyone would want to claim him. “I don’t make deals that I don’t know what the price is.” he hummed, looking over the other. “Demons are notorious for overcharging for their services, and I don’t suck up to anyone.”
A smart one. Most people would take a deal without much thought about it and that’s how they’d end up regretting it. “All I’d want when that brand is gone would be the use of your witchcraft. Three favors, whatever I would need. You’d almost be a genie in a way.”
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“Oh - don’t look at me like that. I’ve been through worse. A few human rebels were nothing.” Granted Kora had still been branded. But even branded without her proper strength, she had her skills a quick mind. She might be small, underestimated, but she had learned quickly to use that to her advantage.
“I’ve met a few of your kind down there. - you seem - quite different. But that could very well be a facade. You demons are tricky like that.” She said, giving the pretty demon a once over again, painter fingers gestureing as if quietly judge him. “Some of them even like getting me confused with a hellhound.” Words held a bitter undertone but she was careful to keep her feelings in check.
“We are usually here together, but he had business with his elder. He usually spends most of his time in the greenhouse in the back. Would you like to see it?” Now that was Sidian true pride and joy.
Different. Alasdair wondered if that was something he could be proud of or if he should be worried. There were plenty of demons in Crown Point as of late but if there was anything he knew about his species it was the fact that they varied immensely. “I promise my behavior here is not a facade and I pride myself in being honest. I am a demon for a reason, but my... flavor of chaos is different than that of others.” He can’t help the smile as he watches her, wondering just what she’d pegged him as from their interaction.
“A werewolf and a hellhound are far different, I apologize if someone treated you in a manner meant for one of a hound than what you are. Do come find me if it happens again, please? I’d prefer to have that matter settled.” Besides, if Alasdair wanted the help of Sidian for more than just a charm, he saw the value in keeping Kora safe.
“There’s a greenhouse?” That piqued his interest. “I’d love to see it if he wouldn’t mind my intrusion. I’ve never been one to have a green thumb unfortunately. You’d pale at the sight of my plants at home, they’re all suffering and I can admit that I’ve tried my hardest.”
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Freki eyed the other at the offer, “What kind of price?” he asked, questioning himself on whether he could bring himself to trust a demon. But he was in need of finding someone to help him with control. “How will you help me if I have my brand stopping me from using my abilities?”
“Well your brand would be your issue to solve, might want to find a master or mistress who would be willing to lay claim to you.” Alasdair slipped his hands into his pockets. “Control doesn’t start with utilizing your abilities.” It would be too early for that. “So you’d have time to kiss up to someone. As for what I want from this arrangement, that would come in due time. I can’t reveal all my secrets just yet.”
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“So he’s a recluse like you huh.” She teased smiling at the man. It seemed there were many who disliked social life. Violet was not one of them. “He’s really great. A very gentle man and he listens and is very patient with me. I think the only downside is less of a down side and more of a fear you know? He’s not a demon so the bond most hounds and demons have isn’t there. And I guess in my head and heart I worry. He’s too good for me.” She looked at her glass giving a defeated laugh. “I fear I may be falling in love with this man. If that’s possible for me to do again.”
Alasdair pressed a hand to his heart, a mock gasp leaving him. “I am hardly a recluse! I’m just a busy man.” One who did have a particular knack for spending time with only those he preferred. But he’s been trying as of late to make connections and branch out. Most of the time for his own gain but what was wrong with that? “Ah. I can see how that might be a fear. The bond of a demon and a hound is very important. But perhaps you two can find a way to supplement it? Talk to the witches of the city. I’m sure they may be able to do something that would be similar.” It was a guess, but it was worth a chance. “Falling in love; however, that’s not a bond I can particularly help with. I can’t remember the last time I fell in love. Not entirely sure I’m capable of it anymore, not in the same manner that others talk about it.”
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“That is true. Personally mine gives me added comfort in this place. And it should for your claim as well.” Kora knew even with out the necklace around her neck Sidian would still find her, protect her - this just made things a hell of a lot quicker when this town practically had a target upon its back. “I was stuck in the middle of the rebels last attack - when all those bombs went off. If that is your reason, I’m sure you wont be disappointed.” And Sidian had found her then - found her here within the walls of this city. She hardly ever removed it, not even when she’d run from him.
“Ah -” A cheeky little smile spreads across her mouth and she tucks a stubborn strand of hair behind her ear. “You never met me down in the cells. Ask any guard - I was more than a handful.” Which she supposed now fell back upon Sidian and put him at constant risk with his Elder. “He isn’t.” Look at her defending her grumpy and spoiled witch. An improvement after recent events.
