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654sposts · 4 years ago
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654sposts · 4 years ago
Chakras are energy wheels that run through the body and at the back of our bodies, there is an arrangement of 7 chakra colors.
Chakras run from the base of the human spinal cord to the top of the head, and there are a total of 7 chakras that run through the body. They are similar to energy wheels that keep us energised all through the day.
There is an arrangement of 7 chakra colors, which are similar to the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet make up the color chakras.
In our body, it serves as an invisible source of energy. Every day the chakras keep us live, active, vibrant and full of energy. You must have heard that there are seven chakras in the back of our body. But what is the meaning of each chakra and how they affect our daily life?
Guide to the 7 Chakra colors
The 7 chakras particularly follow specific colors like a rainbow. The color includes violet, indigo, blue, red, green, yellow, and orange. The color of chakras changes as the emotion of the body changes. This is the order of the chakras in terms of color:
The colors of the chakra indicate the physical and spiritual state of human beings. So due to this, they are vital for the body of a human. The main body of chakra comprises of organs and nerves which enables energy to keep flowing in the body.
These color chakras are placed in seven different points on the spinal column and are interconnected with various organs and glands of the body. Most of the time the color of chakras and emotions of human beings have a strong connection.
If a chakra is blocked or disrupted, the life energy also gets blocked and may lead to a serious illness, physical or psychological.
Each color chakra has a significant role to play to maintain balance in the body. The color chakras keep spinning as per the body’s requirement. Here’s a complete explanation of the color chakras:
Root Chakra Color (Red)
It is also known as the Muladhara Chakra. Red is the densest color and found at the coccyx that is at the base of the spine. It defines the relationship between humans and the earth. It causes a high impact on our passion, survival, and vitality.
All these things include food, money, financial independence and some other basic things. The red signifies danger and attracts the highest attention, so it signifies power, courage, love, strength, war, and desire and requires logic, physical strength, and orderliness.
The smelling sense is connected with the root chakra and a gland; Gonads is attached to the Muladhara chakra.
Sacral Chakra Color (Orange)
The Sanskrit word is Swadhisthana chakra. The chakra color shows the relationship between the human body and water. In the body’s emotion, the orange impact the creativity, compassion, sexuality, desire, the reproductive system, and few more.
The taste and the Sacral Chakra have a direct connection to the body. It affects reproductive organs, lymphatic system, the bladder, and the pelvic glands in the women’s body.
The chakra is located at the pubic bone and the color of chakra associated with the happiness, enthusiasm, attraction, and joy. In short, it is a major source of creativity and sexual center.
Solar Plexus Chakra Color (Yellow)
It is known as Manipura Chakra and associated with sunshine and brightness. This chakra color is a source of power and relatable to the individual’s real-life success or professional success.
The yellow color is linked to the sun, charge, bright fire, and high energy which are essential to the human body. It brings confidence and brings happiness, energy, and encouragement in life.
There is a connection between the yellow chakra and the sight. Adrenal glands organs are also associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. The chakra occupies the area from the breastbone to the center (navel).
Heart Chakra Color (Green)
The Heart Chakra is associated with green color and has an element of the air. It affects the relationship with the human being. And hence it is responsible for all types of relationship in human life including love, marriage, and others.
When the heart chakra weakens, it leads to distrust, unfaithfulness, and envy. It is the reason for the ending of long term relationships.
The heart chakra color is connected to the touch sense and nature. It is a source of affection and love and connects to the Thymus and lymph glands.
Throat Chakra Color (Blue)
Sanskrit name of this chakra is Vishuddhi Chakra that refers to the voice of truth. It is blue and important in the body as it connected to the communication and hearing ability of the human body.
With this chakra, numerous glands are attached including teeth, jaws, ears, throat, neck vertebrae and other mouth glands. When this chakra color is balanced, we can effectively communicate with others. It also improves artistic and spiritual abilities in the body.
Third Eye Chakra Color (Indigo)
Ajna Chakra is Sanskrit name of Third Eye chakra. It lets the human imagination the bigger picture. The indigo gland is conceited to this chakra color. When this Chakra is perfectly balanced, then a human can relate with another human effectively, and even the person has charming personalities as well.
