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An Eclectic Witch seeking her own path in this world.
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
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The Fair Folk
The Wild Hunt
When the winter winds blow and the Yule fires are lit, it is best to stay indoors, safely shut away from the dark paths and the wild heaths.
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
Things to Research Before Working with the Fae
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Research is the most important thing to do before heading into Faery work and witchcraft. You want to have a lot of in depth and versatile knowledge covering many areas of the topic so you’ll be able to understand and interact with the Fair Folk! If you don’t want to work with the Fair Folk you can use this list to help yourself understand them and take the proper measure if you ever stumble upon them. I know the list could go on forever but I’m compiling the topics I find build a good foundation of understanding. I have compiled this list to give those interested guidance and a push in the right direction, it is best you do your own research before asking other’s personal knowledge and opinions!!
The Basics
Terminology ( Fae, faery, fairy, changeling, seelie, unseelie, sidhe, etc)
The Origins of the Fae (Tuatha de Dannan, Aos Sí, Tylwyth Teg)
Faeries in Different Cultures: Celtic (Irish, Scottish, Gaulish, French), Norse, Influences from Greek and Roman culture.
Folklore & Myths!! ex. Oisin and Tír na nÓg , Fenian Cycle, Arthurian Legend. 
Celtic Gods, Goddesses & Heroes- strong influences and connections to the Fae
Types of Faeries (study diverse types from pixies,brownies, pooka to Kelpies, Bwbach and Red caps) *Make sure you can at least answer who, what and where about them.
The Otherworlds (Tir na Nog, Caer Arianrhod, Annwn, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, etc.)
Faery Landmarks (fairy tree, fairy ring, fairy hill)
Signs of the Fae
Sacred Trees and Plants (Hawthorn) 
Protection!! very important
*Bonus if you learn Celtic Culture
Getting into Working with Them
Connecting to Nature and the Land
How to Banish Faeries & Protect yourself, house, family, etc.
Faery Behaviour and Proper Etiquette
Proper Offerings, How to give an Offering
Animals associated with the Fair Folk and Why? (raven, deer, etc)
Faery Festivals and Holidays (Samhain, Midsummer, Beltane)
Why certain things offend them- iron, saying “thank you”,etc.
The Courts (Seelie, Unseelie, trooping fairies, solitary)
Setting up a Faery Altar
How to work with them in Rituals 
Faery Flowers, herbs and crystals
A proper and personal way to communicate with them!!this means developing psychic ability, tarot, meditation, signs, etc.
Hagstones, heptagram/faery star
Some Good Books :) 
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, by W. Y. Evans Wentz  
Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes 
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews 
Faery Craft by Morgan Daimler 
Celtic Mythology: Tales of Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes by Phillip Freeman
**if you have more topics, books or anything else feel free to add some!
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
How to Cast Spells That Work
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In her book Wicca for Beginners Thea Sabin says, “When you do a spell, you are telling the universe that you intend to bring about a certain change and you are putting the energy in motion to achieve that end.”
A spell is sort of an energetic shove to get things moving in the way you want them to, and we do this by creating a ritual to build and then release the energy to get things going.
Most spells are based on a principle called imitative magic.
In his book Backwoods Shamanism, Ray Hess says, “Imitative magic means that making a symbolic gesture, when combined with intent and will… can affect the intended change on a grander scale.” [Note: I don’t actually recommend this book, but I like Hess’s definition of imitative magic.]
So, for example, you may have heard of a “cord cutting” ritual, where you symbolically cut your spiritual ties to a person you no longer want to have a relationship with. You’re symbolically creating a separation between yourself and that person, which creates physical separation in real life.
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There are four basic components to any spell: your will, your intention, focused energy, and a ritual action. Some magical traditions add extra steps, like casting a circle, but from what I’ve read and been taught, these four basic components are constant no matter which tradition you’re following.
Let’s start with the most important bit: your will. Your will isn’t just what you want: it’s the desire and drive that is in alignment with your highest good. But in this case we’re also talking about will in the sense of willpower — Basically, your will is your personal spiritual authority and the source of your magical power.
