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women only. into female separatism. here for the gals. --In our culture, not one part of a woman's body is left untouched, unaltered. -Andrea Dworkin
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6-beez · 2 months ago
me: I don’t think it’s fair that women are expected to do something unnecessary and clearly sexist when men aren’t
the replies: so you think that women shouldn’t be allowed to choose for themselves…so you think everyone should only do what you say…so you think women shouldn’t have the right to vote if you don’t like them….
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6-beez · 3 months ago
Beauty practices show that women are obedient, willing to do their service, and to put effort into that service. They show that women are not simply “different” but, most importantly, “deferential”. In western societies it is expressed in the requirement that women create “beauty” through figure-hugging clothing which should show large areas of their bodies for male excitement, through make-up, hairstyles, depilation, prominent display of secondary sexual characteristics or creation of them by surgery and through “feminine” body language. Women are required to practise femininity in order to create sexual difference/deference. But the difference is one of power, and femininity is the behavior required of the subordinate class of women in order to show their deference to the ruling class of men. 
-  Sheila Jeffreys, Beauty and Misogyny
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6-beez · 3 months ago
"A woman's place in ancient (country) was the home, and she wasn't seen in public life."
Beep! Beep! Wrong! Try again male historian. How about something like:
"In ancient (country), men oppressed and subjugated women and forced them into the home to suit their own desires. In an effort to keep this unjust system in place, men made sure there were no places in public life women could enjoy and punished those who dared tried. Even to this day, the inequalities between men and women are not fully realized or changed."
I know it's really hard to think about the realities of women's oppression. But that's okay! If you're ever unsure, just ask a woman next time before writing literally anything about women.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
There’s more to Radical Feminism than being against pornography and prostitution (e.g.: sex trade abolitionism).
There’s more to Radical Feminism than being against pornography and prostitution (e.g.: sex trade abolitionism).
Radical Feminism has politics on ending capitalism, analyzing and criticizing surrogacy, criticizing [heterosexual] marriage and marriage as an institution, examining patrilineage and challenging it, challenging [patriarchal] religion(s), advocating for and developing a [womon’s] spirituality, criticizing and ending [compulsory] heterosexuality (e.g.: challenging and ending heterosexism and ending heteropatriarchy), examining sexuality and sexual relations (e.g.: sex critical, sex negative, PIV-critical and anti-PIV, political celibacy, heterosexual celibacy, kink critical, anti-BDSM), being against gender (e.g.: being gender critical, supporting gender abolitionism, advocating against gendered socialization also known as sex-role socialization or sex-based socialization, being against queer theory), supporting female solidarity, sisterhood, and feminist consciousness-raising (e.g.: female-only safe spaces like womon’s crisis centres and shelters, female-only CR-groups and events, remembering and promoting the fact that Radical Feminism is strictly a female-centered/gynocentric, female-focused, male-exclusionary Feminism, ending girl-hate/womon-hate and internalized misogyny, decentering maleness in our lives, language, and in praxis), fighting for reproductive rights and reproductive justice (e.g.: access to safe, legal, abortions and voluntary sterilization while being against forced abortions and forced sterilizations), politicizing and examining mothering and child-bearing and child-rearing (e.g.: “the cult of motherhood”, childfree politics, midwifery), politicizing female domesticity (e.g.: “the cult of domesticity”, or “the cult of true womanhood”), criticizing and ending [compulsory] femininity, examining the role of the beauty industries in upholding gendered and racialized oppressions just as we already do with the sex industries/sex trade, incorporating, at least aspects or elements of: Disability Feminism, Womanism, Lesbian Feminism, etc – integrating an understanding of double oppressions (or double jeopardy), triple oppressions (triple jeopardy), multiple oppressions, and intersectionality as it initially relates with the systems of racism and sexism oppressing the lives of women of color, particularly black womon.
Radical Feminism has a lengthy, complicated, contentious and intellectually enlightening and inspiring herstory and also has a very resourceful range of political critiques that provides insights about the world in which we womon are oppressed in. You don’t have to agree with everything you research related to Radical Feminism, most don’t and certain areas of our politics require critique and clarification so that we can gain more grounds for unity as womon wanting to liberate societies from male supremacy and female oppression/sex-based oppression/gendered oppression, white supremacy and racism, heterosexism and homophobia, class oppression and the ending of capitalism and [neo-]colonialism, and other systems, structures, and institutions of oppression.
There’s a lot more to being a Radical Feminist than being a sex industries abolitionist.
Avoiding other areas of Radical Feminist politics can result in a sort of confusion in which womon will claim to be Radical Feminist while rejecting key values and core tenets, such as supporting womon’s access to legal abortions.
Radical Feminism is not conservatism and although one or two RadFem stances may appeal to some conservative womon, it is their misunderstanding of what it means to be a RadFem that makes them misappropriate the politics, which further confuses others as to what our intentions and politics really are.