It enhances telepathic capabilities and decreases death anxiety. This chakra and thought sense have a direct connection. And it is a major center of intuition in the body.
The Crown Chakra Color (Violet)
The Sahasrara Chakra is the Sanskrit word of Crown Chakra and as per the name suggests is located at the crown of the head. It illuminates the connections of one to another being spiritual. Some of the vital glands that connected to the crown chakra are a nervous system, the brain glands, and the pituitary gland.
With a good balance of this chakra, a person can perform miracles, interpretation of hidden things, perform some unusual activities and know the difference between right and the wrong.
How do we see the chakra colors?
When photons enter the retina, they transform into electrical impulses. These impulses then reach the brain which then transfers these reactions into the picture that we see projected outside our bodies.
How is it related to the chakras?
Did you know that the chakras are vibrating at different speeds? The root chakra is vibrating at a frequency within the 400-484 THz range, the sacral chakra within the 484-508 THz range, solar plexus chakra within the 508-586 THz range, etc.
Each color contains information on different levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual within these frequencies and wavelengths. Different colors respond to different vibrations of light emanating from the chakras.
How To Open Your Spiritual Chakras?
If you are opening your chakras, there is no need to try to make your over-active chakras less active.
Open the Root Chakra (red)
You have to use the body and become aware of it. Do yoga, walk around the block, or do some manual house-cleaning. These activities let your body become known to you and will strengthen the chakra.
You have to ground yourself. This means that you should connect with the ground, and feel it beneath you. To do this, stand up straight and relaxed, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and slightly bend your knees.
After grounding yourself, sit cross-legged, as shown in the picture below.
Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch gently, in a peaceful motion.
All this time, let yourself relax, still thinking about the chakra, it’s meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.
Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. You may have a “clean” feeling.
Visualize a closed red flower. Imagine very powerful energy radiating it: it slowly opens showing four red petals full of energy.
2. Open the Sacral Chakra (Orange)
Lay your hands in your lap, palms ups, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, the palm touching the back fingers of the right hand, and the thumbs touch gently.
All this time, let yourself relax, still thinking about the chakra, it’s meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.
3. Open the Navel Chakra (yellow)
Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs and straighten the fingers (this is important).
Concentrate on the Navel Chakra and what it stands for, at the spine, slightly above the navel.
Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. You should have a “clean” feeling (for every chakra).
4. Open the Heart Chakra (green)
Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch on both hands.
Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breastbone.
All this time, continue to relax your body and think of the chakra, it’s meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.
Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed, and the “clean” feeling returns and/or intensifies within your body.
5. Open the Throat Chakra (light blue)
Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them up a bit.
Concentrate on the Throat Chakra and what it stands for, at the base of the throat. All this time, keep on relaxing your body, thinking of the chakra, it’s meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.
Keep doing this for about five minutes, and the “clean” feeling will intensify once again.
6. Open the Third Eye Chakra (Indigo)
Put your hands in front of the lower part of the breast. The middle fingers should be straight and touch the tops, pointing away from you. The other fingers are bent and touch at the two upper phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and meet at the tops.
Concentrate on the Third Eye Chakra and what it stands for, a little above the center of the two eyebrows.
Silently, but clearly, chant the sound “OM” or “AUM.”
All this time, relaxation of the body should come a bit naturally and continue to think of the chakra, it’s meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.
Keep doing this until the same “clean” feeling seems to come back or intensify.
7. Open the Crown Chakra (purple)
It encircles a being’s wisdom and being one with the universe. When this chakra is open, prejudice disappears from your To Do list, and you seem to become more aware of the world and it’s connection to yourself. 
So it is all about the seven chakras, colors and its meaning. Try to keep a balance between all of them to stay fit physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.
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654sposts · 4 years ago
Witchy *Free* PDF book list Masterpost
Hey lovely witches! I wanted to share some of my PDF witchy books I have on my computer. I know it’s hard to find these books and not everyone has money to buy them or easy access. I hope I can help someone with this <3
Most of the books are on my google drive library, you can click on the link and then download if you’d like to.
