88strikes · 1 year
If Someone Asks
If someone asks me, "how does it feel to celebrate your loved one's birthday?", I'd show him the picture of you sleeping. Peaceful, it feels peaceful. Even if we're on wars, even if the next second we know the world's gonna crumble, it'd still be peaceful to celebrate my loved one's birthday.
My loved one, it's you.
"Your day is with me," that's how I'd whisper to you as I caress your small and cold back. Baby, I would never trade any of my time with you. Anything. With you.
Because if someone asks me why, I'd just show them my camera roll; of how you were smiling with the stain of chochips on your white shirt and you just realized that, of how you were standing and waiting patiently for your cotton candy, of how you were giggling looking at your Iron Man drawing, of how you were giving me a pout and insisting not to be captured, of how you were.. are.. very lively.
Lively. How lively my loved one is.
The interwined fingers at night prayer are the only things to witness how I were desperately pleading for your happinees and I said, "God, please give my loved one the joyful life he deserves."
Then, The Almighty smiles.
It will be granted, I believe it will be granted.
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88strikes · 1 year
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Happy birthday, universe.
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88strikes · 1 year
Ezra and his new lovers.
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There are something about the way he's excitedly talking about his new betta fish. His small lips turned into slope of paradises, his eyes turned into the most beautiful pair of rainbows under the dim light, his tiny hands shone when he was holding two plastic bags with his new lovers within.
I could watch him forever, like this, like he's the center of my universe. I could watch him ambling and humming, echoing across the room.
I love him. I know I love him, and I always realize that. But there are something about the way he's excitedly talking about his new lovers.
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88strikes · 1 year
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88strikes · 1 year
I will love you in all my madness, and in all my fragile moments of sanity. I will love you from the cracks of my brain, and so wholly from the heart you healed.
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88strikes · 1 year
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