A Second Chance (Hiatus)
120 posts
This is a Henry Stickmin AU based off of the Valiant Hero ending. However, Charles survived, and ended up joining the remaining Toppats. Ask Box open. Page run by @BrightStar2000
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
a-second-chance · 1 year ago
Dropping this little thing for all my old Henry Stickmin blogs.
None of them are cancelled, before anyone panics, but it has been a long while since i updated them. And no, this isn't me saying i'm returning to them. I still don't know when i will.
It has, however, been long enough now that i forgot some of the plans I had so it'd require some rebuilding for some of them. My interests are just elsewhere. Haven't entirely left the fandom, but it did have some bad memories for me. I won't bring them up though.
Anyways, while i have left these blogs for a while, I am active on tumblr again. If anyone is still around on these, and still wants to see my work, my art blog is @brightsstar. That blog was also my old "ask-charles-calvin" blog. I post art as well as updates to my current projects pretty frequently. Not Henry Stickmin related though. Even if you don't want to follow, and just stop by, thank you. And i apologize to the people who may've been waiting for more stuff on those blogs. Thank you so much for your patience, but i honestly don't know when i'll go back to continue them, or if i decide to change things. Bye now!
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a-second-chance · 2 years ago
Wow, a little update!
I've decided asc will be rewritten, and finished on ao3, but sometime after my current story, Rising Eclipse, is finished. I can't promise it will be soon after it, i'm not sure when, but i think it will be a lot easier to do in the end. This page is still for art, questions, and other stuff. Thank you to those that have been sticking around this long
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a-second-chance · 2 years ago
hey you alive there charles, Rhm, And Reginald if so how do you do? ))
Reginald: "Yes, we are fine. Just quietly waiting for our story to continue. The author is still on the fence about what to do with it."
Right: "Yea, she's still tryin' to decide whether to continue it in the way she 'as been, or if she's goin' to write out the rest on AO3."
Charles: "but no worries, we're still here. We're not going anywhere. Author's also focused on a more recent thing she's making, but she will come back around soon, or hopefully soon."
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a-second-chance · 2 years ago
I'm almost thinking of rewriting ASC as an AO3 fic, which may change this blog to just be relative works for the story itself, like arts, fanarts (if they come in), mini comics, etc. Please, i need some honest feedback on this idea. I mainly want to do this to exercise some writing skills, and even like the past, choices will still heavily influence the direction the story takes. This could also open opportunities to write the alternate paths, maybe even a fail here, and there to stay true to the whole Henry Stickmin concept.
The ask part of the blog will remain as is. I don't want to leave everyone hanging, especially since it has been well over a year since the last actual update, which i feel bad about leaving it at that, but other hyperfixations got in the way. Writing it may also be easier on me than drawing the whole thing out. I don't ask for feedback often, but please, how does everyone feel about me taking this approach to help finish the story? Maybe i could rewrite the beginning part as a sample to show what i can do.
Writing it will also allow me to make some changes to improve the original concept. As i said before, everything, at least from the start was shared on impulse, and was just the literal rough draft of said concept.
I still heavily appreciate everyone who has stayed here, patiently waiting for me to continue it. I love you all, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I promised i wouldn't abandon this story, and i am still sticking true to that promise.
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
Thank you so much! Sorry again for no comic updates in a while, but i love this!
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2022 2020 Two Years Difference!! Wow It has been a long time, I hope everyone got though it all okay! Redrew The Second Chance Art piece and I could not be happier about the improvement! Thank you for the amazing story you have created for us! @a-second-chance We appreciate you <3
The King Has Returned. ;)
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
Reposted here because it does regard ASC. As explained above, the comic is a disaster, and led to the burnout i currently have. Still not cancelled! Just slow, and my focus is elsewhere as stated i'm working on a "Moon's Daycare" AU, which is a fnaf sb au.
I plan to start drawing out Moon's Daycare soon, but i'm making a rough draft version so i know what to use, not to use, and what to possibly change. Basic story is all planned out, just need to figure out what will work best so it won't turn into a disaster like A Second Chance did.
Yea, i said it. ASC is a disaster cuz the whole comic, or, at least the beginning was done on a whim, and done on impulse. Barely any planning went into the first part, and it was the first stuff i just drew based on the concept idea i originally had. I needed to plan that better. It's better planned out now than it was, but it's still not my main focus right now, and i had to twist things to make it work with the rough draft, which is literally what i posted over there. I'm also going to repost this over there since it does regard ASC. Still, i thank everyone over there for the support while i've been quiet.
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
Hey Reginald, what made you want to be leader of the Toppat Clan? Or did things just wind up with you in charge after Terrence?
Reginald: We had to overthrow Terrence. I led the charge. He was a horrible leader, and put us all at risk more times than i can count. He's been a danger to the clan for months, so we did what we had to do for the good of the clan.
(No i'm not exactly back, but i figured i would answer this. Thanks for the like spam -Bright)
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
Is anon magic allowed mod bright?
Yes, just nothing too extreme, and it will not apply to, or effect the main story. I have the whole thing planned, just finding the motivation to do it is hard when i've got a new hyperfixation at the moment.
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
If everyone was saved, how cramped is the bsse now?
They only got 5 of their members out to begin with. Specific ones that can rebuild the base before they go after the rest of the clan. Reginald carefully planned it this way for the best possible chance at success.
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
Happy 1 year anniversary to A Second Chance!
Tonight, exactly a year ago, I made this au, and the blog to go with it. I know it's been slow, but it has been quite a ride. Thank you all for joining me on this journey, and while it still will be staggering for a while, i will upload the next part of the story when i finish it.
I have plans to make something for tonight, but i will be a bit busy for the next few hours. I already planned what i want it to be. Have a safe night everyone, and Happy Halloween!
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
For anyone who hasn't noticed, my ask boxes are open again. I apologize if anon asks are still off, i only have the mobile tumblr app to work with.
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
There's a new hacking bot tactics. Please be careful not to get hacked if you get a message:
"Hi, <blog name>! Did you ask me to send you this video?" And below is some low resolution video of a... lady.
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Please don't click on it, please don't answer it, please be careful and tell your friends to beware you can get hacked this way and lose your blog.
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
I figured i would say, if you want updates and stuff a bit more frequently, please follow my main blog @brightstar2000. Occasionally i post teasers, and other stuff on it too. A Second Chance is not cancelled by the way, just my interests moved elsewhere for now. I'll post deltarune stuff on it, but again, some teasers and stuff for my aus will pop up from time to time. I just don't want people thinking i'm dead, or abandoned my aus because I haven't. I just will post other types of content for a bit.
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
Another pfp update because i can never settle on a single pfp for long periods of time-
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a-second-chance · 3 years ago
Nothing really big yet, but.. this is some concept art, and a redraw of said concept. Wonder what led to this? That's for whenever we get there.
Redraw is on the left
Original is on the right.
Images passed the cut because it's a potential spoiler! You have been warned.
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a-second-chance · 4 years ago
Hey Charles… I uh.. don’t wanna be a pain but… maybe you should call Henry… before you start at me right hand man hear me out:
Henry thinks Charles is dead. He only joined the Government in Charles’s memory… I know you may hate Henry right hand man but no one should have to live their life thinking their best friend is dead… please.
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a-second-chance · 4 years ago
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Thank you so much everyone! I'm still very sorry for the slow updates, but thanknyou all of you for sticking with me, and i will try updating more frequently! Again, thank you you so much!
I personally never expected this to get very far in all honesty, and i still am amazed it has with how slowly i update it. I'm thankful that all of you seem to be enjoying this. I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for all of you, so just..
Thank You~
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