Any spell that is not in alignment with your will won’t work. This is why it’s important to be clear about what you want and why you want it before you attempt a spell.
There’s also an element of belief here. Because magic only works when your spells are in alignment with your will, if you don’t believe your spell can work, it won’t. This is because you, yourself are blocking it from working.
The second important component of a  spell is your intention. When you do a spell, it’s important to clearly state what you want to happen. Some traditions will write the intention down on a piece of paper, which is called a petition. Other traditions will use a spoken statement of intention in the form of an incantation. Some witches use both.
You need to be clear about your intention before you begin your spell. Magic will always follow the path of least resistance, so it’s important to be specific. However, I find that magic works better when your intention leaves a little bit of wiggle room. It’s about finding that happy medium.
You also want to keep your petitions and incantations simple. If it’s more than a couple of sentences, you probably need to trim it down a little.
The next important part of a spell is focused energy. Magic is a way of directing energy, and this means that your own energy needs to be focused for it to work.
Don’t get too stressed out about focus. Your spell isn’t going to fail if your mind wanders for a few seconds. But you should set aside some time where you’ll be able to fully dedicate yourself to your spell. Try to find a private place where you won’t be interrupted. Turn off the TV, put your phone away, and try to avoid distractions. You might find that playing meditation music or burning incense helps you focus.
While you cast your spell, keep focusing on what it is you want to manifest. Again, don’t overthink this and don’t worry if your thoughts wander a little, but try to stay in the moment. Repeating your incantation can help with maintaining focus.
The last important part of a spell is your ritual action. This just means doing a specific set of things, in a specific order, with a specific intent behind them. If we go back to our definition of imitative magic, your ritual actions are symbolic of the change you want to manifest.
Your ritual actions do not have to be complex. A very common ritual for spells is anointing and lighting a candle. Making a charm or poppet is also popular. But any action can be a magical ritual if it is done with intent and focus, in alignment with your will. Making a cup of tea or coffee can be a ritual. Running a bath can be a ritual. Cooking food can be a ritual. The only limit is your imagination.
These four things are literally all you need to cast a spell. A spell doesn’t have to be complicated or include a bunch of crystals and herbs to work. You can do an effective spell with nothing but your own mind and body.
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
At work this morning I came across a patch of dew soaked grass and I remembered this article I read about how to collect dew! It’s traditionally used in glamours and other than that I’ve not looked into it. Either way, here you go, this is an interesting article and i will be looking for a dew collecting handkerchief or rag in the coming months ^_^ 
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
Uses for Moon Water 🌙
Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to make a post on the uses of moon water! 
Add a drop to lunar spell jars based on intent
Add to a bath for cleansing and relaxation
Rinse and cleanse your hair with it in the shower
Purify and use in consumable potions for enhanced psychic abilities, relaxation, protection, or dreamwork
Make a cleansing spray and use in your home
Sprinkle a few drops around the perimeter of your home or bedroom
Use to anoint and cleanse objects such as magickal tools or crystals
Use to anoint yourself before spellwork or divination, or simply to promote peace and relaxation
Use to charge objects with lunar energy
Water your plants with it
Add it to your water cup when painting to promote imaginative thinking 
Add a few drops to the washer before washing bedsheets to promote dreaming
Use as a representation of either water, the moon, or both on your altar
Combine with corresponding crystals or herbs for an added boost of energy
Fill a hollow pendant with it and wear it to represent the moon, a particular lunar phase, or one of its associated correspondences (protection, relaxation, enhanced psychic abilities, etc.)
Anoint a charm with moon water and carry it with you for protection, safe travels, or improved memory 
Tips & a few words of caution:
Always purify and filter your moon water before consuming
If you plan to add crystals to your moon water, use tumbled stones so they won’t break down in the water (especially if you plan to drink it)
If you do plan to consume your moon water, store it in the fridge to extend it’s shelf life
Don’t water your plants with cold moon water; make sure it’s lukewarm or at room temperature first
If you’re unsure on what kind of intentions correspond to lunar energy, check out the links below 
These are just some ideas on how to use moon water, but feel free to get creative! 
