PORTRAITS - ten (1)
minors do not interact
genre: nct x reader named Ellie ( bc i hate y/n)
pairing: multiple nct memebrs throughout the series x reader
series warnings: minors do not interact : please let me know if i missed any ( warnings for the specific chapter will not be crossed out): swearing, violence, drugs and alcohol, explicit sex scenes, toxic relations, cheating, toxic family,
wc: 1.3 k
description: she drew 23 portraits of the 23 boys that she worked with. each portrait held a story of her impression of the boy in question. she had absolutely no idea what the universe had in store for her.
note: lucas is in this fanfiction, if you are uncomfortable with that please do not read. minors do not interact
prologue | ten | lucas
link to my masterlist
one year later
your head ached from the feeling of it being slammed into the hardwood floor of the practice room. you could have swore it bounced when it made contact with the force it came down with. you tried to push yourself up onto your elbows, but were pushed gently back onto the floor by your shoulders.
"don't move, you could be really hurt," jeno mumbled quietly to you as you began to look around at the seven other faces that were peering over you with concern.
"i just fell, hard i might add, but I'm okay," you tried to push yourself up again, and this time you met no resistance. jeno sat back onto his heels.
"are you sure you don't want to go see a doctor or something?" jaehyun asked you, his tone almost sounded like he was bored. you couldn't tell if the look on his face was concern, or if he was annoyed.
"i'll be fine, i just supervise anyways," you clamber to your feet with a slight chuckle. jeno offering an arm for support as you made your way to the edge of the practice room where you generally sit. leave it to your clumsy ass to make a fool of yourself.
it wasn't until you were sat down and comfortable that jeno went back to the rest of the group to continue learning their choreography. you pulled the sketch pad from your bag, and used your propped up legs a table. you looked at what you had gotten done so far and smiled lightly. It was more than you had previously remembered.
you had began the lengthy process of drawing each member of nct almost as soon as you had gotten settled in your job. your boss had pretty much left you to your own devices when you arrived, and pretty much assigned you to make sure the boys were doing what they were supposed to be doing. he didn't care much about what you actually did, so you started to draw out of boredom, starting with ten.
when you first saw ten in person, the first thing you noticed as most people do, was his big toothy grin when he meets new people. his teeth are so perfect. following his wide smile, was his perfect nose. it sloped in such a perfect way. you would argue with anyone that he had the best side profile on the planet.

drawing him was a pretty effortless task, as you learned that drawing some of the members would be much more challenging. but ten, he would often sit cross legged in front of you during breaks and before practice started. he didn't know that you was drawing him, but he made the perfect model; perfectly still.
ten was so unbelievably easy to talk to that you two because best friends within a few short days of knowing each other. he would sit and talk about anything and everything while you sketched the perfect lines of his face. you finished his portrait within a week and a half of starting, and it turned out beautifully.
you looked down at the rough outline of the next member you had decided to draw, and scrunched your nose up at the wonky angle you had drawn in an attempt to define his jawline, you erased it and tried again before settling on it. you tried to draw for a few more minutes before casting your sketchbook aside and sighing. drawing just wasn't in your favor today.
mark came over to you on their first break, and squatted in front of you. you were suspicious from the start because you guys never spoke much. it wasn't much of a surprised when you had to swat his hand away hastily when he tried to reach for your sketchbook. it wasn't the first time he's tried to snag it. He furrowed his eyebrows at you, seeming overly annoyed today.
"what's in that stupid thing that is in need of so much protecting?" he asked in a tone that was almost hurt, but more so annoyed.
"i'm not protecting it, i just don't want anyone seeing it," you mumbled as you slipped the book back into your bag. "i'll show you when I'm ready to."
"you have been saying that since that book appeared. could you at least tell me what is in in? stories? lyrics? drawings?" he asked and you felt your cheeks heat up as he said drawings. you wasn't super secure in my artistic abilities, it was just something you have always enjoyed doing.
"my lips are sealed," i looked at him apologetically as he got up and walked away rolling his eyes. he walked harder than he usually would causing his footsteps to echo slightly through the practice room.
ten, johnny and jeno were watching you and mark from across the room before he stormed off on you. you watched him leave the room, and rolled your eyes at his behaviour. it wasn't the first time he tried to figure out what you was doing in your book, but you were worried they would find it strange that you have been drawing them this whole time. you didn't want anyone thinking it was creepy.
"you let him get to you too much. don't," johnny said as they crossed the room to you. you looked up towards johnny as he pulled your attention away from the door.
jeno sat beside you and pulled you in close to him. you rested your head against his shoulder as you watched the others fool around with the choreography. they all smiled and laughed, and it made me grin. everyone here had such contagious smiles.
"i don't let him get to me. he reminds me too much of my brother," you felt your smile falter as you said this. ten studied my face.
"i didn't know you had a brother," ten said, his eyebrows coming together in the middle.
"i do, i don't talk to him anymore though," you looked down at your hands, and intertwined them with themselves.
"why not?" he pressed. his face was unreadable as he tried to figure you out. he may be your best friend, but you were not ready to tell anyone how you went about leaving your family and friends behind.
"i just don't," you shrugged hoping that they would move on from this conversation, and thankfully they did.
"a lot of us are going out to get some food once practice is over if you're up to it," ten invited you. you thought for a moment about the last time you all went out, and cringed.
you guys had been out to a small restaurant, and were then dragged to a bar by haechan. you were at the bar for no longer than two hours before almost everyone was plastered, and you, the sober one, was forced to drag jeno, jaemin, winwin, and lucas home. for a girl that is 5'5, and 115 pound girl trying to drag four men, that were significantly taller and heavier than her home was a complete mess. it took you half an hour to even get them outside of the bar, and another hour to get them to the car that was parked four blocks away. even on your days off, you end up babysitting.
"it won't be like last time, i promise," he tried to assure you but you weren't convinced.
