22 He/They digital artist #aalas draws commissions and requests open!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Hey. Spreading the word to tumblr, aka "I don't like this change so I WILL complain about it" personified.
Discord is bringing mobile ads in June 2025. They've officially announced this.
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"how do you tell the difference between a whippet and an italian greyhound" simple. look at it head on. if it looks like a dog it's a whippet. if it's making a face like you've just threatened it with a firearm, it's an iggy
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it's not glamorous, but it's also not honest work, and nobody needs to do it
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Pool # 27 - Ann Goldberg , 2016.
Canadian , b. 1970s
Oil on canvas , 30 x 48 in.
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México: Hallan posible sitio de matanza masiva en rancho de Jalisco
Familiares de desaparecidos descubrieron decenas de zapatos, montones de ropa y fragmentos de huesos humanos en un rancho remoto en Teuchitlán, Jalisco, que las autoridades estatales supuestamente habían investigado hace seis meses, exponiendo una grave omisión en la búsqueda de los más de 120,000 desaparecidos en México.
El rancho ubicado a 60 kilómetros al oeste de Guadalajara fue inicialmente descubierto en septiembre pasado por la Guardia Nacional, donde se presume era utilizado como base de entrenamiento para reclutas del cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación. Durante aquel operativo, se arrestaron 10 personas, se liberaron dos rehenes y se encontró un cuerpo envuelto en plástico.
Un grupo de búsqueda encuentra evidencias que autoridades pasaron por alto en propiedad usada como campo de entrenamiento del crimen organizado.
Tras recibir un dato anónimo, integrantes del colectivo Guerreros de Búsqueda de Jalisco visitaron el sitio la semana pasada y solo necesitaron empujar la puerta sin seguro para acceder a la propiedad. Con herramientas básicas como picos, palas y barras metálicas, realizaron el trabajo que supuestamente los investigadores estatales habían hecho meses antes.
Lo que encontraron avergonzó a las autoridades estatales y conmocionó a México: evidencias que sugieren múltiples víctimas que habían sido pasadas por alto. Familias de todo el país ya han comenzado a comunicarse tras reconocer prendas de vestir entre las pertenencias halladas.
Búsqueda ciudadana revela lo que autoridades ocultaron
El fiscal estatal de Jalisco, Salvador González de los Santos, visitó personalmente el rancho el martes y confirmó que los investigadores habían encontrado seis grupos de huesos, aunque no está claro a cuántas víctimas podrían pertenecer. No proporcionó detalles sobre por qué los investigadores no hallaron previamente lo que ciudadanos sin entrenamiento pudieron descubrir.
El gobernador de Jalisco, Pablo Lemus, anunció el miércoles que la Fiscalía General de la República asumiría la investigación, como solicitó la presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum. El cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación es la organización criminal dominante en el estado, y según la líder del colectivo Indira Navarro, este rancho servía como «sitio de entrenamiento y, aunque suene terrible, para exterminio».
Maribel, miembro del colectivo que pidió ser identificada solo por su nombre por razones de seguridad, expresó que muchas familias se han acercado para identificar prendas de vestir. «Lo que queremos es detener todo esto, las desapariciones», dijo fuera del rancho mientras observaban el trabajo de las autoridades.
La Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana emitió un comunicado expresando su preocupación por el descubrimiento, que señala una «omisión irresponsable» por parte de autoridades de los tres niveles de gobierno y otro signo del problema mayor de los desaparecidos en México.
via https://pachamamaradio.org/mexico-hallan-posible-sitio-de-matanza-masiva-en-rancho-de-jalisco/
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Vigilia en solidaridad en el Zócalo de la Ciudad de México hacia los 200 desaparecidos y asesinados en el campo de exterminio de Teuchitlán, Jalisco y hacia los +124,000 desaparecidos a nivel nacional.
Solidarity vigil at Mexico City's Zócalo towards the 200 missing and murdered in Teuchitlán, Jalisco's extermination camp and towards the +120,000 nationwide missing people.
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Rancho de Teuchitlán: el “centro de exterminio” del CJNG operaba desde 2018, pero el alcalde afirma que desconocían su existencia
La consternación en México por los hallazgos realizados en el Rancho Izaguirre aumenta con el paso de los días.
Desde principios de marzo, el país viene siendo estremecido por el goteo de informaciones sobre un centro empleado por presuntos miembros del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación no solo para reclutar y entrenar a jóvenes que se sumarían a sus comandos, sino también para asesinar a aquellos que se interpusieran en su camino.
La difusión de imágenes de cientos de zapatos, huesos calcinados, casquillos de bala y cartas de despedida en la finca localizada en una región agrícola de Teuchitlán, a una hora de la ciudad de Guadalajara, en el oeste del país, ha conmocionando a parte de la sociedad mexicana.
Sin embargo, la confirmación de que las autoridades policiales y militares encontraron el sitio a finales de 2024, pero que en ese momento no hallaron pruebas que les hicieran sospechar sobre la magnitud de lo ocurrido allí, y que hubiera que esperar meses hasta que una organización ciudadana diera con las evidencias, está provocando un acalorado debate.
Sin embargo, todo eso cambió a principios de este mes cuando los miembros de Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco, una organización civil conformada por familiares de desaparecidos por la violencia, ingresaron al terreno y encontraron restos óseos en fosas clandestinas e indicios de que los cuerpos habían sido calcinados.
"Dimos [con el lugar] porque teníamos varias llamadas anónimas… Y pues nos encontramos con restos calcinados, restos de cuerpos humanos calcinados en fosas", aseguró Indira Navarro, vocera de la agrupación y quien desde 2015 busca a su hermano, Jesús Hernán Navarro, desparecido en el estado de Sonora.
Lee el resto en BBC
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[Video description: a video showing the rubble of apartment buildings damaged or completely destroyed by bombing. End description]
This video was recorded by my dear friend, Hashem @hashembadr. He and his family are in northern Ghazzah, living in a home that has been bombed. Hashem's family consists of 26 people, including several children. Affording necessities like food, medicine, and clothing for all of them is very difficult, especially since Israel has cut off aid coming in to Ghazzah.