Moon Correspondences
Lunar Phase Correspondences
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
Water Scrying
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Water scrying is the art and practice of gazing into water to see the future or receive a vision. Water scrying is a great way for clairvoyants to develop their skills, but can also be done by anyone. -Mod J
To start, you are going to need a bowl or something that holds water. Preferably the bowl or water holding object should be a solid color inside so you don’t get distracted by patterns. Black, white, or a metal bowl are ideal because these are colors that are easy to gaze at for extended periods but any solid color should work.
Fill the bowl with water
Now set up your space. It helps to turn off the lights and have a candle or a few around the bowl giving some light but not close enough that you see the reflection in the water.
Now this is the hardest part, gaze into the water in the bowl and let your eye lose focus. Your vision might get a little blurry but try to fight the urge to look around and refocus your vision. After a while of doing this you might be able to correct the blurriness without losing focus on the water. Around this point when your gaze softens some kind of vision should appear in the water. It’s important to understand that what you see might be a real depiction of what your scrying for/about but it’s more common for you see symbolic images instead. Learning to translate these symbols takes some time and practice so keep working at it. Another thing to note is that you might feel like your mind is just making you see things in the water that isn’t there, and i guess on some level that is correct. The water it’s self isn’t what’s producing the vision, you are receiving because you asked to, and are using the water and bowl as tools to help perceive it.
Here are ways to help enhance your water scrying that i know of:
You can charge your bowl over night with tea made from certain herbs. I like to steep some mugwort and lavender in my bowl to charge it while i sleep and empty it in the morning.
You can a few drops of essential oils to your bowl while scrying, or before to help charge the bowl and water’s energy. The oily surface can also help keep you from getting distracted and gives your eyes something to focus on.
Another way to prevent distraction is to put a small crystal at the bottom of the bowl around the center. It gives you a fixed point to look at, but I’ve noticed for me that is often cut off some of the vision and everything will move around the crystal rather then appearing in the whole bowl.
Using your bowl for offerings. I find this helps charge and enhance my scrying bowl’s energy by putting offering in it when i work with other spirits and deities.
Sometimes it can also help to instead of building up the energy in the bowl do a cleansing and put some salt water in the bowl to soak.
You can also use moon water, sun water, or any magically enhanced water that might be specific to the type of reading you are doing. I find moon water is always good for all water scrying.
If you try water scrying and find it doesn’t work for you that’s alright. It’s not for everyone, and even those who do it regularly have off days where they can’t get anything to come through. So give it a few tries before you decide if it’s something for you. Good luck with your scrying! -Mod J
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
☕beverage magic/potions☕
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general ☕
potions 101  ✧  coffee magic  ✧  hot chocolate magic   ✧  infused water magic  ✧  general tea magic  ✧ floral tea magic  ✧  herbal tea magic  ✧ fruit tea magic   ✧ smoothie Potions   ✧ milkshake magic  ✧
tea potion recipes! ☕
Hamilton Nonstop Motivation Spell 
elixir of the wounded heart tea potion
death stranding bonds potion -  a potion be for strengthening bonds
“nuka-cola” potion -  a frosty potion recipe for emotional healing and positive disposition.
dog days are over - pop culture spell to bring happy days and self love
harry potter potions! ☕
veritaserum tea - a potion for spilling tea
polyjuice potion -  to help you take on the qualities of someone else 
felix felicis - pop culture spell to bring luck and confidence
amortenia tea - pop culture tea spell to bring or strengthen love
wolfsbane potion -  for when you find yourself transforming
pepperup potion -  for the common cold. not for serious problems.