"can you really make that promise when jeno, jaemin, winwin, and lucas all have minds of their own, and none of them can seem to stay reasonably sober when at bars?" you asked him, glancing at jeno who had pulled away from you slightly the moment the night out was brought up.
"no, but i can. i'll watch over them if things get out of hand," ten assured you. you finally gave in.
#nct#nct fanfic#nctdream#nct dream#nct127#nct 127#wayv#minors do not interact#minors dni#minors dont read#not suitable for minors#no minors please
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Chapter 3
minors do not interact
genre: seventeen collage au
pairing: mingyu x reader named romi (bc i hate y/n)
series warnings: minors do not intereact : feel free to let me know if im missing any (warnings for specific chapter will not be crossed out) swearing, drugs/weed and alcohol, violence, disordered eating, self harm, toxic relations, explicit sex scenes, slut shaming, body shaming, suicide ideation, light bullying, insecurities (body) mention of weight loss / weight gain, persistence/ignoring of the word no
wc: 2.65 k
description: moving across the country for college to get away from your controlling parents, you never imagined the kind of people you would meet. when one boy in particular begins to pester you to no end, you are almost ready to throw in the towel until one day all of it changes.
2 | 3 | 4
link to masterlist
you and harlow blared music as the two of you got ready for the night. both your guys’ bedroom doors were opened for the first time that week, and both of you rushed between each others rooms, helping one another decided on what to wear. it was something you didn't think the two of you would ever achieve, but you were beginning to think that you and harlow could grow to be close friends.
“so you and cheol?" you asked as you pulled a pair of floral jeans on, checking yourself out in the mirror.
"you and who was that boy? doing little spins in the water, noses touching?" she bugged back.
"you and cheol looked so busy i am surprised you even noticed," you chuckled as you pulled your pants off to put a red bodysuit on underneath.
“what was his name?" she asked, poking her head into your doorframe.
"joshua," you responded absently as you continued to look at yourself in the mirror.
"all eyes are definitely going to be on you," she whistled at you in one long, low tone. you looked up at her before she disappear into her room again.
you looked at yourself again in the mirror. was this too out there for you? you had never really been to a party before, you were always so focused on getting the best grades so that you could leave your family behind and start fresh. maybe this was truly the time to reinvent yourself from the ground up.
"you're stressing, don't stress!" harlow called from her room, and you jumped slightly as she pulled you from my thoughts.
"how do you know?" you called back, as you pulled my hair into two half up, half down pigtails. you curled some pieces haphazardly.
"i could tell by the way you were looking at yourself. you’re hot, embrace it," she laughed as she came back around the corner changed into a black mini dress.
"you say that as you look like that," you almost scoff as you see her. her dress hugged her in all the right places, emphasizing how perfect her body is.
"hey now. you're hot in a school girl kind of way. it is obviously working for you," she wiggled her eyebrows.
"well you're like metal rock band hot," you rolled my eyes. "not every other college guys fantasy."
you looked down at your fingers and began to pick at the already raw skin around your nails. your worst habit. you only look back up when you heard a knock at the door, and catch harlow's eyes again. a pang of nervousness fills your stomach as she walks over to the door to open it.
standing in the doorway is dk, cheol, and another man that you had never learned the name of, but recognize from the pond. a bright smile spread across his lips as they all step inside. you suddenly felt too exposed, like you needed to cover up. you hugged my midsection.
"bestie!" dk almost yelled coming over to you, and yanking your hands away from your body. he forced you into a spin that made you laugh through the nervousness.
"bestie?" you questioned back, not sure what his reaction was really for.
"joshua is going to lose his mind when he sees you," dk laughed as you caught cheol looking you up and down quickly before moving to harlow’s side.
"we thought you might like to meet minghao," cheol said as dk finally dropped my hands. when you looked at minghao, his smile was still plastered to his face.
"nice to meet you, i have heard a lot about you in the less than twenty four hours that dk has known you," minghao laughed as he extended a hand to you. you took his hand with a nervous smile.
"what you have probably heard were not my finest moments, i must admit," you look down at your feet as you you went to pick at yout fingers again.
"someone needs to stand up to mingyu," he said quite boldly, placing a hand on yours. you offer him a small smile.
"are we ready to head out?" dk asked as he looked around your small dorm that had turned into quite the disaster from earlier when he had seen it.
"yes sir," you smiled wanting to leave without anymore thinking, to not give yourself anymore time to second guess your decisions.
cheol and harlow were mush further ahead of you guys as you all walked. you had hooked your arm with dk, and minghao had taken your other after complaining about being left out. you could already tell that you and him were going to get along really well.
you heard the party well before you saw it, and once it came into view you were immediately hit with a rush of anxiety at the sheer amount of people that were spread across the front yard alone. minghao and dk both threw their arms over your shoulders, pancaking you between the two of them as you all walked up to the front door before minghao ran off the moment the door opened; he got sidetracked by vernon.
"want a drink?" dk asked, leaning into you slightly so you could hear him easier.
"how crazy would it be if i told you that i have never gotten drunk before?"you responded, shrugging your shoulders up.
"come with me, we will find you something," he says while grabbing your hand and dragging you through the thick pools of people.
most of the house was muggy and warm, smelling like a mix of cigarettes and alcohol with an undertone of weed. everyone was packed in like a can of sardines, and moving through the crowd was like trying to swim against the current. you squeezed dk’s hand tightly as he pulled you through.
you almost made it to the kitchen when you spotted him. he was in a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up and at least three buttons undone, revealing the smooth skin of his chest. you paused for a second too long and your hand slipped from dk’s, but that was the last thing on your mind.