The look of surprise was genuine when she mentioned she’d been caught in the middle of the rebels last attack. It had been one that impacted the city heavily and Alasdair couldn’t have imagined being so close to everything. At least he could take comfort in knowing that Sidian would be able to provide him with what he was searching for and that it would work. If anyone could do it in this city, it’d be Sidian.
“You’d be surprised what being taken out of the cells can do for some in terms of behavior. I may be a demon, but I’m hardly what one would call cold-hearted. I can see how the cells would cause some to be... well... temperamental might be the word?” Alasdair stood up straight, his elbow needing a break and he opted for leaning against the counter with his hip. “Does he leave you to run the storefront often?”
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“Oh no? Your slave not one for people?” She wondered if the demon decided to claim a boy who preferred to keep to himself. Would make sense. Alasdair wasn’t one to be very social. “Yes he is very important to me. Without him I don’t think I would be as me as I am.” Nodding she understood what he meant. It has been awhile since things were calm around the city.
“I think he’d just rather be home, to be honest. He can be charming when he wants to be...” Alasdair had seen that a number of times even with a twist of sass to it. One of the many reasons he’d been drawn to Amadeus. “I’m curious, I might have to try to talk to Angus at some point and get to know him a bit more. I’ve been working a bit too much lately, I fear. Deals to do, souls to collect. I can’t really call it work when I enjoy doing it so much.”
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It was an interesting science - one Maverick didn’t know too much of himself but he was always eager to learn more. He knew of demons and their meatsuits - which made him wonder why Alasdair had chosen a more mature man over a more youthful one. “What made you want to be on the more mature side of the spectrum rather than youthful?” perhaps it was a little rude to ask but if they were on the subject of age it was fair game. Maverick couldn’t help but chuckle at the demons words, and shook his head. “It’s not judgemental in the slightest, it is the truth after all. Having a more youthful appearance does help for the tricks my kind likes to play. Not only do we look a bit more innocent but we attract more people to us generally.”
Alasdair pushed open the doors to the chateau and made his way in the direction of his car. “I’d had my fun being youthful and it didn’t seem to fit my personality. I’d gone back to hell for quite a bit of time before I came to Crown Point about... twenty years ago? I was still a bit indecisive when I first came. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in the city and more formal business... well, I wanted to look the part.” Alasdair stopped by his car and opened up the passenger side door for Maverick. “There certainly is something about being more innocent and youthful. Unfortunately for me, that tends to be my weakness when it comes to others.” Alasdair sighed. “How can you say no to a pretty face?”
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“…Pretty much. I suppose it could put a banshee out of a job.” Kora says with a quick wave of her hand, thinking of a particular guard. She is convinced the witch is merely fucking with her half the time but it does make for a good story to tell new customers. “Actually I think half the old shit in here has a malevolent spirit attached. So do be careful with what you touch.” Her words are spoken airily, but they do hold a warning as she watches the demon make his way toward her. Customer service hadn’t exactly been her forte.
“Oh - congratulations.” Because even though some may find her or her kind uncivilized, Kora does have manners. But shes still all too stiff standing there behind the counter. “I uh…” She briefly glances down, thinking about how to articulate her next words. “I should warn you that..it doesn’t always work.” At least - it hadn’t worked for her last time. “It they are anywhere that blocks a witches magic.” As she speaks she is jotting down what he needs.
She looks up as he leans in - the wolf can feel his eyes upon her and she feels her hear thump loudly within her chest. “Some would call him quite the idiot, but yes - I’m…his.” That isn’t something she is used to saying out loud.
"Noted. I suppose there isn’t a way around that. Although, if I’m not able to pick up where he would be, I could at least narrow down the options that way.” Keeping Deus safe would be a top priority. The magic of witches is useful in these situations but they’re not limitless. “I don’t think that should be an issue when it comes to the attacks. It’s the main reason I’m looking into getting such an item. While the rebels have been quiet for now, I don’t trust they’ll stay that way if history has anything to say about it.”
Alasdair sighed softly, but he couldn’t be entirely sad about the situation. If the rebels did attack again, it meant he’d get to get his hands dirty and Alasdair couldn’t say no to that.
“An idiot?” He questioned as his eyes found Kora once again. “Why would anyone call him an idiot? You seem like a lovely woman, beautiful.” He flashed a charming smile. “I would hardly call him an idiot.”
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