draught of living death -  potion for peaceful sleep without dreams 
bioshock potions! ☕
murder of crows vigor potion -  a potion to summon fowl forces to protect you 
possession vigor potion -  a potion that distracts your enemies from you, and brings their ill-attention to one another instead 
charge vigor potion -  a potion that helps with those you tend to knock heads with, a magical aid to keep them at bay, or arm’s length. 
undertow vigor potion -  a potion that helps shift power of advantages to you, whether in magical or mundane issues, offers you tactical advantages 
shock jockey vigor potion -  a potion to stun enemies, and make them more susceptible to baneful magic with lightning elementals involved 
return to sender vigor potion -  a potion to help shield the drinker, and return any harm that is sent your way 
bucking bronco vigor potion -  a potion to help throw people off your back, and keep them away for some time
devil’s kiss vigor potion -  a potion that allows the drinker to cast a fire elemental on someone else (particularly a spurned lover)
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
protection spell
A simple spell to ward off danger from a loved one.
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What You Need:
A white candle
Pen and paper
Something that belongs to the person you are trying to protect (optional, but highly recommended
The Spell:
Light your candle and write the name of the intended person on the paper.
Focus on that person as you chant:
Dancing flame in front of me Keep this person safe as can be Protect (her/him/them) from any harm Keep (her/him/them) safe, keep (her/him/them) warm
Put the paper to the flame. Envision the warmth from the flame protecting the intended person, like a forcefield from harm.
If you have an object of theirs, hold it to you as the paper burns, breathing your energy into it.
Once the paper has burned completely, blow out your flame, and thank it for its warmth.
You may reblog, but please do not repost.
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost, Part 2
Family/Loved Ones Protection Jar
Quick Protection Spell
Full Moon Protection Spell
“I Send You Safety” Spell
Knitting Spell (For Protection)
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness Spell
Ritual To Protect Loved Ones
“This Person Is Under My Protection” Sigil
“This Person Is Safe & Happy” Sigil
“My Significant Other Is Happy & Safe From Harm” Sigil
“My Child Is Safe From All Harm” Sigil
Pet Protection Spell Jar
Pet Protection Spell Bottle
Pet Protection Spell
Pet Protection Spell
Protective Chant For Dogs
Protective Chant For Cats
Cat Protection Bag
Cat Blessing/Protection Spell
Animal Blessing Spells
Animal Protection Spell
Animal Candle Protection Spell
“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian
“Always Come Back To Me” Spell
“My Dogs Will Be Safe and Happy” Sigil
Pet Protection Powder
Protection Against Nightmares
Protection During Sleep
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Ghost Nebula Protection In Sleep Spell
Protection While Travelling
Jar Spell for Safe Travels
Protection For Travellers Spell
Roadtrip Protection Charm
Empath/Emotional Protection
Calcified Heart Spell
Empath Protection Jar
New Job Protection Pouch
Corvid Safety Spell
Emoji Spell for Protection Against Extreme Weather
Cleansing & Protection from Mind-Altering Spells
Dragon’s Bite Powder
Sweeping Powder for Protection & Energy
Dark As Night Protection Powder
Anti-Curse Powder
Archer’s Protection Powder
Protection Powder Recipes
Fire Salts
Black Salt
Empath Protection Oil
Demonwitch’s Hellcat Oil
Flying Devil Oil
Moon-Infused Protection Water
Storm Witch’s Ward Water
War Water
Circles, Shields & Wards
Casting a Circle for Beginners
Methods of Casting Circles
Personal Shielding
Basic Protection
Keeping Yourself Protected
The Basics of Wards & Warding
A Crash Course In Warding
Top Ward Mistakes I
Top Ward Mistakes II
Threshold Magic 101
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
The Rowan Cross
Grass Charm
Hag Stones
Moon Snails
Protection Wreaths
Protection Chimes
Elemental Protection Charms
Folklore Charms for Home Protection
Tech Magic
Turning Your Wifi Into Wards
How to Anti-Taglock Pictures of Yourself
Simple Email Protection Spell
Technomagic Ward
Cyber/Tech Protection Ideas
A Basic Guide to Servitors
An Introduction to Servitors
How to Create a Protective Servitor
Spell and Meditation for Calming, Serenity and Peace Within Self
“Warrior of Light” Guided Meditation (YouTube)
Protection Correspondences
Protection Correspondences
Quick Protection Magic Reference Guide
[part 1]
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
Happiness Spell Jar
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I made this jar to bring happiness, health, and luck to me and those I care about since we’ve all been going through a rough time, especially with our mental health. Here’s what I put inside!