"romi?" dk yelled, pulling your attention back to him. he followed your stare before looking back at you again. "go get him!"
with that dk disappeared into the mass of people, leaving you standing there completely alone while surrounded by absolute strangers. the way you saw it was that you had two options. the first was to try and follow dk, and try find him. the second was to go to joshua, as you already knew where he was. he was also (hopefully) expecting to see you at one point.
you were just about to head towards joshua when an arm slid around your waist, setting off an instant sense of panic. had you not been able to spin around as quickly as you were to identify the person holding me, you probably would have scream; not that it was anyone you was wanted to see. standing there, uncomfortably close to you, was mingyu. master of perfect timing, in his books.
"what were you thinking?" he asked, placing both hands on your hips and pulling you so close that you could pretty much feel his breath on your ear.
"i was thinking about how i need a drink,"you lied, slightly rubbing the end of your nose as you tried to step away from him.
"why don't we go get you one?" he asks. there was an undertone to his voice that was off putting to you; it was different than earlier but you weren’t sure exactly what it was that was different.
"it’s okay, i was going to," you cut yourself off as you looked in the direction that joshua had been in, but he was no longer standing there. "um, iwas going to, going to find the bathroom."
"you don't sound very convincing, babes," he said, his lips brushing your ear this time. I scrunch your shoulder up.
"can you please leave me be for the night?" you finally broke as you physically pushed him away.
"where would the fun in that be?" he asked, squeezing your hips harder, surly there was going to be bruises in the morning.
"okay fine, let's go get a drink," you muttered nervously; at least this way you would have the chance to run into someone who could get him to leave you be.
"drink it is," he smiled, wrapping an arm tightly around your shoulders. you could smell weed in this clothes; whether it was from him smoking it, or being around others smoking it, you weren’t sure.
you two got into the kitchen and you watched as he poured you a drink that, you could tell, had way too much vodka in it. you grimaced as he handed it to you, and you couldn't even smell anything but alcohol in the cup. he made himself one and downed in almost all in one go.
"aren’t you gonna drink it?" he asked, tilting his head to one side as he said it. an unnerving smile raising to his lips. you raised the cup to your lips and took a small sip, trying very hard not to gag.
"what babes? you don't like it?" he asked with a laugh.
"where is dino? i’m sure he is better company that i am," you said to him as he began to lead you away from the kitchen.
"he couldn't make it tonight, other arrangements i guess," each word he spoke dripped with fake sympathy.
your heart almost skipped a beat as someone from the lake, someone you were never introduced to, began heading towards us. you were hoping that they would be able to get you away from mingyu so you could enjoy the night yourself. the man came up to you guys quickly, and pushing mingyu playfully.
"hey man!" he exclaimed before he looked down at you.
"hoshi! what’s happening?" he asked without releasing you from his grip.
"not much, just trying to have some fun," he smiled. "you were at the lake yeah?"
"yep, I'm romi," you introduced yourself to him, trying to take a step forward.
"ah, romi," he said with a chuckle.
"hmm, great," you rolled your eyes when he said that.
"i heard joshua has been looking for you," hoshi said to you. your heart fluttered slightly.
"i had found him but couldn't get to him because i was intercepted," you muttered, not bothering to look up at mingyu.
"go find him now, i’m sure he would love to see you!" hoshi smiled at you with a look that was almost sympathetic.
“alright, i think i will. you two have fun!" you smiled as you walked out of mingyu’s grip. you could almost swear that you heard mingyu mutter a 'what the fuck' to hoshi, but you couldn't be sure.
the next course of action was to find joshua. he was quite tall, and that was about the only advantage you had as you tried searching for familiar faces in the sea of strangers. you about to give up when someone snaked their arms around your ribs, and leaned their nose close to your ear.
"looking for someone?" joshua whispered, sending a shiver down yoyr spine. butterflies exploded in your stomach.
"i was going to you earlier, but minguu got to me," you smiled at him once you had spun to face him. he didn't let go of you.
"fucking mingyu," he rolled his eyes in annoyance at the mention of his name, before looking down at your cup that was squished between the two of you and threatening to spill. "dk said you never drank before?"
"not really, mingyu made it. i couldn't really get out of it," you looked down at it too, practically being able to smell it from here.
"and you're drinking it?" he asked, his eyebrows raised in concern. he obviously knew the way mingyu made drinks.
"i took a single sip out of it in an attempt to get him to leave me be, that didn't work. hoshi found us and sent me searching for you," you smiled at him. your finger had begun continuously tapping the edge of your plastic cup.
"i’m sure you don't want that, can i make you something that isn't completely alcohol?" he offered, releasing you and taking the cup from your hands. he set it on a random table.
"i would very much like that," you could pretty much feel the heat coming from the tips of your ears at how fluttery he made you feel.
he took your hand tightly in his as he made his way to the kitchen; this time you were in much higher spirits. you stood by his side as he grabbed a bottle of tequila and poured an appropriate shot into a cup before filling the rest with orange juice.
"here, try this," he mumbled softly close to your ear again. you looked into the cup before smelling it. any scent that the alcohol had was washed away by the juice. you took a sip.
"oh this is good," you laughed as he beamed at you. It tasted like orange juice, just slightly less sweet with a strange aftertaste from the tequila. "and dangerous."
"i won't let you get stupidly drunk, don't worry," he assured you as he took yoyr hand again and brought you over to a couch. he sat you on his lap, yoyr legs almost dangling between his legs.
you sat with him like that for a while until your cup was empty. the alcohol left a warm feeling in your stomach, and you hesitated when he offered to make you another one. you knew he said he was going to make sure you didn't get too drunk, but you really had nothing to judge how much of a tolerance you had.
"two drinks might make you feel a little tipsy, but you more than likely won't be completely hammered," he said when he saw you pause. you sighed with a smile as he got up, and the two of you went to get another one.
"you fucking got in my way!" you both heard mingyu slur as yoy rounded the corner into the kitchen. "yoy always fucking do."
"gyu, calm down," dk said, standing between mingyu and hoshi.
