love kpop~♥ jpop as well and some c-pop. >///< watch k-, j-, and c-dramas, but mostly k-dramas.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Apparently Lads players in CN are organizing to not spend the first 3 days of the banner. Not only for Sylus and Caleb, but also because Infold is separating the pulls rewards and being greedy, if player let this pass they will accept this as the fandom not caring about them separating cosmetics from outfits and making rewards more difficult to obtain in future banners.
For the upcoming banner (Tomorrow's catch-22), Infold separated the hair from the outfit so people need to pull more (85 for the first) for a cosmetic that should be included in the crate, like Caretaker banner with the butler outfit, ears and tail.
Pls reblog to share the info. Likes don’t work in tumblr like in other apps.
Edit 10/02/2025: Some people are asking if this is oficial. The official boycott is about Sylus and also Caleb status in the game, but some players that are dissatisfied with the accumulated greediness of Infold/Paper (and the crate status) are adhering this matter as one more motive to add themselves to the Sylus boycott too.
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Happy last day of February, everyone! Here’s my completed #moodtracker, #gratitudepage, and #habittracker. The theme for this month is a mix of February holidays and observances, specifically Valentine’s Day, Hedgehog Day, and Love Your Pet Day. How was everyone’s February? The weather has been very weird here. Other than that, life has been pretty much the same. #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorart #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #lettering #stamp #gellyroll #gellyrollwhite #sakurapigmamicron Materials Used: ☆ @sakuraofamerica gelly roll classic bright white ink & pigma micron pens ★ StationeryGirl604 bujo calendar stamp ☆ @archerandolive kraft notebook ★ @sennelier1887 watercolors
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Happy last day of January, everyone! Here’s my completed #moodtracker, #gratitudepage, and #habittracker. The theme for this month is…Maui!! How was everyone’s January? Hope everyone stayed safe and warm, especially from the stormy weather. My family and I enjoyed a week in Maui to celebrate my mom’s birthday which was so much fun! Loved the warm weather! #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorart #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #lettering #blocklettering #stamp #gellyroll #gellyrollwhite #sakurapigmamicron Materials Used: ☆ @sakuraofamerica gelly roll classic bright white ink & pigma micron pens ★ StationeryGirl604 bujo calendar stamp ☆ @archerandolive kraft notebook ★ @sennelier1887 watercolors
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Happy New Year, everyone! It’s the year of the rabbit! Hope everyone stays happy and healthy! Please look forward to the bullet journaling pages at the end of this month! StationeryGirl604: month stamp RGCRAFTDESIGN: plant pattern handmade paper [Etsy] #journaling #junkjournal #junkjournaling #handmadepaper #doily #shapestickers #watercolorblobstickers #printonstickers #stickers #vintagemeasuringtape #stamps #stationery #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #watercolor #watercolorart #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors
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Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! Since it’s the last day of December, here’s my completed #gratitudepage, #moodtracker, and #habittracker. How was everyone’s December? It was interesting for me since I had to work from home, which I’m not used to…so I’m glad I’ll be working full-time on-site (again) after the winter closure. Anyone counting down to New Year’s? #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorart #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #lettering #stamp #gellyroll #gellyrollwhite #sakurapigmamicron Materials Used: ☆ @sakuraofamerica gelly roll classic bright white ink & pigma micron pens ★ StationeryGirl604 bujo calendar stamp ☆ @archerandolive kraft notebook ★ @sennelier1887 watercolors ☆ Bowtie Collection rubber stamp set by fuu