1) full names of those I wanted this jar to affect. I visualized their faces as I ripped up their names and put it on the bottom.
2) Rosemary (healing, love, lust, improved memory, dispelling negative energy, cleansing, warding off nightmares)
3) Sea salt (cleansing, purification, banishing, protection)
4) Coffee grounds (grounding, peace of mind, dispel negative thoughts, overcome unhealthy emotions, energy)
5) Parsley (protection)
6) Sugar (happiness, love, luck)
7) Cinnamon (success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, prosperity) 
This step is optional but I sealed it with an orange and cinnamon scented white candle and kissed it to charge! (cinnamon’s properties were already mentioned and orange is for: adaptability, changes, control, encouragement, energy, healing, luck, strength, love).
You can always use a kiss to seal it and charge it if you don’t have access to candles.
Another optional thing you can do is focus on the jar and your intent and chant something, or play a song that makes you happy.
Use what you can, your jar does not have to have everything I use! It’s your magic, do what you can!
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
Happiness Spell Jar
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I made this jar to bring happiness, health, and luck to me and those I care about since we’ve all been going through a rough time, especially with our mental health. Here’s what I put inside!
1) full names of those I wanted this jar to affect. I visualized their faces as I ripped up their names and put it on the bottom.
2) Rosemary (healing, love, lust, improved memory, dispelling negative energy, cleansing, warding off nightmares)
3) Sea salt (cleansing, purification, banishing, protection)
4) Coffee grounds (grounding, peace of mind, dispel negative thoughts, overcome unhealthy emotions, energy)
5) Parsley (protection)
6) Sugar (happiness, love, luck)
7) Cinnamon (success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, prosperity) 
This step is optional but I sealed it with an orange and cinnamon scented white candle and kissed it to charge! (cinnamon’s properties were already mentioned and orange is for: adaptability, changes, control, encouragement, energy, healing, luck, strength, love).
You can always use a kiss to seal it and charge it if you don’t have access to candles.
Another optional thing you can do is focus on the jar and your intent and chant something, or play a song that makes you happy.
Use what you can, your jar does not have to have everything I use! It’s your magic, do what you can!
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
A Spell to protect your Secrets
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        This spell was created with the intention of use by those who want to cast an aura of protection and privacy around themselves and their craft. This could be anyone from a beginner who is still in the witches closet or someone who has neighbors who eavesdrop! It is hard to focus your intents when you have a creeping feeling someone is watching, or someone might bust into your room mid-spell… :D
You will need: 
one black candle
If you do not have ‘one black candle’ you will need:
one ‘not black’ candle
“May these walls keep my secrets 
May the Moon watch my back,
May the light of this candle 
Protect me and my craft.
Let no wondering eyes see
Or unwanted creatures hear,
The Magic that goes on
Beyond the veil of this candle near.”
Feel your intent grow and visualize the aura of the candle surround you and your room or area of practice. Recite this as many times as you need to feel fully aware and protected. Blowing out the candle will silence the spell!
Note: I like to set me candle in a lantern for this spell and put it next to my window. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but the lantern will protect it from the wind! (The photo above is my lantern and candle!) I also prefer to use a black candle for this spell for the symbolism of black representing protection and the veil of secrecy, although it isn’t 100% necessary. 
If you have any questions or ideas let me know!
May Hestia bless your Heart and Hearth~
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
To Wane One’s Worries
“As the moon wanes, so does my worries; All fears and troubles fade into night. What vexes me shall vanish, Like the moon’s weakening light. “
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
Instructions for ““Good Beginner Spells...”