"don't fucking tell me to calm down!" his voice boomed in the kitchen as everyone went silent. the only sound being the conversation that mingyu, dk, and hoshi were having and the blaring music that was playing over it all.
"she didn't want to be there," hoshi said, holding his ground.
"that is not any of your fucking business," mingyu tried pushing around dk, but dk held his ground. joshua went to step forward but you grabbed his sleeve. He looked back at you.
"Please leave them be," the sound of your voice was unsteady and almost inaudible but joshua turned and looked at you, holding your shoulders tightly.
"it’s okay, stand with jun while i sort this out. he’ll take care of you," he said as he tapped a man on the shoulder, said a few words and headed to mingyu, dk and hoshi.
"mingyu gets like this, don't worry," jun tried to assure you as you stood with everyone else and watched it all unfold. "don’t feel guilty."
"Why would you think i feel guilty?" you asked him, despite it being true.
"you’re romi right? i heard mingyu mention you at the beginning of this. he sees anyone who rejects him as a challenge, and you are his toughest one yet. he is also way too drunk and high for anyone's wellbeing. don’t worry about it too much though," he explained as you crossed your arms and looked back at the four boys standing there arguing.
you barely saw it. you had spun around to face jun so quickly that you weren’t even sure that you had seen what you thought you had seen, but based on everyone's reaction you wereright. joshua has turned to say something to hoshi when mingyu had wound up and punched joshau square in the jaw before turning and walking away.
#minors dni#minors do not interact#kpop#kpop fanfic#mdni#seventeen#seventeen fanfic#seventeen series#minors dont read#not suitable for minors#no minors please#svt smut#svt mingyu#svt x reader#svt fanfic
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PORTRAITS - prologue
minors do not interact
genre: nct x reader named Ellie ( bc i hate y/n)
pairing: multiple nct memebrs throughout the series x reader
series warnings: minors do not interact : please let me know if i missed any ( warnings for the specific chapter will not be crossed out): swearing, violence, drugs and alcohol, explicit sex scenes, toxic relations, cheating, toxic family
wc: 231
description: she drew 23 portraits of the 23 boys that she worked with. each portrait held a story of her impression of the boy in question. she had absolutely no idea what the universe had in store for her.
note: lucas is in this fanfiction, if you are uncomfortable with that please do not read. minors do not interact
prologue | 1
link to my masterlist
June 3ed, 2020
you didn't look back as you walked into the airport, nor did you let yourself feel sad for the life you were leaving behind. you couldn't let yourself feel sad. Being sad wasn't an option, not when a whole new world was out in front of you to discover, and all that I was leaving behind was pain.
you knew leaving the way you were would be earth shattering to your friends and family. you knew that your mother might not be able to get out of bed in the mornings, sick with worry, because her only daughter got up and disappeared without a trace. you knew your father would loathe you for what you did to your mother, and your best friend would no longer be your best friend.
you was leaving behind all the pain that your small town had brought you, and you were starting over completely. a different job. a different country. a different life. you didn't let yourself look back until the plane had long since levelled out, and the nauseous feeling of motion sickness in my stomach subsided. by then, there was no remnants of your small little town, the big city you flew out of, or the country you were turning my back on.
as the realization set in, you were hit by a wave of relief. you was finally free.
#nct#nct fanfic#nct smut#kpop fanfic#kpop#nctdream#nct127#wayv#minors do not interact#minors dni#no minors please#not suitable for minors#minors dont read
0 notes
a woozi christmas (eve)
genre: fluff
pairing: woozi x reader
warnings: n/a
wc: 443
description: jihoon surprises you on christmas eve after a long day at work
note: my first attempt at a little short one shot, i hope you guys liked it!
link to masterlist
you had had an absolutely miserable day at work, and you had not hidden that face from your boyfriend, jihoon. you were even more annoyed by the fact that it was christmas eve and you had been forced to stay an extra two hours to complete something that your boss had failed to tell you to do earlier in the day.
you had been looking forward to getting home all day so that you could enjoy the afternoon and evening with your loving boyfriend while you guys baked cookies and forced jihoon listened to your favorite christmas carols on repeat. you reminded him of these events every chance you got throughout the day.
but as 4pm came and went, and you were still trying to rush through your work you were growing more and more frustrated. by the time you were off by 7pm, your holiday spirit had been broken, and you felt it was too late to do any baking that you had been so keen on doing earlier in the day. you planned on going straight to the shower and then to go lay in bed to try and alleviate some of the disappointment you were feeling.
you were not expecting in the slightest to walk into the house to find jihoon dressed up in an elf onesie, with christmas cookies of every shape and color spread across the table. there were mugs of rum and eggnog on the table as well, and there was soft instrumental chrsitmas carols playing in the background. stacked on the living room coffee table were at least ten different christmas movies to choose from. all the lights were off, but red, green, and white christmas lights were strung all around the kitchen and living room.
you dropped you bag onto the floor of the entrance way and tried to fight the tears, of frustration and happiness, that were threatening to spill over. you could not believe that jihoon had done all this for you. he walked over to you and wrapped you in his arms tightly.
"i know you had such an awful day at work. i thought i would do the baking so you could come home and enjoy it while relaxing. i got you a reindeer onesie, it is upstairs on the bed," he smiled at you as you buried your face in his shoulder, completely unable to stop the tears that were now flowing freely down your face.
"what did i ever do to deserve you?" you ask him through some sniffles, as he guides you upstairs to get you changed and ready for the night of holiday films that you two were about to devour.