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Thank you for liking, sharing, and following! I really appreciate it. I’m also grateful to those who just visit my page. #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorart #watercolorblooms #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #moderncalligraphy #calligraphy #lettering #brushlettering #tombowfudenosuke #thankyoucard #handmade #handmadecard #手作り #手作りカード
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すっごく眠かったから、そんな笑いが出ちゃった。午前2時まで観て、信じられない。でも、本当に嬉しいわ❣️ #SEVENTEEN #SEVENTEENkpop #SVT #セブンティーン #세븐틴 #BeTheSuninJapan #BeTheSun #SEVENTEENworldtour2022 #SEVENTEENworldtour #あいのちから #あいのちから_seventeen #CallCallCall #CallCallCallSVT #아주nice #아주nice_seventeen
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テジと一緒にセブンティーンのコンサートを観ることはホンマに楽しかった。めっちゃ嬉しいわ❣️テジ、その機会をくれてありがとう! #SEVENTEEN #SEVENTEENkpop #SVT #세븐틴 #BeTheSuninJapan #BeTheSun #SEVENTEENworldtour2022 #SEVENTEENworldtour #ComeToMeSVT #cheersSVTleaders #ひとりじゃない #_WorldSVT #DarlingSVT
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超〜可愛いね❣️友達の猫ちゃんもセブンティーンが大好きそうだ。 誕生日の翌日、テジーの家にセブンティーンの日本で行うコンサートを観に行った。ウジさんを連れてきた。ウジさんとドギョムの写真を撮れて嬉しい❣️ #cats #猫 #woozi #우지 #세븐틴우지 #dokyeom #도겸 #세븐틴도겸 #SVT
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A thank you card and gift to a friend who gave me a birthday gift and surprise — thank you, Dokyeom, for modeling! #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorart #wetonwetwatercolor #wetonwetpainting #wetonwettechnique #wetonwet #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #moderncalligraphy #calligraphy #tombowfudenosuke #thankyoucard #handmade #手作り #手作りカード #handmadesoap #手作りソープ #手作りギフト #도겸 #세븐틴도겸
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友達とのセルフィーと可愛い動物の写真をもっと撮らずにはいられなかった。 #selfie #selca #셀카 #beautycam #filter #xmasdecor #christmasdecor
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豆腐スープを食べた後、可愛い白熊とペンギンの写真を撮らずにはいられなかった。友達とのセルフィーも撮って、嬉しいわ❣️ #xmasdecor #christmasdecor #selfie #selca #beautycam #filter
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誕生日の翌日、友達と一緒に晩ご飯の為の韓国料理を食べた。豆腐スープを食べたかったから。ちょっと辛すぎるけど、美味しい。 #koreanfood #tofusoup #순두부 #韓国料理 #豆腐スープ (at Kong Tofu & BBQ)
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エスケープルームをした後、家族や親族と一緒にブルー•ライン•ピザで昼ご飯を食べた。ピザの欲求があったし、グルテンフリーとヴィーガンのオプションがあるし、ブルー•ライン•ピザに食べに行く事にした。めっちゃ満足した❣️昼ご飯を食べた後、無料なスターバックスの飲み物を注文した。コーヒーを飲んだばかりでも、その後タピオカドリンクも飲んじゃった。めっちゃ嬉しかったわ❣️#bluelinepizza #lunch (at Blue Line Pizza San Carlos)
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誕生日にエスケープルームをした。脱出しなくても楽しかった。次回、ホラーのテーマを絶対に選ばないわ。その夜、寝られなかったから。 (at Red Door Escape Room - San Mateo)
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Happy December, everyone!! This month’s theme is the winter snow. At times we may feel like we don’t know if we’re doing the right thing or going to the right direction, but we shouldn’t have to worry because what is meant for you will be presented to you. It just feels like such a long journey for me to reach that point. Or maybe it’s just that I don’t know I’m already there. Hope everyone stays warm, safe, and healthy, especially during the cold winter months! Please look forward to the bullet journaling pages at the end of this month! StationeryGirl604: month stamp RGCRAFTDESIGN: plant pattern handmade paper [Etsy] #journaling #junkjournal #junkjournaling #handmadepaper #doily #stampstickers #printonstickers #stickers #stamps #stationery #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #watercolor #watercolorart #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #drphmartins #bleedproofwhite #motivationalquotes
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It’s already past the last day of November (but I haven’t slept yet so let’s just pretend it’s still November 30th), so here’s my completed #moodtracker, #gratitudepage, and #habittracker with ATEEZ’s Hongjoong and Wooyoung as the theme. How was everyone’s November? My Thanksgiving break and birthday were so much fun! I ate a lot, did an escape room, and slept over at a friend’s house after watching SVT’s live stream concert in Japan. #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorart #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #colirocolors #finetec #pearlcolors #lettering #stamp #gellyroll #gellyrollwhite #sakurapigmamicron #BTSarmy #minion Materials Used: ☆ @sakuraofamerica gelly roll classic bright white ink & pigma micron pens ★ StationeryGirl604 bujo calendar stamp ☆ @archerandolive kraft notebook ★ @sennelier1887 watercolors ☆ @colirocolors pearl colors
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