A lot of you guys have asked me for these spells so I’m finally posting them all! If you have any questions about them, feel free to message me so we can talk. I promise I’m going to be a lot more active nowadays so I’ll be available pretty often! 
Protection Spell: Circle of Salt
What You’ll Need:
- salt
- conncentration
- a full moon 
Spell Steps:
1. When you have your salt ready, go outside of your home preferably on a Full Moon, and start at your front door.
2. Move in a clockwise motion (we call this deosil), from your front door around your house, and slowly sprinkle salt around the perimeter of your home. Take care not to pour salt on any ornamental plants and avoid grass as much as possible.
3. While you are doing this, state out loud “pure salt protect this home and all who reside here. Keep out those who seek to harm, protect us from negativity, anger, and fear.” You’ll also want to actively visualize a circle of protection around your home as you do this.
4. Repeat this phrase and continue to circle the house in salt until you end up where you started - at the front door.
5. Next, say out loud “this house is protected from negative energies and forces. So mote it be.”
Love Spell: Herbal Bath of Love
What you’ll need:
- a quiet and undisturbed time - Lavender and/or rose petals - candle(s) and candle holder/plate - relaxing music (helpful but not required)
Spell Steps: 
1. Set the mood by drawing a hot bath and adding a bit of the herbs of your choice directly to the bath or inside of a bath sachet. Light a candle and set in a safe place. Turn on relaxing music.
2. Enter the bathtub and lay back. Breathe deeply and slowly. Visualize all of your worries and cares melting off of you.
3. Let the music and the bath be the only two things that concern you in this moment.
4. When you’re ready, visualize a sphere of white light encircling you in the tub. This is your cast circle. At this point, you can also invite your goddess into the circle.
5. Next, visualize the type of love you are looking for in your life. Visualize yourself laughing and playing and flirting with your dream man or woman.
6. Once you’ve held the vision of your dream love in your head for a few minutes, say these words or similar: “I draw to me a pure and sweet love. One that will benefit me and my soul’s journey. To the benefit of all and to harm none.”
7. Repeat this phrase at least 3 times but up to thirteen times. When complete, state “so mote it be.”
8. You may stay in the bath as long as you’d like. Release the circle when you are ready by visualizing the sphere fading and the energy from within moving into space to perform the work that is required to draw love to you.
9. After your herbal bath of love, continue to intermittently visualize your dream love’s image and tell yourself and the universe “I am worthy and ready for a pure and true love in my life.”
Success Spell: Candle of Power
What You’ll Need:
- yellow votive candle
- candle holder or plate
- matches or lighter
- a knife or pin (for carving)
- New, Waxing, or Full Moon
Spell Steps:
1. Cast a circle (you can message me if you’re unsure how to do this, or see the herbal bath of love spell above - step #4).
2. Using your pin or knife, carefully carve a symbol of success onto the sides of your candle. This can be the money sign, a rune of your choice (research online ahead of time), or any type of symbol you feel represents success.
3. Light your candle.
4. Focus on the flame of the candle. Visualize yourself with success in whatever arena of life you desire. See yourself with your mind’s eye in this successful position. Believe it.
5. Watch the flame dance and flicker for as long as you’d like.
6. Release your circle, but allow the candle to continue burning until it has burned itself out (be sure to stay in the room with the candle so it doesn’t light anything on fire. Safety first!)
7. Once the candle is burned out and the wax has cooled, keep the wax in a bag or container of some kind in a safe place.After your spell and as often as you remember, tell yourself and the universe “I am successful. I am worthy. I am powerful.”
Health Spell: Healing Hands
What You’ll Need:
- an open heart and mind
- your hands
Spell Steps:
1. Clear your mind from worries and concerns. Ask that ONLY the highest beings of the universe aid you in this process.
2. Place both of your hands on your head, chest, stomach or wherever you feel called to place them.
3. Imagine the pure, loving energy of the Universe entering your crown chakra and flowing through your body and down through your arms and into your hands.