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minors do not interact
genre: seventeen collage au
pairing: mingyu x reader named romi (i hate y/n)
series warnings: minors do not intereact : feel free to let me know if im missing any (warnings for specific chapter will not be crossed out) swearing, drugs/weed and alcohol, violence, disordered eating, self harm, toxic relations, explicit sex scenes, slut shaming, body shaming, suicide ideation, light bullying, insecurities (body) mention of weight loss / weight gain
wc: 2.36 k
description: moving across the country for college to get away from your controlling parents, you never imagined the kind of people you would meet. when one boy in particular begins to pester you to no end, you are almost ready to throw in the towel until one day all of it changes.
note: you can find chapter one linked below, or in the masterlist linked below. please let me know if i am missing any warnings. also please let me know how you are liking it! also i would be more than happy to add anyone who wants to be added to the taglist to it! minors do not interact
1 | 2 | 3
link to masterlist
anxiety raced up your spine once you saw the four to five vehicles that were parked in the parking lot, just off the highway. the realization that you didn't know how many people, and that you didn't know any of them, was beginning to settle in. you took a deep, shaky breathe.
you took dk's hand as he offered it when you opened the car door. the path that him and cheol led you two down was almost past the definition of off the beaten path. there were rocks, and tree branches scattered across the path; dk would offer you his hand every time you guys reached a larger tree that laid across the path.
when the trees broke, it brought you guys to more of a really large pond than a small lake. there was a large dock that floated out into the water, and there had to have been at least ten people there. you weren't sure whether to feel relieved or panicked by the number of people.
"dk and cheol!" a shorter man called with arms out as we walked towards him.
"woozi! this is romi and harlow," dk introduced you guys as you all started moving towards the lake as a group.
"so you're the girl that gave mingyu some trouble?" he said in a sarcastic tone that told you he wasn't fully believing the story that mingyu was sharing with everyone. you chuckled slightly.
"he incriminated himself, i never mentioned his name once," you shrug as you watch harlow strip out of her clothes and run to jump in the water with cheol.
"that sounds like him," woozi nodded as you stopped at the end of the dock. you dropped your bag beside harlow's before removing your own clothes and shoes.
"you gonna come into the water?" woozi asked you as you sat on the edge of the dock. your toes just skimmed the surface of the water.
"no, its not really my thing," you tell him with a shrug.
"suit yourself, it's fucking hot out today," woozi laughed as he hopped into the water.
once you are settled on the dock, dk had disappeared to find one of his other friends, you finally allow yourself to relax a bit. the cold of your toes touching the water sends a shiver down your spin. but your relaxation does not last long.
"well, if it isn't the little bitch from earlier," you hear mingyu chuckle as he sits beside you on the dock, way too close to you.
"you're famous in our group now," the other boy that was with him laughed. he sat on the opposite side of you from mingyu.
"hm great," you mutter as your eyes scan the lake. harlow and cheol looked as though they were having the time of their lives.
"i'm dino," the one boy said to you, holding out his hand.
"like the dinosaurs?" you ask in a monotone voice, ignoring his hand. your patience for them was nonexistent.
"you really are a smartass," he muttered while dropping his hand.
"why aren't you in the water? you're missing out on all the fun," mingyu asks, as his hand slips onto her back.
"you know, my hair," you don't even look at him as you say it. your eyes continue to can across the water for cheol or dk, or even woozi to no avail. they were all doing their own thing.
"there is nobody to save you now," mingyu whispered close to your ear before he pushed you into the water.
you didn't even have time to panic before someone grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to the surface. you struggled in their grip and gasped as you broke the surface. you turned around in their grip and your nose was almost touching his.
"are you okay?" he asked. he had kind eyes that were a beautiful dark brown, that looked almost golden in the sun.
"i think so," you gasp, still trying to catch your breathe. you're grip on his upper arms is like a vice.
"i thought i would come help you. it's never good when someone is stuck between mingyu and dino," he laughs halfheartedly as he takes one of your arms and drapes it over his shoulder. you instinctively pull him close as your other arm wraps around the other side.
you were becoming increasingly aware of how much further the two of you were floating away from the dock. your panic began to rise again as you realized that the only thing preventing you from sinking to the bottom of this lake was this boy that you didn't even know the name of yet. your grip around him tightened.
"i'm joshua by the way," he said after a few moments of silence. you looked back at him, almost bumping your nose on his as you did so. "i heard about your little encounter with mingyu earlier."
"yeah, not my brightest moment," you huff as you begin to notice your arms cramping from hoe tightly you were clinging to joshua.
"i won't let you go," he whispered, leaning in slightly. "also, don't worry too much about mingyu and dino. they are pretty much walking sex shops; nothing but sex runs through their brains."
"i'm amazed any girl would ever want to be with either of them," you mutter as you watch cheol and harlow over joshua's shoulder.
"well that's less competition for me," joshua laughs half way through his sentence. "not that that is the motivation for having saved you."
"god, men are so insufferable," you roll your eyes as you finally relax. you taken in just how beautiful this small lake is.
"we try our best," joshua chuckled slightly as he begins to slowly make his way over to the dock again. mingyu and dino have long since gotten up and left.
"i'm sure you do," you mutter as you guys reach the edge of the dock. you grimace slightly at the sight of the slimy, green algae that coats the underside of the dock.
"hey, vernon, mind helping little lady out of the water?" joshua calls to one of the two guys standing just off the dock.
he comes over to the edge with a huge grin on his face. as he takes your hand, you can't help but notice his grip slipping in yours due to the water. you squeeze his hand tighter.
"don't drop me," you warn as he takes your forearm with his other hand.
"don't worry darling, we got you," you can practically hear the smile on joshua's voice as he grips your hips to help boost you up.
once you were fully out of the water, you stumble slightly into vernon's chest. he grips your elbows tightly to help steady you.
"i'm sorry," you smile sheepishly at vernon as you finally get your feet underneath you. his slowly dropped his hands from your arms.
"you're good. you seem to be having a good day," he says as i go to my back and grab my towel.
"y'know, it's been okay. i would have rather stayed dry but it is what it is," you shrug as you pull your shirt on.
"not a fan of water?" he asks you, and just as you're about to answer someone comes up from behind you and picks you up, spinning you in a circle.