And there’s a lot to learn and realize and this is not even all of it.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
I don’t give a fuck about the male loneliness epidemic, go outside and make a friend instead of taking away our abortion rights.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
this year i was a top 0.0001% listener of Women.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
*hits feminist blunt*: I don't wanna ever see any praise for a man or the male sex. "There are good men out there who work hard on being good." And I'm a law abiding citizen, where is my fucking national award?
We'll be talking about the right to live as free people EVERYWHERE and you're praising a man for thinking rape is wrong? The bar is below the earth's crust. Liberation for all my sisters, not praise to some man for doing the bare fucking minimum. Decenter men from your frameworks pls.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
This is your reminder that women need over 22% body fat to create energy to function and be able to menstruate. We have organs outside of our ribcages that need to be surrounded by fat. We don't have the same bones, organs or muscle mass as men. Men don't know how women need to eat and they definitely should not dictate how our bodies need to look. There are alot of things biochemically that happen in the body when we eat food that male centered sciences haven't even been able to understand yet and we have hormones and cycles that we can't control. Just because you sexualise our bodies and body parts doesn't mean anything about us, it isn't in our control. Please men stop judging us, hating us, shaming us and sexualising us. We are the true human blueprint and to go against us you go against humanity 🥚
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6-beez · 4 months ago
one nude leak and a woman's reputation could potentially be destroyed but men could have a whole ass rape allegation and still be the president of the US.. never do l wanna hear y'all argue that gender inequality doesn't exist
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6-beez · 4 months ago
*hits feminist blunt*: wearing makeup isn't empowering, it's a mask of the patriarchy. It's so weird that you'll watch men and women at formal events and the men get to have their natural face with accents (fresh haircut/trim, maybe an eyebrow marked if they're "zesty") and a woman is only considered suitable for the event once she has 3 layers of clown makeup on. But yeah, makeup is empowering.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
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6-beez · 4 months ago
males are having a mass mental breakdown on twitter bc a woman a posted a photo of herself with her PhD
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6-beez · 4 months ago
I want to participate in 6B but I have many transfeminine friends and I know a lot of 6B proponents are trans exclusionary. Its the one thing holding me back from full commitment - I'll never be seen as engaging in it if I maintain my friendships. I'm a lesbian so the "no sex with anyone who has a penis" thing is already a given, and I don't wear make up anyway because of autistic sensory issues. I'm basically already living the 6Bs outside of not cutting out my friends who are men or trans women. Its a weird place to be.
It sounds like a weird place to be for sure. Being stuck between an ideology you buy into and friends/acquaintances is never a great spot
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6-beez · 4 months ago
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man hater (2019), pages 14 & 15 // full zine here
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6-beez · 4 months ago
Calling Lesbians' attraction to vaginas a mere genital "preference" erases the sheer violence behind corrective rape of millions of sapphic women. I do not just "dislike" dick, I am physically incapable of being attracted to it. My allure to the female genitilia is not a choice, it's my biological reality. Dismissal of same-sex attraction as a choice reinforces the homophobic ideology that attractions can be altered and also paves the way for discrimination. One cannot opt out of their sexuality, they are always born with it.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
i wish every woman could experience being in a true female only space at least once. a space away from men in a secluded area. cooking, eating, dancing, creating, swimming, existing only among women. no need for make up, clothing that’s not comfortable and practical, no bras, no shaving, no artificial femininity. if you wanna walk around naked you can be, no one’s gonna stare at you, no fear of a man sitting in the bush filming or masturbating. no body shaming or pointing out any part of your body. no pressure to look perfect. no need to look perfect. just existing and being enough, living without fear and in harmony with our bodies and nature.
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6-beez · 4 months ago
hello! you have an amazing blog & i adore it. i go to the usa’s #1 most liberal college, a “historically” women’s college in MA. i want to start putting up some feminist flyers, but i have to be careful not to be transphobic or i could get in actual trouble. i was thinking using the “decrease intensity, decrease duration, decrease how often” in regards to makeup/beauty stuff as a starting point. also maybe some flyers about how beauty culture isn’t anti capitalist (we have a lot of people here who are like “communist” but then say buying earrings is lesbian culture (???)). do you have any suggestions?
Hey, thanks so much! I love your goal, outreach though signs and stickers is a great idea. I think you have a good tactic by sticking to issues that are less likely to get you in trouble and disrupt your education. The "decrease intensity" one you came up with is really good. This Ovarit link has a few examples of some beauty culture focused stickers I think are pretty good, and the artist behind them: https://ovarit.com/o/Radfemmery/546589/feminist-stickers-by-52stations-on-tumblr. This second link also has stickers created by rad fem women: https://womyn.gumroad.com/.
I think your best bet to make an impact but stay on the down low is to stick with topics like beauty culture, anti porn, anti prostitution, etc that are controversial but less likely to get you in active trouble, especially if there's a precedent for that kind of thing. Tumblr has some good ideas for slogans too if you go through some of the radical feminist tags. Hope this is helpful!
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