4. Then visualize the energy flowing freely from your hands and into your body where you need healing most.
5. Allow the energy to flow for as long as you feel is necessary.
Intuition Spell: Increase My Dreams Sachet
What You’ll Need:
- a small muslin or cotton bag with drawstring (you can create your own with a square piece of fabric and string/yarn if you don’t have a bag)
- loose-leaf dry herbs: mugwort, wormwood, lavender, and rosemary (if you only have access to one of these, use mugwort)
- a journal or notebook to write down your dreams
Spell Steps:
1.Cast your circle.
2. Open your small bag and place a pinch of mugwort into the bag. While doing this, state these words or some similar: “with these herbs, I increase my dreams and therefore my intuition. I open my third eye.”
3. Repeat step 2 for each herb you place into your dream bag.
4. Tie up the bag and hold it in the palms of your hands. Close your eyes and imagine your third eye opening.
5. When you feel it is time, state “so mote it be”.
6. Release your circle.
8. Place this dream sachet beneath your pillow, in your pillowcase, or under your mattress beneath where your head lays.When your dreams start coming freely, write them down in your journal. This helps in dream recall and will give you a reference to study later.
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
The Adonis Charm - a charm spell for dispelling dysphoria and bringing confidence for Transmen.
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*Written for Pride Month*  Find the Venus Charm for Transwomen Here! 
Needed: - Something to charm of your choice (watch, binder, shoes)  - Blue Candle - Topaz - Amber - Maple Leaves  - Salt - White Sharpie or Paint (Or a carving tool).  - String of some variety. 
Steps:  - Gather your ingredients, and find a space to work in.  - On your candle, draw, paint or carve the symbol for male on/into your candle. - Light your Candle.   - You’re going to create a bundle using your leaves and string.  - Gather your Topaz and amber together, and set them on top of one or a few of your leaves.  - Sprinkle a little salt in.  - If you can add the item your charming in, do so. if you cant that’s okay. - Wrap everything together in your leaves, and use your string to bind it all together.  - If your couldn’t put your item in, Set the bundle with your item.  - Bring it all near your candle and focus the energy you are aiming to imbue it with.  - Leave it all together overnight, but blow out the candle before you go to bed.  - In the morning, retrieve your charmed item and wear it as needed to dispel dysphoria and bring confidence. 
- Aesa <3 This is my original spell. Please do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not. 
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
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Freeze: A general ice binding
A basic binding spell my grandmother taught me. She called them hex jars, but Ive foind the effects to be better suited to a binding.
You will need:
A jar with lid
A taglock, even if its just their name on a piece of paper
(OPTIONAL) vinegar, “for a taste of their own”
How to:
Place taglock in jar.
Add water and if desired vinegar. Remember to leave space for the ice to expand as it freezes. I generally only fill the jar ¾ full.
Focus on the aspects of your target you want to bind. Add your energy to the jar.
Seal the jar and freeze it. As long as it stays frozen your target shall be bound.
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a-twisting-path · 5 years ago
To Slow Down a Situation
When things are happening too fast and you feel that life is running away with you it is possible to slow down things, for this we use the power of Saturn and his control of time coupled with the idea that something is frozen it allows us time to thing and consider our actions, We simply make use of every day articles which as easily available.
You will need. 
Black Pen and Ink
Your Freezer 
The Spell 
On the front of the paper either write a few words about, or draw a representation of, the situation you feel is moving too fast. On the back of the paper draw a few symbols for Saturn.Pop the paper into the freezer or ice making compartment and leave it until you feel you can handle your problem again.Tear the paper into small pieces and flush it away or burn it safely. 
This spell is similar to “Freeze out” except that we use the power of Saturn, the Roman god of Time and agriculture. By using the freezer we are bringing this spell up to date and utilizing the idea of solidifying something rather than allowing it to flow. 
Many Blessings.
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