"i see you've been for a swim," dk laughs as he sets you down on your feet. "and that joshua was your night in shining armour."
you look out into the water and see harlow and cheol splashing each other. it looks like they are having the tome of their lives, and you can't help but wish you were able to swim so you too could enjoy it. but you also couldn't complain about spinning in small circles with joshua keeping you afloat either.
"he wouldn't have had to be if it hadn't been for mingyu and dino," you groan as you, vernon and dk all make your way to the edge of the dock. you sit on the edge of it between the two boys.
"honestly, why are they even in out friend group still?" vernon asked once we were all settled on the edge of the dock.
"because they are childhood best friends to jun, wonwoo and cheol," dk seemingly recites as if he has said it a hundred times.
"still, they treat most people like absolute garbage," vernon mutters as he kicks at the water with his feet.
"there is obviously some redeeming factors about them that are unknown to me, i doubt they are just being dragged alone despite it," you mutter while leaning back onto your hands.
you almost kick joshua in the face as you feel his hands slide around your ankles and up the back of your calves. you had been paying so much attention to dk and vernon's conversation that you hadn't even noticed him come up to you guys. you gasped as your foot narrowly missed his perfect nose.
"i am so sorry," you bury your face in your hands as you say it, and only move them once you hear him laugh.
"you're all good," he assured you as he swings your ankles back and forth slightly. "are you coming to the party tonight?"
"i think dk would drag me to it if i didn't. are you going to be there?" you laugh. joshua's eyes light up more, as if it were even possible.
"i'm at every party, i will be there," joshua smiled at you.
"oh wow, look at joshua. he is moving on to the next girl already," you look over your shoulder to see mingyu laughing to dino as they pass behind you guys.
"don't listen to him," vernon snaps immediately. you look down at joshua, who is avoiding your eyes. all the brightness that had filled his earlier had left them.
"don't worry," you lean forward and whisper as you ran your hand through joshua's wet hair, effectively messing it up. you giggle as it sticks up in different directions. "i wouldn't ever listen to a word that mingyu says."
you watched as his eyes slowly moved up to your face, and the brightness filled his eyes again. there was something about how kind and soft his eyes were that drew you in. he had something about him that made you instantly trust him.
"i will for sure see you at the party?" he double checks as he slowly legs go of your ankles.
"you will for sure see me there, don't worry," you laugh as you watch joshua swim away, to a boy you haven't met yet, with the biggest smile spread across his face.
"you guys are going to make such a cute couple," dk laughs as you bring your attention back to him.
"god, as if i could ever pull a man like him," you almost scoff as you say this. joshua was such a beautiful human, and you could never in a million years imagine him actually wanting to be with you.
"are you joking? do you not see the way he looks at you?" vernon cut into the conversation.
"he is just being nice," you argue despite the fact that you could see that it was useless.
"no, joshua isn't like that with people he isn't interested in," dk affirmed.
"we've known each other less than twenty four hours and you already want to get me with your friend?" you laugh, leaning back onto your hands while kicking at the water with your feet.
"you're my best friend now, of course i am," dk leaned into you with his shoulder, and you rolled your eyes.
you climbed into the back of dk's truck with your bag in tow. you and harlow had climbed in with just your tee shirts pulled over your bathing suits as they covered you both enough that you guys felt comfortable. you were just about the close the door of the truck when someone ripped the door from your grasp. you pulled your hand away quickly, rubbing at your fingers.
"hey dk, mind giving me a ride back?" mingyu asked as you glared at him in frustration. you caught dk's eyes in the mirror and he had an apologetic look on his face.
"what is wrong with who you came with?" dk asked as mingyu climbed in beside you, practically pushing you into the next seat as you moved too slow for his liking.
"they are heading to the party early, i have a few things i need to get done before it starts," mingyu informs him. listening to this interaction, you could almost see why they hang around him. he seemed so nonchalant and normal.
"alright," dk mumbled as he buckled up.
"look at you," mingyu mumbled, his tongue sliding slowly across his bottom lip as his eyes wandered down to your legs.
"who did you come with? walking back to my dorm from the party to get ready sounds better than spending an hour with you," you mutter, trying to pull the shirt further down your legs.
"jun, minghao and chan. i am sure chan would love to see you," he shot back.
"romi, climb into the front. i will sit in the back," cheol says as he gets out of the front seat. you awkwardly climb over the center console with dk's help before you settle into the front seat with your feet tucked up underneath you.
"thanks cheol," you look back to him and smile.
"gyu, i am not even kidding, if you say anything else like you just did, or do anything to piss her off, you will be hitchhiking back to your place," dk warned as he began to drive out of the parking lot just as the rest of the group got back to their vehicles.
"not my fault she isn't wearing any pants," mingyu tests under his breathe. dk slams on his breaks just before he went to turn out onto the highway and mingyu's face slams into the back of your seat as he wasn't able to get his hands out in front of him in time.
"i am not joking," dk warns once again before he pulls out of the parking lot. cheol had been rummaging through your bag and had found your shorts. you smile at him as you wiggle into them.
taglist: @jiminsfiilter
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hii if theres a taglist for sweet nothings may i be added?
for sure! if it doesn't work the first try though, i apologize because i am still figuring out tumblr haha
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sweet nothings | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
coming soon
a woozi christmas (eve)
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
portraits - prologue | ten (1) | lucas (2) |
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minors do not interact
genre: seventeen collage au
pairing: mingyu x reader named romi (i hate y/n)
series warnings: minors do not interact : feel free to let me know if im missing any (warnings for specific chapter will not be crossed out) swearing, drugs/weed and alcohol, violence, disordered eating, self harm, toxic relations, explicit sex scenes, slut shaming, body shaming, suicide ideation, light bullying, insecurities (body), mention of weight loss / weight gain
wc: 2.56 k
description: moving across the country for collage to get away from your controlling parents, you never once imagined the kind of people you would meet. when one boy in particular begins to pester you to no end, you are almost ready to throw in the towel until one day all of it changes.