[Image Description: a collage of three images. The first two images are dated from December 20th, 2023. The first image shows Suham, a young girl with an injured arm, her head and arm covered in blood. The second image is an x-ray showing her broken bone. The third image is dated from March 10th, 2025. It shows Suham standing and holding her arm towards the camera. Her arm has a large scar on it. End description.]
On top of the family's basic survival needs, one of Hashem's nieces, Suham, needs surgery for her injured arm. Her arm was broken near the beginning of the war, and the bone healed incorrectly due to the lack of medical treatment. She needs surgery for her bone to be fixed, but it is very expensive.
Thanks to people's generous donations, Suham was able to recieve some doctors appointments and treatment. However, some of the donations has to be diverted to keeping the entire family alive. Hashem's family still needs £950 more to afford the surgery necessary for Suham's healing.
Hashem and his family need your support. They have survived a genocide, and they deserve help as they recover from all they have lost and endured. Suham needs surgery, and all the family needs food, clothing, and safety. Hashem needs this campaign to raise not just the £950 for Suham's surgery, but also more funds to make sure his entire family's needs are met.
Hashem is an incredibly hardworking and caring man, and he has been working so very hard to care for his family. Please, lend him your support as well so his family can get what they need. Share and donate! Your donations can help them heal and thrive.
Vetted #102 by @/gazavetters
@greed-the-dorkalicious @kordeliiius @fassohneboden2 @extremelycursedimages @commiekinkshamer
@sunset-synthetica @werewolfetone @legallybrunettedotcom @v1leblood @becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys
@evilponds @mothgirlthing @boy-and-girl-crazy123456 @hummerous @bugs-r-neat
@creatingblackcharacters @tamamita @boobieteriat @pitbolshevik @zigcarnivorous
@hecking-tired @ochrophyta@cripsycremecuckery @mercurysreal @caffeinated-reverie
@theultracharmingladynoire @bignightengineer @khudrang @m-an-u @rdx-dcm
@celadonwanderer @aces-and-angels @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @malcriada @guldaastan
@fullmusicbardsquared @cheonmaneechan @sundung @ihavenopeopleskills @thevvickerman
@angelsarecomputers @babybutchianthe @mailmiocuoredipietratremaancora @wetthandss @patriciavetinari
@hinenihineni @shygirlsrule @snailsinmybrain @mothprincess @ramshackledtrickster
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You won’t see this every day but making sure the system cannot proceed unless women have a seat at the table is the best possibly thing you can do in a place of privilege.
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Published in “Transvestia” magazine #38 (April 1966). I think original art could be by Bob Tupper.
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In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.

P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
EDIT: Well this got a lot of attention! I got a few users asking to print or repost my art and I am unimaginably grateful to everyone's interest, especially since it's a really simple drawing I made on a whim haha! Anyone who is looking to print these out to hang or hand out or repost on another platform is free to do so, although I ask you to credit me and let people know it's from my Tumblr profile! If anyone wishes to do anything else with my art or post and wants to clarify what I consent to then they can message me privately and I'll explain! <333 all my love to my queer siblings
EDIT: I made an LGBTQIA+ version with a focus on trans and intersex folks, it's on my pinned if you prefer this version of the acronym.
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In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.

P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
EDIT: Well this got a lot of attention! I got a few users asking to print or repost my art and I am unimaginably grateful to everyone's interest, especially since it's a really simple drawing I made on a whim haha! Anyone who is looking to print these out to hang or hand out or repost on another platform is free to do so, although I ask you to credit me and let people know it's from my Tumblr profile! If anyone wishes to do anything else with my art or post and wants to clarify what I consent to then they can message me privately and I'll explain! <333 all my love to my queer siblings
EDIT: I made an LGBTQIA+ version with a focus on trans and intersex folks, it's on my pinned if you prefer this version of the acronym.
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In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.

P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
EDIT: Well this got a lot of attention! I got a few users asking to print or repost my art and I am unimaginably grateful to everyone's interest, especially since it's a really simple drawing I made on a whim haha! Anyone who is looking to print these out to hang or hand out or repost on another platform is free to do so, although I ask you to credit me and let people know it's from my Tumblr profile! If anyone wishes to do anything else with my art or post and wants to clarify what I consent to then they can message me privately and I'll explain! <333 all my love to my queer siblings
EDIT: I made an LGBTQIA+ version with a focus on trans and intersex folks, it's on my pinned if you prefer this version of the acronym.
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