800-ug · 4 years
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800-ug · 4 years
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January 25 — Happy National Bubble Wrap Day!
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800-ug · 4 years
“Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.”
— Steve Maraboli
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800-ug · 4 years
“If someone doesn’t care to accept you, respect you, believe in you, don’t hesitate to move on and let them go. There are many who love and appreciate you just the way you are.”
— Amaka Imani Nkosazana
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800-ug · 4 years
“I hate myself for ever wanting you.”
— fuck you.
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800-ug · 4 years
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800-ug · 4 years
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800-ug · 4 years
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800-ug · 4 years
I really be breaking my own heart expecting to get what I give
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800-ug · 4 years
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800-ug · 4 years
What if I never get over what you did to me?
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800-ug · 4 years
“Life is too short to be with someone who doesn’t make your whole body sing with happiness. Life is too short to give the wrong person a chance. And it’s too damn short to stay with someone who hurt you because you’re alraid you won’t find love again You will. And that love will be even better.”
— Marisa Donnell
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800-ug · 4 years
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800-ug · 4 years
If they make you beg for their attention: they’re not interested in you, they’re interested in feeding their ego & exerting control.
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800-ug · 4 years
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via weheartit
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800-ug · 4 years
I let you do this to me, it’s all my fault. I brought this on myself and I don’t think I have the right to complain. So I’ll suffer in silence.
I deserve this.
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800-ug · 4 years
No matter how good someone is to you it doesn’t mean they’re meant to stay. If they’re not meant for you, stop forcing it. It’ll only cause more heartache and tears. The harder you try to make it work, the more it will hurt when you have no choice but to let go.
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