1 | 2
note: if i slip between first and second point of view, please forgive me. i am writing on wattpad is first person, and here in second person so it is a little bit of a struggle | i am also going to be using a mix seventeen’s stage names and given names | minors do not interact |
“hey, do you happen to have a pencil? i was in such a rush this morning that i completely forgot to grab one!” the boy sitting beside you on the last day of your first week of collage asks you.
you looked at him for a moment before looking down at the three pencils that sat perfectly in line on your desk, sharpened perfectly to your liking. you were in quite disbelief that someone would forget something so customary for a class that they are paying thousands of dollars, at least, to attend.
“just give it back at the end of class,” you sigh as you hand it over by the eraser.
“thank you so much! you’re a lifesaver!” he practically did a little hop in his chair before turning to the professor who had just begun the lecture.
it was about half way through the lecture when you got a light tap on your shoulder from the same boy. when you looked over at him, he was pushing a folded paper towards you. you hesitantly took it as be went back to taking notes with a small smile on his face.
i’m dk!, thanks again for the pencil. there is a party happening tonight if you are interested?
you read it over twice before glancing back at dk. he was scribbling away, writing whatever the professor was talking about at that moment. you stopped and thought about it for a second. this is something you never do, something you would have never in a million years thought of doing. but was that thought nothing but your parents controlling words speaking to you? you were twenty one, perfectly legal to be drinking and smoking weed if you really wanted to.
you wrote back: i’m romi, i guess i will come. when and where?
you slid the note back over to him before going back to your own notes. he never passes the note back to you the rest of the class, and you had almost forgotten about it until the professor released everyone from the lecture.
“romi? that is such a nice name! so the party starts at 8 pm tonight. it’s at my frat house here on campus! i can come get you, or walk with you if you are living in dorms,” dk began explaining the moment he had the go ahead to stop taking notes.
you closed your textbook and notes, sliding them into their specific pocket in your backpack before you looked back at him with your hand extended for your pencil. he looked down at it for a second before placing it in your hand. you made a mental note to sharpen it again when you had the chance.
“i live in dorms,” you respond simply to him, pulling the strap of your back over your shoulder after having finished putting everything away neatly in your bag.
“got any classes left?” he asked as you guys began to walk out of the classroom.
“no, this was my last one,” you inform him.
“actually, my friend and i have this cool spot and i-“ he was saying before he was cut off by two men, one that towered over the other by quite a bit.
“dk! look at you! you found yourself a girlfriend?” the shorter one asked in a joking tone, as he locked dk in a headlock.
“no wonders i never have a girlfriend,” dk muttered under his breath. “but i think that her and i are more best friends material than dating material, no offence.”
“none taken at all,” you assure him as you guys begin to walk slowly down the halls. many girls whisper and stare as you walk.
“best friend? i’m sure if you pressed the right buttons you would get something else,” the taller man said as he looked you up and down, his bottom lip pulled into his mouth.
“god you’re disgusting, gyu,” the short man almost snorted as he threw his arm across your shoulders. dk looked at you with an apologetic expression. “don’t listen to him, he never knows when to shut up.”
“i am sure he doesn’t,” you mutter almost to yourself as everyone picks up a bit of speed to go with the flow of traffic in the halls.
“I’m seungcheol, call me cheol, asshole back there is mingyu,” cheol tells you. his arm was still tightly around your shoulders.
“romi,” you respond slightly annoyed, your arms are crossed tightly across your chest.
“why don’t we have more girls in our group?” cheol calls back to mingyu and dk who have fallen in step with one another behind you two. you could feel cheol looking down at you as he asks.
“was that meant to be a rhetorical question?” you asked as you all turned a corner. you soon became aware of all three boys looking at you, cheol and dk with amusement, mingyu with annoyance and slight anger.
“i don’t think he was talking to you,” mingyu snapped, coming to a complete stop. a girl behind him nearly ran into him as she looked up from her phone.
“based off your reaction, you seem to know what i believe the problem is already,” you tell him, about to start walking off again before you are cut off by mingyu. you look up at him.
“i haven’t done shit,” he said sternly, almost yelling. his finger an inch away from your face as he steps into you, forcing you to take a step back.
“i never said you did, but thanks for clearing up my suspicions,” you say sarcastically with a slight chuckle.
mingyu took another step into you, and when you went to step back again you hit a wall. your face was an inch from his chest, you could smell his expensive cologne waft into your face. thinking back, you could have probably seen each individual fibre in his shirt that stretched across his toned chest.
“hey, hey, hey, leave her be,” dk said, placing a firm hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“whatever,” mingyu snapped as he turned and walked away.
you pause for a moment to regain your composure before you begin walking in the opposite direction that mingyu had gone off in. cheol and dk quickly catch up behind you as you walk, and cheol’s arm falls comfortably onto your shoulders again.
“so, as i was saying before gyu and cheol rudely interrupted, a group of our friends are going to hang out before the party, and i was wondering if you wanted to join too,” dk smiled at you as you walked with your arms still bound tightly across your chest.
“i promise you that the only other member of our group that you have to worry about is dino, and he is much more toned down that mingyu,” cheol tried to assure you.
“are you guys going to follow me right to my dorm?” you ask, avoiding the question at hand.
“that entirely depends on how hot your roommate is,” cheol laughs, but he quickly stops once he catches your glare. “sorry, bad joke.”
“okay, but she is pretty hot,” you admit with a small laugh after a moment of silence passes between the three of you. “you might be her type.”
“really? do you think you could get her to come to the party?” cheol asks in a way too excited tone.
“that wouldn’t be difficult,” you laugh, releasing a yelp as cheol grabs you by the waist and spins you. “wow, you get comfortable easy.”
“oh, just wait until you meet minghao and vernon,” dk laughs as the three of you leave the building into the beautiful, hot summer day. you squint and try to block the sun with your hand the best you can as your eyes adjust to the light.