A Manual of Occultism, by Sepharial
Mastering Witchcraft, by Paul Huson
Natural Magic, by Pamela J.Ball
Pagan Spells, Author Unknown
Herbal Magick - Herbal enchantments, folclore and divination by Gerina Dunwich <3
Spell Crafts - Creating magical objects, by, Scott Cunningham and David Harrington <3
The Book of Power, by Idres Shah
The Complete book of Incense, Oils ad Brews, by Scott Cunningham
The Essential Skills of Magick - Benjamim Rowe
The Ultimate Book of Spells - Pamela J. Ball *my favorite spellbook*
50 of The Most Powerful Spells, by unknown author
Witchcraft Today, by Gerald Gardner
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows
The Basics of Magic, by K. Amber
8 Sabbaths of Witchcraft, by Mike Nichols
Witchcraft Today, by Gerald Gardner
Celtic Mythology and Religion, by Alexander Macbain
The Art and meaning of Magic, By Israel Regardie
An Introduction to the Study of Tarot, by Paul Foster Case
The Alchemy of Abundance, by Lisa McSherry
Encyclopedia of Acient Roman and Greek Mythology, by James Belton
Asgard and the Gods, by M. W. MacDowall,
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Spells by, Michael Johnstone
Witches’ Bible by, Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witch’s Master Grimoire, by Lady Sabrina
The meaning of Witchcraft, by Gerald Gardner
Aleister Crowley book collection (google drive)
Lid Off the Cauldron, by Patricia Crowther
A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk, by Peter Paddon
The A to Z of Dream Interpretation, by Pamela J. Ball
The Dream Oracle, by Pamela J. Ball
The Great Book of Spells, by Pamela J. Ball <3
The Techniques of Astral Projection, By Dr. Douglas M. Baker
The Opening of the Third Eye, By Dr. Douglas M. Baker
Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft, By Bailey Michael
The Goddess is in Details, by Deborah Blake <3
Circle, Coven and Grove, by Deborah Blake
A Witch’s Dozen, by Deborah Blake <3
Witchcraft on a Shoestring by Deborah Blake
Egyptian Magic, By Ernest Budge
Advanced Candle Magick, By Raymond Buckley
Amulets and Magic, By Budge Walli
Pen and Ink Witchcrafr , By Collin Calloway
Basic Sigil Magic, By Philip Cooper
The Occult Properties of Herbs , By W.B Crow
Shadow Work Guidebook, by Jessica Cross
Gemstone Sorcery, By Gerina Dunwich <3
Wicca A to Z By  Gerina Dunwich
Every Witch Way By Ellen Dugan <3
Power Of The Witch By Laurie Cabot <3
The Spiral Dance By Starhawk <3
Spiritual Power - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Book of Shadows By, Phyllis Curott:
Witchcrafting By Phyllis Curott
Spells for the Solitary Witch By Eileen Holland
Wiccan Magick By Raven Grimassi
The Witch’s Familiar By Raven Grimassi
Magical Candle Crafting By Ember Grant
Magical Powder Recipes By Lady Gianne
Wicca For Beginners By Lisa Chamberlain
Scott Cunningham’s Books:
Divination for Beginners
Wicca in the Kitchen <3
Book of Shadows
Living Wicca
Crystal Gem and Metal Magick <3
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Magical Household, Rituals and spells for the home <3
D.J Conway’s Books:
Mystical Dragon
Norse Magic
Wicca, The Complete Craft
Falcon, Feather and Valkyrie Sword
Celtic Magic
Christopher Penczak’s Books
Gay Witchcraft - Christopher Penczak
The Living Temple of Witchcraft V. II- Christopher Penczak
The Gates of Witchcraft
The Living Temple of Witchcraft V.II 
Mystic Foundation
The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft
The Witch’s Shield
Cassandra Eason’s Books:
A Practical Guide of Witchcraft and Spells, 
Fabulous Creatures, Mythical Monsters and Animal Power Symbols
Candle Power
The Art of Pendulum
The Complete Guide to Psychic Development
Illes Judika’s Books:
Magic When You Need It - 150 Spells
Pure Magic
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft
Ellwood Taylor’s Books:
Pop Culture Magic
The Pop Culture Grimoire
Multi-Media Magic
Manifesting Prosperity
For those of you who wish to see my full library on the drive, feel free to send me a message and I will send you the link!
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