“you never answered the question,” cheol points out, followed by dk pouting.
“i mean, i don’t really have anything else to do i guess,” you groan as you kick at the grass under your feet.
“is that a yes?” dk asks. when you look at him his eyes are practically sparkly with hope. you release a long sigh.
“that is a yes,” once you had looked back at dk, you knew there was no chance of you getting out of this one.
“alright! so we need to get your bathing suit. and maybe your roommate will come?” cheol asks, sounding slightly shy about the request. it is a very different side to him than the overly confident persona he first gave off.
“a bathing suit?” you stop dead in your tracks.
“yeah, we all go hang out by a lake about an hour away from here. what’s wrong? is everything okay?” cheol asks, sounding slightly worried.
“yeah, i mean it’s fine. i just can’t swim,” you admit slightly embarrassed as you begin to walk again, quicker than before.
“oh that’s fine, not everyone goes in the water. you can just hang out on the dock and dip your feet in the water,” cheol says with a relieved tone in his voice that makes you want to laugh.
not too long after, you guys reach your dorm. its a small two bedroom dorm, with a tiny shared bathroom and a tiny shared kitchen. it isn’t much but it is perfect and your roommate and you haven’t run into any issues yet.
“harlow?” you call out as you step into the dorm. you were kind of nervous asking her as you guys didn’t know each other very well considering it was the first week of classes.
“what?” she called back before her door opened. her eyes widened slightly at the two men standing behind you before she regained her composure.
“want to come hang out at a lake with cheol, dk and a few of their friends with us?” you ask her, motioning to cheol and dk respectively.
“um, yeah sure! give me about twenty minutes,” she smiles at you guys before disappearing back into her room.
dk and cheol follow you into your room as you kneel down by the drawer you have that is full of unworn bikinis. you sigh as you look at them all, a overwhelming feeling settling in.
“can we choose which one you wear?” dk asks, almost excitedly.
“you can do a fashion show for us!” cheol says, but he is excited.
“i mean, i guess so?” you agree hesitantly as the two boys kneel down over your bikini drawer.
when they finally lay the three bathing suits on your bed, you feel almost more overwhelmed than you did before. they chose three bikini’s that you would have never decided to wear, in fact all three still had the tag on them as you had opened the package when you received them and almost immediately put them into your drawer.
“we won’t look!” dk announced as him and cheol turned their backs to you, covering their eyes with their hand as added protection.
you picked up the first one. it was high waisted, which was promising, but leopard print. the top had a rectangular gold ring holding the two cups together. when you put it on you immediately knew it was a no. it cut into you at weird placed, the cups of the top were too big, and the bottoms looks like a leopard print diaper. you audibly laughed at yourself in the mirror.
“you guys can look, but this most definitely is not a bikini i will ever be wearing. unless i gained weight in my boobs and butt and lost weight in my stomach and thighs,” you laugh as you try and adjust it to make it less awful.
“how could you even lose any weight from your stomach or thighs?” dk asks as him and cheol turn and around and cheol absolutely loses it in a fit of laughter. “do they think girls are sticks?”
“okay, that was my choice. i apologize for making you wear it,” cheol admitted as he regains control over himself. “it had potential.”
“i guess you could say that,” you laugh as you pick up the second one. “turn around.”
as you are changing into this one, you can’t help but imagine what your parents reaction to this whole situation would be. they would be so mad at just the fact that there are two boys in the room, not to mention the fact that you are changing while they are there as well.
this bathing suit was navy blue. the bottoms cut into a v in the front, and the top was one of those that look as though they are upside down. you knew that the boys were going to love this one, with the amount of underboob that was on full display. you tucked her arms under them, in an attempt to hide it.
“i don’t know,” you mumbled, looking in your mirror.
dk peaks around through his fingers before he hits cheol and they both look at what you are wearing. cheol releases a low whistle as he leans back, not even hiding the fact that his eyes are tracing you from head to toe, and dk’s ears begin to change to a shade of red.
“i mean you, it looks. you look really good,” dk stammers as he tries to find the best way to compliment you.
“you would definitely have everyones attention,” cheol laughs as he glances over at dk who is growing visibly more, uncomfortable? with the situation.
“i am saying no. this is a no,” you announced, as you motion for them to turn with one hand, while the other stays secure under your breasts.
the last one was black, with plain midrise bottoms. the top was a normal triangle bikini too too, except that the laces that go around your chest lace around you multiple times. once you were happy with how you tied it, you smiled at yourself in the mirror.
“you guys can turn,” you mumble as you look, admire, yourself in the mirror. for the first time in a long time you were actually happy with what you saw in the mirror.
“wow,” dk almost whispered. you weren’t even sure if you were meant to hear it.
cheol said nothing, but had a goofy smile spread across his face. his eyes flickered all across your body, but it felt different than when mingyu did it. when cheol checked you out, it felt genuine, whereas when mingyu did it it felt as though he was inspecting a piece of meat.
“i think i like this one,” you smile lightly at yourself in the mirror, before grabbing an oversized david bowie tee shirt and throwing it on.
“god, she keep getting better,” cheol whistled, before you launched a pillow at him that had been laying on your floor. “sorry.”
“romi? you guys ready?” harlow called through the door after a knock. you pull on a pair of jean shorts.
“yep! just one second!” you call back as you grab a bag, shoving a towel, your wallet, a water bottle and a few other things into a tote before opening your door.
“you driving dk?” cheol asks as you all make your way to dk’s vehicle before he even answers.
“as always,” dk laughs as he throws his arm over your shoulder, mirroring cheol with harlow. you could already tell that those two were going to get along really well
#minors dni#mdni#minors do not interact#svt fanfic#svt#svt mingyu#kim mingyu#seventeen series#svt smut#seventeen fanfic#seventeen#kpop fanfic
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